God of War' Designer made MCU Wolverine Concept

Admit it Yea Forums you can't wait for the Canadian Manlet in the MCU either.

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Question is, who should play him?

Tom Hardy

Tom cruise

Daniel Radcliffe

Yes I want the costume with mask
No I don’t want a tacked on SHIELD logo

hulk looks bizarre like as if his shoulders have shoulders of their own

hell no
all that foosball padding shit is unnecessary

I like Radcliffe but a C tier actor will play Wolverine or maybe they go with somebody from the WWE like they did with Bautista
he isn't Batman or Owlman, tanktop and jeans, black leather suit at best

>Not played by Huge Jackedman
Fuck outta here, Disney.

Bill Brasky

Just cuz the dude can heal, doesn't mean he likes getting stabbed user.

Tom Hardy

Tasteless faggot

Idris Elba

I hate that this comes up so often. You really want a pouty baby face wolverine?

Looks good.
Honestly, if we can get anything other than Alabama Man clothes, I'm fine with it.

WAH, another Wolverine movie, can't they do anything different?!
>Wolverine in the MCU
OMG so excited!

You're a bunch of disgunting hypocrites.

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further proving that god of walking has no SOUL

>Biceps exposed

For what purpose?

Idris Elba already played a character on MCU. But I would honestly be okay with Niggerine. Maybe Terry Crews?

>Admit it Yea Forums you can't wait for the Canadian Manlet in the MCU either.

Kevin Feige is the president of MCU
He does not like costume and was responsible for the X-Men black leather suit
Do not forget

Why not? It’s not like he needs Armor.

someone with 6 ft 8 in

And he also hates leotards.

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I just hope he is played by someone under 6 foot now.

Nice bait. Grassetti is the best artist in the game industry right now. Go back to your anime hentai games

The guy who played McNulty on the Wire

>Terry Crews
He is alredy in Deadpool 2, so I suppose he'll be in the third if they don't recast everybody, and to me he should play Blade or JJJ

Yes, we all know he is gay

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Didn't he die in it? Even with the time travel at the end, the only one that was saved was the guy with no powers.

i guess is to keep it somewhat faithful to the comic book look, you want it to look like something someone would actually use to fight but still recognizable as wolverine instead of just some dude with riot armor with claws

You're saying this like he wants to come back to the role. Isnt he done now?

riot armor and claws*

As if Hugh Jackman wasn't too pretty by half either

Maybe gruff up Chris pine? He looked pretty intense in that Black Dahlia show. He may be able to pull off grizzled angry man.

He's done and they'll want someone younger and I'm guessing cheaper

Joaquin Phoenix

Attached: wolverine phoenix.jpg (640x360, 70K)

Karl Urban

>Joaquin Phoenix
This. Guy's even 5'6".

Attached: Inherent-Vice-Joaquin-Phoenix-1024x575.png (1024x575, 595K)

god, what a letdown of a movie. I guess i expected a lot from a Pynchon adaptation

Suns out, guns out user!
Besides why not expose them? Would Wolvie be afraid of getting some booboos?

Heroes with regeneration is the only ones that could realistically afford to be fashionable.
Wearing that sweet costume that is highly flammable? Who cares. You will just regenerate through it.
Adventuring through the frozen thundra wearing nothing but a tight speedo/revealing bikini and be worried about frostbite? Regenerate through it.

Your costume budget might take a hit though..

He's the closest you're gonna get to a jacked manlet actor since Tom Cruise will never admit he's 5'6".


it's shitty concept art

> stupid HUEGE traps and armor on top of it
> trying to emulate the mcu shield's tacticool look, but failing at it
> wolverine even having a shield logo on his costume and not an X
> wolverine even having ties to mcu shield in general
> shitty hueg claws like fox's wolverine
> mcu belts don't even look like that
> pants trying to copy cap's pants and failing
> face and mask objectively look terrible
> pouches

it's soulless because he's trying to cram the old wolverine into the new movie world instead of creating it from scratch

How'd he fuck it up so hard?

