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Other urls found in this thread:

Based cuckservatives btfo

I hate the fact that this is true.

Even good comedians fell into this hole.

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i clap when they say fuck trump

LMAOOL makes more sense.

I remember that stand-up fad.
It's mostly over now.
I was into it and found it funny but it was a little monotonous.
Less gay than "nervous woman who looks like little girl giggles into microphone" or "butch lesbian understated comedy that feels more like having a cup of coffee and shooting the shit"
There only needs to be one of each of these and currently there seem to be fucking dozens.

Attached: Anthony Jeselnik.jpg (3200x1680, 265K)

>criticizes comedians
>isn't funny themselves

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>Criticizes Cartoons
>Hasn't worked on one

Aw no, I actually like this

>"butch lesbian understated comedy that feels more like having a cup of coffee and shooting the shit"
Tig Notaro, right? That's a great description. It can be comfy.

>criticizes criticism
>while commiting criticism

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>dude religion is dumb haha

>i cant draw
>on no

Tig's my favorite of them.
I'm glad she didn't die horribly when she had that year where she almost died horribly from a dozen different things.

>look up artist
>work is trite and repetitive
>but they also seem like a decent person and they're one of the fifteen people on earth who do charitable shit to prevent male suicide

I don't get why they are still on the oh no thing, I wonder if it's some sort of meta-joke to see how long they can make them and still get likes or whatever, their old comics where kind of funny

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I like that every comic ends with "oh no."

I've lost count of all the old, washed-up comedians who rant about college students and think they're the first person to ever have a special called "Trigger Warning." Rickey Gervais' tweets about how edgy he is every five minutes.

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Ricky Gervais also isn't funny.

Ricky Gervais is the reason I didn't see the last Muppets movie.

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That's pretty good.



ALRIGHT Yea Forums


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This one is pretty good

I'm unfamiliar with standup history, why do people often say that comedy died with George Carlin? What made him so special?

I was waiting for a joke but she keeps interrupting herself to explain pointless shit

Is he even in it that much? I think he's just a secondary character but i haven't seen it either

Literally, there are too many comedians now. We are over saturated with comedians.

I think he can be a pretty good writer, and he can be quite funny when following a script, but when it's all just Gervais he's a bit of an asswipe.

Carlin was one of the last comedians with enough backbone to tell popular opinion to fuck off. Most comedians of his era simply aped his "fuck society and fuck popular culture" routine.
But that's all these comedians really were: Cheap copies trying to ape the thing they thought would make them look edgy and popular. It's exactly what says.

After a while when the culture changed and being mainstream was the 'hip' thing to be, all the same people who did stand-up routines in Carlin's style started to become the mainstream popular opinion they supposedly hated so much; but pretended that this was actual counterculture. Like somehow having opinions or making observations no one thinks is offensive or edgy is the most counterculture thing you could do.

You can see this in late night, which used to be made entirely of stand up comedians, now made up of movie stars and actors pretending to be stand-up comedians by aping the styles of the people who came before them, and they aren't funny.

This is also why so many comedians today love popular opinion and spend their time preaching that everyone who doesn't conform to it must be a dipshit: They don't have the backbone to try something new or unique in a market where they're competing with literally hundreds of people vying for attention. So they just parrot what's popular in an attempt to stay relevant.

>I think he can be a pretty good writer
It's kind of ruined when you see how fucking good he thinks his own writing is. I think it's blooper footage from Extras where you see someone trying to get through a scene, but Ricky's laughing manically over and over again. It wasn't Ricky cracking up while saying something. Ricky wasn't even IN the scene. Ricky was just standing off-camera listening to someone repeat the lines he's written, and losing his fucking shit and forcing everyone to do retakes.

I lost what little respect I had for him the day I saw that.


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adding to this, Carlin loved when someone told him "dude, you're gonna get in trouble for this routine", like his Seven Dirty Words routines that he guaranteed would get him banned from television, but in 2003 he went and did the routine on television anyway just to watch the shitstorm.

Think of a comedian who would risk getting banned off the air for the art of making a funny joke. Nowadays that would be fucking nobody. All of them are empty suits who are copy+pastes of one another.

The only comedians I can think of who would risk it today are probably people who would be called massive shitlords for doing the equivalent today.

>10 minutes
It probably isn't that bad
>Staff politics writer for vice
A 5 year old with a loose grasp on the english language telling a knock knock joke has a better understanding of comedy.
I've never wished someone was thrown into a room and raped by a pack of dogs as a means of enhancing the character of that person, but she makes a pretty good case for herself.
It would be a lot more funny to watch for 10 minutes than her "comedy" act.

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IMO pretty much all of Amy Schumer's routines are just as bad.


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heh heh

"What's the deal with comedians ?"

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What you don't know is that right after posting that comic, Dobson made all the vagenes wet at the same time. It got so bad they had to call the fire department.

>they think political comedy is the same as purposefully controversial comedy
"Fuck Trump" is "Saying what everyone is thinking" comedy, not "Saying something to shock everyone" comedy.

More like, say what everyone else is saying in your echo chamber, not what everyone else is thinking.

Now this is good meta.

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Jesus can you be more desperate?

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he's an extremely unpopular president, it's not even an "echo chamber" thing.

ricky gervais is the most insufferable cunt to have ever been born jesus christ

There hasn't been a president that's been truly loved by the threshold since Clinton.

Obama was protected from a lot of criticism by his skin color and charisma at the time, but now in retrospect people can dump on him for being a warmonger who failed a lot of the black voters as well as allowing race relations to deteriorate to a point last seen when Nixon was in office.
And Bush? Where would you even start?

Most Presidents are hated. Trumps numbers are no different than most. What's going to really matter is how damaging he's seen as being 10 years from now, like how Obama became the post turtle, how Bush became Literally Hitler, and how Slick Willy greased your mother's voting booth.

The only thing keeping trump alive politically is the full-blown cult mania of his supporters. Once that collapses and the Republicans are no longer able to obstruct justice, his true legacy of criminal corruption and incompetence will inevitably see the full light of day.
Of course there will be diehards who continue to live in their alternate reality propaganda world, with technology it's easier than ever to descend into information chaos rather than acknowledge obvious truths.

>as well as allowing race relations to deteriorate to a point last seen when Nixon was in office.
How is this Obama's fault?

Needs work. I suggest replacing
but I've personally always loved that one.

Imagine having been the most powerful man on the planet for eight years straight, and your entire legacy is going to be
>lmfao bush did 9/11!!!1!

>Obama was protected from a lot of criticism by his skin color and charisma at the time
That's news to me.
>as well as allowing race relations to deteriorate to a point last seen when Nixon was in office.
Not Obama's fault all the rednecks decided to start donning their robes.
>Trumps numbers are no different than most.
>What's going to really matter is how damaging he's seen as being 10 years from now
You're right about this.


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Bush junior is lucky he is not universally recognized as a war criminal, instead of getting off scot-free to his ranch to do nothing.

>5th panel/room isn't alluding to the monster dicking the realtor is giving to his client due to the privacy
Smoothbrain comic

here is a science experiment, could you understand this comic just with visuals?
The aethetics of the text boxes bothered me greatly

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Sounds like a cyberpunk gang that wears elephant masks

I like his stand up

obligatory bonus edit

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Not at first desu, I was reading from left to right thinking it was a full comic

I feel like it's possible this is the original but i may just be a brainlet

>immediately pivoting to other stuff
My man you need to put down the kool-aid and step outside the echo chambers

no wait hol up

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>fake geek virgin normie vs passionate chad

Made me giggle

i thought it was just the big c

>Carlin loved when someone told him "dude, you're gonna get in trouble for this routine"
I see why you like him. Edgy

>Not Obama's fault all the rednecks decided to start donning their robes.
it literally is. everything was fine, nobody was racist, until suddenly they started making big deals out of race shit again.

>everything was fine, nobody was racist, until suddenly they started making big deals out of race shit again.
you don't actually live in a rural area do you?
because people were just as racist in 2007 as they were in 2009, it's just retards starting fusing it with politics more openly.
though that's more for the over 40 crowd, younger is a mix of less racism but more edgy racist jokes/insults

>Obama was protected from a lot of criticism by his skin color

That's so weird because I recall a shitload of people saying he was the literal anti-christ and a muslim terrorist.

No, what you saw was the MSM quoting the most insane people they could find in order to make all critics of Obama appear crazy.

Not even ten words in and you're already bitching about Clinton. Goddamn.

>No, what you saw was the MSM quoting the most insane people they could find in order to make all critics of Obama appear crazy.
once again
t.never actually lived in a rural area.
I knew a few people who unironically believed he was a muslim, or from Kenya.
I don't recall anyone claiming he was satan but they came damn close, I recall one guy dead serious saying he'd be assassinated (though to be fair a different one said the same of Trump)

>quoting the most insane people they could find
We call them conservatives. Check the Q folks, they're unhinged.

>defending politicians so corrupt they make most other politicians look benevolent

Wow, Yea Forums posted a decent comic forbook once.

Trump is to Democrats what Obama is to republicans. I kind of miss the days when the local impeach obama guy would be on the street corner with his sign every day.

Theoretical you could label rightside feminist, religious, alt-right or far-left at the moment.

Bro I live in a state that almost passed an amendment to make gay marriage illegal. Its not some fantasy that there are loads of people who have really bigoted views about those different from them, be it fags, niggers, spics, kikes - you name it.

as a contrarian I would wear a Jar Jar Binks shirt.
I don't even like Star Wars.

>Not wanting to suck the dick of the establishment is 'edgy'.

about 3 minutes

Like Notch! (who isn't even fucking american)

You're missing the point. Comedy HAS to push the boundaries, otherwise it isn't funny.
What, do you think all comedy should be shitty jerry seinfeld routines or are you trolling?

>All conservatives are Q folks

comedy should shit on people in power, punch up at those who think they're immune to being made a fool of
not punch down

Have sex incel

How does this change the MSM's cherrypicking in regard to his critics? No one gave a shit about his interventionist policies, but every time someone brought up that he wasn't black jesus, here came the strawmen about birthers.

>Comedy HAS to push the boundaries, otherwise it isn't funny.
I'll still laugh at stale and safe shit all the time, old Marx bros, dad jokes, etc.
A lot of people will.
Like, you can argue that comedy peaks when transgressive, but saying it's only allowed to be one thing is retarded and absurdly binary.

Its not cherrypicking when there are shitloads of critics using that rhetoric. One of the loudest birthers is now the president of the US by the way.

I have never heard anyone use the phrase "punch up/down" who wasnt a massive SJW.
I'd call you a faggot, but I've never met a faggot as obnoxious as you SJW fuckheads.

>Vice Staff Writer
>"i'M jEWISH"
>"i'M a sOCIALIST"
>"i'M FORcED tO liVE unDEr CAPitaLISM"
Seriously though, 4 minutes in, out of a 10 minute performance, and she hasn't said a single joke.

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He unironically did sell out the country to foreign interests, and probably is a secret muslim. Likely groomed by CAIR/CIA/globalists for the presidency since birth.

Compare how the media treated Obama with how they treat Trump. Trump is an actual American born and raised.

>punch down
There is no such thing. There does not exist a hierarchy of privilege where it's only "OK" to make fun of the people on the top of it. It's called 'punching', but even that is a misnomer because words aren't punches.

People told Carlin that he couldn't say the seven words on TV because that was offensive and influential to their children, the lowest rung of any 'privilege ladder' you can come up with. He laughed at them. Just like comedians should laugh at you.

This is actually extremely true. I'm so fucking tired of the same edgy comedians who each try to rape Carlin.

So fucking what? They should be allowed

Yes it is, because not every critic uses that rhetoric. If you only present the craziest ones and say "Well this is what republicans are saying about his Pro-war strategy", then you just nullified the actual good criticism of his argument.

>One of the loudest birthers is now the president of the US by the way.
Probably because the MSM and the democrats spent eight years ignoring the complaints of the previous group of people by calling them crazy birthers.
They wanted to put the person in charge of Obama's interventionist policy as a DNC frontrunner, and everyone said no.

Right, then they shouldn't get completely assblasted when people call them bigoted.

carlin did punch up though, it's all the samey retards he inspired that don't get that

Bigot means unaccepting of other people's views.
Why can't you be accepting to their views? Why aren't (you) being decried as a bigot?

Epic logic bro, can't counter that

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I've now watched it all... She took 9 minutes to read a poem about getting fucked by a big red throbbing cock, and then said something about Khazzar Milkers and Capitalism... So THIS is... LIBERAL COMEDY!

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better dismiss it then.

I'll tell you why though, in case you're curious. It's because you are indoctrinated by Cultural Marxist memes of "tolerance," etc.

I would say he punched at the notion of self censorship in general. Which people, at the time, created to protect their children.
If you translated the hysteria to today, it would absolutely be people saying that Carlin was 'punching down'.

