So why doesn't Disney want their properties to cross over?

So why doesn't Disney want their properties to cross over?

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It depreciates each individual brand and prevents them from being their own.
For example xmen couldnt be rated R or have more serious tones if it merged with avengers.

what is wreck it ralph 2
what is house of mouse
what are the lilo and stitch crossovers
what are the phineas and ferb crossocers

I guess their rules feel arbitrary.
Like there's a convoluted venn diagram of what characters are allowed to interact but they just keep acquiring more IPs and struggle to organize the mess.

even they fully expect to get the trustbusting hammer any day now. no reason to fuck things up for the future when they don't own those things anymore
plus marvel learned their lesson by making everything cross with everyone, spider-man meeting transformers and fighting godzilla...

I always thought it was because their wildly different. They come from different time periods, different locations, and some are based on real people. So it wouldn’t make sense to have them crossover

Because it could increase the chances of them being forced to acknowledge things like Black Cauldron?

I feel like now more than ever Disney is cashing in on as many of their franchises as they can, either through remakes or cross-overs. I think the inclusion of certain worlds in KH3 is part of that, but the problem with this instance is how restrictive they were with how those properties were included.

On a different note, I also feel the way the Disney worlds tied into the overall storyline of KH3 was tenuous, but that’s for another discussion.

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More tenuous than in the previous games?

Fair point. It hasn’t really been the same since KH1, but at least in most other installments it’s the weakest part of the narrative. KH3 has the most.

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>what is wreck it ralph 2
The cross over uses Disney Princesses, which are allowed to be together because they are a brand.

*most problems, I mean

>It hasn’t really been the same since KH1,
NOTHING is the same as number 1. Every TV show has a 6 episode grace period which will shift the tone til things are figured out, most movies sort of get set in stone from the sequel onwards, and even the MCU is completely different from what it was from Phase 1, and I ain't talking about the more Avengers they added. Every first is very different from what follows. Best example is the first four episodes of Futurama.

Yeah, the first game's plot wasn't overly convoluted, it had a few things, and it was pretty cheesy, but that comes with being Disney. The gameplay wasn't very good though, 2 is objectively better in that aspect, but each game makes the plot more and more complicated that it really needs to be, and causes retroactive rule breaking that wasn't an issue before, but now it is.

the pirates world was restricted to its plot to the point that sora participated in the slaughter of the british armada after will became captain of the flying dutchman

He also totally murdered several guys in 2's pirate plot, since they explode into bones when you defeat them, so when the curse was lifted, it would be like the arm in the drawer.
I'm not the only one who remembers the arm in the drawer, right?

didn't their "deaths" get censored outside of the japanese version and in final mix? I recall that they made edits to the pirates world, namely when Will planned to commit suicide

>Disney is cashing in on as many of their franchises as they can

>Treasure Planet

I don't know about that

I meant logically speaking, when you defeat the pirates, they burst into bones, so even if they can get put back together, there are definitely a few who wouldn't be reassembled by the time the curse was lifted.
But yeah, in final mix at least, Will makes the threat, but he doesn't physically do anything to imply he could have, no pointing the gun at himself, he wasn't standing on the edge when he explained who he was, I'm pretty sure Barbossa died, even though he was shot before the final coin went back.
>Treasure Planet
They don't like to acknowledge those. And they did Tron and Tron Legacy already, and it's not like they brought back every single world from all the previous games, right?

I felt like the worlds in 3 were at least the most connected to the plot that they've been since KH1

Maintaining the integrity of the brand. For Disney, brand is everything.

>So why doesn't Disney want their properties to cross over?
It all has to do with immersion, Disney as a company is REALLY anal about it and it extends into ALL of their brands. While Nomura does claim that KH's concept of world order is something he came up, Disney is more than likely requiring Nomura to keep the concept in for those reasons. Notice how it wasn't really mentioned past KH1 until recently?
>what is wreck it ralph 2
Because Oh My Disney a website, the Disney Princesses that show up there are DIGITAL representations of the characters. also has a point about them being a brand name.
>what is house of mouse
A TV show, those follow different rules when compared to Disney's films.
>what are the lilo and stitch crossovers
>what are the phineas and ferb crossovers
TV show crossovers don't count.

