Get in the Thread Yea Forums!!!!
It's time for a Venom Thread!!!
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I just want a VenomGF goddamnit
Is that Moongirl? Venom and moongirl teaming up worked surprisingly well.
I wouldn't mind seeing them team up again but Marvel has kept them far apart, last they ever interacted was in Venomized
Who's ready for Carnage in every book?
Uhh thats lewd.
you ain't seen nothing yet
I can see her pussy. Why does Yea Forums pretend it has blue boards? If you can browse this place at work you are getting away with something.
last 1
No, I don't want to.
I want Venom to breed me
Flash or Eddie?
Either, both, doesn't matter.
You're alright user
Every Venom is great in their own way.
Reminder that Flash is going to come back as a symbiote at the end of absolute carnage.
Every Venom?
We don't talk about THAT Venom
EVERY Venom?
Fine user. Not EVERY Venom
Even alien symbiotes have their bad exes and drunken one night stand mistakes.
Having a symbiote would be fucking rad.
>a new best friend
>an excuse to pig out on chocolate
>never have to buy clothes again
You are welcome here brother
Would you a symbiote(male) Yea Forums?
And if you live in the city
>Free transportation
>still get all of this
Hell fucking yeah I would!
>tfw own two copies of ASM 300
Feels amazing
>tfw no symbiote gf who's close to spawning and implants it in you with her futa dick
Fine jeeze.
Venomized was a fun event
fight me
I was going to say how i would use the infinity gauntlet to erase all the people who make this kind of shit, but then i tought that the effects of the snap may be random and i might end up in a world where only fujoshits exists.
>look eddie, LOOK!
Sometimes tumblr art is great.
Venom seems to get good tumblr art
Why is it that I can remember nearly every line of dialogue from this movie and yet remember nothing from any of the other MCU movies?
You like it more.
I hope they do the sequals justice, they said that they wouldn't go r18 but I just cannot see carnage or kassady working without showing why they are worse than the Symbiotes from the first film.
So do you guys think that the story is going to be the suit going on its own for a good while and allow Eddie to start new and raise his son or will we see a reunion within the next few issues?
I think a reunion will come soon. I hope.
Knowing how Cates is going with this dumpster fire, he'll realize that he's written himself into a corner--again--and make up another convoluted reason to make it seem like "it was planned all along!"
I rather be forced to read AO3 Venom crap, getting the same quality of writing for free.
Its an edit
Just saw the movie for the first time. The villain was garbage and Tom Hardy practically carried the damn thing, yet it was the most enjoyable cape film I've seen in years.
why the fuck didn't you assholes tell me it was this good?
I thought we agreed that it was good stuff a whiles ago? I swear, the more I watch that movie the more things I find that I love/am charmed by.
How devout of a Catholic can Eddie call himself if he's doing it in the Church wiith his alien Other?
(I swear the deeper I get into Eddie!Venom, the gayer everything seems to get. Sure, the taboo relationship is part of what makes the character interesting but geez man. There's implications and then there's just throwing it out there)
Is that why his relationship with women became so shit after bonding with the Symbiote? After you have an alien for a lover, that absolutely worships the ground you walk, that can literally do or be anything that you want...could you ever really go back from that?
I just wish there was more fanart similar to this but of them actually as Venom.
I read a good Venom related fic. It reads like a goofy comic book.
archiveofourown () org/ works / 16982250 / chapters / 39916680
>fucking up the link
Why? does 4channel do something to AO3 links?
Do you think Cates Venom run can be salvaged?
why did no one like scorpivenom
He’ll surely get sick of retcon wank eventually. Tho, imo it’s not that bad.
He was either one of two things
Norman Osborn's henchmen just in a Venom suit
Or a punching bag, Spider-Man beats him in just one page of Dark Reign
Doubt it and if he did, by then most readers would've stopped caring anyways to go check. I tried to be positive, tried to "wait and see" where he was going with the story, and by this point I'd say the best way to fix things would be to have Eddie and the Venom Symbiote wake up from a "terrible fever dream."
Regardless of how "good" the art is or how "eh" the writing is. Cates just doesn't get the character of Eddie nor the Symbiote at all. Eddie since the beginning has been pathetically passive and anybody that knows anything about Eddie is that he's an active fucking participant.
