Promoting someone else's movie cup

>promoting someone else's movie cup
what a cuck

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Other urls found in this thread:!1h0xUCQK!36LodkfUqLX-z1-GR6rpzg larson thinking of stan

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marvel and dc promote each other all the time, people are reading their comics less and less... it's mutually beneficial for them to each raise as much interest in the superhero genre as a whole as possible, even if it means promoting each other's stuff

like i remember when ARROW first premiered they were advertising it all over marvel's books lol

tom brevoort outright admits that's basically the case, people have asked him about it more than once

He knows he going to crush her record with little effort.

>Men are less selfish than women

That's what being a good competor looks like user, if you need to be petty it's because you feel unsure

Well, Shazam’s not out yet so I don’t really blame her for not having a cup

I think it's more the fact she in a full on getup, and has a cup and bucket with her face on it while posing.
She's not going to see her movie as a viewer but it's more for publicity sake and jab at da haters.
Zachary on the other hand is just a movie goer.

Now, to be fair, that's Brie Larson supporting Brie Larson AND Brie Larson.

do you think she still has to pay for her tickets? cause I remember Jim Starlin bitching about how he still had to pay to see Avengers even though he created Thanos

thats just what he wants you to think

Except the big red cheese is the real Captain Marvel.

What a *Chad


>cause I remember Jim Starlin bitching
He's right though, fuck Marvel for that

>marvel and dc promote each other all the time
It really puts into perspective all the complete dipshits in Yea Forums who pick a team and stick with it no matter what. We should be happy when anyone makes a good cape movie and appreciate the trend while it lasts, because The Age of the Manchild might not last forever, and you might still be watching Iron Man 2 when you're 70 just to get a fix of this shit after Hollywood moves on to the next shiny object.

DC and Marvel want this to happen. They want people, with cultivated identities, to fight each other and keep up superhero interest in the downtime. This is free marketing for them and is, regretfully, a big part of what kept DC and Marvel going in tough times.

It would've been better if she found a poster on the wall to pose with. One shouldn't have been hard to find.

Well maybe it was.

I just prefer DC characters. Nothing wrong with that.

Brie would've drank from the Shazam cup if they actually put out cups for third rate kiddy flicks like that.

>when anyone makes a good cape movie
when was that lol

>if they actually put out cups for third rate kiddy flicks like that.
Her movie already has one though

Yeah creators don't get shit. Don't get comp tickets from Marvel, Mike Barr didn't get a bag or anything from YJ using the Outsiders name, and so on.

Well, I only picked DC 'cause of Batman Animated Series and because if I read every comic from both companies I'd literally have no life. Just reading DC take a couple of hours daily.

They're trying to sell him as hip, and earn cred with Gen Z. That is all. It makes him look confident in the sense he doesn't care about competition or relatable as in he just likes good stuff regardless of branding. Aka, youth branding which always tries to be "authentic" and "anti-system". It's literally his movie role, too. Think Deadpool. Also, it's not like you can pick what a movie theater chooses for advertisement. lol

Can't imagine Brie ever promoting another white male's movie

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>I just prefer DC characters. Nothing wrong with that.
I prefer DC characters too, but if there's a good Marvel book or film, I'm going to consume it because primarily I want to be entertained. I'm not hoping any movie sucks before it comes out, and I don't give a shit about the box office. As someone mentioned above, a friendly rivalry is healthy, but this viciousness and /pol/tard level jerkery is just stupid.

I honestly can't understand company loyalists. I prefer Marvel but if you expect me to pretend Jessica Jones or Iron First are better than Doom Patrol just because they come from Marvel you can go fuck yourself

yeah i'm more of a dc person. but i enjoyed some of the recent x-men movies and spiderverse. and some of the older movies with marvel characters. idk why this console wars stuff is so noticeable. i wonder if some of it is just shills sometimes

That was a mature classic dealing with deep and enduring feminist themes of emotion and control. A far cry from "Hurr durr, let's remake Tom Hanks' 'Big' but as a superhero movie, and throw in lots of quips to ape Marvel movies!"

>We should be happy when anyone makes a good cape movie and appreciate the trend while it lasts
I agree, I'll be the first to congratulate DC if it happens.

>That was a mature classic dealing with deep and enduring feminist themes of emotion and control
It couldn't even hold a candle to WW for crying out loud

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That just makes me think he's even more awesome. The only cuck and fag here is you OP.