A reminder that Sora, Riku, Kairi, and the Mickey-related characters should've been the series only MCs. The others should've died of fucked off forever after their respective games.

why dont they like treasure planet/atlantis ? they were both fun movies. its been a while, but when i saw black couldron when iwas younger i loved it. its odd to see such a big company hide its ips.

I don't know, they just don't.
Apparently Emperor's New Groove is on their "do not mention" list too, since I heard somebody went to Disneyland/World and the employees didn't know what to do because they were wearing merchandise from it.

Because Disney has their claws in the franchise completely and would never allow any B-List or Dark Age films in the games over the more popular ones.
Even asking for that stuff in a side-game is pushing it.

The Days ones yeah, but 3's whole purpose was to save the BBS trio that Xehanort fucked over until Coded came along and fucked everything up.

Because they were both flops? And Black Cauldron is the worst because it almost killed them.

Oh I didn't mean KH, I just meant Disney. They really hate Tron.
>Tron 3
>Tron Uprising season 2
It still hurts.

Though they really missed a chance to check in with Tron in KH3

Even then the BBS trio should've died in their game anyway. I mean they just serve as plot devices for the main plot and characters.

From what I heard, House of Mouse was okay because it's characters going to a Mickey Mouse location, which counts as "neutral territory".

In comparison, the teams for Aladdin and Hercules' animated series had to fight to get a crossover between those two.

Not really, they serve as the first victims of Xehanort's fuckery with darkness. Leaving Ven locked in the chamber of waking and Aqua in the realm of darkness for eternity would have been shitty of Nomura. Leaving Roxas, Namine, and Xion as part of Sora and Kairi complete their character arcs of becoming whole people again. None of the Organization needed to return but I guess if Nomura wanted that clash with a reformed Xehanort they had to or it would have been unfair.

Disney is retarded for being so anal about this when I bet fucking EVERYONE would greatly enjoy crossovers of their shit.

The Princess angle didn't matter at all here. Maleficent did nothing of consequence in the game. Boss encounters that happened there didn't play into the finale as the last third of the game still kept all the Big 13 opponents alive for that gauntlet. At least in 2 you were able to curtail the Organization's numbers before the last world.

I hate that the princesses of light from 1 was retconned into "oh right, the light pieces of the x-blade just so happened to land in these fairy tale princesses temporarily"

I hate that the "7 pieces of light" didn't actually matter since the X-blade was only forged from the 13 dark keys and Sora could basically just have soloed the entire Org without the othe 6 jobbers to weigh him down.

They literally had Sora wander a round doing nothing for the first couple worlds, figuring the plot would just wander up and hit him in the head. Even worse, it did. If I never saw the movies I never would have known what was going on, where as in KH1 I never saw pinochio but the plot of Monstro still fucking worked and made sense. Why was Arendale its own zone when there were no fights, just a dancing mini game and place to collect treasure?

People still play these games after reaching adulthood?

sora died like 3 times in the final stretch and wouldn't have lived without kairi, donald and goofy giving him their strength

Only because he had to protect that useless slut Kairi in the first place and Nomura popped everyone about 50 Ritalin each in that scene for some stupid reason.

The series should've ended at KH2 when everything important was resolved and it the series didn't turn into convoluted shounenshit with shilling.

Yeah, 2 had a perfectly good ending but still left room for unmentioned adventures. The trio was reunited, Riku dealt with his inward struggle, and Roxas and Naminé found peace, could have just ended it there.

How did Nomura get away with this blatant plagiarization?

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I got lost along the way with how they said Sora needed to learn this skill he was already using except using wrong yet the ones who apparently know how to use it never bothered to teach him.

still would have died, protecting bland love interest or not

japs have been doing that shit for ages in anime

>still would have died, protecting bland love interest or not
Considering he knows how to block when it's to defend himself instead of just hugging someone so they die together I doubt it.

cutscene competence =/= gameplay


Really the whole problem with KH is both Nomura's shitty writing and Disney having their claws squeezed into it.