There was a bill with his name on it that failed to pass that was basically saying that Carlin and his actions were a direct attack on children all across America.

The same people crying in this thread about privilege and punching down would absolutely loathe Carlin, because that was his bread and butter.

tell me more about the khazar milkers

>You better support me killing all the niggers, kikes, and faggots or else you're the intolerant one

>political warfare
Not him, but stop, just stop.
This isn't a political war, this is shitposting on the internet. People who take it this seriously are losers who should feel actually ashamed for thinking that it's a war and not people laughing at you.

Advertising that scam site is pathetic.

>You better agree with me on inane social justice issues or I'll claim that you want to kill all the niggers, kikes, and faggots
Brilliant, my man. Brilliant.

Gay marriage isn't an inane social justice issue, user. You're coming across as pretty sheltered.

Nothing, she just pretends she's a contestant in Shark Tank and gets fucked by Capitalism. Or fucks Capitalism as a Domme. Alex Jones somehow plays a part. I've purged the thing from memory.

Yes it is, and my opinion on it doesn't mean I want to kill them or jews or minorities.
This idiotic strawman thinking is actually what is keeping people away from important issues. You've become your own worst enemy.

>the market follows what is successful giving people what they want
>this is somehow a bad thing


>How does this change the MSM's cherrypicking in regard to his critics? No one gave a shit about his interventionist policies, but every time someone brought up that he wasn't black jesus, here came the strawmen about birthers.
I just said the reality is most people were pretty damn close to the autistic screeching on tv out here in the boonies.
plenty of people were unironic birthers, but more to the point people shat on him for a lot more than personal shit like that, muh obamacare or muh socialism being huge out here.
mind you I can't speak for someone in the suburbs or cities but people genuinely hated him here,

>Yes it is
No it isn't, you only think that way because it doesn't impact you. And that fact that you'd oppose something that would improve the lives of others while offering no negative is quite telling about your moral character.

And no, that would be you. Homophobia is going down in the US, because people like you are the minority.

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>Yes it is,
considering like 60% of the country is now for it you can't exactly call it "inane social justice" issue when it's now mainstream.
unless you're going to call over half the country SJWs which would be laughable

>Based cuckservatives btfo

>Nerd struggles with dual-personality disorder.

>comparing the apu "controversy" to blackface
Holy moly

>No it isn't, you only think that way because it doesn't impact you.
It doesn't impact anyone. Gays are a tiny minority of the population
I'm not the same guy you were talking to. I personally think it's fine and honestly don't care because, again, it's a tiny minority of the population.
That said, you're lying to yourself if you think it's an important issue to anybody. It affects virtually no one. It only appears as an important issue because you personally obsess over it, it's not. Mainstream opinions, according to research, doesn't even have gay marriage in the top ten, and never ever has.

>And that fact that you'd oppose something that would improve the lives of others while offering no negative is quite telling about your moral character.
You are projecting. This is what I mean by strawman thinking. My opinion on this doesn't affect my opinion on, for instance, climate change. Or income inequality. Or Minorities. Or the jews.

By trying to take this inane social issue and lump in people who either don't care or don't think the way you do, you create your own worse enemy.
You may as well be rallying for your opposition, because this kind of thinking is a better recruitment tool than anything they can come up with.

well, what did he do to deter it?
you can't absolve a person of responsibility for not doing anything just because "well it wasn't his fault that happened"

>this bigass post
Dude calm down, stop being a triggered fucking spaz

>It doesn't impact anyone. Gays are a tiny minority of the population
These two sentences contradict each other, unless you're saying its okay to deny people equal treatment because they're from a minority. You're bad at arguments, user.

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It's two paragraphs. Are you so lazy as to not read two paragraphs?

The tl;dr is: You're wrong and also you're projecting so hard as to paint everyone else a bigot because you think in strawman. You think everyone else is an evil bigot nazi because they don't think the way you do.

It is when it comes at the cost of originality and artistic integrity. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to maintain a balance.

Here's the proof:

Here's my opinion on it:
>I personally think it's fine and honestly don't care because, again, it's a tiny minority of the population.

Argue with facts, not your feelings. You're bad at arguments, user.

>poll from 2019
you do realize that we basically settled the debate a few years ago right? that would be why it's no longer a major issue.
more to the point the other dude claimed it was an "inane social justice issue" which is different from just inane, since it actually happened and has majority support.
>it doesn't impact anyone
5% or so of the population isn't "anyone" m8.
also this is retarded thinking since the US military percentage wise is less than that, but that doesn't mean people don't get heated on shit like care for vets.

>Think of a comedian who would risk getting banned off the air for the art of making a funny joke.
I mean, there is Sam Hyde.

Sorry dude but you fucked up. "It doesn't impact anyone" is factually, objectively incorrect because the issue impacted gays and lesbians. That's precisely why most of the country approves of gay marriage now - because it was a social injustice. Learn how arguments work so you don't ruin your own attempted points.

That's literally what the documentary did. It had Whoopi Goldberg appear in it to say that Apu fits the description of blackface.

>you do realize that we basically settled the debate a few years ago right?
This is backtracking.
Again, I'm not the same person, I'm just pointing out the facts that it's not an important issue to people. By lumping in everyone as bigots because they don't agree with you on this one issue, you create your own problems.

that's not what cuckservative means, moron

i couldnt even last a second. that htumbnail scares me

I was actually thinking Dankula, literally the only modern day comedian I can think of that went to prison for making a joke.
Which puts him closer to Carlin than any of the 'mainstream' comedians on TV.

>This is backtracking.
Nice dodge dude.
Not that user btw :3

He didn't do it on purpose. He didn't know the video would get him arrested.

Are you going to talk about the facts that this isn't an important issue or just talk past me because you're convinced that I'm a bigot?
Sorry dude, but you fucked up. You brought up polls about gay marriage when the discussion was *never about gay marriage*, it was about grouping people in with strawmen.
Maybe your discussion with the other guy was about gay marriage, but that wasn't our discussion. Try again.

>This is backtracking.
you used a poll to say it wasn't a national issue when the entire debate was settled years prior to said poll.
>Again, I'm not the same person, I'm just pointing out the facts that it's not an important issue to people. By lumping in everyone as bigots because they don't agree with you on this one issue, you create your own problems.
one the poll your using to support this argument is retarded for the above reason, and two I'm not even the dude who was talking about being bigoted and shit.

and again defining important issue by percentage of the population affected is dumb as hell

>Maybe your discussion with the other guy was about gay marriage, but that wasn't our discussion.
Thank you for the laugh, user. That's okay, I'm done blowing you out.

I don't think Carlin knew either. That's kind of the point: There has to be that someone who pushes the boundaries to find where comedy lays.

Except that one of those things is done out of racist distaste, the other as an observation on reality at the time.
And to single out VAs over the skin color of their roles is entirely pointless in cartoons. Aside from Simpsons having one VA on a dozen roles, it's not at all uncommon to have a VAs race not match up with the character.
If you can voice an alien, or a dog, or a bottle of detergent, you can voice an Indian person for the purpose of satire.
That's the whole point of the job. Not having to look like your character. Or I guess we'll have to blue-face Ian Jones-Quartey now.

So this isn't you?
>It doesn't impact anyone. Gays are a tiny minority of the population
>I'm not the same guy you were talking to.

I think it's funny people give Obama shit for heightening racial tensions, but don't say shit about Trump. Like seriously, what's the worst thing Barock ever really said when it came to race? He said if he had a kid he might look like Trayvon and then he made a cop and that one black guy have a beer together. That's pretty much the most confrontational stuff he did.

Truth of the matter is the majority of the racial tensions raised in the Obama era were less about anything Obama did and more about the fact that a black guy with the middle name Hussein was in office and that triggered people.

Now compare that to Trump, a man whose biggest contribution to the political landscape prior to his run for office was promoting a conspiracy theory that the first black president was actually a secret Muslim from Kenya who wasn't born in the US. Republicans elected the most petty and combative politician since Andrew Jackson, but want to claim other people are deteriorating race, religious and political relations.

That's pretty good.

My post started here: >This idiotic strawman thinking is actually what is keeping people away from important issues. You've become your own worst enemy.
You literally just dodged the point with some nonsense about gay marriage
This is literally what I was talking about. I straight up AGREE with you on Gay Marriage. You're incapable of seeing the forest for the trees.

there's a difference here
The OP comic critized someone for doing something he himself is not doing even though he should. It's called hypocrisy.
It would be like if user critized someone for using bad grammar on the internet, when he himself does several mistakes.

Dear diary, in retrospect this was kinda gay and embarrassing.

Are you done here or do you want to address my post?

Attached: this_again.png (527x157, 7K)

ITT cannot see drumf20

The tears will be delicious

>It would be like if user critized someone for using bad grammar on the internet, when he himself does several mistakes.
I agree, but this is literally most of Yea Forums at all times of the day, though.

Makes. Mistakes are made, not done.

>what is oversaturation

Somebody with talent replace the bottom panel with Dobson's inflation art still saying "I can't see how anyone could possibly be offended by what we're doing!"

But my point being: Does that undo the serious criticism? Because only presenting the insane criticism and never ever touching the actual criticism is cherry picking.

More than this, it's oversaturation with a lack of diversity. It's just the same few people making the same few jokes over and over again.
Kind of what happened with
Comic books
Sunday Strips

>5% or so of the population isn't "anyone" m8.
So when 40% of the country is republican and doesn't agree exactly the way you do on climate change, gay marriage, bias in hollywood, social media censorship, etc. etc. Is it a serious issue to you? Or do you think 'Fuck those bigots'?
Because the last half of this thread is showing that people think the latter, not the former.

I wouldn't call them "people"

Attached: sheep.jpg (474x355, 34K)

>Ugh these comedians aren't really edgy
>Comedians like Sam Hyde and Louis CK make edgy jokes

Why do normies never understand that they're the problem?

>So when 40% of the country is republican and doesn't agree exactly the way you do on climate change, gay marriage, bias in hollywood, social media censorship, etc. etc. Is it a serious issue to you? Or do you think 'Fuck those bigots'?
once again not the guy who was talking about bigotry.
and 40% of the country having a different opinion is a different matter than 5% actually being affected by a debate.
what do you mean by "serious issue"? do you mean a debate is important or the fact 40% of the country disagrees is a problem?

Not him, but you seem to be discussing different issues. Ultimately if a group of Americans is facing a systemic injustice, like denying them a right freely given to the rest of Americans, that is a legitimate issue, even if they only number in the 5%. 40% of people can have opinions on climate change or gay marriage or media bias, but not all of these things constitute an actual issue. It's very difficult for a Republican to argue that gays having the right to marry actually harms them or denies them a right. Policies to limit climate change may mess with someone someone's income, but on the whole their rights aren't being stripped from them, hell if anything trying to stop climate change is directly aligned with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness because the goal is to keep the planet livable. Hollywood diversity is more of a social issue, can't really say how much the government should get involved in casting and marketing decisions. There is a free speech argument to be had with social media, but that also goes into private business, but of all the points you raised this one is probably the closest in value to the gay marriage debate as it involves the rights of Americans possibly being infringed on.

>and 40% of the country having a different opinion is a different matter than 5% actually being affected by a debate.
How are they not being affected? Some of this is important like immigration and the economy, which directly affects everyone.
>what do you mean by "serious issue"? do you mean a debate is important or the fact 40% of the country disagrees is a problem?
Because when they bring up these problems, they're labeled bigots and sheep. see And this is true for basically any topic, not just politics. Comedy, the original topic of this thread, basically falls into people trying to censor comedians for being shitlords vs people who think comedy should be free.

But that's not true, your opinion on what comedy is acceptable doesn't mean you hate the people they make fun of. Your opinion on immigration doesn't mean you hate immigrants. Your opinion on Gay marriage doesn't mean you hate gays.

I thought this would be common knowledge, but this thread tells me otherwise. Like there's a subset of people who actually think that making jew jokes means you want to put them in camps.