It doesn't help that this dumbass mindset of company wars has seeped into the companies a handful of times. Remember when the person who ran the Marvel Twitter was talking shit about DC moving to California? DC and Marvel used to have yearly softball games with each other for Christ's sake.

Was that just for Avengers? He did get to go to the set of GotG and Infinity War/Endgame. Ike is pretty cheap and when he was head of Marvel Studios he was cheap with the studio as well.
Marvel Comics is cheap because Ike is cheap, King even said how DC gave him free trades of Omega Men and stuff meanwhile his wife went and bought him Vision because Marvel didn't bother giving a copy.

>That was a mature classic dealing with deep and enduring feminist themes of emotion and control.
Lol no one believes that, not even tumblr.

Wait is Doom Patrol good? I watched some of Titans and thought it was meh.

>yearly softball games with each other
I can't read that without instantly thinking of those 90s swimsuit issues with all the heroes hanging out. Except with out of shape comic industry people hanging out.

Way better its odd I guess Doom Patrol got all the competent people
Have the MEGA the MEGAanon updates it weekly!1h0xUCQK!36LodkfUqLX-z1-GR6rpzg

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Doom Patrol is much better than Titans. Everything from production to the quality of acting is vastly superior. So far it's the second best tv cape show after Daredevil.

>Hurr durr, let's remake Tom Hanks' 'Big' but as a superhero movie
The idea of the character predates Big.
>throw in lots of quips to ape Marvel movies!"
The source material has been fun, light and at times jokey. If anything they aped what was already there to begin with.

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I'm happy to see any hero with living parents. Enough with dead parents as motivation.

Man, they nailed Cliff's look. I really gotta get around to watching this.

Just stop responding to him user. He says the same shit in every thread that can be even remotely linked to DC. I really hope he's getting paid otherwise he's just mentally unwell

The absolute state of DCEUnuchs.

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>Remember when the person who ran the Marvel Twitter was talking shit about DC moving to California?
And rumor is that Marvel might move to but with the shitty office they have and how much money Ike is willing to give them for the move I bet there's going to be a new staff and the pure fuckers will end up in Compton.

Have you seen how shitty the Marvel offices are compared to the DC ones? They are in a stuffy old building with only one restroom for everyone and everyone has to bring their own toiler paper, paper towels, soap, not to mention broken coffee machine and water dispenser that the employees have to fix.

Also watch Stan Lee's visit to their offices on youtube it really sucks and compare it to the videos of DC's offices in New York and California, the Marvel offices are just sad.

More like you're reaching, you tried making a fuzz about how good Marvel cartoons were on the Fatal Five thread and everyone laughed at you. Stay mad.

I adore this picture. How gaudy yet arrogant one must be to come out dressed like that, with a bag with your own name on it, posting about a dead person. It captures the essence of internet Brie, an insufferable human being who thinks themselves of being a positive force in the world.

It's people with autism and the worse part is that they don't fucking get payed. They do this for free.

>and everyone has to bring their own toiler paper, paper towels, soap
Is that even legal? I've worked some awful jobs but basic necessities were always provided

>I am breathing air
The modern day Archimedes.

There was an older article with comcisbeat posting anonymous quotes from Marvel Entertainment employees complaining about having to do that because Ike would only give them so little supplies that they just had to bring their own.

I am not surprised, this is Ike, the guy who didn't want to give anything but a small bag of chips and coke in a plastic cup for the Iron Man premiere and he only ordered the exact bag of chips for the exact amount of guests. Guy is a penny pincher.

>my employer must provide for me
What are you, some kind of commie?

I don't even care about the movie at this point, I got turned off by Brie's attitude. Who the fuck gets that defensive when people just want to know if you're left or right handed?

She needs a better publicist. I can't blame a priviledged SoCal actor for being detatched from reality, but that's what the PR people are supposed to handle.

Keep in mind that women are at the center of civilization for now and forever and there is nothing you can do about it.

Keep in mind we're only insulting the ego of one Brie Larson

>I am breathing air
Is that a personal attack?

And it's getting worse...

I want Brie to bully my white male dick.

You'd probably bully her if you stood too close to her and said hello. She'd run off to twitter promptly and explain to everyone how you sexually assaulted her.

did you also feel bullied by Brie that it prompted you to run off to Yea Forums to tell me some stupid shit?

