Lisa is scouted by the director of the Capitol City Philharmonic, to her band teacher's dismay. Homer works extra shifts at the plant so Lisa can play, putting strain on the family.
>Any thoughts or predictions
Lisa is scouted by the director of the Capitol City Philharmonic, to her band teacher's dismay. Homer works extra shifts at the plant so Lisa can play, putting strain on the family.
>Any thoughts or predictions
>Any thoughts or predictions
It will be bad and Lisa will be unlikable.
my only thought about this is that its not worth thinking about to begin with
>It's another family member gets successful and has to throw it all away in the end episode
But it won't be Lisa.
>whiplash references
Wow only 5 years out of date.
>Homer works extra shifts at the plant so Lisa
They've done this before. Remember the pony.
It's pretty astounding how many times Lisa has been gifted at the cost of another family members happiness
>Homer gives up his Duff Blimp ride
>Homer works himself at two jobs so Lisa can have pony
>Bart gives up his drumming career so Lisa can have an animal sanctuary
And so on
>it’s another Lisa is a shitty person and the writers reward her for it episode
For Christ's sake, "Whiplash" came out a whole FIVE years ago now. If you're going to make lots of referential jokes, at least have them be somewhat topical. Do the people who write for The Simpsons not realize how out-of-date and banal all their reference-based humor is? They must all be elderly hacks who have dementia, because so much of their parodic stuff is touching on stuff that's not in vogue anymore. It reminds me of all those shitty Selzter & Friedberg movies where there's no actual jokes, just cheap, lazy, and low-effort pop culture references.
It makes me wonder how future generations will view these post-season-10 seasons considering all the humor is instantly dated and relies wholesale on the audience having a cultural frame of reference. Like with the Scary Movie franchise, younger viewers aren't going to have any idea what half of this shit is supposed to be. Those first ten seasons are funny on their own merits even if you don't necessarily know much about 90's pop culture.
Also wasn't there an episode where he had to do that to pay for some school? It seems like he's always having to pull extra shifts for some shit
>to her band teacher's dismay
Lisa gives up for his sake.
Who still watches Zombie Simpsons? Are there actual human beings who sit down for each new episode's premier and laugh at Homer hurting himself and Lisa delivering filibusters? Anyone who's still doing that has got to be doing it out of a sense of obligation, I'd imagine.
Pretty sure this happen with bart
he was fat or something
Honestly speaking, Lisa is pretty much like every morally high outspoken millennial with standards. She's unlikeable because she's the best while we're all the worst. We hate her because she's just a better person when it comes to us entirely. Yeah you can bitch and moan on how the little girl is not cool or whatever but at the end of the day. The common person is going to remember Lisa Simpson as the voice of reason who strives to better than all of us and it angers us to no end.
I am. I just want to see how far this will go.
Lisa go to your room!
The sneedsons
the same people who watch wwe
NuLisa is the worst. Her success actively comes at the expense of others, she's generally unappreciative, and ends up forgetting about *thing* or failing in the end. She needs to be in a constant moral high ground, even when its deeply hypocritical for her (though the writer's don't make a point of it). Often, she'll make wide and judgemental campaigns for awareness on a subject, even though she herself just learned about it. While in former seasons, stories placed her at unfair persecution, now she just has a persecution complex.
Despite her incursions requiring a degree of emotional maturity to begin with, it clashes with her behaving a like a petty child in the end, obsessing over a thing for an hour than forgetting about it forever.
>It's another Lisa's feet episode
It's like visiting a dying relative: you love them and remember all the great times you've had together, laughing and learning and laughing some more. But now you're just waiting for them to die and finally be at peace.
Wasn't bart a better musician than lisa and lisa sabotaged him out of jealousy?
Literally about thirteen years ago
Hesitance rising...
Is there any other Yea Forums character that's more despised than Lisa Simpson?
Jerry Mouse?
Seems a little late to be referencing whiplash
The exact same thing as what happened in the Bob's Burgers episode where Bob drives a cab for the shitstain character Tina.
bendy, jerry, caillou and peggy hill disagree with you
Every Griffin, and whoever the diverse comic book character of the month is.
>She's unlikeable because she's the best while we're all the worst.
This couldn't be further from the truth. Lisa spouts plenty of braindead rhetoric and holds plenty of her own delusional beliefs about the world. There are plenty of golden age episodes that end up shattering said beliefs and she ends up learning from them (Lisa the Iconoclast) or being plain wrong about the true intent of things (The Joy of Sect). Lisa was a great character in those early episodes because she came across as a cautious skeptic rather than an obnoxious idealist. Zombie Simpsons instead either puts her on a pedestal and reinforces said delusions, or when she is wrong completely resets the next episode and acts like a pompous shit about the next thing that comes about. People hate zombie Lisa because she's genuinely an immature idealist that has the plot favor her when she doesn't get her way. The point of Lisa was that she was the only truly insightful girl in the entire town of Springfield, but ended up being brought down to everyone else's level or lower when she got on her high horse about things. Her pride used to be her Achilles heel.
My birthday has a fucking lisa episode on it.
Fuck this gay earth.
Jerry did nothing wrong. Little guy was just trying to survive, and Tom kept trying to eat him.
Happy birthday user.
>Who still watches Zombie Simpsons?
Just Boco and Nielsen boxes.
She'll quit not because she hates the discipline, but upon finding out Homer is working two jobs.
so braindead retards who can't think for themselves, go it
>to her band teacher's dismay
An elementary school band teacher should be hyped as fuck that he helped elevate a tiny child to professional status.
Isn't this written by nancy cartwright? Why the hell is she doing a lisa episode and not a bart episode? Wouldn't the very voice actress for bart want to do a bart episode?
She originally auditioned for the role of Lisa. Seriously.
Bit late to the parody, no?
Actually she didn't want to be lisa. It was fox and matt groening that wanted her to be lisa. She found lisa to be a boring middle child and wanted to play a bratty 10 year old instead.
And of course JK Simmons will do the voice because he'll take any fucking job whatsoever.
I watch streams of it online that give Fox no views for it with my brother. It's just the perfect material to make fun of and point out shitty storylines, unfunny jokes and bad animation.
I liked classic lisa. I have not watched any modern episodes of the show.
she's not even a millennial
"Five years late" is pretty early by modern Simpsons standards.
so like does this mean we're getting a Largo episode?