Are you guys PUMPED or WHAT?

Are you guys PUMPED or WHAT?

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Why does this have to be an event? Marvel just cant help themselves it seems

>"build up" a story for 6 years
>proceed to waste it all in a bloated bland event
I don't know user, you tell me. When has this ever worked well?

no aaron

the bar is pretty low after cw2

>Jason Aaron
Go back.

>For the next 4 months Marvel will be 90% War of the Realms tie-in.

Why Marvel keep doing that?

Honestly, I kinda am, and I shouldn't be. But it's been built up for 7 or 8 years and it should be an event. Also, I am looking forward to Giant-Men

>Aaron has Odin get defeated by 4 normal ass dark elves in the first issue


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This has had 5/10 build up at best and seems rather stupid from the start.

In contrast, Hydra Cap, Infinity Wars, and Metal are all events that had some 10/10 build up and all of them stumbled and fell by the end of issue 2 or sooner.

So this should be awesome then?

God no. After Avengers came out, (Hell, even before it came out), every other cartoon and video game used the gimmick of Asgard races invading Earth, and it's just not a sustainable idea for an event. It's just heroes vs. guys with clubs and arrows.

I'm unironically very excited. I've liked his Thor and Avengers let's get it started.

user, I wish I could share in you foolish optimism.

I honestly do.

Very, I love this new Thor run as well as the Avengers book. And the other books I read (Spiderman and X-men) probably won't be touched nor tied to the event so I'm okay


Didn't we have a War of the Realms like a year or two ago, when Agger teamed up with Malekith and his posse?

The War of Relays has been going on for years

It's just now culminating in a full blown invasion of Midgard

I'm beyond pumped, because this shit show is Aaron's Thor swan song and soon enough his book will be free of his stink.

>Jason Aaron event
>Jason Aaron at Marvel
Absolutely not

I thought Agger and Malekith had a nice evil bromance going, but now it seems like Agger is his pawn.

Did the writers forget, or did he get something on him?

bull shit of the highest caliber.

Before the cursed Alonso era we had the Quesada era where it was constant events milking the pockets of comic buyers. The Shogun demands tribute and is relying on ancient techniques to collect.

Can you give me a run down on the recent Thor run? I've been trying to read it, but it just aint grabbing me

I'd like to know how Jason Aaron went from writing a Ghost Rider run that felt like fun 70's drive-in schlock to writing sjw shit

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I was wondering about that too, I mean does Marvel/Disney have him under contract to push whatever agenda the company wants?

muh dick is pumped by dat Widow

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As long as ThorxShulkie doesn't go as bad as these sorts of relationships usually go, yes.

>Jason Aaron
>modern Marvel

I can't believe the manchildren of Yea Forums lap this shit up.

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I’m looking forward to adult cyclops/kamala interaction, and maybe I’ll pick up some of the Daredevil tie ins. But mostly I don’t mind or care. I can’t imagine getting worked up over big two events, I’m just entirely ambivalent.

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he ded for sure?

between the options?
what. definitely what.

Every new page of Aaron I read breaks me a little more. I just hope whoever is on the other side is an improvement. This even could actually of been pretty good if a good writer was on it. Arguably Simonson already did it better with his initial Malekith-Surtur plot.

The only thing I'm looking forward to is the McElroy family tie-in book.

I can’t help but feel that this will make seige and fear itself look amazin by comparison.