How in the blue blazes was this so dad-blamed exceptionally high quality?

How in the blue blazes was this so dad-blamed exceptionally high quality?

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Great directors
Best writer
Great cast
Best lead

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Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. Best superhero movie with a woman at its peak.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Attached: me in my Captain Marvel shirt2! (675x1200, 101K)

Stop making obnoxiously worded posts, you've killed this board enough.

I'm sure this is a vain effort but this is probably the most physically and mentally painful way to start a discussion thread on this movie and everyone involved should just sage the thread and start up another one that isn't this embarrassing. I don't even particularly care about the fact that people could like and talk about such a fundamentally vapid piece of media devoid of any heart or personality, it's just the fucking completely unironic
>how the heckin' doggo was this dang gosh-darn movie so flippin' epic my good sirs?
shit. Like do you see anyone in real life talk like this? No? There's a fucking reason for that dipshit.

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you want to know how I know you're white males

>blue blazes
Shouldn't you be guarding the galaxy, Rich?

good characters

Get out, holy shit.

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He'd have to be appearing in something to do that

Captain Marvel thread? Ok
Story time

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You're honestly the only one doing anything of value here. Carol threads always go;
>Same format for a Carol thread about how great she/her movie is
>Bunch of fags who are never around show up to make supporting posts, at times specifically mentioning how glad they are to not be alone
>All disappear at the same time and for the same lengths of time before eventually coming back together, coincidentally of course
This time the Carol poster seems to be too tired to even do that though, just a few bumping posts here and there.

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Kill yourself

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unironic question: could a carol movie have been done well?

was it just poorly executed or is the character herself the problem? Idk anything about her comics so I'm curious, what would a good carol movie be like?

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Maybe if it was based on Carol before Wacker made her into Captain Marvel.

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Might as well have something good come out of these threads I figure.

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what's the basic premise? what's her origin, what's her motive, what's her personality like?

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We can't get out. You are us.

Paranoid much? Here's the more likely scenario: Whoever keeps these thread bumped is not in any form of coordination with the person who creates them, and as such is not aware that this thread was created in the middle of the night.

I reported this thread when it barely had 3 posts.
It's still going. This is the kind of quality moderation we have on this board.

Heckin mad as hell

>blue blazes
You're not allowed to say that phrase with that image.

Based Captain Marvel storytime poster.

Didn't some Brazilian lady accuse him of trying to roofie her? I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.

I would be, because it sounds like complete bullshit you just made up.

No clever wordplay even.

Because Anti-SJWs do everything they accuse SJWs of doing and they do it 10x worse, and from their flood of REEEEE you lowered your expectations to the point that a monkey farting on a snare drum would have seemed okay.

What was high quality about it? it wasnt the acting?
Yeah i just loved the Australasian accented skrull afraid of jazz hands.
Story was crap that relied on it pandering to nostalgia, visual effects look cheap and pathetic the only thing i can agree with was how the cat stole the show.