What's up with Tom King anyway?

I just don't get the whole deal about this guy.
Why does it have so much sway inside DC? The dude couldn't sell a mini past 12 fucking issues a few years ago.
Why is DC letting this guy turn the DC Universe into his own personal misery porn?
Is he really married to his own mom?

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How is Stefan Molyneux related to Tom King?

He sells well and gets a lot of praise in the industry. Love him or hate him he's putting out stuff people are buying and that tends to get you whatever you want.

He doesn't really sell well, though. He made the Batman book sell lower than it did during Snyder's run. Heroes in Crisis sells really badly for a main event. His minis always approach cancellation numbers.

Snyder had a lot of stuff going for him, including having Capullo and he fared pretty well during the DCYou era. Omega Men and Vision didn't sell that well but had a cult following and weren't exactly big names, I see Vision the same as Martian Manhunter in they're popular characters but not popular enough to carry a book on their own for long. Heroes in Crisis isn't an event. Mister Miracle also decently and got a lot of good buzz.

>The dude couldn't sell a mini past 12 fucking issues
How long is a mini to you?

This isn't funny anymore

They look alike

Omega Men was a 12 issued mini that was cancelled in its issue 8 or something due to the awful sales. Then people bitched about it enough that Didio let it come back and end its run,

>a great comic series that didn't sell well was cancelled
>it was originally promised 12 issues and fans called out didio and that's why it got that many
Damn this King guy really is a bad writer.

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It wasn't really great, though.

King has a trauma fetish and he loves to traumatize the heroes he writes.However, he has no idea how to have the +characters he writes overcome their trauma and get better.

He has a lot of sway at D.C. because he and Didio have a similar vision for the D.C. universe.

He is pure kino personified.

Attached: Tom Kino King.jpg (2004x1998, 1.08M)

Shit taste detected and opinion discarded.

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He's a writer with a gimmick and that gimmick worked well enough in certain small scale contexts, which made people decide to give him a chance at bigger franchises.
He brought his gimmick to those franchises, but there, it doesn't work, and makes everything he writes look like shit.

So, yeah, his career is following the Bendis trajectory. After Batman he'll be given Superman, then Wonder Woman, then Green Lantern, then in ten years he'll move to marvel where he can ruin the Avengers and the X-Men, never changing anything about his style and remaining obvlivious to criticisms.

do your sheriff of babylon sequel already, I like my war PTSD not thinly veiled

>He's a writer with a gimmick and that gimmick worked well enough in certain contexts
The Comicbook industry is starved for heros, rock stars, major talent or however you want to put it. King had a cult following and a recognisable style, sometimes that's all you need to manufacture a 'personality.' It doesn't really matter if he's a good writer just so long as his name can sell books and generate buzz, even bad buzz. He's the definition of being blown out of proportion.

If you listened to the guy talk he seemed to genuinely have good ideas and he wanted to do things differently and experiment. He would bring up Alan Moore and Grant Morrison.
Then the success came, he had a series uncancelled due to fan backlash and another one got him an eisner. Both of these series were somewhat different for the time they came out and felt rather fresh, though both were flawed and the fans of these series didn't want to address these flaws, at most you had the autistic characterfags sperging out which made criticizing them all the harder because the fanboys would just say you're one of those autists, regardless, they seemed ambitious, albeit Vision less so, and they had a different feel from the rest of the comics on stand. Then he started saying how Bendis is his favorite writer, he said he talked with Waid and got a lot of pointers, he got fat and now the stuff he takes most pride in is the unambitious cheesy shit like the double date issues of Batman. He's fallen into a gimmick where he thinks he HAS to have the characters talk that way because it's the signature King dialogue and everyone wants to see it in every single one of his works, gone are the days of experimentation and now all he does is repetitive "signature style" bullshit...
Sadly though, nobody calls him out on his shit, everyone seems to hate Heroes in Crisis but they're quick to shift the blame everywhere else BUT on him. And the stupid thing still sells, constantly top 10 in an age where every month has a dozen new #1. Mister Miracle also sold very well considering the character never had a long running ongoing series his shitty series was announced as a 12 issue maxi series from the start which automatically means lowers sales than an ongoing. And while his Batman isn't selling as well as Snyder that's not quite apocalyptic as some might want to imply, the SnyderCapullo run is a giant in terms of sales and a series not being able to match it does not mean disaster

It's a generic war story with an OoC Kyle Rayner who's apathetic and suicidal like every Tom King's protagonists, the usual King's obnoxious waifu Kalista, and a story that goes nowhere outside of the established setting and ends with on defeatist note.

It was shit.

>And the stupid thing still sells, constantly top 10 in an age where every month has a dozen new #1.
It's an event. THE DC event right now since Doomsday Clock is getting ignored by everything else.

It's doing pretty weakly for an event that's supposed to have big consequences.

They're both pretentious hacks

>It's doing pretty weakly for an event
I've heard this phrase for every event in the past, like, 3 years now. And that's a lot considering how many Marvel pumps out. Fact is, it's constantly in the top every month.

Yeah, but that guy said *past* 12 issues.

I have my own problems with the way King analogized Islam (and possibly Judaism) and Western interference in the Middle East in Omega Men, but your summary of the book is the most negative possible take. There's tons of craft and powerful moments in the book, and the "defeatist" note is pretty accurate considering the state of the Middle East.

