/cock/ was better
/cock/ was better
My cock is better :^)
I won't disagree with that. The board mashups were fun.
That said, this isn't like an MMO or something so, sadly, I don't think we'll ever get repeat events.
It'd be cool though.
Some days, I dream of winning a massive lottery jackpot and buying out Yea Forums, casting out the ads, re-integrating the NSFW boards, and other fun and potentially dumb shit. including phasing out global rule 15. Might also disban /aco/ and just let it merge with /d/ and /h/ respectively.
Well duh. Yea Forums loves cock.
i wanna big ol jawbweaka mommy
gimme a big ol solid rock har jawbreaka
i want it mommy
i wanna suck on a big ol jawbweaka baby
heyo heyo mm
Random board mashups done sparingly would be pretty great honestly. Not so much that they get overplayed and boring though, maybe twice a year or something.
This April Fools is a bit weak, unless there's more to come which I hope so.
>I don't think we'll ever get repeat events.
This is literally a repeat of 2 years ago when they reskinned the site to have 9gag features.
We all have that dream user.
I mean we couldn't do worse that Hiroshimoot.
it is a little anemic compared to the board mashups and teams.
you say that now, but I myself am both a jap and chink. And a kraut.
And one of my aunts converted to Judaism...
Were I to rule the chan... surely my power would corrupt.
But what i'd really love to do is maybe once every two week or a month do a community stream or post a community video related to the interests of one of the boards. Like visit a car museum with /auto/, cook a recipe /ck/ recommends, torture Yea Forums by streaming Airplane Vs. Volcanoe on the board somehow.
That sort of thing.
shove all /pol/ into Yea Forums
>Yea Forums
I might not agree with your other decrees but I whole heartedly approve of this one.
Worst april fools
I just hope it's not a sign of things to come and lower effort April Fools
I mean, the Like system is fun and all, but it doesn't compare to what we've had before. On top of that, if you really wanted to go full meme, why not make it "based" instead of "like" and have a "cringe" as well. Stuff like that, maybe a redpilled and a bluepilled, just some spice to the whole thing.
I mean, just compare to last year and all the OC that came pouring out. was insane. This wears off pretty quick and I feel like I'm done here
oh, god, yes.
I also wish, even if an april fools thing, they brought back saging.
Shit, that'd be another thing I'd bring back if I were running things.
God I miss saging the shit out of a thread that pissed me off.
you want that up...where?
but sageing still exists.
Well you can still sage, I kind of am with moot though, visible sage shouldn't really be used as a downvote which is what started happening.
These days even with visible sage people would be too stupid and still bump up a shit thread though, it's just the way
I thought two years ago was the board mashup?
It was. This is lame.
yeah it was
3 years ago was the mashup and it wasn't 9gag, it was Google+.
>just some spice to the whole thing.
You know what would be a fun, low effort gag? Just add a word filter that has a random chance of flip-flopping "is"/'"isn't" "does"/"doesn't" etc. So people might just randomly start making no sense when they talk. Shit doesnt need to be dank, or le epic redit haet meme. But FUCKING TRY SOMETHING
oh, thank god. I thought it was gone forever.
ehhh, my mistake. It was fucking forgettable and I've been here far too long to care about time
that's not big enough for April 1st, but stuff like that in conjunction with some other stuff would be pretty fun, yeah.
Last year there was a real period of confusion as people tried to figure out what was even going on and how shit worked. This year it was pretty straight forward and it seems to have reached its end already.
The Google+ mashup was great though, there were some pretty funny shit that came out of it.
The one plus of this years event is it's easily ignorable. Give it a few hours and most people will have moved on and it will be hardly noticeable.
>really funny /pussy/ joke
I certainly hope so.
A Like link is very meager.
I was looking forward to the return of /cock/
> phasing out global rule 15
To the surprise of no one, OP likes cock.
I'd introduce a /fat/ board.
i prefer this here good /cheese/
/cock/ can't compare to the utter hilarity that was /mlpol/
I thought 3 years ago was just names, people were trying to get named Anthony Burch but as a blessed people nobody was named that
>OP likes cock
>Yea Forums likes cock
/ck/ posters are not nostalgic about that, Yea Forums is pretty sad and a really shitty board with no real culture.
It was just random user names. Not the same thing. Board mashups was the best april fools event by far. How long have i longed for /cock/ again.
>No culture
Yea Forums is a pretty unique board compared to most of the high traffic boards like Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /pol/, Yea Forums where the same retards keep posting the same shit.
>Yea Forums is a pretty unique board
There's no original content. There's no culture board in Yea Forums. Compare it to /trv/, /fit/, Yea Forums or /an/
>re-integrating the NSFW boards
>including phasing out global rule 15
Dumb fucking brony
This is indisputable.
Cock is always better.
/fit/ has always been misc lite, and now it's just misc+tv+r9k+lookism shit from other forums.
You can suck my /cock/~~~
That doesn't change anything, Yea Forums is one of the most bland and shitty boards. Focused on mainstream comics and cartoons from nick and CN
what did he mean by this?
>Wake up
>Nothing new
It wasn't just names, the site was edited to look like Google+. Mashup was the wrong word though I admit that
It's true. I love me some cock.
Someone post that screencap, you know which one....
Anyone who wants rule 15 gone should be banned from this site
/ck/ here, fuck you, we don't want to be mixed with boring manchildren, Yea Forums was a leech
That's not cool.
they added some perks i guess
i think this was really it💯
Rolled 6 (1d6)
Yea Forums isn't cool. Best of Yea Forums threads are embarrasing
Where's the dislike button when you need it?
this prank sucks I can't into code
We should only have a dislike button.
Yea Forums is the dumbest interest board in 4channel
The samurai jack meltdown /cock/ had was really funny
Based, blue/redpilled and all that shit is already the cringiest stuff around, do you want to dilute the meaning of those words even further? Hell, even cringe is shit.
And "like" is much better? Its April Fools, it's not taken seriously
Based/cringe are shit tier responses but if you're going to make a joke you can do better than "like". Based and cringe would at least have been applicable to the site and been more than a simple like system that people are just botting now
'Sup Lee.