Let's have this discussion on Shazam

Should Shazam be a separate entity from Billy Batson or should Billy still remain in control as Shazam? Many old Shazam fans hate the decision made in recent versions of the character to not have Billy and Shazam be separate personalities as they think it's disingenuous to the the character.

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Nah, Shazam should be Billy.

>Should Shazam be a separate entity from Billy Batson or should Billy still remain in control as Shazam?
Billy should be in control of Shazam. If he becomes a different person entirely all the qualities Billy has that make him worthy are more or less pointless

Wasn't the old version basically still Billy only boosted by Solomon's Wisdom and thus had better judgment? Regardless Billy at the wheel is more interesting. The appeal is the ultimate child's dream made reality, and in turn seeing all the problems that come with the job. He's a hero with great power but still learning the ropes

Too creepy weird to have some alien intelligence borrow the body of a small boy.

Nah, Billy should remain in control as Captain Marvel.

Did you read the essay? The author isn't against having them be the same personality, they're against the characterization.

Shazam is another entity, maybe some ancient warrior that Billy Batson is slightly in control of.

Kind of like Firestorm. He acts like Shazams good nature.

When Black Adam comes all bets are off and Billy is ejected and Shazam and Black Adam duke it out with him looking on.

Later on Shazam either dies or is sent away and Billy becomes Captain Marvel Jr.

There's no real appeal with that though.
There are actual child superhero's out there. The thing that kids want from being an adult are the things that adults want to shield children from.

>There are actual child superhero's out there.
Not nearly as out there as shazam, plus kids like the idea of being the muscular dude as opposed to merely themselves in a suit and with powers.

It’s better when you have a young boy in the body of an adult man

>There's no real appeal with that though.
Who the fuck are you to make a generalization like that?

You've got a whole other thread for that user.

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No they don't.
They want to be themselves but with powers.

The only appeal of shazam is the adult aspect and that's it. And that appeal is nothing compared to the appeal of a kid superhero who is actually taken seriously.

Let me ask you something.
If a kid was shown a poster of superman lifting up a car off of someone and captain marvel jr. lifting a car off of his family which do you think the kids would want to go see?

Someone who was a kid once and has kids now.

I don't understand why the Wizard picked children? I mean, in the movie, he considers child Sivana, in the books, going as far back as Fawcett, he considered Black Adam as a young boy as well.

There’s a lot of appeal to seeing a child with no power be given Superman level abilities and then trying to decide as a child how best to use them. And I honestly can’t think of any child super heroes that come close to Captain Marvel’s level of power.

Children are pure, adults tend to be corrupt.

If Billy is Cap and he's still a kid, it means he is useless, for the most part, ultimately

Billy, being another enitity makes his "worthyness" pointless.

You’re a fucking idiot

Rolled 16 (1d100)

Wish fulfillment in media aimed for the young?It's why you have all these series justifying using children for its stories.

Nah. We already have Dr. Fate. Being possessed by a different being with magical powers completely negates all of the responsibly and weight of Billy’s decisions.

Children are more easy to influence, he can be the child mentor and a paternal figure to earh their loyalty and teach it to follow his orders, an adult in the other hand will have no reason to listen to him or hold any loyalty.

What was with that plushie tiger?

Did it have a deeper meaning?

Billy is friends with a talking tiger

This movie will make billions!

I prefer the he's Billy with more wisdom version.

Better stories you can tell that way. Alternate-personalities in superheroes is a cliche I never really liked unless it's a Hulk-Banner type of semi-antagonistic dynamic.

>There's no real appeal with that though.
You idiot.

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>Someone who was a kid once
That's everyone though, I was a kid once too and I think you're full of shit.

Oh nonononononono😂

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It's fiction.

>If a kid was shown a poster of superman lifting up a car off of someone and captain marvel jr. lifting a car off of his family which do you think the kids would want to go see?