Your sister told me how she was impressed by your power and ferocity

>your sister told me how she was impressed by your power and ferocity

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*in bed

Farther, I told you I impressed my power and ferocity onto them, not that I was impressed by them.

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by 'them' are you referring to Ty Lee or your brother?

Zuzu of course, little Ty Lee is already bent to my power.

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You just know.

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Only now I realized that he looks like Emperor of Mankind from Warhammer...with a shitty goatee.

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so he's the god emperor's evil duplicate?

Nah, Ozai is an angel, compared to that guy. I mean, how he treated Zuko and Azula their entire lives is a practically a slap on a cheek compared to what happened with Lorgar for example.

>shitty goatee
You goddamn millennials and your copy-pasted neckbeards! Ain't nothing wrong with Ozai's goatee.

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Did Yea Forums talk about this yet?

Azulafags could have had it all

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This is everything I wanted

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Takes away from the character. Not everybody can be redeemed. She was a broken psychopath narcissist.

>over-apologetic canadian azula
Don’t really care for that, but still

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I'm glad they didn't go with that nonsense, Azula worked because she was funny evil and could hold her own against three main characters at once. Making her good would require that you raise the power levels to some Korra tier bullshit because otherwise who could take on the Aang Gang?

Fudge off you retarded choas apologist

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I don't get it

this. also zuko and azula's last face off was agni kino. All they could've done was show zuko visiting azula in a quick scene before/after zuko's coronation, or bringing her to iroh's tea shop.

Obviously she's saying that Mai still kind of gives her nasty looks when she orders her to come to her location, unlike Tylee. What didn't you get?

So ehasz really was a firecest shipper.

Lorgar was a dumb piece of shit who was so mentally weak that the thought of there not being a god to devote himself to drove him to worshipping CLEARLY evil gods, and ruining the future of mankind by having members of his legion corrupt Horus

if Lorgar hadn't been such a dumb fucking baby, mankind would be chilling in the golden throne webway, evolving their psychic skill, whilst completely safe from chaos and all xenos (except maybe eldar, but they wouldn't be a threat if they were the ONLY threat), ready to one day emerge and bitchslap chaos, thus saving the universe

but nope "MUH GODS!" faggot had to shit all over everything

YES! I told you morons to believe in her and you didn't. I knew deep down she is a good person and would be redeemed. How does it feel to be wrong, you fucking idiots? FUCK YOU ALL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You didn't really pay attention to the date on the tweets, did you?

You’re right. She can be redeemed, through Steven’s love

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except mankind is doomed either way.
Accept the path of the greater good or the universe will fall, to chaos, nids, or necrons.

You'd be on point if it wasn't for the fact that, thanks to the Lectitio Divinitatus, the Inquisition has been able to keep all of daemonkind at bay with their superior tactics and unwavering faith, and if it had been up to the Emperor every single dumb human would not only be made aware of Chaos' existence, but would undoubtedly start worshiping Chaos themselves.

All Lorgar needed was to be appreciated and have a sit-down with Daddy about why he didn't want to advertise himself as a god, instead of calling him a fucking backwater retard, breaking all of the statues he built, having a book burning, and making him kneel in front of fucking Gorillaman.

Even the April Fools tweets spell out that Zuko is the one to unpsycho her.

Incorrect, mankind is the only race that will be able to survive the universe's death entropy. Once the Golden Throne fails, the Emperor will die, causing Terra to collapse in on itself from the psychic overload and create a new Eye of Terror, forcing every single human on the planet and within the event horizon to be pulled towards the Emperor's beacon-like conscience as projected in a similar fashion to the Astronomicon. The end result is, quite obviously, the most powerful spiritual evolution ever conceived: The Emperor is reborn as God Above Gods through a second Big Bang, and His Word will be enough to ensure humanity's dominance for eternity.

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You honestly believe they would joke about something like this? Azula is beyond being the brunt of a joke.

fpbp and /thread

Yeah, she’s better off as Steven’s cumrag

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the goatee is awesome what are you on about faggot

well his wife was gone, and so was her brother, who else are they supposed to fuck?

>Implying this is what the emperor actaully looks like

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Now change that with Aang and my otp is finished.
The avatar giving out redemption is better anyway.

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>and if it had been up to the Emperor every single dumb human would not only be made aware of Chaos' existence, but would undoubtedly start worshiping Chaos themselves.
Bullshit. The Emp never wanted it to be public knowlede. He even kept it secret from Magnus instead of teaching him about the dangers and nature of the warp.
The Interex did everything right and as a result was more or less chaos untouchable. They needed an outside force to exterminate them.

Katara doesn't need to be worried, she can join in too. they can show her all the fun tricks Ty Lee knows

Gotta repopulate them airbenders

pretty good ozai cosplay

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Way to through Bryke to the wolves.

>tfw we will now get the full ending in the new live action series I will live to see Azula get the redemption she deserves.

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So who should we get for Steven?

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I mean it would be really fitting

We spend half the show being shown the strength of sibling love from Katara and Sokka, so it would have been amazing to see it triumph over all of Azula’s hard trained sadistic issues and come through for her at her darkest

>mfw ummies ffink der big shoiny boss cauld take Gork an'Mork in a fite.

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