Who's best for Spiderman, Gwen, MJ, or Felicia?

Who's best for Spiderman, Gwen, MJ, or Felicia?

Attached: Black Cat sucking out the soul of local hero on live television.jpg (1200x800, 199K)

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MJ is the best one

Felicia fucked Luke Cage
Gwen fucked Norman Osborn

They are both whores

Smash that like button if you agree!😃

If you don’t include stories where they’re not written in character, Gwen easily.

I agree

Black Cat because they have actual chemistry.



Kek, she is just a shitty version of Catwoman

MJ for sure

t. incel

That has nothing to do with how well Pete and Felicia interact you fucking brainlet.

Felicia cause she's the only one willing to get fat for Peter's fetish.

>fat fetish
Absolutely disgusting

Absolutely Based.

Thank you user, give me a like too


>not wanting Felicia's skin tight suit showing off every excessive curve on her heavy body.

t. cuck


my nigga

Micheal Jackson is always the answer.



This Gwen

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What could Felicia do to improve her chances with Peter?

She can’t undo her past, she’s BLACKED Cat now

400lbs and beyond...

Nerd Gwen best Gwen

Delete this

all of the female characters in the Marvel U, and some outside of it, are Spider-Man's OTP


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Didn't they retcon Gwen part?

Pretty much. No one is mentioning Original Sins anymore. Plus the kids never showed up again.

Honestly they can just easily retcon the kids by instead of being Gwen it's instead a Gwen clone. I mean Warren is obsessed with her that he would create his own Gwen. That Gwen escapes and ends up assuming some of Gwen's decision where Gwen shouldn't be. Ultimately leading to Norman Osborn. The clone goes to London to find that Gwen and explains everything, but because she's the first clone she's aging fast. After she gave birth the clone dies, and Gwen assumes responsibility to the kids and hide them from Norman, but he would find out later on. Gwen would confront Norman Osborn about it and told him it's not her that gave birth to his kids but another person that looks like her. Which he does not believe and thinks she's delusional. And what she told MJ is essentially a lie that she slept wih Norman. Hoping they would find the kids for her and looked after them because of what would happen to her because of what she learned from her clone Gwen. The kids would suffer from the same condition as the Gwen clone as they still age fast like their mother and would still die

They can retcon that and it's good. That way they have a reason why Gwen during the Clone Conspiracy never mentions them because she never had them to begin with. She's merely honoring the last wish of her clone before her death. Which failed badly

Gwen all the way

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Yes, exactly that.

It begins...i.4cdn.org/trash/1554122471180.png


Exactly what?

Hit or miss with that artist.

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Gwen for me

So which official Marvel artist would potentially be the best at drawing obese Felicia Hardy?


> Anne Marie

It's been a war going on for ages with MJ, Felicia, Gwen, Liz and even female versions of him wtf
You all know the rules

Gwen is for Miles
MJ is for Pete
Liz is for no one
Felicia is for me, of course.

Fuck your rules

Gwen is for Peter
MJ is for Miles
Liz is for whatever
Felicia is for everyone

No. The guy who wrote Gwen sleeping with Norman even tried to retcon it away and Marvel specifically ordered him not to.

This except Miles should get Bombshell or Kamala, and Uncle Aaron gets MJ

How big would she have to be for peter to have extreme trouble in lifting her?

However big that may be, it's not big enough for me

Incredible Hulk?

Cant he casually destroy planets?

MJ > Felicia > Venom > Chat > Silk > Betty > a mop > Gwen > Michelle > Carlie

MJ and Felcia seem a bit old for him

But Gwen is working out great. That or Peni.

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True. I suppose Hulk would probably be the only one who could still pick her up at tens of tons.

>Felicia gets to the point where even Hulk cant move her.

How big would that even have to be? Like planet sized? That seems like she might be kinda fat at that point.

Best for Spider-Man? Felicia.
Best for Peter Parker? Gwen.
Best for both? MJ.

planet nothing
the green fucker has held up stars at various points.

Gwen. Specifically Spider-Gwen and present day Peter. The age gap is what makes it work.

It's kind of creepy to date a alternate universe version of your dead girlfriend.

That's why you need a writer that actually knows his shit. Challenge both characters and break the mold that hey've acknowledge each other. Make the relationship so complicate that it actually works

If Gwen were suppose to end up in the 616 universe then someone would have to take her place to do it

Jesse Thompson. Specifically this version from Spectaculer Spider-Man. I mean how funny would that be if Flash finds his own little siser dating Puny Parker?

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>Felicia fucked Luke Cage

When the fuck did this happen? Slott?

It’s Luke Cage, that’s obviously Bendis


MJ, obviously.

retcon and done. at this point everyone has fucked everyone. I mean Silver Sable, really?
Felicia is most fun, not sure what she would be like older and married so MJ for the long term.