>he thinks weapon x won’t be a branch of shield in the mcu.

It'll be a secret Hydra project and basically Wolverine will just be Bucky 2 they didn't have to freeze.

>No I don’t want a tacked on SHIELD logo
This not every hero in the MCU needs to be Shield's bitch. Let Wolverine be wolverine.

marvel digitally de-ages clint eastwood

Attached: clint.jpg (474x673, 66K)

So just get his son?

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Nicholas Cage

Expect this, but with more black lines and without the mask. Gotta see the actor's face :^)

if he does have a mask it will materialize like Black Panthers

>Manlet Clint Eastwood
>zero charisma of his father
So close yet so far
More like he'll rip it off in the middle of fighting like Cap does

i suppose someone started this as a joke, but i can see him playing Logan.
Sure he'd need to work out until his rachitic body is gone, like Cruise did at the start of his career

To be fair, Clint's like, what, 6' 5" or something? I'm 6 foot even, and I'd probably look like a manlet standing next to him

Jackman was also pretty tall tbqh.

I actually back this

I wonder, is that big Avengers vidya game thats apparently in production anywhere close to coming out?

Beefed up Daniel might be cool. He's even reasonably short so that it would be noticeable, but not literal dwarf like authentic comic Logan.

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>Tom Hardy as everyone in he MCU
>Including himself

I'm all for Radcliffe, but I think he'd be better as The Captain.

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Jesus, that mask looks fucking horrid.

Literally everything about him is great...except the voice. Haven't heard him put on a voice similar to what Logan would be.

Bread Pitt

Isn't he a Venom?

Pine is perfect Cyclops

Attached: chris-pine.jpg (300x300, 20K)

best answer

>Isn't he a Venom?
And...Jared Leto is Morbius and joker.

Gabby Rivera
I'm not ironic, if we have to get 20 more years of that garbage character, I want you to suffer as much as me

Triple H.

Either him or Kratos

He would’ve a great cyclops.

classic suit?
never gonna happening


I can taste the salt from your farts.

Hey come to think of it, if they're bringing Xmen back into the MCU, what happened to Darwin during the snap? Did his mutation just remove him from the pool of possible victims?

Wolvie is 5'3" though.

>SHIELD logo
I don't understand why everything in this universe is either related directly to Stark or SHIELD

Not joking
He’s short, hairy enough
also young, and maybe he’d like to reignite his mainstream career
also Logan is as far as possible from HP

he only need to beef up, a lot

Cus they have a cinema verse
It needs to be more or less connected

True but shield does not need to make the costume. That should be Forge.

Actually yeah.

Awful. He would never be able to play a convincing berserk animal.

Everything not being connected in their origin stories doesn't mean that they can't interact later on. That was part of the beauty of the early MCU, characters were allowed to form and breathe on their own, only to interact with others later. Now everything is inherently connected from the jump and it's getting kind of dumb.

Yeah but 5'6" is manlet sized and still closer than anything else we've gotten in terms of accuracy.

honestly, i want everything else x men related in the mcu. give mutants one movie without him, please.

Doctor strange was almost entirely disconnected.

Which is a good thing. I'm still sore about Spider-Man mostly.

Nice freedom digits by the way

Too tall, fuck off, i want my Manletrine.
Stop tallwashing characters

That's just the blowback from this shit design

it's gonna be female wolverine played by the same actress who played her in Logan.
I know because I've seen multiple posts on reddit saying how much they'd love to see her, and sine half the posts there are astroturfing it's clear what is disney's intention

This does not exist and if you believe in it you are dumb.

I assume this is just another attempt by the reptile people to weaken the human race then.

they covered most of his yellow with brown padding. Such a cop out.

x-23 is cool, i would be ok with that
but that actress is like 12 so that means we'd have to wait half a decate for her to convincingly be a big leagues superhero

That would be good
They should skip all the old faces anyway, who already got 20 years of them.
Let's go straight to either the New Mutants, Generation X or the New X-Men

He'd had made a perfect Carol Danvers.

you know it will happen, sadly :^\

Charlie Day

Please please please stop this meme. He looked handsome in one photograph a few years ago, that's it. No presence, no chops effete voice. Stop.

