Admit it Yea Forums, she'd be even better if she was really fat.
Admit it Yea Forums, she'd be even better if she was really fat
Why is Yea Forums the board with the largest amount of fat fetishists?
I’d say 250 pounds would be best for her.
I don’t know. Yea Forums is filled with interracial porn and scat/fart fetish stuff sometimes. Every board is weird
I'd love if it was like this general shape, that fucking gut.
>She still manages to be a thief even at this weight.
>She starts stealing from restaurants' and grocery stores' stockrooms
Cause Yea Forums material as metric fuckton of waifus and fat fetish is relatively common.
>She uses her navel as it gets deeper and deeper the fatter she gets as a place to store her thefts on her heists.
trash probably beats it in that regard
Plot twist I have a fat fetish
Its honestly only a matter of time till someone in the industry making or working on a cartoon has a fat fetish.
Why is she so perfect?
>The Black Fat
Dat ain't no supapowa
>implying there aren't already
She's got a nice exposure of skin, great sharp white hair, and the mask accentuates her eyes and facial features by bringing your attention to them with the black contrast to skin and white hair.
I dunno, Yea Forums's pretty close.
Yeah but....theres no real proof of it
>We finally get proof in a new Spiderman cartoon where Black Cat gets infected or changed by somethign sh steals that makes her a 500lb glutton.
>Black Fat in Black Cat’s suit
It’s arguably one of the most common fetishes. I’d be surprised if that wasn’t one of the main reasons for that Ballmasterz character’s design. I mean rick and misty had breast expansion so cute fat girl in a future cartoon is probably not too unlikely.
We fucking had that one DC comic where like a bunch of characters got fucking inflated.. dammit I want my official Black Cat Weight Gain event.
This is true. Speaking of, anyone read those fat Spider-Gwen stories? They did one where Gwen and Black Cat became enormous thanks to some artifact the latter stole, shit was hot.
The only downside is she didn't stay fat because of status quo.
But for real, Black Cat is one of the best Yea Forums girls to fatten up based on her outfit alone.
I have to admit, sometimes, not always but I've wanted an absurd event involving Felicia where she gets fatter and fatter with seemingly no end and by the time she gets fixed she's engulfing most of NYC in her blubber.
>Peter fucking teases her about for months on end afterwards.
I think PlumpSpiderGwen on deviantart writes them
Yeah that's the guy. Couldn't remember the name, been a bit since I've read their stuff.
That aside, it is strange that there hasn't been any kind of major WG thing in comics yet. Even as a gag, it would be great to have it happen.
Nigga weren't you on /trash/ pushing this same shit?
>all these subhumans talking about their literal shit-tier, disgusting fetish as if it's anything other than shit-tier and disgusting
Fat people are fucking gross and this isn't any different
Who let Dobson into Yea Forums?
Yeah but 2d is different.
>a trip was wasted on such a worthless post.
You ever think if Dobson didn't give up on the inflation fetish, he would be less of a target?
I was actually being nice because it's even worse than 3d, they're drawn like they're the poison swamp boss from out of a fucking Souls game
Dobson's into inflate, this is fat.
I'm not even into fat shit but she's kind of hot here
here's version without spiderman to distract anyone
Damn, I hope this doesn't start something in me.
user...I'm so sorry. It may already be too late for you.
What do you like about it if you don't like fat?
So you honestly think Felicia could continue to to do her stuff semi successfully at this size? Like could she get used to the weight and size change and perhaps even use it to her advantage from time to time....or would she just be fucked and have to grin and bear it?
"Mary Jane becomes a plus-size super model" is what I'd try to get away with if I was a hack Marvel writer given way to much autonomy and wanted to flaunt my fetishes under an SJW cloak.
I'm fairly sure there's a lot of crossover there.
Based Ray-Norr
people talking about being sexually attracted to giant blob people is just generally disgusting brah, nobody likes knowing that sort of thing exists, let alone is on a website you frequent
>assuming i'm mad
It's mild disdain and I've got nothing else to do tonight, nice armchair psychology though
>What is the "Hide Thread" button?
I get the feeling she would attempt to not let it slow her down, attempting to go about business as usual...only for it to backfire and have her get stuck during a getaway or something to that effect.
Solid idea to include during a comic, especially since it could easily be passed off as progressive. Honestly you could almost do that for any comic gal, just say you're going with body positivity and have an incarnation of some character be overweight. No other attention drawn to it, just make it simply what it is and it would be celebrated.
Assuming the same height as Peter Parker (5"10"), I think a well distributed 200 would be perfect. Distribution>amount.
>She gets punched/hit in the gut and it reflexively forces out a massive belch.
