Seth Macfarlane has said he doesn't understand why Family Guy fans love the first 3 seasons and slam the recent...

Seth Macfarlane has said he doesn't understand why Family Guy fans love the first 3 seasons and slam the recent episodes in comparison. Seth isn't very fond of the pre-cancellation episodes, citing story and animation problems, and doesn't find the first 3 seasons particularly funny.

In fact, Seth goes as far as stating his belief that the fans who prefer the pre-cancellation episodes are just aggravated that the show they stuck with back when it wasn't popular and FOX didn't care about it (the show they fought to save) has now become something different then they remember. Apparently it's a sense of misplaced entitlement or something.

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Creators always hate their earliest work. Matt and Trey have disowned anything from before season 4 of South Park.

Why the first three seasons were comfy and funny and everyone wasn’t an asshole

He doesn't like the earlier seasons because they remind him of when he had a soul


>Creator thinks the shitty things they're currently creating aren't shit, and are in fact the best things they've ever made, more at 11.

So when are they going to can family guy?

He’s not creating it though. He just does voices.

Dvd commentary for volume 7

This. Like, modern Family Guy just became tedious and so pretentious. Especially when it lets skits go on for way too long.

>literally a decade ago
Cool, so maybe not relevant at all

>[citation needed]

Regardless if Seth actually said any of that or not, he is not in a position to voice his true feelings on the subject. Seth would get in a lot of hot water if he admitted in public that "Yeah, Family Guy isn't as good as it used to be".

Though the series itself has sprinkled plenty of small jokes referencing it's own decline in quality and popularity.

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It still takes a rare kind of humility for people working in media to admit their current or most recent work ISN'T their best. It's the same with musicians, directors, whoever - Their new album or movie is always the best one they've ever made. They're always getting better. No-one wants to admit they might have gotten worse.

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>Seth isn't very fond of the pre-cancellation episodes, citing story and animation problems, and doesn't find the first 3 seasons particularly funny.
He’s right, only in that Family Guy was NEVER good.

It's fun to listen to him not give a fuck on the DVD commentaries on the DVDs from early seasons.

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Its like how people enjoy Frank Sinatra but not Seth covering ol blue eyes.

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Trips says this year.

To be fair, most of pre-S4 South Park was legit trash.

Any good bits? Havent listened to them

Hey, Frankie, how's that helipad for JFK working out?

What a shame

Before I realized he worked on Johnny Bravo and his Cartoon Network pitch I really underestimated how big he was on animation in general. One i specifically remember him calling out was that during this song how Peter shrinks during the bit where he dances on the table.

why would they? unless fox have a show to replace it with.

who cares for what he said? He wrote three episodes

we can compromise
i think ALL of family guy sucks shit

Maybe it's a Disney thing, but even then it's confusing as to why

I couldn't give a fuck. Orville is the best thing he's ever made anyway. And he agrees.

Aren't there wealthy sex clubs he could keep his hobby in though. Even late season 2 had the fucking pilot get cucked by a hologram. That's as low as you can set the limbo bar.

That's not what cucked means.
Even if that is what it meant, that's not what happens in the episode.


Dr. Mephisto disagrees, but will give you credit because they actually disowned Mr. Hankey.

Then he's retarded. The show sucks now

I believe Mickey's sharpening his axe, weaving his rope, and charging his chair right now.

We know what cucked means, as well as NTR. He has a thing for people getting caught with another person or leaving them for another person over and over. It's his MO. In this case he walked in with the hologram with her old hologram, after he deleted him.

I always thought this was dumb. Seasons 1 and 3 are excellent, only Season 2 is bad.
And does that include the movie? Because that's the funniest movie ever made and season 21 has a blatant reference to it.

>A creator being out of touch with his fans.
What a shock.

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>OP has no source for any of this but everyone here is just going to believe it anyway due to confirmation bias

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Read the thread, you inbred mongrel.

i was going to say the south park thing aswell
its really odd to me how these creators think their shit is good and their good stuff is shit

wrong, get some taste
season 2 is amazing whats wrong with you fags

I have. Still haven't seen a source.

You clearly haven't