>I can't blame a priviledged SoCal actor for being detatched from reality
This, which is why I don't hold it against Brie thinking she's really doing social activism and helping people by doing Captain Marvel and getting payed insane amounts of money. I really don't doubt she thinks that movie is going to be culturally influential and change the world when in fact it will be forgotten in a few days and most likely trashed once the hype wears off just like Age of Ultron was.

>It really puts into perspective all the complete dipshits in Yea Forums who pick a team and stick with it no matter what

yeah so you might not remember but those fuckers are Yea Forums invaders, Yea Forums never used to be like that and never took sides at all because it was all just comics I think it happened around 2011 or so when Yea Forums stopped being love.

>"You call that a dick, user?"

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Man her jaw line looks so fucking hideous. Even with the use of make up it still looks straight ass square

She is a bit touched though.

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>"Ms.Brie please don't shove the oscar up my ass again. I swear I'm not giving you ideas."

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Fuck, I had to look up her twitter because this seemed too obnoxious to be real. How does she do it?

Lol how is she making the world a "better place"? People who actually try to do that aren't exactly in the lap of luxury.

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Do you even lift people (400 lbs, I think).

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OP is too autistic to get it.

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>if I feel uncomfortable it is valid
Yikes,TSA dude shouldn't have fuckin done it he was at work, but...yikes...

Here you go.

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Okay, this is the point where I learned I really am against people just having fun, this just made me angry.

>How does she do it?
She has a gift

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Bitch never went to a risky district. She doesn't know what being "unsafe" is. If she thinks that a guy asking for her number is an attack, she would kill herself if she knew what a real assault is...

>Yea Forums - Twitter screencaps

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They never look at how things are with the shoe on the other foot, like, it's not a picnic to have to approach strangers and start up conversations with them just if we want relationships with the opposite sex, either. But we have to do it if we don't want to be alone.

Honestly I'm kind of impressed by a guy who's just a normal dude with a shitty job having the balls to ask out a millionaire Hollywood thot.

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Acknowledgement is the first step toward recovery.

>thinking she's really doing social activism and helping people by doing Captain Marvel and getting payed insane amounts of money.
There are many people who just enjoy action movie with female lead and fans of the MCUs have been waiting for years for it to finally happens. Not every cause need to be big. And the hate she tend to receive online also explain her attitude.

>implying buying a drink from Robert is the same as supporting the movie

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So when are the different pictures taken? That's probably quite important. Obviously one is copying the other, but if it was at a point where one movie was out and the other wasn't. it's kind of obvious why Brie Larson can't have Shazam stuff.

There's plenty of actual real things to get pissed off about, this is ignoring major things just to be outraged. For a site that claims to hate SJWs so much, you sure as fuck go out of your way to act like them.

I think it was meant to be a bit ironic, though.

Why do any of you care?

All I get out of this is the enjoyment of incels being angry

they got the note that not displaying blind support will blacklist them.

>be a rotting cunt virtue signaling at the masses from your ivory tower
>people way below in the social scale hurl that shit right back at you
>wtf this millionaires feelings got hurt by a situation she created, her nasty attitude is justified!

He probably didn't recognize her. Just saw some plain Jane girl next door smiling at him and thought "Hey, I probably have a shot with her". How fucking dare he?

What was meant to be ironic about her trying to be a strong, powerful woman who is always on the defensive who got physically and sexually assaulted by someone who simply asked her for her number?

>"hey you fucking retarded white males, where's the shazam cups? I gotta support my boy Levi!"

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What's Flash doing there and why is he a fat woman now?

I was going to ask about Plastic Man coming in from the left.

Um, I mean. My other left. Her left. Fuck.

>H-He's fast!


this is why im a DCHAD

we are not petty haters,we want smaller companies do better and we help them

they've always thrown banter at each other

This user knows what's up.

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How did she get cast for that movie and why did people pay money to see it? I get mad just looking at her face.

>What was meant to be ironic about her trying to be a strong, powerful woman
using the word "strong powerful woman" themselves asa bit of ironi exageration. As for the nuber thing, anyone has the right to complain when someone bug you when you don't want to be annoyed. it's legitimate. I am not saying one should never ask anyone number, but you are the one bothering a complete stranger and accepting that person tell you to piss off is part of the deal. Anyone who do not understand that you have to accept a potential strong rebutal when you accost a complete stranger in the public place should not ask for number in the first place.