>nobody likes knowing that sort of thing exists
Sadly you've gotta open your eyes someday and realize the world isn't all peaches and cream and that people are into some weird shit.
You can either deal with it calmly or over react to the largest extreme
I can agree but my wacky side wants to see something in the upper 400s.
>Sats never finished this and still hasn't come back
He used to be one of my favorite fetish artist.
Look at half the pics here, there's barely a difference
I have tiny ideals that she'd end up like that one Bleach comic he did with Orihime.
It'll never happen though.
>fat woman doing flips and wheels, swinging on ropes and shit
/trash/ is basically the manifestation of the clique of furry weebs who posted on Yea Forums Yea Forums /d/ and /tg/ during the late 2000s and early 2010s, and as such pretty much has a 100% overlap with Yea Forums
>barely a difference
of course a pleb without an eye for this stuff would say that.
>Acrobatic fat women
>Fat swinging, swaying and jiggling everywhere
This is the greatest image ever posted
your dick is a wimp
I hadn't realized that was Satsurou at first. The hell happened, his art style underwent a dramatic transformation.
Sorry buddy, but people are going to like things you don't. You just gotta deal and move on
That's not fat. That's her baby. Her 8 Peter Parker babies.
Bruh. Fat people are disgusting
2d fats, on the other hand, are soft and jiggly
>Fat people are disgusting
One fat people that are disgusting are the one who take 0 care in their appearance, which are typical ones you see on streets or wal-mart, which I mostly say are men.
How would Peter tease Black Cat if he came across her one night and she's triple the weight she was last time they met?
"Guess the Kingpin's got some competition as the Fat Cat in the city"
Or I can see him making a Garfield joke
>One fat people that are disgusting are the one who take 0 care in their appearance
So all the fat people who are fat then?
"So Mondays aren't your thing either huh kitty?"
"How's it hanging Felicia? I mean you know figuratively speaking, your gut there is down to the floor"
"What jewels and valuables too boring for you now so you switched to cupcakes and brownies?"
>Felicia's uses her new bulk to Smash through stuff and pin enemies to walls or the ground.
She'd be better if she was really buff
Imagine her being like Venom
Overwhelming Peter with her strength, pushing him around, and holding him down.
And when she gets excited she becomes less graceful and more forceful, to the point of causing property damage just for fun.
not into it myself but I support you nonetheless.
What if Buff Felicia and Fat Felicia met each other?
>My own clonw
>Now I can be my own feeder!
Buff Felicia ends up getting influenced by Fat Felicia and vice versa
>By the end of it Buff ends up even fatter than Fat was initially and the same goes for Fat.
>downplaying jerking it to morbidly obese things this bad
Yikes, at least own up to how you're fucked in the head
I hate how hostile the modern man is to eccentricity.
It's no different than any other weird fetish my dude. Just live and let be.
But speaking of being screwed up, holy shit is amazing. Who's the artist?
no idea
its just the idea of her being physically imposing to Spidey and being capable of doing something like this, is really hot.
They fuse into strongfat Felicia.
>mocking and expressing contempt for whacking it to the polar opposite of what humanity has evolved to find attractive over thousands of years = not liking weird and foreign things in general
>the classic brainlet "if it doesn't hurt anyone it's not bad!!" panic button argument
Acting pretty high and mighty for a couple of mongoloids that jack off to something that's this intrinsically repulsive
>It's no different than any other weird fetish my dude
So inherently bad?
>Just live and let be.
That's stupid.
You're stupid.
Im not wrong for bitching about shit that doesnt affect me, you're wrong...
>first ever depiction of the human body by man was a fat woman with big tits
>somehow wrong to like fat women with big tits
>it's okay to be into what literal caveman were attracted to
Shut the fuck up user hide the goddamn thread like a normal person.
I won't but tell you what, I'll just beat my meat to some cutie and not a fucking tub of lard like a normal person instead
Probably because Yea Forums has the highest proportion of users that are fat out of all the boards.
>Ok got it you literally came in here to put yourself on a pedestal
Totally cool man, enjoy yourself!
She isn't thicc enough?
Yeah because I come on an anonymous message board to make fun of degenerates for glory, you really got me
Go fuck yourself
“If you come quietly, i’ll get you some lasagna”
Hell, we have an entire Marvel character whose whole thing is getting fat.
I mean...what else is this post?
>She briefly considers it due to her newly acquired gluttony.
Yeah...but Big Bertha sucks, absolute butter face. and fuck that hairdo.
Yeah, not to disparage anyones likes or dislikes but Black Cat looks best when she's fit.
>Peter notices an just smiles under his mask
Is that the PS4 game's Black Cat? Even if they messed up her look, at least she's got some nice assets left.