Attached: dobson simpsons.png (720x1101, 591K)

I think I'm discussing the same issue, which is: at what point do you accept someone has a different opinion than you do about something without having to use the stupid little buzzwords and names?
Which is the problem of the OP comic and the problem with society at large. Just because someone isn't a minority doesn't mean their opinion isn't worth anything. Just because someone is gay doesn't mean their opinion is worth more.
but ask someone like: and they'll gladly tell you otherwise.

god's work

>How are they not being affected? Some of this is important like immigration and the economy, which directly affects everyone.
I believe there's a difference between whether or not the 5% can get married versus whether the the 40% (probably more like a third for the record, judging by polling) have to see a change in the law that upsets their sensibilities.
>Because when they bring up these problems, they're labeled bigots and sheep.
considering we hashed out the gay marriage debate for 20 years and have settled it I think at this point it is genuinely seen as backward among a large portion of the populace, particularly in cities where social liberalism has established near total hegemony.

as for your larger point youre taking internet bullshit for what most people in the US believe, and at least as a ruralfag I'll say most people adopt a live or let live attitude for political disagreements(though obviously someone like a gay man like myself might be a touch more touchy about say opposing gay marriage, but I digress)

Yeah, it's just the Tray Tray thing and being "defending" BLM after cops got killed. Basically he was playing peacekeeper, but it could be taken that he was BLM twerking on the coffins of cops if you're a piece of shit that sees the issue of BLM being anti-cop, his words only make it worse and he should have been smart enough to pick up on that. Pay your respects and leave, but pay no lip service to BLM there because no matter how right you are, you will do more harm than good in a big picture kind of way.

Problem is the people who want to put people in camps do make Jew jokes, they're like the main source of Jew jokes. The reality of our current climate is that most out and out facist/racist/"whatever fringe minority position built around fucking someone over" won't say that they believe in fucking people over outright because it's career suicide and toxic to the cause. They'll just joke and be edgy and come as close to the line as possible while still leaving room for plausible deniability with normies. This way anyone who calls them out on their true intentions seems like a crazed SJW. It's not new, racist have been talking about hiding their power levels for over a decade now. This is why we get shit like the "OK gesture is secretly a white Supremacist call sign" idea that's been popping up. It's all ironic shit posting about unironic ideology that people are too afraid to stand by and argue in good faith.

>everything was fine, nobody was racist, until suddenly they started making big deals out of race shit again.
You mean, until the president made it more acceptable to be racist. Hate crime rates rise 226% in counties Trump visits for rallies.

>Nazis are the main source of Jew Jokes
Highly doubtful

>as for your larger point youre taking internet bullshit for what most people in the US believe
This is NOT purely internet bullshit, this is real life bullshit now. "Live and let live" is never a slogan moral puritans have lived by, and they just happen to be in the other camp this decade than they were last decade.

Case in point: >Problem is the people who want to put people in camps do make Jew jokes, they're like the main source of Jew jokes.
This isn't remotely true. Someone said this in another thread, but if this was true, Mel Brooks must be the biggest nazi on Earth. He literally dresses up like a nazi and sieg heils for one of his most popular movies he's ever made.

>They'll just joke and be edgy and come as close to the line as possible while still leaving room for plausible deniability with normies. This way anyone who calls them out on their true intentions seems like a crazed SJW. It's not new, racist have been talking about hiding their power levels for over a decade now. This is why we get shit like the "OK gesture is secretly a white Supremacist call sign" idea that's been popping up. It's all ironic shit posting about unironic ideology that people are too afraid to stand by and argue in good faith.
This is just people being ridiculously stupid. This is people allowing white supremacists to have purchase over them because they never learned 'don't feed the trolls'.

The solution to this is to take back these gestures and use them as, you know, jokes again. Otherwise you're going to be living with these people being the most powerful in society because they can just claim anything you own as theirs at any time they desire.

Attached: brookscur.jpg (2560x1060, 1.05M)

>Hurr the worst thing Obama said was that a violent gangster who assaulted a Hispanic neighborhood watchman was like his son
>Also please ignore all the destructive racist policies he did

I know you're a gay man and all, but you're probably not as oppressed as you think you are.
The pushback for gay marriage was mostly for the things surrounding it, not actually the marriage part itself.

You keep repeating 'rural' and being condescending to the people around you in almost every post you made as anecdotes. At the same time, have you considered that maybe this is your personal bias?

>Fanboy is right and everyone else is wrong.
>Fanboy loves the things he loves the way a small child loves a parent, blindly believing the thing can do no wrong.
Big Hmmm...

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>Gay marriage isn't an inane social justice issue, user.
Yes, it is. There is literally no reason why you should be able to marry people of the same sex. Marriage exists for the purpose of supporting families.

What's sad is that being a mindless corporate drone is now seen as a good thing.
Like if you even remotely step out of the nice boundaries these million dollar companies have set up for you, you're a toxic asshole akin to the person on the right.

At no point can you point at something and say "You know what, I think this just sucks."

But see, he can criticize criticisms, because he actually criticizes on an amateur level.

>amateur level.
Okay wait
Not him, but you're going to have to define what this means.

Is this the difference between "This is a load of filth peddled by the absolute plebs of society, the mindless sheep!" and "your mom gay"?

Because both can be criticisms. Does depth of criticism matter on topics anymore? Can you just not like something for unspecified reasons?

I don't see why. Obviously every race and culture deals in some levels self mockery, but if were talking about degrading shit or stuff that suggest the culture is less than human or inherently corrupt it's probably coming from the people who actively dislike them.

I'm not saying that no one can make an OK gesture because Nazis tried to make it a thing. But I am saying you should be aware that Nazis are trying to make it a thing. Standing there and pretending to be oblivious to the signs doesn't benefit anyone. You take notice, build the profile and when you can't reasonably doubt them anymore you call them out on their bullshit.

>Also please ignore all the destructive racist policies he did

What policies would these be?

>a violent gangster who assaulted a Hispanic neighborhood watchman

>This is NOT purely internet bullshit, this is real life bullshit now. "Live and let live" is never a slogan moral puritans have lived by, and they just happen to be in the other camp this decade than they were last decade.
perhaps, I'm more speaking for my personal experience than anything. though I think in entertainment the problem is the hyper liberal voices in social media are amplified and get their way
>I know you're a gay man and all, but you're probably not as oppressed as you think you are.
where did I say I thought I was oppressed? I actually consider myself lucky I had tolerant parents and came of age right when gay rights expanded, so I personally never had an issue.
>The pushback for gay marriage was mostly for the things surrounding it, not actually the marriage part itself.
I'm calling bullshit there though, especially being an oldfag /pol/ack who witnessed those debates. to say nothing of the local debate
>You keep repeating 'rural' and being condescending to the people around you in almost every post you made as anecdotes. At the same time, have you considered that maybe this is your personal bias?
considering half the people who made generalizations about rural people had no idea what they are talking about I probably did sound condescending. I'm being pretty explicit that I'm offering my experience as a ruralfag in that regard.
do you mean my personal bias is making it out to be more conservative than it really is? because that's definitely wrong. on the obama front people absolutely did hate him with a thousand suns.

if you mean about gay rights stuff I don't know where you got that, since even my area has become fairly tolerant about gay rights stuff now.

>I'm not saying that no one can make an OK gesture because Nazis tried to make it a thing. >But I am saying you should be aware that Nazis are trying to make it a thing
>You take notice, build the profile and when you can't reasonably doubt them anymore you call them out on their bullshit.
I think you should take a step back and realize how terrifying this prospect is for society if the concept is to 'build the profile' on people.
For one, where does the acceptable limit exist? For two, are you qualified to be the person to make that profile?
This honestly scares me far more than the possibility that I might be talking with a literal neo-nazi. I would rather be blissfully unaware that I'm surrounded by neo-nazis than have to keep a mental checklist of the people I meet like I'm reporting them to the thought police.

Is this the Dobson hate thread?

Attached: 4chan meets Andrew Dobson.webm (688x400, 2.09M)

Something something brown hair link.
Something something big forearmed brown haired peach

Nah, and that ship sailed mate. You guys lost the marriage debate.

Without text boxes its the story of a schizo who goes from mild mannered joe at day to off his meds jack at night. A normal visit from a friend gets uh... actually there's nothing really out of place for the visit besides leaning in too closely and holding his friend? But then disaster strikes, for after showing his nerd collection in schizo mode they play with their NRFB models in normal mode, and a sudden change in the winds leads to him killing his friend. Last we see him tearfully writing his confession, only for schizo mode destroying the computer leaving no evidence he was behind this.
A tragic tale the jedi wouldn't tell you about, 8/10

Remember when you idiots were convinced he was a russian spy? How did that turn out?

Now send it to him.

>The pushback for gay marriage was mostly for the things surrounding it, not actually the marriage part itself.
Horse shit.

Amatuer because he does it for free, non professionally.

It was well documented that Trayvon attacked George first. That's the reason why the trial went in George's favour.
Ever heard of the Dear Colleague Letter? Executive Order 13621? The mass deportations and child cages?

I understand where you're coming from, but I would also have to say you're being pretty hyperbolic. That, or you personally feel that you have nothing to lose from a neo-Nazi dominant society to which I would ask you to understand that there are other people who would have a great deal to lose there.

Yeah, making judgements about people's intents are hard, but sticking your head in the sand in doing nothing about it is just opening the door to let people do whatever malicious bullshit they please. It's not like I'm saying you have throw a brick through their window, but at a certain point I can say, "Man, this person is pinging a lot of flags that make him seem like a Nazi, should I even be listening to him or giving him my patronage?"

That's probably because you're a white male, to be fair

Attached: Sinfest2019-03-30.gif (740x250, 122K)

Fucking a WHITE MALE
>Yeah, making judgements about people's intents are hard, but sticking your head in the sand in doing nothing about it is just opening the door to let people do whatever malicious bullshit they please
I disagree, frankly it really isn't my business to stick my nose in what people are doing, so why should I care?
If they offer a service I like, great. I'm not the moral police, and I don't think I should try to be that.

Ignoring the self-mockery even, it's hard to believe the majority of people making jew jokes are actively trying to build a machine to eradicate them. Not everyone who mocks actively wishes actual suffering on that person. Not to mention the sprawl of jew jokes from "they're cheap" to "Lol Holocaust"

>The solution to this is to take back these gestures and use them as, you know, jokes again.
No, the joke becomes "I don't respect you and the fact that you ask me for respect is hilarious because I actually enjoy making you upset". It's possible to not mean it that way, but when someone asks you to stop normalizing dehumanization and you refuse, you display an honest lack of respect and should be treated like a disrespectful piece of shit.
We make mistakes, it's true. People can't be perfectly respectful or read the minds of others, but feeling around and at least trying helps people understand your motives.

>I disagree, frankly it really isn't my business to stick my nose in what people are doing, so why should I care?

because children shouldn't be in cages?

Attached: jkoke.png (490x241, 83K)

Pure truth. The pushback at the time was mostly because people were worried that they would be forced to accept it. The gay wedding cake thing happened at exactly this time and generated over half of the controversy about it.

Not that guy, but we are the moral police, even free market capitalists believe that in the invisible hand.

What does this have to do with me sticking my nose in people's business? I'm not the one locking kids in people's cages, in fact the person I voted for who was apparently a very progressive president of color is the one who started that program.

>No, the joke becomes "I don't respect you and the fact that you ask me for respect is hilarious because I actually enjoy making you upset".
>It's possible to not mean it that way, but when someone asks you to stop normalizing dehumanization and you refuse, you display an honest lack of respect and should be treated like a disrespectful piece of shit.
If you seriously overthink something as simple as the OK hand sign or the circle game, you become the butt of the joke. I hope you realize that.
The joke is that in your quest to be mindful of others; you suddenly became the joke police. Which people think is funny, because they like pushing your buttons.

Cringe and yikespilled

>It was well documented that Trayvon attacked George first. That's the reason why the trial went in George's favour.
It is also well documented that George Zimmerman chased after Trayvon when Trayvon ran away from him, and that Trayvon was buying skittles for his cousin. Calling him a violent gangster is clear racism. If it were any state other than Florida where you can gun down people just from feeling threatened Zimmerman would be in jail

It's true. Slippery slope shitters will say they aren't against gays marrying, just the implications of the presidence set by government recognized gay marriage.

> but we are the moral police
No we are not. If you think you are then you're probably loathed by a good number of people for being anti-fun.
At no point have the moral police been in the right. They're busybodies who want to control the way everyone else enjoys themselves.

Don't be like those people.

>Something's wrong!

Wait, so Captain Marvel was completely unaware that Thanos was trying to get the infinity stones and erase half of reality? Wow what a shitty hero

I'm white and male too bro, just saying. I bet you's be less cool around neo nazis if you weren't. Don't get on me, this is based on what you said.

No no, She was in space a billion miles away only to be called in a 'real emergency' which didn't happen until the movie directly after she was even revealed
how could she possibly know despite half of the living universe disappearing?
It's fine.

>It is also well documented that George Zimmerman chased after Trayvon when Trayvon ran away from him
Not according to the court.
>and that Trayvon was buying skittles for his cousin.
Buying candy does not excuse assaulting people.

>Calling him a violent gangster is clear racism.
Calling someone violent for assaulting an innocent man is racist?

>If it were any state other than Florida where you can gun down people just from feeling threatened Zimmerman would be in jail
Are you trolling or just retarded?

I think you would be less cool with anyone if you spent your time trying to build a mental profile on people, jumping on their case if they 'misbehaved' around you.

