I'm Lindana and I wanna have fun!

I'm Lindana and I wanna have fun!

Attached: file.png (500x500, 372K)

how did Candace inherit absolutely zero of those curves?

Puberty comes later

Her father was a curvelet. Why do you think Phineas ended up as a goddamn triangle?

And I wanna have fun with Lindana...

She eventually does, I guess she's just a late bloomer

she just need her time.

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dem squirrels

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How much dick did she suck for that record deal?

I thought that was Veronica

Probably none, it was just real easy to get record deals back then for one-hit wonders.

who was the better P&F pop idol?

Attached: vanessa twilek.jpg (1024x576, 103K)

Attached: linda_by_sb99stuff-davpn4q.png (690x644, 118K)

Attached: Star Wars Vanessa09.jpg (1920x1080, 132K)

Candace pulls the look off even better than Linda does

Attached: Candace as Lindana.jpg (1920x1080, 347K)

Would you, be able to keep it a secret from her husband?

Attached: Linda.gif (850x480, 2.4M)

>be a guy
>inherit my dad's height and my mom's bulk. be monster truck of a man
>my sister inherits dad's height and his spindly build
>doesnt even want curves. didnt even show a bump when she was pregnant. still thinks she's fat

so Linda was lip-syncing, but was she lip-syncing HERSELF or someone else? and if so, whom? Could that have been Vanessa's aunt or something?

Herself user. It's a common practice.

Attached: vlcsnap-2013-02-08-18h52m17s77.png (1280x720, 712K)

Attached: ShesLidanaAndSheWantsToHaveAGarden.gif (1280x720, 497K)


a cuter, shorter face wins anyday
indeed, but sometimes you get milli-vanilli sorts
and what's more, she said lip-syncing in response to "how she could sing like that" suggesting it wasnt her own skill
but she was before the day of autotune, so...

They get the perfect recording in a studio, and then perform with it.

There's been a lot of "relax, feminists, it's okay to be a housewife" characters over the last 15 years or so, but none seems quite so legitimately into it as Linda. I think she put it best with
>"But you were Lindana, and you wanted to have fun!"
>"Well now I'm Linda and I want to stir broth"
and why not? sounds pretty appealing to me. I'd love to rule 63 that shit. Cute kooky english wife running an antiques store while I stay home, cook, look after my cute creative daughter and her mute english stepsister, while my stressed-out firstborn son constantly spins wild yarns about their antics...

yeah that's probably what it was..
and her 'even back then' line suggests this was literally the same track and she just synced over it again

If you really want to dissect for a joke, I guess you could check if the same voice actress recorded it.

It's not remotely, it was Vanessa's voice, hence my suggestion maybe a relative of hers was the real singer

I don't know about any relative theory, but the simple fact of some other voice actress being the singer should be enough to tell that was probably the joke.

>a cuter, shorter face wins anyday
that and the hair solves her sloping forehead problem

Midriffs matter.

so you think i'm right, that it isn't meant to be her singing?
yeah someone needs to tell candace the whole 'hair horn' thing is NOT working for her. looks like a damn orangutan.


Where are her organs?

thoracic organs are above the navel, abdominal organs are below.

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That belt buckle

You got her in the nurse outfit?

Mrs. Flynn-Fletcher you're trying to seduce me... Aren't you?

>her belt buckle says "toy"

Attached: 1553378589490.jpg (800x800, 152K)

Phineas yanked half of em out after birth

There is literally nothing better than leotards

I've been told that nudity is a popular option these days.

Friendly reminder that women in the 1980's had bushy pubes.


Attached: bushes are fucking delicious, pleb.jpg (390x250, 19K)

Attached: Linda in the 80s.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Attached: Lindana.png (900x1200, 919K)

Her daughter wore it too

Attached: 1548313947405.gif (400x400, 673K)

>Shakes her ass at the audience during an especially heavy drum solo.
>It goes on for 20 solid minutes.
>After the concert, the floor in front of the first row was audibly sticky.

her being high strung and stressed slows down her puberty.

Attached: vlcsnap-2013-02-09-14h46m38s223.png (1280x720, 1016K)

Why do cartoon fags have such horrible taste in women?

I guess I would too if crap like that was all they had to offer.

Glad I'm an anime fan.

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le ebin

That bitch has no nipples what the fuck

>Not sanding off all bumps and features.

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Did they ever show or mention Phineas and Candace's real father?

Attached: 50F854A6-ABE9-4F9A-97F5-E61C293FE756-1367-0000012677113673.jpg (1920x1080, 299K)

>"toy" on the belt
I'm autojizzing right now

The only time the ever even bring him up is the Star War special. We also never see Ferb's mother.

Attached: Linda in a wading pool with little girls.jpg (1920x1080, 225K)

>"It's just like old times"
she's been in a pool surrounded by several women of various ethnicities a lot?

What's better than a mouth full of curly red pubes to go with your serving of hot cunny?

Attached: 1541725201551.png (451x451, 798K)

Yes but not since her musical career ended.

And ... ?

Lindana is a redhead.

How do her legs work?

Attached: vlcsnap-2013-02-09-15h05m22s205.png (1280x720, 1005K)

Pretty sure the hip-shaking gif is from when she first recorded the song, so she would've been in her teens. The second image is from her post-childbirth thiccening.

She had the stick legs in the episode where she became Lindana again and sang with Candace.

Attached: vlcsnap-2013-06-01-23h07m06s10.png (1920x1080, 680K)

Attached: WetVanessa.gif (1280x720, 453K)

That joke was amazing. Anybody have a gif?

Attached: Nicolette.png (275x452, 203K)

why wasn't Jeremy banging her again?

Because she was his cousin.
But they are just excuses, I say.

>not erasing your fingerprints and chopping up dead bodies