>How did she get cast for that movie and why did people pay money to see it?
Because she fit the role well. And the movie was actually good.

>she fit the role well
>the movie was actually good.

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Not a bait, the movie is not great, but it's good. I'd say it's slightly better than dr. strange, on the same level as aquaman and if we compare it to Wonder Woman, the 2 first act of wonder Woman are better, but Captain Marvel third act is better.

Dc and Marvel are owned by the same jewish family. why are you so angry at them?

You love it because this fake pic feeds into your perception of her.

>fake pic larson thinking of stan

It is because they became friends after a BR event. Took turns with Holland's boy pussy and all. And Levi did good by ditching those autists who thought they could turn this into another TLJ or ghostbusters, god knows everything between Cap marvel and Endgame's gonna need all the good will in the world.
It's good but a little underwheling . A lot of wasted potential like the first Thor, a linear narrative would've helped a lot. The cast was the best part, I hope they all come back. Even Maria and Carol's daughter was adorable.

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I don’t even care for Brie but you’re reaching here.

>zach drinking a captain marvel cup
>brie drinking a captain marvel cup AND eating out of a captain marvel popcorn bowl
This bitch

Nah but that's cool and I appreciate the gesture from both actors. But Brie is still a piece of shit person.

>DC and Marvel used to have yearly softball games with each other for Christ's sake
Who won the most?


holy shit she really has no ass or tits

Did Marvel give her that tracksuit?

True, but if her picture was taken second, she could have easily either waited a week to respond back with a picture of his movie or just not done anything at all. If she really felt the need to self promote after that, it means she was doing it as an attack against him


>but if her picture was taken second, she could have easily either waited a week to respond back with a picture of his movie or just not done anything at al

Actually it's a bro move.

The Brie Larson pic was first, during a screening of Ms. Marvel where she showed up to surprise viewers

I’m not exactly sure when the Zachery Levi pic was taken but it was definitely post Brie pic

I know what the joke is. I was going along with it as well.

Sorry, my bad.

Aw, so another case of Yea Forums trying to rewrite history to make people hate women


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>Aw, so another case of Yea Forums trying to rewrite history to make people hate women
I prefer to create an elaborate conspiracy theory regarding the timeline to back up my views.

>going to a super hero movie dressed in merch from said hero
I earnestly expect you fellows to avoid behavior such as this.

How are people rewriting it? At most it’s funny that Zach is imitating the douche pic of Brie

I wore a Shazam shirt to the Fandango premier but as an undershirt for my Button Down Shirt

By placing his picture first, it's making it seem like he was the one who did the pose first, and Brie was the one being rude by imitating it and self promoting

It's almost like their personalities reflects their characters.

>Zach is imitating the douche pic of Brie
He's doing his pose from the poster you dumbass

Marvel actors never ever do this for DC, except for Wonder Woman which was about virtue signaling

>Except with out of shape comic industry people hanging out.
>Implying the industry isn't full of chads

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And how many times other than this has a DC actor done it for Marvel?

Even Bendis stopped being fat when he moved to DC. I'm not a companyfag, but the DChad meme is real.

I know with Bendis it's because he literally almost died, but hey - still thin

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You mean DC. Marvel is full of shapeless blob women and chunky manchildren with neckbeards.

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>I don't want to live in a world where it's on me to constantly protect myself
>lives in a world where nature dictates that it's on every living being to constantly protect itself

How long before societal collapse and the people with no survival instinct die off?

>Mr Fantastic and Thondor Allen sneak up on captain marvel.png

>Zooms in behind you
>Psht not personnel kid

that was out of the left field for sure

Patty Jenkins and Gal Gadot supported her (flat) ass
Ray Fisher supported Black panther

If you think company wars are limited to marvel and DC or that marvel and DC company fags are only on Yea Forums or that this shit doesn't date back to before m00t was ever born you're insane.

What acting gigs has she won awards for?

Google is your friend.

Mostly for Room in 2016

>Sivana on the left

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>that deathly black gum

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>Marvel is so desperate that they need a DC actor to promote that CM shit
My sides, where did they go?

He did that because he thought all the anti-marvel sentiment surrounding talk about his movie was pretty dickish and that his movie should be able to work as a standalone without having people comparing it favorably against others and using it as an excuse to shit on the hard work of other people.
In other words because he's a top bloke.
Sadly Marvel actors are all self obsessed scum and don't give a shit if DC films get slammed.