
Five days until the Nepilogue rolls around and fixes every complaint you ever had with how this dumpster fire ended.

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Other urls found in this thread:

They can’t fix how this was the worst fanbase in human history
Worse then Undertale, Sonic, furries, brownies, MLP, DBZ, Naruto. Worse then all of it

This ain't about you, sweaty. Fuck along now and let the adults have their talk.

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>worse than mlp
spotted the newfag
nepilogue confirmed

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Nepetaquest 2011+8

We're going to get the ending we deserve

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Pray for Nepeta

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I dunno, I haven't kept up with MLP in ages, has it really had such a sheer drop in quality like Homestuck had, thats defended by total faggots? Cause that's the homestuck fandom.

Well, not the Yea Forums Homestuck fandom, most people here hate what it became. But tumblr and especially, oh god, twitter.

>thats defended by total faggots?
echochamber effect
>most people here hate what it became
echochamber effect

>it doesnt matter what your opinion is and who you disagree with, you're in an echo chamber!
ok kid

A man can hope

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As you can tell, these are the worst type of fandom people
You must be over 18 to post on Yea Forums, because no one over that can act as immature as these two

>literally all relationships are gay


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I want more Aradia in the epilogue

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Are you sure?

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this but also Equius

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No equius tho just Aradia

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I'll be amazed if the Nepilogue is nothing less than an actual rewrite of at least part, if not all of the ending of Homestuck - since nothing else would fix is numerous glaring issues.

What it boils down to is how Andy Hussie views and responds to the entire scenario itself. Ultimately, Andrew needs to understand that we aren't blaming him for all of the bad shit that happened towards the end of the comic. We're a (generally) pretty smart and attentive bunch who observe carefully and understand the circumstances whenever we are privy. It's obvious that Andrew got a little ahead of himself and bit off more than he could chew with the Kickstarter - it's a human error and understandable when you're high on writing what was at the time a runaway internet hit with no brakes in site. Remember we all really thought that it would be a matter of single digit years before Homestuck was a massive mainstream giant.

Bad decisions were made concerning Hiveswap and the results are minimal and ... okay overall at best. We can't blame Hussie for TOG being shysters, we can entirely forgive him for being naive the first time he did a project like this. No-one can blame him for his dad's untimely death, really at the worst point for his son's creative output and responsibilities. Ultimately we can completely say that the crappy, crappy ending of Homestuck wasn't Andrew's fault.

What we can say - maybe not blame because that's such a castigatory term - but perhaps point out is that it's important for Andy to acknowledge that, yes, the ending of Homestuck really is bad. It's not the worst ending to a thing ever, but it stands out like a parched anus next to the glory that was the rest of the comic. Homestuck really was the beginning of some really excellent, and it still is - just in a state of hibernation, buried underneath its own disastrous finale and its misgiven apologists.

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I haven't really paid attention to Homestuck in awhile
What's the Nepilogue about?

Will it fix Gamzee?

Everyone's hoping Nepeta will come back for the 10 year anniversary celebration
Man, I miss stoner Gamzee

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His death will fix him

He's still making this stuff?

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He confirmed the epilogue, so... yes? Whether or not it's ghostwritten again, or if he'll even do the artwork for it, is an entirely different matter.

I just wish he'd wash his hands of it and make a new adventure already. He clearly has no interest in HS anymore.

That's not good enough. When you make a comic THIS good with so much potential yet to be realised, you cannot just a dump on it and say "now it's finished". There has to be more.

I have fixed the comic

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Dude, sometimes that's the only healthy way to move on from a life-consuming endeavor.

I can't believe it's going to be 10 years
There'd better be more than a fucking sale

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Definition of unhealthy. Andrew has had ALL of his life consumed if he can't finish Homestuck. There's nothing to move on to, he's spent.

With a billowing howl, I send forth my axe into my hands, and heft it, upwards, its massive blade the size of half of my body. And extending further, to the side. An optimum cutting surface, for destroying hopes.

Cracks spew into stone, as a green-shirted man lifts up his arms. Youths from darkness look on in fear. It is a role I must take up. An arbiter of Hussie's ever-consuming path. For it is not satisfactory to end him. The fates, wherever they may be. Must string him along. No, his fate, is his own to craft, through his own misguided effort.

A pathway in darkness falls, although one Andrew Hussie, in his green sword shirt, had told his,... "fans" it would be so easy to traverse to his new place in time. Although he used different words, a savvy customer saw the truth. That no matter what the individuals involved did, the path of Andrew Hussie, a certain figure once known, could only be destructive. Creative works rise, and then fall spectacularly into the gloom.

The youths saw in stark contrast the gloom, when they wished to find the stars.

Just two more weeks bros

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It’s time for some fun. Do you like fun, /hsg/?

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Do it, you fucking subhuman

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Looks like somebody’s perky little boipucci wants to “play” with an engorged rhino penis!

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Don’t you have some grey bodypaint to rub off somewhere else? Or a bucket that needs spitting into?

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