Even when he's tied up in a straight jacket, he's planning and he takes any second of lowered guard. Symbiote or not.
Who Cates is writing isn't Eddie, it's some mopey loser that has life HAPPEN TO HIM. Can't believe it took me 11 issues of slogging to realize it wasn't going to get any better. For crying out loud, Venom is FUN. Not "Lol hyper meta/random" fun like Deadpool, but a fun that only a nutcase like Eddie could provide.
I could rant about this run forever and unlike the movie, the more I think about it, the more I hate it. I guess cuz I've sworn myself away from capeshit and the first time I allow myself to fall in love with a character enough to read the comics and get active with the current run, I get slapped with shit that actively tries to destroy everything that made those characters worth caring about. Just gross. I'll pretend that Venom ended with First Host and focus on actually good runs/stories.
At least I got the TBP for 50% in a Black Friday sale and then made my money back when I sold it to the Half Priced Book Store.
Venom is dummy THICC
Speaking of First Host, I was looking forward to how Cates was going to portray Sleeper and Dylan both being children of Venom who were raised in the exact opposite way, but knowing him, he'll make the walking talking rape drug symbiote meme a reality.
Some of that is Brock
Maybe if we're lucky, the prediction that Sleeper inevitably ends up killing Dylan is true (the whole added angst and cheap metaphor of "your fake Symbiote family has taken away any possibility for a real family.") Cuz at least with Dylan dead, it'll be easier for future writers to place Cates run under a rug or something once he's out of the writer's chair.
Why does this exist?
Honestly? You can say that about a lot of fan art
Yeah, I know: Internet. But...why?
The world may never know
She should have been his love interest.
The other girl was a bitch and moved on way too quick after dumping him for doing his job.
Screw that, Eddie should have gone for Mrs. Chen
Welp, he is shown in more than one occasion that he seems like the type that loves partners who insult him.
The Symbiote loves thicc men
Not going to lie and this isn't for comedic effect, I thought Mrs. Chen wasn't bad looking.
I went on OKCupid look for older Asian ladies that night. Like can a nigga get a sassy Mrs. Chen type in my area?
Isn't that most of Eddie's ships?
You gotta be Venom for them
I’ll always remember being in high school detention watching the girl in front of me draw Carnage yaoi in her spiral bound notebook.
Was he banging Venom or what?
Wat? I didn't think the Yaoi fangirls would be into Venom until the movie came out.
Nah man Venom has had yaoi art for years! That's why most people mock tumblr for being so late to the game
Sony China knows what's up.
Well, since I started diving into the comics...I'm more surprised it wasn't a given from the get go.
You should see the VenomXSpider-Man stuff
Reminder China got this
Knowing general Yaoi tropes, I'm not surprised that VenomXSpider-man is a thing.
>AMV that summerizes entire Symbiote chunk of the movie
That's not cool, man.
That was what China wanted and Venom made $111 Million over there
I think they just spent most of their good marketing on China. The marketing over here in the US was awful.
Sony knew they had us at "We are Venom"
For my case, not at all. I ended up caving after hearing a lot of good word of mouth.
Any board thats red will become a porn board eventually with no room for discussion
See they knew they had us....
Venom-Verse when
I hope sooner than later. I know that Venom fanboy in Sony would jump at the chance to make Venom-verse.
How do we fix and make these guys more unique and memorable?
If Marvel wasn't lazy, they could've had something cool with Hybrid. Scream is dead, as far as I know, but I think she had potential as an interesting character. Focus more on her journey to try to work with her Symbiote, instead of lashing out at everyone. Realize that Eddie isn't going to help her control the Symbiote and go with the attitude "well, if Brock did it by himself. I'll figure out how to do it by myself too." Probably learn to understand the Symbiote beyond a parasite and more as a partner. Forge her own path that way.
Shove them in space instead of Venom every couple of years.
Rank the symbiotes.
No it was Cletus jacking off into the symbiote.
I wish there were more of these
symbiotes can't be male
is this busty girl comics?
That's She-Venom
who drew these?
this guy?
Looks like it