Lets settle this once and for all, who was in the wrong here?

lets settle this once and for all, who was in the wrong here?
posts who gets more like is the winner

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Cap was wrong about the Sokovia Accords, for understandable reasons.
Tony was wrong about the Bucky situation, for understandable reasons.

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Cap is a fucking retard and thing could have gone for the better if he didn't throw a fit over Stark protecting Wanda.

Disney for fucking up Captain America 3 for us. We were supposed to get a legitimate Zemo, complete with sock mask.

It would've been the first all great MCU trilogy, for fucks sakes.

Is it me or does cap just have an issue of not liking to be told 'no' and/or 'the government is always wrong, only I am right!'?

Zemo's sword vs Cap's sheild

Hell no, Stark was a control freak and frankly the accords and Ross were full of shit

Fuck off Tony

Zemo shouldn't have appeared, could've had went with Doctor Faustus

Tough call, but I think Cap was wrong here

I can tell you who was in the right.

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It was literally Wanda's fault
>contained explosion
>throw it into a building instead of into the open air behind her

>Stark's a control freak
Yet he made the right decision on keeping Wanda safe for a few hours to avoid assholes pointing their fingers.
>inb4 dude she's an adult, cap is right even though he said she's an unstable kid himself
Right about Ross, Sokovia Accords weren't even used after CW as Tony just went straight to attack the Black Order

>posts who gets more like is the winner
Wait, as in post with more likes is more wrong or less wrong?

How do you fuck up explaining the winning conditions?

It was too powerful for her, it wasn’t her fault, and a hell of lot more would have been dead if she hadn’t intervened

>We'll never see the "I could do this all day" callback be used for Cap with his shield versus Zemo and his sword

>too powerful
she held up a collapsing control tower in the same movie, and stopped like four of those gigantic wheel ships in wakanda in infinity war. how is an EXPLOSION too powerful?

run away in womens clothing like he did

I’m not an expert on the amount of force an explosion has compared to being able to hold a building , and IW was after CW, she probably got some practice in

Civil War in general is stupid, and the last thing needed in the MCU was more heroes fighting heroes, or heroes being the source of the problem.

The first two Cap movies allowed us to enjoy villains being villains, and Cap has a lot of glorious bastards to use.

she was clearly having trouble containing it, she did the best she could it all happened so fast
and I don't know what you mean by
>Into the open air behind her
She didn't throw it at a building but straight up.

fuck you im russian learning english



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>repeating Unionist lies

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I went into the movie on team Tony, I left realizing that they were both wrong.

They were all wrong to split up the team, and go with a majority vote rather than a consensus. If they actually had talked it out more, they would have realized that you can fucking amend a contract before you sign it, and angle for a version with terms more favorable to yourself. They made some public mistakes yes, but they're also the world's strongest defense, which gives them some bargaining power. A good thing to ask for is, I don't know, maybe a clause where if the world is under direct existential threat under a tight time constraint, the Avengers have the right to intervene without a direct order from the UN panel. That seems pretty important.

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