Is he the very pinnacle of forced character assassination?

Is he the very pinnacle of forced character assassination?

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He's the very pinnacle of a forced contrarian meme.
No one fucking likes Cyclops yet retards at Yea Forums pretend to just to look cool and different.

t. Matt

Gee, I wonder what short hairy manlet could be behind this post.

Well I wouldn't say he's the pinnacle, but Wally West seems to be thrown under the bus lately over at DC

If nobody likes a character just kill him off?

Making them into a villain for very little reason that goes against everything you knew about a character prior is sort of terrible.

I feel like he had a pretty natural trajectory as a character.

I want to agree but they're slowly salvaging him in the current run right?

Also making him join up with Magneto is sort of disgusting in the most egregious manner possible after the decades people have spent with the character.

This, he was never good, just a generic goody two-shoes like Nightwing and then the writers turned him into an uncharismatic retarded douche that other characters followed for no fucking reason.

>and then the writters turned him into an uncharismatic retarded douche

isn't that the very definition of character assassination though?

Yes but nothing of value was lost.

Jean and Scott are the generic safe Goody boy and Goody girl characters, bringing them back is a mistake. Wolverine, Beast, Night Crawler and Emma Frost are all better and fit X-men better.


He had a great trajectory for his "villain" momment and at worst he was morally gray. Avengers and X-men like wolverine really spiked everything out of controll

can all the cyclops cuckolds go fuck themselves please?

Beast, who was shit on so hard that writers had his evil alternate universe counterpart show up and die on-screen because readers were saying that it secretly being Dark Beast was the only thing that would explain his behavior.

>Wolverine can hold an ongoing for decades
>Cyclops gets a 4 issue mini and a cancelled ongoing that doesn't make it past 12 issues
>b-but Wolverine sucks and no one likes him guys!!!
What a pathetic contrarian. There's plenty of popular shit I don't like but I don't delude myself into thinking it's not well liked.

>No one fucking likes Cyclops

How do you people function in society when you're this fucking dumb?


I hope you guys eventually wake up and realize how stupid you all sound with all this cuckold shit.

In one issue Max Lord was changed from "Business Man who funded the JLI who had slightly slimy morals" to "secret monster who hates metahumans because of muh parents and funded the JLI with the intention of breaking them down in the future."
The issue caps off with him executing one of his old pals.

I agree, being "the retard that likes Cyclops" must be a rough stigma to live with.

Fucking how did this happen? Why Beast?

secret is the main word, its not the massive "Max Lord" fanbase is going destroy DC. Max Lord was character that just big enough for it to be a shock that he was evil

Not even the third most pillaged character in marvel comics. Spider-Man, iron man, maybe even pym over Scott, even though I love pymtron

One can only assume that several writers hated the fuck out of Beast but editorial wanted them to use him.

but his mini was about shitty feels in space with his 'dad', why the fuck would anyone want to read that, when wolverine is just nick fury with claws?

False, I love Cyclops

Scarlet Witch and Wally West probably had it worse than Cyclops when it comes to character assassination.

>b-but they did it wrong!!! A REAL Cyclops ongoing would sell 1000000 issues every month!!

Wally West didn' had character assassination, he's the same guy but retarded shit after retarded shit happens to him similar to Chef from south park.

He's not wrong in general, but he's wrong about why. The Cyclops mini was coming off the heels of an unpopular editorial decision to keep the O5 around, the series pretty much signaled that the O5 were going to be prominent for the immediate future, due to being young Cyclops the character is functionally an OC with the same powerset, and the book itself was greatly detached from the rest of the MU and the X-line. The book itself was pretty decent, but had the deck stacked against it from the start.

Go back to 1945 Steve

Wally going nuts and killing everyone at a psychiatric facility feels like character assassination to me.

depends what they're doing with him now

It started in Dark Reign. Beast got caught by Osborn and was tortured. Cyclops pulled some major shit to beat HAMMER and Beast complained that it took too long. The next thing Beast did was go to Utopia and bitch out Cyclops DURING Nightcrawler's funeral. From there it just got worse until Beast was ready to betray all the X-men to the Inhumans.

Attached: beast fucking coward.jpg (1988x3056, 827K)

The only problem is that the middle of his arc was actually really enjoyable and people liked it. This was probably exciting for the writers who knew they planned to degrade the character and it would cause reader reaction, but they took it too far and so killing him and rebooting him became the only option.

His current return is about as soulless as most of the current X-Men characterisation.

No, he’s the pinnacle of failed character assassination. Forced character assassination does happen, but I’ve never seen writers and editorial so fucking incompetent at it before the Cyclops thing. They couldn’t sell it to save their lives and it was beyond ridiculous

>clawed manlet posts
When will they learn

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This, Cyclops doesn't have it nearly as bad as those two.

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Murdock? Is it because Scott stole his red shades look? Also how come there's no Cyclops and Daredevil team up. I want to read that now.

Didn't help that the popular writer dropped off for personal reasons after the first arc.

That'd be a little too much angst for one series desu.

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