Scientist Supreme is a stupid concept

Scientist Supreme is a stupid concept.

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Sorcerer Supreme is a stupid concept.


Obviously the Maker

muh retarded dichotomy between science and sorcery even though science is just the observation of any phenomenon not a fucking super power

Shouldn't Reed Richards be Scientist Supreme?

Nah, Maker and the Reeds have too high an opinion of themselves to care about "abstracts" and titles. Doom's autistic enough to get angry, and Tony's insecure enough to feel scorned.

Intellectually you may 100 have a point. I cannot say that you are 100 % wrong. I could say it but then I would be unscientific.

But the story it appears in was a lot of fun
The scene where Reed boats of being better at Pym than Pym was instantly famous and emotionally Scientist Supreme seems to match the outfit he's wearing as a white WASP. There's definitely implied totem magic going on,

do you concur?

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A lot of comics are a stupid concept made by really stupid but imaginative people who normally don't even understand the underpinning concept of what the fuck they are saying.

Comic book scientists are basically wizards.

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Pym as Villain my bishis
Heroine as SoldierWeaponent
Scientist Supreme's an actual guy though. He reminds me of the tech parents of Chase from RUNAWAYS . Pym's a West Coast Avenger, too.

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Wasn't it just bullshit Loki made up?

Why did it take this long for this to be posted

Comic books use the word science in a way totally different from real life.
What would be a good alternative term to use for invention making ability?

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>science is just the observation of any phenomenon
Science is not just observation.

For productivity how much do you think the United States economy can afford to keep some people away from a workplace. Some people who have no business trying to be responsible for anything for the sake of safety and efficiency?

Yang gang question

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Isn't it called technopathy?

>Muh magic is just science we don’t understand yet
Fucking gay as shit.

Not really... this one is from Avengers Academy for example, do you think all those abstract beings are Loki?

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Gadget Generation.

Science we don't understand can be seen as magic, but I don't think it works the other way.

>science we don't understand
PHENOMENA we don't understand
science is just the practice of doing empirical research

I always thought technopathy let you control machines with your mind

You're complaining about magic being demoted to shiny science while effectively justifying their decision for doing so: you're too autistic.

>science is not a super power
>dichotomy between science and sorcery is retarded
Pick 1. Sorcery is super, often spiritual.

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