What are your UNPOPULAR Ed, Edd n Eddy opinions?
What are your UNPOPULAR Ed, Edd n Eddy opinions?
the school episodes where pure shite
the school episodes were god tier
Double D is best girl
I never liked season 1 as a kid. it seemed extra gross and weird and cringey compared to the rest of it.
I haven't watched the show in like a decade though so I can't say if I was right or not.
the school episodes were meh. some were fun, but they all lacked the same sense of carefree fun the original series had. Big picture show was amazing though.
Did you start this thread for le epic screencap?
its not my thread its my unpopular opinion
it was shit
The first two seasons were shit, season three and beyond is good.
The first season is way rougher than the rest for sure, I definitely think it's weaker than the rest of the show.
May is the best Kanker.
Eddy did nothing wrong.
The first season was super comfy to watch. It was before they decided to go overboard with the slapstick especially in season 5 onwards.
The characters look really lumpy and weird in season 1, so I know what you mean. The tone just *feels* a bit gross and unpleasant, even if the humor wasn't trying to be extra gross or anything.
how can you have such shit taste
Skipper is a nice middle name.
I have to agree. Even if he was a greedy asshole, he was at least genuinely entertaining and creative. What the hell would the other kids be doing with their time without the Eds' scams?
Kevin would be riding in circles with his stupid bikefu
Rolf would be doing his boring farm chores
Nazz would be living a life where she secretly begs for Kevin to take a fucking hint and plow her
Sarah and Jimmy would be having their lame tea parties
Jonny would be doing... stuff
Kids are all about the status quo user, even if it's fucking boring.
school episodes were meh, but cool hand ed is the shit, i always wanted to escape school in a plane made out of junk
Was it rape?
I mean I guess
eddy and double d have some serious chemistry going on in some episodes. it may just be the arguing-like-an-old-married-couple trope tainting my perspective but it's there man, it's there
>Unpopular opinion
The kids need to stop bitching about the scams, as their entertainment value and time/resource investment is well worth the mere quarters they ask for.
I believe Ed's mom really does bear a striking resemblance to Johnny.
It's bromance and not romantic or sexual in any way
The girls were the weakest part of this show, Sarah was the only one who felt like a character. The Kankers were more of a comical force than characters, and Nazz was literally just there to *be* a girl.
Not saying there should have been nonsense like shipping or Boys vs Girls, but one or two female characters developed well like Rolf or Johnny would've added a lot more room for unique character interactions. Which all around, would've improved the school episodes of the later two seasons.
The Kanker Sisters aren’t that hot.