Which turtle is the strongest?

Which turtle is the strongest?

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Leo=Ralph >mikey >donny

Didn't Mikey win that space tournament in '02?

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Rolled 55 (1d100)


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Raphael or Leonardo depending on the situation.

Ralf can bench press the most
In a fight leo most likely wins
with plot Armour off Donnie could probably easily take it

Raphael wins because he has the worst weapon and overcomes it.

Leo was almost assassinated and taken out of the running, and Beat Ralph by getting in his head and psyching him out, which doesn’t really reflect fighting prowess.

>Defeating your opponent mentally doesn't reflect fighting prowess.

>Knowing how to get under your sibling’s skin is translatable to fighting other opponents
It’s a very specific and specialized ability.

The last thing I'd want for an enemy is my brother. And not in a Cain and Abel way, but because the sociopathic creep plays mind games right out of a comic book. Thank God he used it to become a lawyer and not a serial killer, because he'd get away with everything. Fucker can look you dead in the eye and make you feel crazy for suspecting him

Mikey is secretly the strongest.

Will tmnt ever get this good again?

Raphael's physically the strongest, but Leonardo's much more skilled and therefore would win in a fight.

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It depends on how you measure strength.
(But the answer is never Don)

While they all have their own technicalities and strength variables considering that Michelangelo has the most natural Talent. This is really a test Of personality and strength during a battle.

Mikey can't take anything too seriously so he's out. Raphael is too easily manipulated by his rage. Donatello sometimes overthinks things but he's only disqualified because he has a stick. And Leonardo has a goddamn sword and the personality determination to win no matter what.

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Canonically Mikey.

What'd you guys think about this?

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delet this

They're specifically designed to be anti-sword tools alongside regular daggers. He was intended to be anti-Leo from the start.

Mike is the most talented one, but lacks discipline to train properly.

Ralph is the one with more physical prowness, but has a a shorter temper, which make him susceptible to get rage frenzy that is a bet since he can get easily tricked.

Leo is the most technical and strategic fighter, but the least ruthless.

Don is the least dangerous fighter / martial artist, but since he is the most creative an use less orthodox gizmos he gets around.

But as always, plotwise it varies depending of who takes the lead role.

Someone posted this idea a long time ago:

Mikey's nunchaku trains his focus, as his attention span is so short.

Donnie's bo staff is meant to train his strength, as he tends to focus on intellect, and may neglect physical training.

Raph's sai is primarily a defensive weapon, which counteracts his natural aggression.

Leo's katana...

I forgot this one.

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Bump for interest

Sometimes you just need to cut a motherfucker.

Donatello cosplaying Batman is the strongest

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Strongest? Raph.

Best fighter? Leo.

Most skilled overall? Mickey. Head games and fighting prowess trump almost anything.

Most likely to win overall? Donny. Give him 5 minutes with a trash can, some rubber bands or whatever and he'll build a rail gun. Parry that with a nunchuck/sai/katana

Also Donnie's staff is such a plain weapon, it just looks like a wooden stick. Which is juxtaposed by him being the smartest brother.

The hardest working and most balanced,
The physically strongest but most emotionally unstable.
The smartest but least talented physically.
The most naturally talented but the most lazy.

What even was her weapon?

Leo's swords are to train him into being able to make hard decisions quickly; A skill crucial for leaders to master. Like all swords they're designed specifically to kill people, whereas all the other turtles' weapons are primarily defensive/nonlethal in nature.
If Leo takes the swords out, it carries the implication that he is gonna (or at least try to) harm someone irrevocably, something that Leo is often shown to having a hard time dealing with.

The one that skated around the fountain.


Personally, I fucking loved it.
Its my favourite version of the Turtles by far.

This fucking fight... I had been waiting for it for years. In my imagination, Leo would win. (Cause when I was a kid I always loved him best)

It was a welcome surprise to see him loose like that. And Raph´s reaction is just pure gold.


He was still able to beat a warrior that curbstompred the rest of them because he wanted a rematch. Canonically Mikey's the strongest, what balances him out is his own personality.

Leo gets the iconic ninja weapon because he's the only one who'd be responsible with it.

For me the nunchucks were the coolest shit.

80's Mickey, he's a party dude

I like it, they were probably chosen randomly by Eastman and Laird but I could easily see a future incarnation using this explanation
And Leonardo has a sword because as a leader o have to know when to slice a nigga up

What about Raph though? He's cool and rude?

Tessen fans or something like that.