Walking Dead Final Season

What's the verdict, Yea Forums?

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Her hair must be filthy, what would Clementine even smell like? Also need more SFM with Sarah and Bhadra.

>Also need more SFM with Sarah and Bhadra.
she already has a gf

imagine the smell

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Pretty nice sendoff

Jesus. I never realized her posture was so terrible.

Probably rank BO with sides of stale sweat and dirt. Less blood or rot than you'd think.💔

>Not setting up Clem with superior Louis so blind bitch Violet had to listen to them fucking in the room next door over
>blindness enhanced her hearing so much every squeak of the bed is so loud she can't even think about the fact Clem killed her ex and probably the only other lesbian in a thousand mile radius before cucking her

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>ClemxVi fanart

Gonna need more of this, stat.

she turned into a cunt, she was cuter when she was little, and thats not just the pedo inside of me talking

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Good/10, but I didn't like how the events of the New Frontier was basically made filler tier in the grand scheme of things

Worried for Javi especially with the foreboding references to Richmond throughout the season.

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I love it when fanart looks nothing like the characters.♠️

It seriously makes me cringe, and I don't exactly have good posture.

its ok

>mfw Minnie pulls up to the bridge with half of her skin missing
By far the most unsettling scene on all of TWD, creeped me out real fuckin bad

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>interracial lesbian
This is the only kind of BLACKED.COM that I approve

imagine the awkward crippled amputee sex

The singing part freaked me out, because it just came out of nowhere.
When they revealed it, it was a little cheesy. I mean why weren't the zombies attacking her?