Give me ONE reason why this isn't the best X-Man and waifu

Give me ONE reason why this isn't the best X-Man and waifu

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bumping because y'all can't put respect on my man

He's been written very flat the last decade or so

He's papist scum.

That's been the case with pretty much all the X-men. At least they haven't completely ruined him yet.

He's not a waifu. He's a husbando that will take all your x-waifus. You can't stop him and you probably don't want to.


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>no Americans even say anime or manga properly, but REEEEEE mispronunciation
fuck off, jap

He’s one of the fewest guys who’s a total chick magnet but also extremely pure and wholesome.

that post was written by a cunt
also they're wrong lmao its bando not bendo and s or z is debatable, and who is nowhere near of ha sound

He is pretty great.

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You aren't wrong OP Best girl is Emma though

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So he's a harem anime protagonist.

Cultured taste in best boy and best girl.

his mini is pretty good right now. And I heard his Claremont mini was good too. But as for the teams, that's unfair cause all the X-men team books have been shit

He is pure.
pure slut,but still pure

You know, I would actually be very interested in a story where Kurt meets the Pope.

no slut shaming

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I can't, Nightcrawler is the best, not even Chuck Austen could ruin him.

i cannot

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>you will never pet Kurt's fur
Why live?

im a fucking idiot

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nah, that's just a freudien slip. People compare Dick to Peter too much, when really they should be comparing him to Nightcrawler

They are both good choices user.

Ya think? I had really high hopes for The Amazing Nightcrawler, and the first issue had me ready for more, but the second issue left me with a real meh vibe.

Because pic related is the best X-Man and waifu.

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I like these images, why tf does my /cm/ threads never get these posted.

Post your top five X-Men and X-Women


>Emma Frost

idk, I liked him going to a swinger club and getting totally freaked out.

I agree, that was cute and funny, and I also liked how he was disappointed in his lack of professionalism when sleeping with a co-star. dat Catholic impulse to cover it up right away
I just didn't like whatever the plot was with the rival studio and the other telepath sister or w/e. Total snoozefest

>Beast (though he's been shit on repeatedly for the past decade, I loved him in the 70s-90s)

>Dani Moonstar

As a kid, Nightcrawler was my favorite based on powers and design alone, but I've never actually read anything with him as an important character.
Right now I think my favorite mutie is Roberto

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Not sure if I’m alone here but I liked Casey’s Uncanny run. Kurt was pretty much the leader of the team during the Casey-Austen era.


>Emma Frost

personally, Nightcrawler is a character that has favorite moments, not really favorite arcs.

He's one of those fun supporting characters who slots into any team well without necessarily having his own distinct arcs or ongoings. Kind of like Domino or Emma Frost.

Like, I can't mention any major arcs Nightcrawler had, but I can easily remember the time Ultimate Xavier left him alone at the school because reasons so Nightcrawler started playing pirates with Angel in the danger room.


Magneto (when he's a good guy)

Omega Sentinel

I can't do 5 of each. By the time I get to the 4th the character is just one that's cool when they show up but not one that I would go out of my way to read.

So what's the consensus beard or no beard for Kurt?

depends, can you show me a decent bearded Kurt?

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I'm straight, but bearded Nightcrawler is pretty daddy tier

you just posted one

you need better taste in daddies, user
you deserve better

nate grey pre Jesus is the best x man

what is wrong with that picture? he is sexy as fuck.

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it's just not sexy, he doesn't have it in the hips and nips.
Now is some primo Kurt. The pic you just posted is a lot better, but that's a bit too furry for me. I aint about to start yiffing

I want to bury my face in all that fuzz.

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Have you guys seriously not read his first solo series from the early 00s by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa?

right, does me wanting to rail him make me a furry ? because i always imagined him hairless when i was younger when i used to mostly watch/read xmen

>reading comics
lmao okay geek don't you have to be in chess club rn?

I just steered clear of X-Stuff until somewhat recently, seemed like a whole big mess I didn't wanna get caught up in from discussion I'd seen about it.

>You're walking around, minding your own business
>All of a sudden you feel a barrage of slaps to your ass and you hear condescending laughter accompanying it
>Just as quickly as it started, you're left dazed and alone with no clue as to what happened except a burning sensation all across your ass.

>mein face vhen zis thread

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that's a guy you fag

big gay