You essentially wouldn't have any friends. Just people you haven't rejected yet because they were yet to betray your own personal moral codes which are probably not the same as theirs.

>probably loathed by a good number of people for being anti-fun
That's goddamn adorable

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What is? The fact that nobody likes the moral police?

And yet the idea of other people doing so terrifies you, I don't think you're as uncaring here as you're pretending to be. I think you look at people getting shouted down and see something more relatable in their struggle than in the people who are worried about their survival if those people get to power.

But let's assume you're being honest with yourself, let's say tomrrow I come out with a chain of bakeries selling Reich Bread. It's the best bread in the fucking planet, makes a cheddar biscuit from Red Lobster taste like dog shit. The only catch is that I'm an open White Supremacist who believes in the culling of all other peoples and the creation of a new ethnostate in America. On the package for Reich Bread there's even a little message thanking you for your support in funding the resistance.

If you buy my bread is it unreasonable for people to say that you support White supremacy? If my profits and influence go on to support a violent clash with the government or anti-hate groups is it reasonable to hold you in anyway accountable?

Not him but I probably wouldn't support them because that'd really fuck with my diet.
Cheesy Bread is pretty damn good, but it's like all useless calories to me.

>Not according to the court.
His 911 call where he says Trayvon runs and that he's going to follow after him is literally on record
>Calling someone violent for assaulting an innocent man is racist?
Calling a black teen a gangster is racist you moron
>Are you trolling or just retarded?
No state's stand your ground law is as stringent as it is in Florida

>And yet the idea of other people doing so terrifies you
Yes it fucking does, and you know why?
Because I don't want the entirety of human interaction in society to boil down on if I have enough good boy points are not.
Real life isn't twitter.
No one cares if you made a racist joke at one time. If you're a good, productive person who is kind to the people around him, no one is going to care about the jew jokes they made or the mental 'profile' they've built on them. As it should be.

This kind of thinking would actually tear society apart. You wouldn't be able to associate with anyone without first doing a background check on them. I'm fucking glad we don't live in this kind of society and don't have to make a mark in their naughty books every time they make a dead baby joke.

>But let's assume you're being honest with yourself, let's say tomrrow I come out with a chain of bakeries selling Reich Bread. It's the best bread in the fucking planet, makes a cheddar biscuit from Red Lobster taste like dog shit. The only catch is that I'm an open White Supremacist who believes in the culling of all other peoples and the creation of a new ethnostate in America. On the package for Reich Bread there's even a little message thanking you for your support in funding the resistance.
I don't like cheesy bread.
But let's assume for the thought experiment:

>If you buy my bread is it unreasonable for people to say that you support White supremacy?
Yes, it is. Because you see: You can like something for a reason other than the political implications it carries.

You're kind of proving my point. If you put all of your energy into hyperventilating over politics, of course you're going to see nazis and bigots everywhere.
Which is why the very concept of neighbors spying on neighbors was spoke of in 1984: It's a culture of fear, not tolerance. Who cares if you're punishing the evil 'White supremacist nazis' if you can't even be frank with your neighbor anymore?

>Calling a black teen a gangster is racist you moron
Yeah, just because a teen goes around acting like a gangster and beating up civilians doesn't mean he's a gangster. Clearly mister no_limit_nigga was a good boi

>No state's stand your ground law is as stringent as it is in Florida
What does stand your ground have to do with this? Trayvon was actively beating George's head against the sidewalk when he shot him.

Not him but you're a dipshit

>If you buy my bread is it unreasonable for people to say that you support White supremacy? If my profits and influence go on to support a violent clash with the government or anti-hate groups is it reasonable to hold you in anyway accountable?
I pay taxes to buy bombs that are dropped on completely innocent people in the middle east for a perpetual war in service to a tiny ethnostate that is universally hated by every surrounding nation.
As do you, probably
Should you feel guilty for those crimes?

I dunno, he's got a point.

Spotted the purple-haired SJW with no friends. How's your twitter account, sweetie?

You're capable of feeling of shame at things a country has done, user. It is possible.

And your terrible. If this were at a bar and someone "joked" that someone's mother is a useless bitch who should be murdered and they got punched in the face, there wouldn't be much sympathy. This is a hyperbole in some cases and an understatement in others. You're going to be treated like a disrespectful piece of shit.

>If you seriously overthink something as simple as the OK hand sign or the circle game, you become the butt of the joke. I hope you realize that.
It was funny at first; the story of a fake secret hand sign that is a common harmless hand sign trending shows the power of fake news, but then it gets actually appropriated by people who want to stick it to liberals for being on the lookout for hate groups.

>The joke is that in your quest to be mindful of others; you suddenly became the joke police.
Everyone already was the joke police, drawing your lines around these issues is selective.

>Which people think is funny, because they like pushing your buttons.
Of course they do. I'm not saying they're all white nationalist terrorists, just disrespectful misanthropes who create an environment that encourages homicidal asshole groups and allows them to thrive.
And that's their right. I'm not saying they shouldn't have the freedom to be assholes.

If you buy Reich Bread you don't get to pretend you don't know what the deal is. That's the situation.

And yet, you keep buying the metaphorical Reich Bread. As do 300 million other people.
At what point do you realize that it's inane mental masturbation?

user, I feel as if you don't realize that Reich Bread doesn't exist.
It's really not a consumer's job to worry about the moral implications of society.

For people who crack jokes at how sensitive SJWs are about words and labels, you sure get in a tizzy when people suggest you're bigoted.

Said user in a thread with SJWs shrieking that other people aren't as perpetually offended as they are.

How would you like me to end the war in the middle east, user?

>And your terrible
Great argument!
> If this were at a bar and someone "joked" that someone's mother is a useless bitch who should be murdered and they got punched in the face, there wouldn't be much sympathy. This is a hyperbole in some cases and an understatement in others. You're going to be treated like a disrespectful piece of shit.
I don't think you've ever been to a bar, and instead have a vague notion of what bars are like from movies you've watched.

>It was funny at first; the story of a fake secret hand sign that is a common harmless hand sign trending shows the power of fake news, but then it gets actually appropriated by people who want to stick it to liberals for being on the lookout for hate groups.
>Everyone already was the joke police, drawing your lines around these issues is selective.
>Of course they do. I'm not saying they're all white nationalist terrorists, just disrespectful misanthropes who create an environment that encourages homicidal asshole groups and allows them to thrive.
And that's their right. I'm not saying they shouldn't have the freedom to be assholes.

Do you really not understand why you're the butt of these jokes? Listen to yourself. You're going off the handle about "MUH MISANTHROPES MUH TOXIC HOMOCIDAL ENVIRONMENT YOU'RE LETTING THE WHITE NATIONALISTS THRIVE"

That's why people think it's funny to push your buttons. Rants, just like this. You just got tilted because someone told you that they didn't give a shit about your moral policing.
> but then it gets actually appropriated by people who want to stick it to liberals for being on the lookout for hate groups.
Can you EVEN type this on Yea Forums of all places and not realize the massive irony staring you dead in the eyes as to why people think pushing your buttons is hilarious? You actually think of yourself as some vanguard for society when you're really just a humorless fuckwit on the internet.

Tilt at those windmills for us.

Look in a mirror my dude. Gain some introspection.

Look at your computer monitor, you're on Yea Forums. Do you think anyone gives a shit about how offended you are at jokes?

Attached: 1547746256977.png (511x4793, 585K)

Mueller's report will light the way
Thats not the democrats.

He knows what the deal is, but they make really good cheesy bread. It's a clear reason to support them for reasons other than their views on Jews. That's pretty irrelevant since you're more or less forced to do that.
There are tons more apt analogies like the tons of products that have ties to people who support disagreeable shit like Zionists and Commies.
Even worse when you break it down into being against consuming anything that's even touched them in the first place like people against liking artists they don't agree with even if they're not actually buying anything from them.

You can't.
This is why the Reich Bread experiment falls apart. It's not my job to worry about every single moral implication that my neighbors have on society. I can't even control my own.

So when you make retarded shit like the concept of making 'mental profiles' on your neighbors, you're doing nothing but torturing the people around you, and torturing yourself by making hilariously ridiculous 'moral guardians of society' exercises for yourself.

I can't see how people on Yea Forums of all places can possibly believe in the butterfly effect and being free of bigotry and hate when the #1 thing posted here is stuff by Walt Disney, someone who contributed to the actual Nazis.
It just seems to me that we have some really sad people on this board.

Like, picture being or and then going into a Mickey Mouse thread. Oblivious to the hypocrisy

Ooh ooh, their leader can be a Wizard of Oz rip off that only gives his order behind a digital puppet of Vapoerwaved Ronald Reagan.

Grand Wizard of Oz

>Because I don't want the entirety of human interaction in society to boil down on if I have enough good boy points are not.
Of course you don't, you're an asshole and you hate being treated like one. You know how liberals get away with racist shit? They are openly anti-racist so the public knows when their irony isn't just cryptofascism. Centrists have a harder time because their priorities are questionable. It may suck that there is a climate of "oh no people get mad when I'm not liberal enough" but really it's an issue of not being able to read a room and understanding the present company. It's like how best friends can get away with being assholes to each other, but social media made things more complicated as it's a series of, not just public statements, statements addressed to the public specifically.

> No one cares if you made a racist joke at one time.
Which as I've stated is not my position. I don't know why you're going out of your way to misinterpret what I'm saying. One race joke does not necessarily make a racist, BUT AT SOME POINT you have to make some kind of judgement about what makes someone a racist. At some point you have to make some kind of judgement about what makes someone a criminal. You can't just sit back and watch someone put a bullet in the back of someone else's head and say, "I have no opinion one way or the other."

>This kind of thinking would actually tear society apart.

I would argue that your next point is much more damaging to society.

>Yes, it is. Because you see: You can like something for a reason other than the political implications it carries.

You're right user, I actually forgot to account for a very real possibility here. I forgot to account for the possibility that maybe you're just a sociopath. If your policy is "Fuck it, I got mine." you absolutely can by that bread with no sympathy for the cause attached, but that's far more destructive to organized society than what your describing. "Fuck it, I got mine." is responsible for so much human death and suffering I don't think we put a number on it. You don't have to go full Red Scare to hold people to some kind of standard. I'd rather have some idea that we're all working behind together to maintain than just jumping in on who provides the best service no matter how bloody it is.

Did you vote for the people who said they were going to do this? Then yeah, you probably should. The whole point of a democratic government is that we have the right and the duty to analyze our fellow men and determine which ones are the most trustworthy of our taxes and support.

>Disney contributed to the Nazis
Wait what? Did you really bite into the memes?

Attached: img.jpg (796x583, 70K)

>Of course you don't, you're an asshole and you hate being treated like one.
I'm an asshole because I don't want society to boil down to who a pissing contest on who is the most morally righteous? Because I don't want to have to hold my neighbors accountable for actions completely unrelated to me or my friendship with them?

>You know how liberals get away with racist shit? They are openly anti-racist so the public knows when their irony isn't just cryptofascism. Centrists have a harder time because their priorities are questionable. It may suck that there is a climate of "oh no people get mad when I'm not liberal enough" but really it's an issue of not being able to read a room and understanding the present company. It's like how best friends can get away with being assholes to each other, but social media made things more complicated as it's a series of, not just public statements, statements addressed to the public specifically.
I think you're treating real life like twitter and don't understand that real people don't think this way.
There isn't a like button you can press for interactions with the people you meet.

You realize this kid in pic related is supposed to be an asshole, right? And in fact was supposed to be one of the biggest assholes on the show. Like an actual asshole, that everyone hated.

Instead you're acting as if he's the ideal man and not a sniveling little bitch. If he were real, he would have grow up into thinking everyone is a 'Cryptofascist' between keeping lists of people he hates on twitter.

Your views on society are fucked up, dude. If you think I'm an asshole for not caring, then I can't picture what you think of yourself for actually being the thought police.

Attached: LHWtjeY.jpg (261x320, 11K)

>It's really not a consumer's job to worry about the moral implications of society.
I wonder whose it is though. Big business loves to use the excuse that the market decided things, not they.

>I don't think you've ever been to a bar, and instead have a vague notion of what bars are like from movies you've watched.
Great argument.

>You just got tilted because someone told you that they didn't give a shit about your moral policing.
You're the one typing in all caps when someone is trying to explain something to you. You'd like to think there's no such thing as nuance when it suits you.

>You actually think of yourself as some vanguard for society when you're really just a humorless fuckwit on the internet.
I'm just clearing something up for you or at least giving you or whoever reads this some perspective. Nothing wrong with keeping this from becoming an echo chamber just like you do.

ironically better and more valuable contribution to humanity than whatever dobson intended


Attached: free_speech.png (566x577, 52K)

>One race joke does not necessarily make a racist, BUT AT SOME POINT you have to make some kind of judgement about what makes someone a racist. At some point you have to make some kind of judgement about what makes someone a criminal.
WOW what a jump. Racist straight to criminal.
Thought crimes aren't real, you know that, right?

