Who had the dumber fantasies?

Who had the dumber fantasies?

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Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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The answer may not be obvious at first.

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Douglas """"Yancey"""" Funnie

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Doug's tepid normie fucking "uhhh what if I was a cowboy tee hee" excuse for an "imagination" made me want to punch him directly in his dumbass ziggy nose, fuck him. Fuck Doug. He made fun of his hot sister for having the only sense of creativity in his entire fucking town. He can eat my shit and die.

Doug by far.

I got a little carried away here, I really don't feel that strongly about Doug Funnie.

doug is actually one of the least likable characters in the show honestly

Doug, obviously

Who got the fattest ass?

You were right though!

Doug, because he was a teen, meanwhile Arthur is still a kid and can outgrow his autistic fantasies

Alot of Arthurs fantasies were weird nightmares. Like when he was in Mr Ratburns class and he had no pants on or when his library teacher had him chained up for forgetting a book.

Idunno...his fantasies (and improvised girl interaction substitutes*) had cute girls. Arthur was too immature to find girls attractive.

*you KNOW Porkchop got the D when Doug discovered sex. Had to practice, don'tchaknow.

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>Roger won


>Doug, because he was a teen

Doug was 11, at least in the Nickelodeon version.

Doug once fantasized about losing a bodybuilding competition to his own dog.

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Doug has a fanbase?
In any case, there needs to be more lewds of Judy.

Yes, usually "nice guys" that are still a few degrees away from being incels

Arthur had fantasies about odd shit happening in his real life. Doug was a no-life incel who saw himself as a super hero because he was obsessed with escapism.