Luke Cage commented that he "Had Black Cat on that couch" in one comic panel.
It was never mentioned again, never actually confirmed, and the timeframes for how that could be possible without cheating on his wife simply don't add up.

It was just another attempt by Bendis to add another White woman to Luke's belt, and is best ignored and easier to just pretend Luke was making shit up to look cool.

That said, it *could* be true since she did go on a date with Wolverine and may or may not have fucked Daredevil.
Felicia does seem to target Peter's friends in a misguided attempt at making him jealous so he'll leave his wife/current girlfriends and come back to her.

Felicia fucked Silver Sable?

MJ is best for Peter
Felicia is best for Spider-Man
Gwen is a cheating whore that is best for nobody.

The best solution is to be inclusive and make Spider-Man the first poly superhero with two wives.
Also make MJ bisexual so shd and Felicia can have fun as sister wives and work out their differences in the bedroom for a few days while Peter listens at the door doing his best Joseph Joestar impression while thinking of all the fun he's going to have just as soon as those two stop hating each other.

Ah thanks, so utter Bendis bullshit then.


>Who's best for Spiderman

No, it was Reggie Hudlin living vicariously through black characters and ignoring canon, as per usual.


MJ is for Peter
FeliCa is best for spider
Gwen is best for the reaper

Miles has a love interest of his own let him grow as his own character I hate the guy but I’d hate him a lot less if he wasn’t tied down to peters sloppy seconds


MJ and Felicia are sluts!

MJ is the only one that's consistently cared enough about Pete to stick with him even when it was rough. Felicia could be a good option for him as well, but it's an uphill battle to make her willing to settle down enough.

Gwen wasn't a horrible person but she kind of always saw Peter as her safety net to rely on when things went wrong. She was too much of a damsel and weighed him down as Spidey, even if she never knew it.

>the slut who fucked Norman is not a slut

Best Gwen.

Yes, it was hot🐸


>Fuck: Felicia
>Marry: MJ
>Kill: Gwen

Felicia. Everytime.

>Felicia fucked Luke Cage
I don't even care. Just don't do it again

I am aroused


kys yourself❌

I prefer Gwen honestly. Spider-Gwen to be exact

Based man


This user is right

thank you user, have a like


It's creepier to not do it.


fuck off slott

"kinda fat"? what's obese then?

Your mom😂




Peter has clones. So Peter stays with MJ, while Ben has his relationship with Black Cat and Kaine goes with Silk (or Gwen, if she comes back)

Gwen is best for any man but MJ is the iconic girl for Spidey

proof, I dont believe you.

Your fortune: Outlook good

Felicia has a personal goal to make herself immovable for Peter.

MJ is dull though.

Even if it were true, neither Gwenfags nor Feliciafags have any right to say it when they're campaigning for a one-note character and a one-note relationship with Spidey, respectively.

uhh...Shut up.

I just want one universe, one comic run, one show, ANYTHING, where Felicia wins once.

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What she doesn't?

She's only dull because you're an idiot.

MJ was a full fledged fleshed out character. Hell she was in every way a better wife then Lois Lane.
Let that sink in.
She also has a personality.
NO she's not out leaping over roof tops or have a bunch of creepy 50+ year old men recreating her every 4 minutes with newer and ever more stupid super powers costumes and personalities in an attempt to ingratiate her with an audience that never cared at any point.

But she's the one who's had the most impact on his life and the audience.
Hell, the whole bridge thing with Gwen and the goblin was this ancient thing that no one really gave a shit about and is this dull dry piece of shit that's just stuck to the bottom of his shoe that we should have fucking gotten over decades ago. And did get over decades ago.

What was even the point of that relationship? Didn't she drag him down all the time?


well said user👌

I think the closest was Spider-man Noir, but then they fucking killed Noir off

Huh, so like she never properly wins really? Fuck I need to read more comics.

But that is the problem right there. Mary Jane has been the longest but nothing else was done for her during the time she was with Peter. There were many opportunities for her and the two would have retired while Ben takes over. And even if they are together then what will the long term be?

Another problem you just brought up is that you're comparing Mary Jane to Lois Lane. She's not Lois Lane. She can't do what Lois can.

You brought up the history far too much, and some would use different versions of the characters, but never talk about the long term or what role she would be besides Spider-Man's girl. And let's admit this that Peter is a mess long before all of this, and if he's with Mary Jane then his mistakes will lead her into a decision she can never get out

Peter needs a new girl that can elevate and correct him if he were to continue in the long term. So if you still bring up the history and whatever crap then it still won't help because we're just ignoring the crucial things on the kind of impact Spider-Man would have

Mary Jane is the Centerpied guy

I'm a Gwenfag. So Gwen for Peter all the way

user, MJ was already perfect.
She didn't need to be upgraded to be some random super powered cunt that can fight the bad guys too or whatever bullshit you want.