>Spiderman and Black Cat were later found at an Italian Restaurant with the woman eating ravenously from 20 plates stacked with various kinds of lasagna.
>Black Cat was later banned from the restaurant, a new customer by the name of Felicia came by some time later.
You're not completely right...but you're not completely wrong either.
Oh I want more than just fit.
She should be as intimidating as she is sexy.
I'll say she can be just as intimidating on the other side of the scale.
There was a story where mad scientists made a formula based on her powers.
Who could canonically be reasonably expected to be attracted to Felicia if she was or despite her being really damn fat?
she found out about his fetish
I completely disagree. Except for the haircut, that's always been pretty shit.
>Felicia kept getting fatter and fatter for Peter
>She didn't stop till she was considered a threat to the city by simply existing.
okay she looks fine there. I guess only when shes really fat do they make her face look weird.
I think it was more so the old styles going out of their way to make her seem unattractive. She can still be pretty cute even in her massive form.
Yeah this does look better.
>this will never be Felicia.
fuck comics.
if one of these two HAD to happen in the next Spiderman cartoon whenever that (I dont keep track) which work better overall for gags and stuff?
Just give the serum made from Big Bertha's power to Felicia. Then distribute it to other superheroines in the Marvel universe.
Then figure out a way to send the serum to the DC universe and profit.
but is there anything in Marvel that could make Felicia superbuff?
Gamma Radiation?
Too unrealiable.
Need something like venom that just instantly makes people buff.
Aside from the source, there's literally no difference. Face it, you're not any more special than inflationfags.
>Being this retarded.
Dude, shit like is inflation, this is fat. It's a very clear difference you moron.
That waist is just gross.
The first would be better long term. You'd get a good plot out of Felicia becoming fatter and dealing with the changes in her everyday life and as Black Cat. Plenty of opportunities to allow for gags (and fan service).
The second would really only be good for a one off thing that could have a few jokes said about it before she's fixed. The only way I could see a longer-term thing and thus more gags from it would be if she were stuck that way after the initial event and we would be treated to a look at her every so often while she's being monitored somewhere until a fix is found.
obese cat and Jane harem for Spidey when...?
>It's a very clear difference you moron.
Not to anyone relatively normal.
They both look like gross fetishes to me.
Alright so how fat would you want her in an episode.
Only if Mary Jane gets as fat as Fat Cat too
Is it just the outfit or something? What is if about her that works so well fat?
>Admit it Yea Forums, she'd be even better if she was really fat.
They're just there as ballast.
How obese?
It's how it curves on her flab and how it opens out to expose her belly and breasts.
>trash probably beats it in that regard
Probably because fatshit takes up almost all of the board at this point.
>people talking about being sexually attracted to giant blob people is just generally disgusting brah, nobody likes knowing that sort of thing exists, let alone is on a website you frequent
>"Mary Jane becomes a plus-size super model" is what I'd try to get away with if I was a hack Marvel writer given way to much autonomy and wanted to flaunt my fetishes under an SJW cloak.
The body positivity thing is a good angle, but only if you cast someone like pic related as MJ.
Duh, of course man.
Over 400lbs and beyond.
>says the one with a shit tier fetish posting smug anime grills
I like the way you think.
>MJ gets fat, Peter doesn't mind and helps her feel better about it
>Black Cat gets jealous and tries to steal Peter away, gets even bigger than MJ
400 and beyond Huh? I like the way you think user.
>MJ and Felicia trying to be bigger than each other, causing all sorts of fatty lewd hijinks for Peter.
Thanks user. What's your ideal size then?
I uh-huh don't have one, I don't have a limit but for now I'd go a ton.
I'm with this user, really all that matters is they get enormous and keep getting bigger from there
idk. i tend to prefer sticc girls
>Felicia ends up overtaking all of New York in her blubber from constant eating from her recent hiked up appetite, Spiderman is so shocked he doesn't have any quips like he normally would.
Is there a way a weight gain plot could be taken seriously here?
If presented in the right way, I don't see why not. The ideas of going down a SJW body positivity route could certainly pass for such. I'm sure there are plenty of other ways it could be done, like there's no reason you couldn't have characters slacking off or growing lazy and complacent to the point that they put on weight.
Nice. That sounds perfect actually.
Hell yeah!
>"...Gonna need 4 or 5 helicarriers to lift this cat."
Why is she so good as big fatty?
She just gets bigger, big enough that Hulk couldn't lift her even if he supremely pissed off.
Tight suit helps, frames her curves in a better way. Plus just seeing a lithe, athletic character like her grow bigger is just a lovely idea.
I wish this happened