Remember us, Yea Forums?
Remember us, Yea Forums?
Yeah, and it was fun. Too bad about the turbo-autist that just had to have his shitty waifus to the point of harassing artists that wouldn't do as he wanted and channel bloat.
But honestly, had a great time when it was in its prime. Viacom is best dad.🙁
Stay dead, for the love of God.
No. I don't remember this at all.
I like them
Tentacle bot will forever be a salty shitter ngmi
I heard about this. This had to be the most autistic thing Yea Forums has ever done.
fox is now the pet
Seeing how it’s April first you remember that time you had some artist make pop team epic edits for channel tans and no one liked it?
Today is Nicktan's 40th birthday, say something nice to her.
What exactly happened?
>Two [as]-tans
>Both of them female
This shit fell through because it was just a shitty waifu farm instead of an attempt to make decent character designs.
She looks hot for 40
That disney girl looks so💯
Wasn’t there a big-tittied Fox in one of these?
I am making a comicbook about them and the others and I will show it to Yea Forums when it is done.
>This shit fell through because it was just a shitty waifu farm instead of an attempt to make decent character designs.
You have no idea how any of this went down do you? That was only part of the problem
It was good for like the first year. Bunch of good designs, greentexts, art. Fun. Then it went downhill cause of some jackass named Gatsky. Flooded it with more designs that he paid for, threads started ending earlier and earlier, and pushed out everyone.
Artists left because they couldn't make it to threads/ just lost interest overtime.
Greentexts Fags left because no one really gave them any attention as it became more art focused, and it got clogged through a bunch of Proxy IP's Gatsky would use to try and make the threads more "Alive" driving away alot more people who causally viewed the threads
You needed more than just good designs to keep that thing alive.
I got rid of cable years ago. 10s kids won't remember this.
>That early thread where we some research on Sumner Redstone
Dude is legit palpatine In real life, that old bastard looks like he should have kicked the bucket 25 years ago yet he still walks, uses some anti aging cure-all elixer called monavie, his daughter looks like a genestealer
Yea Forums autism ruins everything, we know OP