Since they aren't real, and you can't go to jail for them, why are you trying to go to bat for punishments on something that isn't a crime in our society?
So they make lots of jew and black jokes, tell them to fuck off if it makes you uncomfortable. Trying to build a profile on every person you meet and keep tally of all the tasteless jokes they create is torturous not just for every person around you, but yourself too.

>You're right user, I actually forgot to account for a very real possibility here. I forgot to account for the possibility that maybe you're just a sociopath
I've also forgotten to take something into account: Something that seems pretty obvious now.
You are fucking retarded.

I drive a ford, not because I think Nazis are great, or because I even cared about Henry Ford's interaction with them. But because they made a good car that I drive.
I buy shit from amazon because it's quick simple and easy, not because I support their poor treatment of their workforce.
I post on Yea Forums because I like having conversations like these, not because I care what /pol/ is doing.

If you live your life asphyxiating over the political implications of your actions, then I can't see how you're a happy person. Enjoying something for qualities other than it's political statements is actually a normal thing people do.

Much less so if you asphyxiate over the political implications of what *other people* do. Randall was not a role model for your life.

Seek help, you need it.

Attached: Randall.jpg (225x224, 6K)

> If you're a good, productive person who is kind to the people around him, no one is going to care about the jew jokes they made or the mental 'profile' they've built on them. As it should be.

Actually doubling back on your post what exactly makes someone "good," user? How do you judge their productivity? After all, we're not supposed to be making any judgements about anyone right so why do these subjective parameters matter now? Would it be reasonable to say that maybe you have some kind of "profile" for what a good person is in your head, some standard by which you judge people?

>You're the one typing in all caps when someone is trying to explain something to you. You'd like to think there's no such thing as nuance when it suits you.
Says the guy who demands everyone be the moral police because they might hear some bad jokes.
>I'm just clearing something up for you or at least giving you or whoever reads this some perspective. Nothing wrong with keeping this from becoming an echo chamber just like you do.
Playing devil's advocate for a retarded position is not something to gloat about.

>"Fuck Trump" is "Saying what everyone is thinking" comedy
That's why it's not controversial. "Conservative comedy" webcomics are the ones being controversial and hated by a majority of the people who ingest their choice of media outlet.

if you accrue enough certified productivity points over a work period it buys you a racism coupon good for one free "NIGGER" at a reasonable volume as long as it is not in the presence of a designated protected status individual

>Actually doubling back on your post what exactly makes someone "good," user?
They treat the people around them with care and consideration.
So what that they make jew jokes in private company, if they're a kind person, who am I to judge?

> How do you judge their productivity?
How do you judge someone's moral compass?
Because we have ways to judge productivity, we have metrics that can show if someone is a valuable person to those around them.

But we don't have a way to judge thoughtcrimes. In fact such a thing doesn't even exist. Yet you're acting like it's righteous to hang people for them, for offending *your* moral code.

Again, I'm still just baffled at the thought that you think you can accrue and spend karma. Like that's somehow your job or something.

you mean like how democrats were kkk member and how they enjoyed wearing black face to mock african americans.
Because the fact that those democrats are still in office with nary a shit given by liberals really makes me think about committed they actually are.

You can tell an American made this comic because they assume that freedom of speech only exists in the one country that has it codified and not any other nation on Earth where it isn't codified.
Like he thinks only the government can grant it to him.

luckily these diverse heroes are here to save us

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>They treat the people around them with care and consideration.
>by making racist comments


>Did you vote for the people who said they were going to do this?
That's the problem though. No one SAYS they're going to do this.
But then magic black man goes and does it anyway and no one seemingly gives a shit. Worse, they actively praise him in retrospect while damning the person who was trying to end it.

>Jokes make you racist now
I thought we had this conversation waaaaay back here: tl;dr: Does making a racist joke make you a racist? Almost every comedian disagrees and laughs at you for suggesting that.

You just sound like a humorless cunt upset that other people aren't like you.

Thats an actual thing. Thats the dichotomy of being human.
You're perfect example you're being an asshole but you want to do the right thing. You see its not that hard a concept the grasp.

It's a valid comparison.

He switches between liking Star Trek and liking Star Wars. Dobson couldn't even keep a character straight for eight panels.

>Says the guy who demands everyone be the moral police because they might hear some bad jokes.
Where did I say that? I said through the invisible hand everyone is the moral police, it isn't a demand, it's just a non-issue. You're doing it right now in your paragraphs of trying to correct people's behavior in this thread. Moral policing as a concept isn't really your problem.

>Playing devil's advocate for a retarded position is not something to gloat about.
How is that gloating?
How is informing you playing devil's advocate?


in bizzaro world it makes perfect sense.

>You're doing it right now in your paragraphs of trying to correct people's behavior in this thread.
You must have me mistaken for someone else.
> Moral policing as a concept isn't really your problem.
Exactly. Glad we agree.

This thread being bizarro world would explain a lot of it.

Anyway off to bed, talk to you later mysterious user. Thanks for the great conversation even if the conclusion is that you must be a massive control freak.

>Because the fact that those democrats are still in office with nary a shit given by liberals really makes me think about committed they actually are.
You'd have to believe that "those democrats" are older than a hundred to begin to believe this. In a speech, Obama credited the republican party for freeing the slaves, you aren't blowing any minds.

Yes it actually would. I only saw Tree and you the forest.

Way to avoid every question.

Are you serious? Theres a literal former black face wearing democrat just last once.
Also look at these racist pieces of shit still working and doing fine on television. Really gets my noggin a jogging

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>They treat the people around them with care and consideration.

But how do you judge that? Because again, we've both agreed that one jew joke doesn't make someone a racist. Hell, we're not even talking about private comments so that's not really an issue at all. Your argument, initially at least, mostly seemed to be based around the idea that you can't judge anyone whatsoever and have no obligation to do so, and has now moved to a stance that if someone is good, which is a judgment, then they're fine. Do you get where I'm coming from here?

My argument isn't that you have to throw everyone who says a certain thing in jail, but if someone is constantly saying a certain thing and indicating they might identify with this thing maybe you can take the leap of judgement at some point and say, "they are that thing," even if they won't acknowledge it themselves. If we can never call out a Nazi for being a Nazi unless he admits in public, "I am a Nazi." then we essentially have no way to deal with violent or oppressive rhetorics because we're being forced into a situation where we can't even acknowledge it unless it is on their terms. And to suggest it's not even a good thing to try to understand or develop arguments against that rhetoric sounds like the stance of someone who has nothing to lose when they come to power.

How delusional do you have to be to actually think this lmao.
>That's why it's not controversial.
That's literally what they said, it's not trying to be controversial, but the people in this thread are treating it as if it is because, I don't know. They think hating Trump is controversial? The man's approval rating is so low that his supporters cheer when it rises up to 40% sometimes.

...because the guy who voices Apu as a racist caricature is white? And therefor we have a white person portraying a nonwhite person in a stereotypical way?

This is not that difficult.

Attached: Apu voice actor.jpg (620x413, 65K)

Is he going out of his way to kill jews? I mean thats a pretty big indicator that he's a nazi.

So its perfectly fine for them to mock scots, germans, russians, etc. Even though ethnically the VA is not related to those groups in anyway?

Would it still be bad if it were an Asian guy playing apu

So you are saying that whites are in need of social justice?

You know, that is actually a really valid point. They should get rid of all those racist caricatures too. It's certainly less of a big deal since those aren't as marginalized as a group, but yeah... let's knock it off with the stereotypes altogether.

It would be less bad, but still bad. It would still be a racist caricature.

>You know how liberals get away with racist shit? They are openly anti-racist so the public knows when their irony isn't just cryptofascism.
>It's like how best friends can get away with being assholes to each other,
You want to tell me which side the KKK supports now and for how long?

people need thicker skins. Social justice wont save you from anything.

Not that guy, but you can be more obtuse and say that murdering a bunch of jews could be coincidence. We can't know why anyone does anything unless they tell us.
Now hold on to that rule and apply it to every facet of your life, and be beautifully unassuming. If only the nazis were so nice.

Yeah, that Randall poster doesn't want anyone to tell anyone how they feel.

No they’re pretty goddamn racist.
>like how best friends can get away with being assholes to each other,
I agree but you’re asking me to choose a side and I see blatantly racist assholes.
If you step out of your bubble you’d realize it’s a case by case basis. So half Democrat’s half Republicans.
For example I know some democrats who only want Mexicans here as slave labor and I know some republicans who hate all aliens.

Then even if I was that obtuse the motherfucker would be in jail wouldn’t he?

>Social justice wont save you from anything
demonstrably false

Probable cause and reasonable doubt are a part of the legal system, user. If we can never acknowledge the motives behind why someone might have done/did/plans to do something convicting them becomes significantly harder.

Why would it be less bad

>What's sad is that being a mindless corporate drone is now seen as a good thing.
Like if you even remotely step out of the nice boundaries these million dollar companies have set up for you, you're a toxic asshole akin to the person on the right.

This saddens me because I've been given shit for calling out a game for some predatory and nepotistic practices they were doing and probably still are doing. only to have it's community get pissy about it.

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>No they’re pretty goddamn racist.
More racist than the KKK? Which side have they been supporting and for how long?

>If you step out of your bubble you’d realize it’s a case by case basis. So half Democrat’s half Republicans.
That sounds completely arbitrary and uniformed. Source?

>For example I know some democrats who only want Mexicans here as slave labor
Who? The only ones who I've seen want them over for "slave labor" is the conservative republican big ag lobby.

>and I know some republicans who hate all aliens.
Well, yeah. And I know some republicans who aren't racist, but rarely do I find any who are as welcoming to refugees and immigrants as the left are to a fault.

>There hasn't been a president that's been truly loved by the threshold since Clinton.

George W. Bush was over 80% approval for months after 9/11, and was widely popular in the first few months of the Iraq War. It wasn't until his second term that everyone soured on him (and not without reason).

Obama was mildly unpopular unless Americans had someone else to compare him to. He was popular in most of his first year, somewhat popular when running against Romney, and saw his approval rating creep up towards 60 when Americans realized they had to replace him with either Trump or Clinton.

Trump started off moderately unpopular. Then he fired James Comey, and his approval rating dripped into "widely loathed" for a good six months before drifting back into "moderately unpopular" and staying steady there ever since. Trump's approval ratings have been unusually steady, with not even the Barr/Mueller report affecting them anymore. Whether that's because of increasing polarization or is unique to him is unknown.

Attached: The More You Know.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

That episode of the liberal show Sarah Silverman was about her ignorance when she was playing victim olympics with a black guy. She learns a valuable lesson and the black buy wears jew face. That's not racism, it's irony.

Of course, if you're wondering why an only moderately unpopular president gets so much pop culture hate, you need to look a bit past the topline approval rating numbers and into the crosstabs, and then everything becomes clear.

Among Americans generally, Trump is slightly less popular than Obama, but most pop culture media isn't aimed at Americans generally, it's aimed at younger people with more disposable income. Millennials, basically. And Millennials fucking hate Trump. Yeah, there are exceptions, and wearing the MAGA hat to a black history museum has some counter-culture edginess to it among the Kids These Days (or rather, among white kids these days), but by and large there's a sharp divide in Trump's approval by age, and most of the anti-Trump people are in the lucrative 18-35 demographic.

Attached: Age Breakdown 2018.jpg (1125x790, 135K)

>disposable income

But yeah, I see what you mean. Also add in all the tweeting and overtly in your face and bizarre behavior and you have a constant source of comedy. Seriously, the guy pretty much said that adults sexually assaulting minors is good for building confidence and that's just a minor part of this 5 minute bit.

No one brings this up; this isn't what haunts him. Meanwhile, we're still circulating those pictures of Biden being creepy.

>No one brings this up
>posts mainstream late night network bringing this up

>Trusting polls in the current year when it's been confirmed by Trump's own administration that Russians have been influencing polls in Trump's favor
I swear America is one of the few nations in the world where someone will kick them in the balls and they'll proudly declare they kicked themselves in the balls on purpose.

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>check the date

>during the election

Your point?

The fact that you need to make this kind of comeback after reading Dobson’s stupid shit is just as sad as Dobson himself

Mate, I think the dudes a knob but that's not what he said at all. He said the last beloved President was Clinton. That'a not bitching, that's not even an insult.

If you follow the thread, you'll see the point is that this stayed in 2016 because there's a constant flow of new, fresh antics to do a comedy bit about.

