Post your favorite comic book pages!

Post your favorite comic book pages!

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Are you trollan?

I like this because at least three of those characters played absolutely no role in cwII.

Jen was in a coma! What am i even looking at

Am I not allowed to enjoy things?

This is co. Sadly you are not.

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Take this to Yea Forums, I’m sure they’ll love it.

That's her secret twin gen

You can, just don't pretend this shit is good.

Call me crazy but I'm pretty sure that is Frank castle in the war machine armor and not CW2

I like this in the sense that the whole city is reacting to the event.

Also, my fave is pic-related.

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It's the Punisher, in a War Machine armor, fighting toe to toe with Captain Marvel, while Moon Knight, She-Hulk, Daredevil, Patsy Walker and Spider-Man watch.
What is there not to love?

>hulk fighting giant monster-puking catfish
Dude what did I miss

There’s plenty of great pages with those characters on them. But that page can’t be divorced from the story it was in, where it just feels random and excessive. Though to be fair, I rarely like splash pages.

Also, it’s pic related for me

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Immortal Hulk. The previous storyline.

You missed the Hulk fight a giant monster-puking catfish

I'm a simple man

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>Anime laser beams

I never really cared much about the Hulk, but I may have to check that shit out.

OP is not a fag this time, it seems.

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Same here, but Immortal has been great

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Based Black Bolt Bash of Bane

>The fly and emil antonowsky (robocop's toxic waste guy) among the monsters

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should i post manga pages? i dont think there are enought good comic pages to keep this thread going

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I can smell this post

Heartbrekaign whats the source.

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No it’s fine, post manga, please get yourself banned.
Beasts of burden

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Hmm. Should I read Black Bolt? They kind of irritated me with what they did with his and Wanda's marriage...

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>Should I read Black Bolt

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That’s fantastic.

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Jesus Christ, that's some dark humor.

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B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Captain Marvel is the most powerful Avenger, that advert for the laptop told me so. She's going to beat Thanos by herself. How can Warmachine beam struggle with her?

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I love these pages so much.

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Everything. It's Punisher in name only.

>It's Punisher in name only.
Do you think that’s a cosmic ghost Rider page? Why is that the character you singled out?

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I like your style friend.

Has anyone else read this?

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ink work looks amazing

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I love Snotgirl, but that's a weird page to have as a favorite.

So what is the right question?

Uh oh...

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Someone please post Rightclops going GET OFF MY LAWN on a Sentinel

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Morrison's Animal Man was so based


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Anything by Marshall Rogers. Got his, Steve Englehart and Terry Austin to sign the cover of Dark Detective #1, the cover where Joker is mimicking the Uncle Sam I Need You! poster.

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Why tf did I say Wanda? I meant Medusa.

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My favorite

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great book

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That is the gayest way you could have got that picture

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Good tastes.

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the fuck's a "comic book"?

A picture book where the pictures show the story in sequence.

This page is what I always default to when I need to show someone exactly who doctor doom is and why he’s unironically the best

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Most pages in Gwenpool #17.

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How can I make this fucker hurt?

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Kill yourself.

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>a bird's-eye view

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to be honest it's the only page i saved for whatever reason

it's well laid out tho

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this entire issue was fantastic. comics should do wordless fight scenes more often

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Kirby, obviously

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Aja (written by Nocenti)

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>mfw reading literally any Marvel event

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Ouch. The Shadow I am guessing?

Steranko, who I should have more saved. Especially that Captain America page at the arcade

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Fuck Hulk

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The Shadow 1941: Hitler's Astrologer

>the chad steranko

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did he deserve it?

Welp, now I've got nothing to post.

That thumbnail makes it look like Superman's in the panel next to Spider-man.

What comic is this from?

Not if what you enjoy is shit.

there are a bunch of sweet spreads from that run

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This page is a recent fav

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Fuck that hits my soul

As much as I disliked Civil War II, I think there was some gorgeous shots

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Do webcomic pages count?

Bendis's Daredevil run. I think the 4th issue of the Decalogue arc

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Simonson's orion, issue 5

What is Daredevil even looking at?

What the fuck is going on in the Hulk series?

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oops, meant to say thanks for the sauce

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Some cocky scientist killed and chopped Bruce Banner up since Hulk only comes out at night now. He didn’t factor in that all hulk needed to do was snap to burst out of those glass beakers.

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Cliched perhaps, but when I read it in full I get a tingle every time.

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Morrison/Johns Mirror Master is scary as hell, man

The Inhumans ripped off Mass Effect?

Shazam! Shazam! Shazam! [explosion]

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She cute

>Hulk only comes out at night now
why tho

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It was like that at the beginning of the series, he was sort of more like the Jekyll and Hyde dynamic.

Granted JMS's Thor was pretentious and up its own ass at times, but it struck a real chord with me to have Thor, the one god known as 'friend of midgard' choosing to come back to live, and breathe, and fight, again, for the sake of all of us. Especially considering how, while he was gone, they made that murder-clone of him, and in the last storyline he featured in the only non-Asgardian friend who didn't betray him was Beta-Ray Bill.

It's too bad that moments like these are outnumbered and eclipsed by all of the wank. This is unironically a great page and a great moment but it's cheapened by all of the shitty writers who forget that Doom is a villain, not their self-insert gary stu.

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