>and the "defeatist" note is pretty accurate considering the state of the Middle East.
But it doesn't say anything other than the fucking obvious. Everyone's after their own interests including the people that live there and the place will keep on being shitty and have major conflicts. Everyone knows.

You want some kind of solution? Why are you reading comics? The point of the comic is how to live with that reality - by trying to connect and make things better, and take responsibility when you make it worse.

I want daddy superman to tell them to stop being mean and let the Jews be in charge so everyone can be happy and democratic and enjoy freedom

>The dude couldn't sell a mini past 12 fucking issues a few years ago
What did he mean by that?

That would require the Jewish writers at DC to stop hating Israel.

Also, I didn't see a clear Israel analogue in Omega Men - maybe I missed it, but I feel like he mostly ignored that particular part of the problem.

>The Comicbook industry is starved for heros, rock stars, major talent or however you want to put it.
That is a very good way of putting it.


>Snyder had a lot of stuff going for him, including having Capullo and he fared pretty well during the DCYou era.
Stop deflecting. Batman has been a 100k+ book on average ever since Grant Morrison started his run like a decade and a half ago.
When Tony Daniel wrote Batman, pre-New 52, sales ebbed to 65k.
Guess what?
Tom King has now gotten Batman right back down to Daniel levels.
When you account for variant cover shenanigans inflating sales (people who "need" to buy both A and B covers, people who only buy cover B for the art), Batman is basically down to 65k.
Don't agree with that read on things?
Well anyway you look at it, King took over a 100k book, maintained sales of 100k for a year or so, got a big boost from the "wedding" hype, and now Batman is selling worse than it has in nearly a decade.
100k is a distant memory.
And that's WITH the help of the same-price "B" variant covers.

>Heroes in Crisis isn't an event
It isn't an event in the sense that it's a low-T weepy crapfest.
It's definitely marketed as an event, though, DUMMY.

>can sell books
but he can´t. batman might be still the top sell each month but it is selling much less then what batman used to sell years ago
hiring people like king who put sjw and feminist politics above everything is pretty much the reason why all comic sales are down now

>King has a trauma fetish
This isn't quite true.
King worked for the CIA and was personally responsible for helping them murder hundreds of thousands of brown people.
He helped the CIA turn roughly a quarter of the world into an endless warzone, disrupting cultures and erasing their history to make the world "safe" for "democracy".
He understandably has a lot of guilt over this and rightly contemplates doing something drastic to punish himself for his past actions.

Not an argument.

No, but something more meaningful and poignant than a simple "That's that, i guess", which is how he ends every fucking comic.

>hating Israel
Every jew at DC is a Zionist. The only non Zionist writer at DC is Morrison

He’s already writin Superman in that Walmart exclusive book... it’s really not great and really showcases that King needs to go to therapy

He killed some kids by misfiling some paperwork at CIA and now keeps going on about how HE's the traumatized one. What a wanker.

I don't LIKE how King ended Mister Miracle, but it definitely represents a difference between Sheriff of Babylon and Omega Men. I would argue that Vision also is a shift from "that's that" into "sacrifice can save some people." Batman, hopefully, represents even more of a shift into "sacrifice must be balanced with healing."

Where have you seen Jews at DC be supportive of Israel? They're all agnostic or atheistic secularists who think Jews are the same but worse as black people, therefore you shouldn't be mean, but they're probably just like white people. Self hating.

The Superman book is pretty good. Interesting structural ideas, a consistent theme of not giving up.

Non israeli jews are sjwfags, even Gadot itself hates this type because they kept bitching her about the time she served the army and called her nazi bigot.

That's what I'm saying - it feels to me that the Jewish writers and editors at DC are pretty SJW and hate Israel. Do you have any statements from them in support?

Vision ends literally with Vision learning nothing and repeating the same mistakes. Omega Men ends with Kyle Rayner learning that the Vega System won't change and everyone is out for them own interests including those that recruited him and going "Eh". Mister Miracle ends with Scott Free accepting that he's inside a fake reality and accepting it because it's comfortable. They all can be boiled down to "That's that".

The main problem with Tom King is that he'll come up with some nifty setting, but after the build-up he'll just spend the rest of the story in pointless navel-gazing and end the story literally in the same spot where it began with the depressed and suicidal protagonists all accepting things as it is or doing the same shit as always. There'll be always the same shit with the depressed and apathetic protagonist who thinks about suicide way too much, the ruthlessly pragmatic and scheming waifu who's perfect in every, the several random characters whose job are all to push and berate the protagonists around and ramble about the meaning of lie, and so on.

Seriously, even Heroes in Crisis is that way with Wally/Booster as the depressed protagonists, Harley/Batgirl/Ivy as the slayqueens, Gnark and the several Sanctuary's patients rambling about the meaning of life, and i bet you 10 bucks that it will end on a defeatist note that will boil down to "That's that, i guess".

Acceptance of reality instead of suicide is a plus, I think (which is one of the reasons I didn't like Mister Miracle, though you can read it as creating your own reality rather than necessarily escaping).

Obviously, you don't like what King does, and that's fine, but it works for some people.

He killed brown people and now he's sad

>this man isn't topping the charts every month with his comics and his batman comics are selling less and that has nothing to do with the fact that it's shipping twice a month

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he's basically a Batman villain in real life