>I recall one guy dead serious saying he'd be assassinated
That at least was fairly common though. A lot of people thought some whackjob would go for him

>Also add in all the tweeting and overtly in your face and bizarre behavior and you have a constant source of comedy
Especially compared to Obama, who actively tried to be as boring as possible. T

>Trusting polls in the current year when it's been confirmed by Trump's own administration that Russians have been influencing polls in Trump's favor
What? What the hell are you talking about? No one's accused Russia of screwing with poll numbers.

>because there's a constant flow of new, fresh antics to do a comedy bit about.
Then why has almost every joke on every comedy show been "muh Russia" the past two years?

Because that's an ongoing story with new information and new statements from the president and his staff as he tweets about things like witch hunts, rats, and Presidential Harrassment. Who he was firing, who he was hiring, and who was saying what is news and low hanging fruit comedy follows.

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More like "Saying what my corporate overlords will pay me more to think."

Attached: shamcuckold.jpg (1280x720, 102K)

there was also the sex with prostitutes thing, and the typos in the tweets, and his wierdo hair, and the mcdonalds food, and helsinki, and his speeches to the UN, and that one G20 summit, and melania's jacket, and the cabinet scandals, and the trump shutdown, and the

My mom's co-worker would talk about how she'd only watch presidential addresses and stuff for Obama because she wanted to see him get assassinated.

It is the original.


Attached: Martha.png (387x331, 8K)

>there was also the sex with prostitutes thing
Made up by /pol/

>and the typos in the tweets
Because misspellings are the height of humour

>and his wierdo hair
"weirdo" is a huge stretch, it's pretty normal-looking hair

>and the mcdonalds food
like normal people eat

>and helsinki
Meeting with a fellow world leader is completely normal for a President to do

>and his speeches to the UN
Again, normal for a President

>and that one G20 summit
See above

>and melania's jacket

>and the trump shutdown
Caused by Democrats who repeatedly refused to negotiate over a $5 billion dollar wall while agreeing to pay Israel $38 billion

why do Trump followers refuse to believe anything negative about Trump whatsoever? THey literally turn off their brains to any form of questioning him and just assume everything bad about him is "fake news" ANd if you attempt to ask them to think critically, or say "What if Obama did the same thing Trump is accused of" they refuse to consider that, at all.

They are literal fucking retards, and proud of it.

why do Trump haters refuse to believe anything positive about Trump whatsoever? THey literally turn off their brains to any form of supporting him and just assume everything good about him is "fake news" ANd if you attempt to ask them to think critically, or say "What if Obama did the same thing Trump is accused of" they refuse to consider that, at all.

They are literal fucking retards, and proud of it.

Not that guy, but the issue you're addressing isn't about validity, it's about
>Then why has almost every joke on every comedy show been "muh Russia" the past two years?
He listed late night comedy bits.

>Caused by Democrats who repeatedly refused to negotiate over a $5 billion dollar wall while agreeing to pay Israel $38 billion
Even Zyklon Ben knows Trump was ready to sign the bipartisan bill in mid December but was goaded into choosing the shutdown (which he said he'd own).

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It's part of their cult programming.

But those still aren't fresh", just desperate attempts to make jokes out of decidedly not-funny things for the sake of propaganda.

>their cult programming
>implying lefties aren't cult programmed parrots

Attached: Haveayou.jpg (665x340, 81K)

at least we can all agree that late night sucks

god they even all look the same

no u

A lot of it is political trolling. It doesn't matter to them and when they're not caught up in "whataboutism", it's "greater good" politics anyone can bias their way to on any side, in any ideology.

>that image

You don't have to care about people though. Empathy is not a limitless resource and it is not something people are entitled to.

Google it and you'll see that it's a comic by a conservative from December 25th 2018.

Oh you're talking about that list. That makes even less sense; every one of those represents a late night comedy bit that was current and fresh at the time. It's not always "muh russia" like when Trump went to California to tell them they can prevent forest fires by having rangers raking more leaves and going to Paradise California to talk about how great it is and how tragic it is that it's on fire only to call it "Pleasure" twice before being corrected on stage.

Attached: Dobson_SocialJustice.png (426x200, 18K)

Trump is a huge cult of personality, you really can't argue that. Presidents don't actively campaign after being elected, holding frequent rallies.

>Trump is a huge cult of personality, you really can't argue that.
Lots of world leaders in history had a cult of personality. Some even had such as the only meaningful extent of their influence.
>Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Augustus, Washington, Lincoln, Hirohito, Hitler, Stalin, Bismark, Oliver Cromwell, King David, Charlemagne, Elizabeth, etc.

>Presidents don't actively campaign after being elected, holding frequent rallies.
Most Presidents don't have an active campaign against them while President, or have a dedicated group of the aristocracy coming up with impeachment plans without evidence and based on post hoc reasoning. Most Presidents don't have a cadre of powerful people plotting to disrupt every legal process purely because it goes against their plans.

Is it normal that she sounds as if she is going to break into tears in any minute?

You sure demonstrated your capacity to question and think critically about Trump!

Jk making excuses without applying any form of criticism to your leader is shameful

>Most Presidents don't have a cadre of powerful people plotting to disrupt every legal process purely because it goes against their plans.
Obama did, yet if Obama did any of the shit Trump did, imagine what all those Trump supporters would say about it.

Of course he's not the only one in history.

And most presidents don't encourage the hacking of a political rival by saying "Russia if you're listening..." publically. It's actually dangerous that he suggests no president should ever be investigated due to the events that lead up to this.

The positive thing is that he is encouraging higher standards of journalism (ironically after teaming up with Brietbart that outright lied to and misled all three major news networks twice) but it has him going to these events and saying and I quote "what you're seeing and what you're hearing (in the news media) isn't what's happening, stick with us we'll let you know". The media has been slanted and biased and needed to be called out, but to lead the Qanon and Alex Jones types to the "state of psychosis" that Jones himself is now claiming is completely irresponsible.

Attached: P7iLQKp.jpg (800x450, 68K)

>"Russia if you're listening..."

How would every single Pro-Trump person react if Obama did this? If Hillary?

This fucking hypocracy is why they are all retarded and amoral. Yet their first defense, if you ask them about whatever Trump's latest fiasco is, is always "BUT HILLARY DID..." as if it somehow justifies everything, and morals no longer apply to Trump because Hillary exists.

>Seriously, the guy pretty much said that adults sexually assaulting minors is good for building confidence and that's just a minor part of this 5 minute bit.
And a celebrity says some liberal bullshit and Pewdiepie goes into a six minute rant about that one thing. Really makes you think.

thanks for being a generic Yea Forums npc.

Somehow I doubt anyone's told him the most basic form of Socialized Justice is the Lynch Mob.

>user btfo.

>Reading it
Yeah, yeah, some entry-level meta-commentary
>Re-reading it
what the fuck

Attached: wut.gif (400x225, 1.48M)

this reply is not a generic npc response around here

Excuses for what? No valid complaints were listed.
>Jk making excuses without applying any form of criticism to your leader is shameful
You're such a braindead animal that you realize the """criticism""" you have is outrage on demand.
"Critical thinking" doesn't mean being arbitrarily critical of someone, you turpentine huffing troglodyte. Especially when the criticism, incidentally, is a direct copy from a network of corporate interests that have ulterior motives to criticize. It means applying rational standards and logic to an issue. Things which you mongoloids haven't done once here, thus far.

>lol thread once again turns into politics

I have a burning hatred

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And why the fuck should I arbitrarily come up with post hoc reasons to criticize something, only to appease a fake standard of objectivity? I'd tell you to slice off your genitals, but you've already sold them off.

You write like a twat. Pretentious, arrogant, and utterly unable to consider the other side because of said arrogance.

I hope you aren't in school because i pity the teachers who'd have to suffer through your writing.

>muh coporations!!!
Yeah because Trump doesn't support corporations. Are you genuinely this retarded and clueless? There is no "Trump vs Corporations". Corporations have no interest in opposing Trump. His policies give corporations too much power as it is.

2minutes ten seconds here, she shouldn't do this.

Oh look this one doesn't even understand the concept of critically thinking.

You lost, shitbag. Please enter dick first into the nearest wood chipper.

Attached: 1024px-Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement-en.svg.png (1024x768, 176K)

>Carlin was one of the last comedians with enough backbone to tell popular opinion to fuck off.
Meh, a lot of Carlin and Hicks stuff looks boring and dumb now. Loads tried to copy and in the process, some came up with better stuff. Carlin never descended to getting the lights turned on and shoo'd offstage like Hicks did in Toronto, but he was headed there.

>you're retarded!!!
>That's not an argument
>no i called you retarded that means you lost!!! COPORATIONS!
Typical Trumpfag.

You guys need to take a chill pill. You can discuss cheeto man another time.

>Corporations have no interest in opposing Trump. His policies give corporations too much power as it is.
As if CNN, MSNBC, Google, and Facebook aren't Corporations?
Learn to read,
> Especially when the criticism, incidentally, is a direct copy from a ***network of corporate interests*** that have ulterior motives to criticize.
Obviously "corporate interests" isn't synonymous with "all corporations ever."

You are as stupid as a Qanon believer, and proud of it.

Is Trump a Targeted Individual by Gang Stalkers? Millions of people are conspiring to unfairly annoy him in subtle ways and ruin his life, health, and relationships!

Attached: organized_stalking_electronic_harassment_620x.jpg (620x730, 160K)


See how you shift the topic instead of considering what is said?

This is why you are a retard.

>I have no argument, ergo my calling you a retard is a substantive argument
>This is the equivalent to you calling me a retard based on an argument and the fact that I have no argument

Attached: 1518652929930.jpg (657x539, 39K)

I know you're being pretentious and silly but gang stalking is legit one of the funniest, and stupidest, delusions there is.

Its a genuine symptom of paranoid schizophrenia too, which is even funnier.

>concerned about corporate interests
>votes for Trump

Don't be a coward, reply to

I didn't shift the goalposts. You're making a false equivocation, when you turned "corporate interests" into "every corporation in America." You moved the goalposts when my argument was the Trump Hate Society attacks others for lack of critical thinking, when all of their criticisms are copied from corporate interests with ulterior motives. I gave substantive proof that you're wrong, that there are corporations with a vested interest in opposing Trump.

Mmm, no, lynch mobs by definition are social injustice.

>thinking every user who criciszed you is the same user

All I said was point out you move goal posts, and then you ramble on about the the topic you'd rather talk about.
This is proving my point that you move goal posts. And my other point that you are retarded.

>Bunch of people are told there was a crime.
>They gather to enforce primal justice on the accused.
The only difference between what SJWs and Lynch Mobs do is that the SJWs are rarely in the position to actually harm the subject of their mob-justice.

Eat shit. because:
This is mostly irrelevant.
> to lead the Qanon and Alex Jones types
This esoteric deranged stuff has been around since print, and before.
>And most presidents don't encourage the hacking of a political rival by saying "Russia if you're listening..."
Do you, in earnest, believe Trump would've made a serious call to action there, or was a former reality TV host that's openly stated he games the media by making sallacious ironic statements making an ironic salacious statement?
It's not dangerous, shithead. Russian agencies will do whatever the fuck they'll do, and Presidents have literally gotten millions of people killed in wars, in the last few centuries, yet that's not "a dangerous precedent."

You're not actually explaining how, showing your just using terms about logic and fallacies that you don't understand.

you really do write like a twat

Attached: fark_Ic50stnrhgd65IPXFrh_h0-2N-o.jpg (274x184, 7K)

>You're not actually explaining how,
>then you ramble on about the the topic you'd rather talk about.

I think you might be retarded too

If a lynch mob causes no harm how is it a bad thing?

More to the point, what sort of asshole supports injustice? I mean besides dumb nazi bigots that is.

This post is objectively right, which is why its being ignored.

>muh anecdotes prove Obama was vilified by everyone!
>ignores that a majority white voter base overwhelmingly voted him in, twice.

>Do you, in earnest, believe Trump would've made a serious call to action there, or was a former reality TV host that's openly stated he games the media by making sallacious ironic statements making an ironic salacious statement?

Yes. Are you really so gullible and ignorant you don't realize how pants on head retarded Donald Trump is?

>Presidents have literally gotten millions of people killed in wars

The U.S. lost 418,000 soldiers and sailors in WWII. But FDR wasn't Putin's bitch.

Captain America plz go, we need you to punch Thanus

And then a majority of white voters voted for the racist guy in 2016.

Don't be retarded. The request being made is that a traditional institution should not suddenly cater to an ultra minority group.

stay salty

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10% of humanity is not ultra minority.

Further no good reason exists to exclude them from it, since marraige is a secular tradition that doesn't need religon.

You do suck at arguments.

You sure proved him right, user.

The entire LGBT alliance accounts for 5%.