I mean, they can't possibly fuck him up worse than the way they shoehorned Spider-Man and Carol Danvers into the universe.

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That's bullshit, he was only responsible for Wolverine's hair

Why do these designs always have to try to make it look like their trying to hide what the og costumes were like.

Nope, sticking to my guns. Once Endgame is over, I'm done with MCU from here on out. I miss my comfy DC characters, and luckily DC's going on a redemption arc.


lol you'll be back

Can someone tell me why?

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I'm not leaving Yea Forums you fuckin idiot. I'm just saying I've been feeling the Marvel movie fatigue for a little over a year now and just want this shit to end.

You'll. Be. Back.

Using each word as a sentence just makes you look underage and has no bearing on my decision.

Yeah, but this is a good character in a movie people will actually want to watch.

Less restrictive arm movement?

not him but you'll be back on the Marvel train because DC is going to fuck it up sooner or later

I thought of him to, user.

And what makes you think Marvel won't?
Nothing lasts, and Marvel's only been growing its own hubris for several years now. It's already made a narrative stumble with an exceptionally bland Captain Marvel..
A series downfall almost always begins with a spectacular event.

Scott Eastwood


redheads love biceps

Shatterstar's actor said he was saved, and they're going to make an X-Force spinoff movie which will probably use most of the same team.


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Danny DeVito

I know, its stupid

Idris Elba

Unironically, Chris D'Elia.

As long as he's actually short.

Pretty cool, but why is he a a SHIELD agent? SHIELD is ded in the movies.
Daniel Radcliffe if he can bulk up.

I'd actually love this. Clint was everyone's pick for "cool character" when I was a kid, but it never happened for any superhero thing.

I'd rather have a GoW knockoff starring Wolverine.

I read somewhere that Clint was actually at one point meant to play Two-Face on TV but it never panned out for some reason.

I can't stand him.

He tries to sound as weird as possible in so many movies he's in. I'm half convinced that he's tricked people into thinking he's a great actor by just being hard to understand.

Fuck, this is still the best cheesecake outfit of all time.

Except for the mask, that looks about what I'd expect from the MCU.

He'll either be maskless or the mask won't have the 'ears'. Or just really less pronounced 'ears'

Well, he's said he's retired from the role, but he's also expressed great enthusiasm for playing alongside the Avengers characters. It wouldn't shock me if he were to play a new version of the character in a new setting, whilst saying that the Fox Studios version of the character is dead and done.

Huge Jackedman

He's a big guy

Ironically enough. He's quite small.

Tell me about Wolverine. Why does he wear the mask?

Scott Adkins
Time for my boi to get a good action role in a capeshit movie

After seeing an edit of Keanu Reeves as Wolverine, I wholeheartedly want him in the role

Leather wolvie looks great faggit

Weren't Weapons 1-10 just an extension of SHIELD anyway?

Imagine thinking "I know this" means "I think this because of the dumbest speculation".

>Not knowing Logan's best outfit is the yellow and brown
Get a load of this pleb

Chris Evans

>not showing off your guns


charlie hunnam

Bob Hoskins. Literally Chris Claremont's choice for an unmade movie.

Female audiences loved Hugh Jackman's arms.

Bring him in as an older Wolverine to mentor his "daughter", kind of like how Douglas plays Pym for Ants. Professor Logan.

I feel Reeves is a little too lanky for the role

Kevin Hart would be perfect as Wolverine.
He's got the height, the physique, and the comedic timing to pull it off.

Attached: khart.jpg (650x487, 91K)

Wolverine could be Zac Efron just watch him in the trailer for his ted bundy netflix movie and see he could do it

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this, backing my boy Raf

He has the height.