None of the other women in his life are any good right now.
All of them are at best just girlfriend material or fuckbudy material.

She's wifey.
She's the woman he comes home too.
The woman who has her own life and is sought after by many many men and some dykes.
She's smart in all the ways that matter, helps ground and keep him down to earth and is well amazing.

>She can't do what lois does.
What does lois do?
Write stories and get into stupid bullshit while thinking that superman will save her ass?

In the case of Superman, he can literally do better as a character without Lois Lane.
She brings nothing to the table.

Spiderman without MJ isn't really spiderman. He's just some dumbass.

>implying catwoman isn't shitty

>Spiderman without MJ isn't really spiderman. He's just some dumbass.
You sir just said precisely why Peter shouldn't be with Mary Jane anymore. She's a weakness that will end up holding him back or force him to make a decision that will have a cost

Spider-Man is still Spider-Man. With or without Mary Jane. To say like that is making it sound like she's his greatest that will end up making him fail or getting him killed

Spider-Man proved he can do things on his own two feet despite the obvious hiccups because it's the only way he will learn. To be like this only shows why Peter won't have a chance in the future if he's continued to be latched to what the past previously offered. He needs a new woman in his life that won't be his weakness. Someone that can suffer with him, like truly suffer, when the worst comes to shove. Mary Jane can't be it anymore because guarantee she will die horribly

They'll never outright retcon Sins Past because that would draw attention to it again. Gwen's actually getting a bit of mainstream popularity now for the first time in years, so having to manually bring up "Hey, remember that time that Gwen cheated on Peter at the drop of a hat with his best friend's creepy dad for some reason and was fine with him bringing up the kids?" would tarnish her image in the eyes of people who otherwise wouldn't know.

I'm not going to go into why you're wrong. It's obvious to anyone who's read spiderman recently and back when he was still with MJ.

Explain why he's not with MJ but Aunt May is still alive.

You could easily could've gotten around Sins Past and not having everyone hate it by having Norman rape Gwen. Even the stupid Gobbokids thing can be justified by presenting her as being pro-life.

There we go, Quesada still gets his drama, Gwen isn't retconned into being an absolutely terrible person and it reaffirms Norman as being an evil scumbag.

Gwen should have stayed fucking dead.
She was irl dead for longer then peter and mj were fucking married and no one outside of over the hill boomers who didn't make up 1/100th of the buying audience gave a fuck about her.

I have no idea where this gwen stacey push is coming from. I honestly don't.

Yeah, where does it come from actually thinking about it? Was Emma Stone liked in the TAS movies and that started it or something?

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MJ isn't crazy and has never had sex with Norman Osborn

Felicia. Gwen would be a close second.

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Felicia will always be my favorite. But MJ keeps Peter, Peter.

Yeah, TASM was popular with girls because of the romance aspect between Gwen and Peter, who had the best onscreen chemistry together since the actors were dating, plus, Andrew Garfield is attractive so self inserting as Gwen was even better for females.

Spider-Gwen for Peter. Fuck all you MJfags

How am I wrong? What you wanted here is an easy ship with no challenge. MJ is just not interesting anymore. She's pretty dull and typical for classic types

Plus the deal with Mephisto is still in effect. And the editorials at Marvel didn't want Aunt May to go because she plays the mother figure in this. MJ has been the pair many back then are use to, but as time goes there's just nothing she can offer now in the modern era. If anything, MJ represents the old era that will soon go.

The future can't rely on the past, and it's people like you that can't dictate it. MJ has to go

Black Cat is the only who's actually fun and has chemistry with Peter.

Is there any proof of this because I don't believe Cage's bragging.

To be fair, he wanted the kids to be Peter's but editorial told him no.

Get them back together age them up and bring mayday in. We just had ten years of single peter and it wasn’t that good he’s aged to the point he should be married that’s it. Any more delay just gets sadder and sadder for the character, if their was one good thing or new love interest to come out of slots run it would be different but their wasn’t

If I saw this Gwen die I would legitimately cry.

Based and Harempilled.


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I prefer crack pair Felicia and Yuri.

Spider Gwen is fucking awful

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>never get secret meeting between crook and cop.

Fuck off Spider Gwen is best.

None of the above.

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How do I get her fat as fuck?

616 Pete it's MJ no question. But seriously can we get at least one AU where Cat is happy?

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Mary Jane and Black Cat should be with Miles Morales. Peter should retire and get out of the picture.

>Felicia fucked Luke Cage
See? At least one of them is ready to handle The Ultimate Spider-Man.


Silver SableXeveryone