> But FDR wasn't Putin's bitch.
Neither is Trump.
You're too stupid to see it, but this would be issue #1 Putin would be thinking about. The US is Russia's main existential threat, and much of that lies on nuclear capability. If Putin and any meaningful control over Trump as a puppet, he wouldn't have him doing this. Putin preferred Trump because Trump was against direct military action in Syria, compared to Clinton, which gives Putin leeway in protecting a state friendly to Russia, and ensures an easier peace between Russia and the US. But you oversimplify international politics because you have no independent thinking capabilities, because "trump bad."
>Yes. Are you really so gullible and ignorant you don't realize how pants on head retarded Donald Trump is?
So retarded he won the most powerful position on the planet without support from the Byzantine political action system?

even if it was only 5%, that is still a very large population of people like you faggot

Escalating the nuclear arms race benfits Putin directly, you drooling retard. It finally gives them a chance to catch up and ramp up production

Plus, when has Trump ever criticized Putin as harshly as ANY of his domestic foes?

Never, because Trump is a pure sociopath who only sees the world in term of for or against him

And he refuses to talk shit about Putin, or those "very fine people" at the machres because he sees them as allies, and he sees any form of criticism as his "real" enemies

He talks shit on the press for daring to report bad things, yet loves Dictators who are smart enough to flatter him

If you can't see this, you're willingly blind and again, refuse to even consider anything negative about your dear leader.

You fucking pretentious twat

>escalating the arms race that Putin wants to participate in means he's not Putin's bitch
You are so god damn stupid and you fall for the most obvious fucking scams it is a wonder you're capable of breathing.

oh hai person with a functioning brain, why are you in this thread with me and the retardo? Im only here to mock his awful writing style

>not posting the actual pyramid

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then demonstrate it

How the fuck do you beat a smug anime face argument?!

>Escalating the nuclear arms race benfits Putin directly, you drooling retard. It finally gives them a chance to catch up and ramp up production
You wall eyed neanderthal, Russia is behind the US economically and technologically in almost every way.
You didn't read the article,
>Reuters reported in February that in a phone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump denounced the New START treaty and rejected Putin’s suggestion that talks begin about extending it once it expires in 2021.
Russia's nuclear arsenal has been in worse shape ever since the USSR fell. This is a weak spot Russia can't fill against the US. It can fill in conventional areas where the US would wind down on, like fights in the ME.
>Plus, when has Trump ever criticized Putin as harshly as ANY of his domestic foes?
Why does he need to do that? Why does he need to assault the next largest nuclear power just to appease simpletons like you? If he did, you'd call it dangerous sabre-rattling.
>If you can't see this, you're willingly blind and again, refuse to even consider anything negative about your dear leader.
I've barely said jack shit of "praise" for Trump. Nothing of what you say is substantive, based on real world geopolitics. All of what you think is based on caricatures, like "Trump=dummy" or "Trump=evil." The real world doesn't work that way. How can you not see that?

Mostly irrelevant? You're acting like Trump did nothing to bring this upon himself but be based and redpilled and you've been provided with context as to how this could happen to a perfectly innocent controversy baiting reality TV star who wanted to build a him tower in Russia.

The "dangerous precedent" is not investigating presidents when shit like this piles up because they're reality stars and we shouldn't take them seriously, even when we elect them president.

Don't you see how, rather than fielding substantive refutations to my arguments, counter articles, and reason, you're main refrain is on me, personally?
>You are so god damn stupid and you fall for the most obvious fucking scams it is a wonder you're capable of breathing.
How is it a scam, specifically?
Putin wants to discuss terms for the treaty, Trump didn't. Trump wants other NATO countries to pay their share, but
>"We're gonna be with NATO 100 percent, but as I told the countries, 'You have to step up and you have to pay,'" Trump said while announcing a missile defense review at the Pentagon.
when NATO pretty much exists as the "Anti-Russian Treaty Organization."

>this fucking idiot thinks he's a good writer and is making persuasive points
>actually thinks he's a free thinker and not a mindless sheep following Trump
>probably has said the word Sheeple unironically

Attached: smug wendle.jpg (224x224, 12K)

I'm surprised no one has shooped in a 4th panel with a big N

>Don't you see how, rather than fielding substantive refutations to my arguments, counter articles, and reason, you're main refrain is on me, personally

because you literally aren't worth the effort, clearly won't listen, and its fun to mock you and your utterly shit writing.

The invention of lying is kino.

>build a him tower in Russia.
>The "dangerous precedent" is not investigating presidents when shit like this piles up because they're reality stars and we shouldn't take them seriously, even when we elect them president.
Seems to me it relates more to this:
Accusing someone, and then trying to come up with evidence after the fact? Guilty until proven innocent? Sounds a little contradictory to a certain foundational American document.

You absolutely write like a cunt mate and every single post you make proves it more.

>mfw when I Know the artist
>mfw I didn't know he was THIS funny.

Attached: chris evans laugh.jpg (980x1040, 138K)

Oh hey look, more goal post moving. or rather, an avalance of irrelevent bullshit to try to push the topic to where he wants



>because you literally aren't worth the effort, clearly won't listen, and its fun to mock you and your utterly shit writing.
You're assblasted because you're being presented information that's contrary to your preconceived notions, but are too emotionally tied to give them up.
>clearly won't listen,
Won't listen to what? You don't listen to me.

>Posting articles from 2016
Are you seriously this stupid?
Hold on you're literally just posting the first or second result off of hastily made Google searches.

Your points are all bullshit that keep getting shot down, and you just wiggle out of literally everything you've been asked to consider.

I am listening and seeing everything you say is bullshit. And I cannot get over how pretentious and up your own ass your writing style is. I cannot be the only one who thinks you write like a complete twat, and I mean that sincerely. Get help and cure your twat-like writing habits.

>I'm this, don't worry
>I'm that, It's complicated
>Not even setting up jokes

I'm out

I'd believe that too if I was mentally retarded

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not him, but fuck you, that coca cola commercial bit was fantastic.

You're using an early 2016 article about a list of existing Trump towers when you're replying to a post talking about possible plans to build a Trump Tower in Russia. The cherry on top was Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians in a Trump Tower that Trump said he didn't know about.

The only thing after the fact is you saying that this shouldn't be done retroactively when Mueller doesn't call for any more indictment himself.

>he thinks he's arguing effectively

Attached: wendle also smug.jpg (238x211, 12K)

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Psst, i think he's too stupid to reason with. Look at the dumb shit he thinks is persuasive, and look how hard he spins his wheels not to think bad thoughts about Trump

>how could they possibly think a president who asked the Russians to hack a political rival should be investigated?

Attached: 1547622423527.png (797x456, 68K)

>posting more tl;dr images after i didnt read the first

Attached: wendle.gif (680x603, 1.81M)

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you dont even get a wendie for this one, still not reading.

Attached: 6corps.jpg (1016x634, 122K)

Here's Fox News talking about Trump's lies and asking him to get his facts straight so he stops giving the liberal media so much ammo.

>like the time you said that the Russians didn't interfere in the 2016 election until a lot of republicans bad to remind you they did

by blindly posting irrelevant tl;dr images you sure proved whatever the fuck your dumbass point is

Hey did you see how our stable genius president fueled anti-vax lunacy that led to the measles outbreak? You want to hold him accountable or is that not in your interest?

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This is fucking hilarious. Please tell me you're a troll or someone just trying to make this guy look bad.

At least you stopped writing your own words, thank fuck for that. its even easier to ignore you
Even better: you stopped writing in that "insufferable cunt in the front of every PoliSci 101 class" style of shit

Attached: veryreal.jpg (2544x820, 97K)

you aren't the idiot we've been arguing with, this one is actually funny.

Nothing because you faggots would endlessly blame Trump for everything, even after the fact. See: Illegal alien detention centers. Libshits were so riled up seeing kids in cages, but ignored the fact that it was an Obama-era order since 2014 and blamed Trump for it.

>she's the staff politics writer for vice
dropped. literally couldn't make it past 5 seconds

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You think you are disputing the point, but you're just proving it with your stupidity.

Attached: Goebbels1.jpg (850x400, 72K)

Ah yes, the Russian hacking that after 2 years, no evidence could be produced, despite many manhours spent trying to create impediments to their own bureaucracy and their own president, just because some "rural and suburban retards" didn't vote with the only 2 states that seem to matter to you retards.

But you didn't make a point. You just made a whataboutism and called it finished. Please take this level of foolishness somewhere else.

Not to the scale it was enforced and it wasn't defended as a means to discourage immigration but rather a budgeting necessity. Obama should be held accountable though for not hammering out something better. To make it worse, Trump pretended to be powerless about the issue.

Wew man, this thread is shit.

Where are mah funny comics god damnit?

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>I can't defend my position!

That is exactly how the Trumptards use the OrangeMan meme to keep themselves from thinking the bad thoughts

Attached: Goebbels2.png (726x114, 10K)

There is no funny here

Only assholes calling each other assholes

Which is what I find funny

I'd also encourage airports to search suspicious persons and regular people. Those aren't for political assassination attempts, that's safety.

The fact that you think this is helping you is proof of your retardation.

Attached: Goebbels3.png (727x461, 35K)

Next time goldberg, when you're trying to project your own mistakes on your opponent, wait until the next thread so you don't openly demonstrate how dumb you are.

who are you replying to?

bruh you didn't even address the point the post you replied to made, you just leaped in to defend orange man. that user's point still stands because you can't comprehend your own hypocrisy

Attached: TIme.jpg (1600x1066, 148K)

look here , you trying to pull the exact same shit as this guy, it's painfully obvious.

No, you really just are too retarded to think

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I'm replying to someone who would like to frame the fact that we usually don't have a problem investigating people for less than asking a country to interfere in an election who then do.

>gets called an npc
>>n-no you're the npc!
buddy go find some other hobbies than sitting around arguing politics on a cartoon board all day, you're wasting your life

Literally no one is reading your tl;dr shit

Typical pilpul. Avoids being called out on his mistakes and then projects it. You're not good at this all

not him but im only here because I cant sleep and love mocking idiots, and boy is this thread full of them.

Ironically you're supporting a president who pretty much claims his people are the ministry of truth. There are some big problems with our MSM, but calling it all fake and relying on your base to get their info from Q and Trump rallies does more harm than good.


memes have rotted your tiny brain to mush

>pilpul is a meme
Now that's a good one, berg

Hey look, an actual argument based on reading a post, reacting to it, and thinking

What the fuck is that doing in this shit pile?

It's gone far enough, this thread is without reason nor purpose. Kill it, return it to the void where it can obliterate.

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I mean, you aren't wrong.

Attached: TheFool.png (528x290, 15K)

unironically spewing "goldberg" as an insult, and you don't think your brain's been warped for the worse by assholes on the internet?

Ok, you always were idiotic worthless shit, memes had nothing to do with it.

But that in of itself is the problem. Those on the left dispose of anything Trump or his followers have to say as hogwash, and it's not a secret that MSM is by a large majority heavily left-leaning. The text you are criticizing is a double-edged sword. It readily applies to both sides, and neither side can see the other's point of view.

You "argue" like a 67 year old baby boomer and everyone is laughing at you

go back to >>>reddit then where you can avoid confrontation. Nobody is keeping you here, but then you won't get your 5 cents per post.

The fact that you seem to disbelieve everyone who holds a critical opinion of Trump, and dismiss them as "The Left" indicates you lack critical thinking in regards to turmp and are probably dumber than dog shit.

Worthless /pol/ tards like you make me sad that AntiFa hasn't killed anyone yet.

>The fact that you seem to disbelieve everyone who holds a critical opinion of Trump

That is an assumption that you readily made yourself faggot. You're too retarded to comprehend that people are sick of the left having carte blanch over being able openly criticize others, but somehow sweep any return criticism under the rug as "drumphee" and /pol/ boogymen. You don't attack arguments, you attack people from arguing.

Sure thing FBI

>Those on the left dispose of anything Trump or his followers have to say as hogwash
How else are they supposed to respond to hogwash?
>it's not a secret that MSM is by a large majority heavily left-leaning.
Bullshit, it's so painfully center, they'll even print lines like "TRUMP IS EXONERATED" when reporting a summary of a report that explicitly and literally says "The report does not exonerate the President". Even shit like MSNBC does that. Trump is too much of a headline-spewing golden cow. [Open]

Here's Fox News talking about Trump's lies and asking him to get his facts straight so he stops giving the liberal media so much ammo.

>like the time you said that the Russians didn't interfere in the 2016 election until a lot of republicans bad to remind you they did

This is part of the problem. Of course the media has a liberal bias. Take what they say with a heap on skeptism and shop around for more information as you cite sources. Our president is saying that it's all fake and they are the enemy of the people and only he can tell you what's real while he's being dishonest.

