Wait, what ?
Wait, what ?
Can't believe they actually address that point, the whole point of Captain Marvel is of a power fantasy relatable to all kids who wish they had super power.
Kind of addressing the real life implications of it always seems like breaking the 4th wall, to me.
It's ironic how in this comic, for trying to adress the real-life implication of Shazam, the potential unintended implication of this scene still completely flew over the head of the writers.
I mean, it's basically screaming for edit, there.
Wait,what series is this from? Haven't been keepin up with the times lately.
Great mini and watching Superman yell at the wizard was great.
Superman Shazam First Thunder by Winnick
Shazam is mad old. back in his day 13 year olds were out having adventures, fucking mermaids, conquering nations, contracting syphilis and dying before age 30.
all that shit Clark talking is fucking irrelevant.
And which day is Billy living in, Shazams sword-and-dying-of-dysentry days, or the modern world?
>fucking mermaids
You're not too far off. Back then he was the father of those demon twins after he fucked a succubus
if it wasnt for the iconic colours under the shirt i was getting strong paedo vibes from this
Was it before or after DC took over.
Yes, that's precisely what I was talking about.
Post Crisis
oh shit i didnt see your previous comment, apologizes
someone really needs to get rid of the suit and jsut his bare chest showing
As much as this comic is meme'd for how awkward it is: I do want either Superman or Power Girl to just fucking adopt Billy already. It would make me happy.
>And which day is Billy living in, Shazams sword-and-dying-of-dysentry days, or the modern world?
Stephanie Brown's day.
only with with all the powers of a demigod instead of a teen mother.
>weird adult comes into the orphan kid's room
>starts unbuttoning his shirt
Jesus, Supes.
Isn't there a page in between where Supes is looking down at Billy and says "WHO DID THIS TO YOU" in a kinda scary way?
How did they not catch Supe's lazy eye in the bottom right panel.
It completely takes away from the seriousness of the scene.
I remember hearing people joke about that scene years ago, and editing the Superman reveal out so the scene goes just
>Are you from social services?
>starts undressing
>Billy stares wide-eyed
It's not the only weirdly pedo part either. There's the part where Captain Marvel talks about how the boy who died was his best friend, and Supes is clearly pondering some uncomfortable theories on why a grown man would say that about a little boy. And I've seen the "who did this to you" panel cut out of its context too, so it looks like Supes is talking to a rape victim or something, or that he's planning to hurt the person he's talking to (he's wearing a pretty disdainful face in that panel).
Even if it's way too easy to make these scenes look awkward as hell, I thought they're all still pretty great and emotionally intense. I enjoyed this comic.
There is no unintended implication unless you want there to be you weird fuck.
you fucking legend
Oops, forgot about it. My bad.
There was no need to add tears, though, the scene on its own is enough.
where are the scenes actually from ?
Damn it. Forget to post it again, the f is wrong with me.
I mean, in an 'out of context' thread you could probably infer 'pedo' from that page, but when you're actually reading the comic there's no room for doubt, I think.
I don't think the 'who did this to you' part comes off as creepy or anything. It's pretty obvious that he's still wearing that expression because he's thinking that Billy was either some sort of child experiment or another orphan dragged into the world of superheros (and he's seen Batman lose a Robin or two at this point, most likely) so he's trying to contain his rage at the person who 'did this' to Billy.
the parallels between billy getting his powers and child molestation are obvious. in both cases the child is simply not ready for the experience he is robed of a normal childhood and is emotionally scarred by it. i haven't read any shazam/captain marvel comics but i wouldn't be surprised if this was a recurring theme or if people who new he secret would treat him accordingly.
>the parallels between billy getting his powers and child molestation are obvious. in both cases the child is simply not ready for the experience he is robed of a normal childhood and is emotionally scarred by it.
which would resonate much better if Superman wasn't best friends with billionaire orphan collector and serial child endangerment champion, Bruce Wayne.
Superman was right.
I really want this to be an animated movie
Naaaah. We need more movies about Batman doing fuck all.
story is set less than one year after Batman started doing Batman things
Yeah Supes, you tell him. Then go give the same speech to Batman, Flash, Wonder Woman, Batman again, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Batman again, Batman, Batman, Batman and Batman.
If I could ask, how was this subverted on Kingdom Come, where (that universe's) Shazam / the Cap smiles down at (that universe's) Superman?
It seemed like the carelessness of Shazam went away upon first appearance
>Skipping Billy's reveal pages
For what purpose
Do you think Steph's teen pregnancy was shown as sunshines and rainbows as well? This is a very faggot like counter-argument. Teen Pregnancy is fucked up too.
>white boy with black hair and blue eyes
>fights crime with a secret identity
>a feisty orphan
>literally called Bat Son
>Batman hasn't forcibly adopted him yet
Weird. Think it's because Superman is having sex with him?
and you're not mentioning bottom left, why?
>Bat Son
fucking kek
So I just read this whole thing. why does Yea Forums hate it? besides the art, I guess?
because its a pretty good superman story and Yea Forums has a hate boner for superman
I love these pages. I almost seems to cut right to the core of Superman and why I love him.
This. I love the fuck out of him, and I'm kind of sad that it doesn't seem like we are getting a Cavill cameo in the movie.
I still want some kind of Elseworld story where he's actually adopted by Bruce Wayne.
It'd absolutely be an amazing Elseworld story. Especially if Billy isn't or doesn't actually get his Shazam powers and just grows to be a unpowered sneaky version of Shazam, still full of pomp and childish guile with the training of being batman's apprentice and the natural strength that'd come with all that working out and training.
We joke, but if they actually made an animated movie out of it, they would shoehorn Batman, Joker and Harley Quinn into it somehow. And Batman would beat up Superman and Shazam
Before John was Bendiserized I always thought he and Billy would be great friends and help each other grow and learn each others powers.
So Dick?
And Superfags wonder why everyone else thinks Superman is lame. He's been giving the same speech to every other character for 40 years or something, many times at the cost of other characters acting completely out of character so he can do so. Fuck off already.
>literally called Bat Son
I can already see how it'd go if Snyder was still in charge of the DCEU.
they did a superman shazam movie before without batman so its not unreasonable to think they could do it
>It is a fate chosen by men...
Uh, and what about women?
The English language is fucking stupid. Or English speakers, I've not decided yet.
Masculine nouns and pronouns are gender neutral in the english language beyond the fact that they are talking specifically about billy.
Is this supposed to be fun?
Oh shut the fuck up. He's drawing a parallel between a BOY and a MAN specifically, not children and adults in general.