>It readily applies to both sides, and neither side can see the other's point of view.
it would help our society greatly if people on all sides could, y'know, go outside and live life and not get sweaty over internet arguments. sitting around and letting people on the internet tell you how the world is, instead of going out and seeing it for yourself is how this shit got started in the first place. this online indoctrination shit is exactly what ISIS did to gain followers, but nobody's smart enough to realize this
go back to r_td kid

>political shitflinging
>everyone still agrees that dobson is complete shit
how do you become the most hated human in history

>Here's Fox News talking about Trump's lies and asking him to get his facts straight so he stops giving the liberal media so much ammo.
And then ten seconds later you get Hannity and all the talk shows that still go under the Fox News label contradicting all of that and blaring the president's lies, and then having the president repeat them, because the hosts literally talk to the president every day about what their shared message should be.

Yeah, but its the LIBRUL MEDIA that is the conspiracy

Never mind the literal revolving door between the GOP and FOX

its all the evil lying LIBRULS you cant ever trust

Now watch Palin on Hannity!

Sounds kind of ministry of truthy. Yes, liberal media bias is very real, but that doesn't mean we should drop all skeptism about blatant government propaganda systems when it's the president we want.

dude your such a bad faith actor

by drawing horrible eyebrows for one

>make false allegations and assumptions
>can't disprove "hogwash" but continue to parrot it anyway.

That's what makes it so tiring. People are becoming galvanized to it because of repeated behavior and why Trump sounds so alluring to those who see that.

Also, I can't say I'm shocked that you actually believe that MSM is center. I do agree that he is a headline magnet, but majority of networks are very much left. At least the ones that are given any weight that is.

>Never mind the literal revolving door between the GOP and FOX
The fact that Paul Ryan now has a job at Fox News is fucked up, and the fucked up thing is it's not even in the top ten of fucked up shit this year. We're still in March.

so you have no morals got it

maybe your view of what is "center" is off because of your own hyper-partisanship

>Also, I can't say I'm shocked that you actually believe that MSM is center.
They bend over backwards to appeal to the right wing even when doing so means reporting things that are not factual or outright the opposite of reality. They constantly invite right wing talking heads over to their shows in some vain interest of appearing neutral when news aren't supposed to see two sides and go "We should tiptoe the middle", they are supposed to report the truth. Otherwise they will fall into the very easy trap of having one side go extreme and the center going in that side's direction as a result; the more extreme the right is, the more right the center has to be to accommodate them.

Threads like this are why i used to Story Time of Pain here.

Man, where the fuck is my Jenfer's Show folder hiding...

>muh horseshoe

What's more fucked up is his relationship with Hannity and the fact that he started out with Breitbart at all. Breitbart falsely race baited a woman into losing her job by taking an anti-racism speech out of context so it sounded racist and took that to the media. And Trump said "there's my guys".

That's not what horseshoe theory refers to.

its so fucking real it hurts

Besides MAYBE Fox, name another major news source that does that. Of course we won't count Breitbart because they are an obviously hyper- partisan site that nobody on the left respects.

CNN does it constantly

They hire Jeffery Lord, Rick Santorum, and countless other Trump lovers who lie shamelessly for him

When the very concept of police reform is leftist to you, you have no idea where center even is.

Absolutely nobody mentioned police reform in this thread.

>Besides MAYBE Fox, name another major news source that does that.
Fox doesn't do what I was talking about. Fox barely pretends to be anything other than right wing. CNN and NPR and MSNBC do, while letting completely unqualified right wing randos yap about nonsense in the interest of "fairness". It's frustrating seeing so-called news sources blare out falsehoods so that they don't scare away right wing people.

5.28 for me. When did the standard get this low? I mean, you can hate Stewart Lee for being a total lefty, but at least he's actually doing stand up. She's just talking about inane shit.

I think this proves you are a retard with no objectivity.

Wait, no these prove it

Congrats on being a retard with no objectivity!

Washington Times.
Washington Examiner helped Trump cover up his mistress by buying rights to the story and then sitting on it.

Oh and the National Enquirer bought and sat on a shit ton of stories for Trump too, because the owner is buddies with him.

They're the equivalent of Colbert during the O'reilly years.

>while letting completely unqualified right wing randos yap about nonsense in the interest of "fairness"
How can you not see that is completely intentional? They know trying to convince others is not a good way to spend their energy, instead, they just reinforce their gospel by demonstrating how foolish their political opponents are by showing off the dumbest of the bunch. It's exactly the same as when Tucker has absolute nuts on his show, it's all for reinforcement of their beliefs.

But you're full of shit

Those assholes are paid, and given full seats to the table, unlike Tucker's loons.

Kellyane and others from the administration are on too

You really just discount things you don't like hearing in entirely bad faith.

Fuck you

Who are you to say who is and isn't in need of social justice? Frankly, it seems to me you have a white savior complex if you can't let the groups in question decide on whether or not they find Apu acceptable.

>Its not cherrypicking when there are shitloads of critics using that rhetoric.
Name one who had a platform big enough to be heard on the nightly news besides Trump. I'm not the guy who brought up the MSM, but he has a point: outside of Fox News (for obvious reasons), the mainstream media beny over backwards to not criticize Obama's policies, the very opposite of how they have treated Trump. FFS, they spent 2 years trumpeting the narrative that he colluded with Russia, and see how that turned out.

>LOL threads
Am I on Yea Forums?

Did you see how one of those nuts called Tucker a millionaire paid by billionaires to push a certain narrative and Tucker responded with "go fuck yourself"?

>There is no such thing. There does not exist a hierarchy of privilege where it's only "OK" to make fun of the people on the top of it.
Fucking this. No one should be off-limits for being made fun of.

Yes you dumb faggot. Of course they're paid. Tucker's loons are just fucking youtube weirdos who jump on thinking that this is their time to shine. Santorum and Lord are known rinos who are there just to act like the retard that everyone points and say "here is what they think, isn't it silly?" They're just like Ann Coulter who trades sides with whoever pays her the most.

Stop being retarded and learn to read.



>he thinks nothing came of it
>he thinks it's over
Loving every laugh.

Well it's not funny, your mindset is going to get him reelected in 2020.

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I remember that. The guest was being a rude asshole BUT I wouldn't say he was entirely wrong.

Carlin never said the N word

He punched up, always.

He just never said it out loud


Fuck Tucker and fuck everyone who watches him and fuck everyone who makes excuses for him.

I chuckled

Yo, that’s pretty anti-Semetic, dog.

Absolutely this. He knew how to disguise his political leanings during his routines enough to make it palatable for most people, but he was pretty obvious during his interviews.


Glad to trigger you

You are still wrong about CNN's paid, full time conservative cucks not being any different from Tucker's stable of weirdos

And calling Poopy Froth a RINO? Wow, you really are delusional. He's horrible, but he's a dyed in the shit con

Fuck you again.

>why do Trump followers refuse to believe anything negative about Trump whatsoever?
The negatives are either made up, nontroversies or something the voters decided to live up with since 2016. You need to understand that Trump was a FUCK YOU vote. Had he been a literal dog, Trump followers would still show the same support. You're essentially playing completely different games and getting mad that the opposite doesn't play by the same rules or goals. Whats even worse for you is that the FUCK YOU elect is not an absolute disaster that was predicted. You keep kicking the ball and counting the scores, while Trump supporters are happily amazed a dog even knows how to play goalie in between digging holes and licking balls.

Trump supporters are willfully ignored and stupid about Trump, because he is a FUCK YOU vote. Trump really doesn't even need to be defended, but because he hasn't been the absolute disaster you hoped for, you have to give him some credit. And because the negative stuff about him, that should've been obvious, is instead this clown world conspiracy, you can't just accept it for the sake of everyone's sanity. He is a dog but he is not an KGB dog.

Ok baby, calm down. You have yet to actually disprove what I said and just repeated yourself. Also, reread my post again. I said they are the same, which is why I discredited them. Learn to actually comprehend English then get back here.

>Whats even worse for you is that the FUCK YOU elect is not an absolute disaster that was predicted. You keep kicking the ball and counting the scores, while Trump supporters are happily amazed a dog even knows how to play goalie in between digging holes and licking balls.

This is an actually good point.


They are not the same, you dipshit

And Santorum is not a RINO, just a turd

You fucking idiot.

>You're essentially playing completely different games and getting mad that the opposite doesn't play by the same rules or goals.

Wow, that's very well put. Shame you posted that in a thread that's on it's way to the grave.

A key element of blackface is the fact that the actor is physically changing their look to another race. When it's a voice actor doing the voice to a character whose physical appearance is not exaggerated in a stereotypical manner, then it's not blackface. The voice is merely stereotypical and that's it.

People just want to elevate shit to make it sound worse than it is. Apu's voice is no worse than Phil LaMarr doing a "stoic Japanese" voice for Samurai Jack.

Then learn to write dummy, and stop getting riled up. But yes he is a RINO because he is a turd, an intentional one. But I don't think you're capable of seeing that.

What pisses me off about this video is that we're mostly hearing Rutger's audio, not Carlson. If you could actually make out what he was saying in response, maybe he had some decent comebacks, but most of what you hear is Rutger talking over him.

Notice how not a single one of those people are in jail for colluding with Russia.
>Well it's not funny, your mindset is going to get him reelected in 2020.
Rather, the left's unending hysteria and inability to take an L will get him reelected in 2020.


Heh. Remember that time faggots tried to meme that into a word for cumpoop that comes out of a butt after gay sex and the world pretended that somehow the gays weren’t the disgusting degenerates in the debate? I remember.


>political shitflinging
>everyone still agrees that dobson is complete shit
how do you become the most hated human in history

>this thread again
goddamnit /pol/

Attached: 1547393952990.png (720x1916, 76K)

Most of this is just Yea Forums, don't pretend otherwise.

No shit but youre arguing about me being obtuse and evidence is the also a pretty damn important part of the legal system. How do you think police catch serial killers.

standup is the lowest form of comedy
yes, lower than puns and sunday comics

>He punched up, always
Oh fuck off you imbeciles. You idiots don't even know what 'punching up' means.

You think it means punching up toward "the man" because you get your political opinions from twitter. No, he punched toward censorship that was aimed at protecting 'the children'.

If you dolts were alive back when he first started his seven words routine, you would be calling him a nazi and a degenerate for breaking societal norms. You're only not doing it now because that ship has long sailed and now your opinion on what makes you that has changed. He would absolutely say the N word just to piss you off nowadays.

>but he was pretty obvious during his interviews.
>george carlins
>disguise his political leanings
I don't think you've seen a single george carlin routine or interview.
His routines were based on politically correct censorship, but you love that shit now so you can't actually come out and say that he would be against it. So instead you gaslight about how he would have 'always been on your side' despite all the evidence stating otherwise.

Standup is one of the most basic forms of comedy. You only think it's one of the lowest because we haven't had good standup comedians in decades. Literal decades. There are people posting in this thread who weren't alive when the last good standup comedian was performing.

>You better support me killing all the niggers, kikes, and faggots or else you're the intolerant one
Why do intolerant bigots always run to this argument when they want to justify taking other people's rights and controlling the way they think? It's always Nazis and mass murder with them despite the fact they live in a comfortable country where they haven't had to deal with _any_ problems in their lives.

>More racist than the KKK? Which side have they been supporting and for how long? So now we're playing degrees of racism are we, well shit in my eyes the group that normalizes racism is far more dangerous than fringe fuckers no one supports.
>That sounds completely arbitrary and uniformed. Source?
several polls were done a few years ago where both democrats and republicans were asked a series of questions like do you think black people are lazy or would you ever live in a black neighborhood. 19% of democrats and 24% of republicans answered what the polls deem racist.
Well lets see what they say:
>They're doing the job no one wants
>Who will take care of our gardens
>Who will lift these heavy equipment
>We will have to pay regular people more
>We pay them less its just the way capitalism works
Sounds like slave labor to me.
>rarely do I find any who are as welcoming to refugees and immigrants as the left are to a fault.
Sounds like they know how integrations work.

I miss when the craziest conspiracy theorist was Alex Jones, and not the entire Democrat party.

By that logic certain black face actors in the past get a pass too because they were simply trying to educate whites and blacks.
Thats not me being ironic or sarcastic either that shit really happened and while black face was once seen as enjoyable by both blacks and whites today its seen as inherently racist even though black face was sometimes used to demonstrate how unfair being a black person was.

is... is the joke that we're expecting to be entertained?

But the joke was that they didn't like black people and thought they were funny. That's not the case here.

What the heck is Sinestro doing there?

>Well lets see what they say:
Yes, let's. It's too late now, but you should have posted a source instead of having me trust your memory as you continue to ignore the KKK question for some reason.

>But the joke was that they didn't like black people and thought they were funny.
I don't think you understand why blackface existed in the first place.

Not him but the fact you keep circling around to the KKK makes me think you're projecting.