Yea Forums Hunger Games

Bored as fuck. Anyone wanna do a Yea Forums Hunger Games?

Reply with an image and the name of the character.

First 36 get in

Attached: hungo.png (1068x459, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sad Kevin 11

Attached: BDE90C49-96BA-4FC0-B2E6-426899CF555C.jpg (594x645, 57K)

Steve Lichman

Attached: nxXxp6r.jpg (800x516, 76K)

Stuart Little

Attached: D1A9EEEF-8846-4CE0-869A-991AD4567766.jpg (400x308, 29K)


Attached: Doofenshmirtz_Portrait.jpg (800x1000, 448K)

Titanic Rapping Dog

Attached: Titanic-11.jpg (800x450, 34K)


Attached: jlc2e-flash.jpg (162x200, 12K)

Jim Jr.

Attached: Benchbog.png (102x102, 22K)


Attached: Screenshot_59.png (493x420, 297K)

Foghorn Leghorn

Attached: R43T3246315.jpg (538x704, 158K)

Angela Anaconda

Attached: 250px-Angela_anaconda.jpg (250x188, 12K)

Brainiac 5

Attached: Brainiac5.gif (200x247, 33K)


Attached: E23AE610-ABC5-4D7B-A9B5-B72A81FEBBCD.jpg (330x412, 41K)

Optimus Prime

Attached: G1_OptimusPrimegrid_sml.jpg (550x864, 90K)

Giant Chicken

Attached: Virgil-mighty-max-34395989-969-702.png (969x702, 872K)

Lord Dominator baby

Attached: 1450150159543.png (1093x1176, 156K)


Attached: 1541344548607.png (491x469, 464K)

Lord Hater

Attached: 1470000988021.png (800x732, 349K)


Attached: MV5BMTM0NTMxMjgzMl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMzEwMTIyNw__._V1__SX1854_SY860_.0.jpg (1200x800, 70K)


Attached: pizzazz.png (1063x800, 813K)


Attached: 1311271816088.jpg (263x252, 30K)

Sweet mexican chocolate

Attached: 1552840819696.png (598x597, 238K)


Attached: Mandrill.jpg (652x768, 189K)

Clark Kent

Attached: clark_kent.jpg (400x382, 31K)


Attached: 09fti58tyq421.jpg (850x549, 66K)

>3 seconds apart
Well ain’t that a thing

Jeannie Gold

Attached: 2CABE280-06AD-4035-93E1-6AF7492D98E9.jpg (224x225, 9K)

Jodocus de Jood

Attached: BartenReynard2.gif (288x226, 68K)

Carmen Sandiego

Attached: Fj5-uu88_400x400.jpg (360x360, 16K)


Attached: It was me.png (1200x680, 1.39M)


Uncle Ruckus

Attached: F8B34AE6-928F-434F-9C35-9D7AE2EA85DB.jpg (547x309, 30K)

Hunky Chunky Monkey

Attached: 79CB3BF7-575E-4739-8E96-0410F0130EA6.jpg (255x266, 25K)

Amerigan baer

Attached: americanbear.png (272x299, 178K)

Miss Frizzle

Attached: magic-school-bus.jpg (780x439, 53K)

Donkey Ollie

Attached: 0600F5AD-3675-4FCF-9C1A-F68F76DBBDC7.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

Spaceman Spiff

Attached: C1925B97-27E1-4E4D-91A3-986F151E625F.jpg (576x310, 86K)

Bushland Reek

Attached: 20190228_112954.jpg (620x540, 142K)


Attached: Thanos.jpg (990x600, 114K)

Shadow Toilet Roll Holder

Attached: 2ce.png (354x263, 94K)

The Master

Attached: 03FE9888-D46C-4F84-A7DA-77F0AB2CE90C.jpg (468x351, 40K)

Greg Weisman

Attached: Weisman.jpg (267x400, 20K)

Last one. Getting set up.

That's the cutoff, I think.

I gotta know which one kills the other.

place your bets.

Attached: it begins.png (744x1088, 748K)

never bet against Angela Anaconda

Jim Jr.

Doof, Optimus and Lord Hater

HCM is looking like a safe bet

Clark Kent

If Doof wins we better get a long plan speech by him

Lord Hater's a chad if you don't bet on him you're an idiot

5 bucks on Doof, Flash or Thanos

>Phyllis loses but unexpectedly shows more compassion and humanity than Jerrica

it begins.

Attached: The Bloodbath.png (1208x2200, 678K)


Attached: 1538159993713.png (350x417, 95K)

I'll do one; I wrote his various rants for Mr. Yea Forumslympus so one more won't be too bad.


Titanic Rapping Dog. His evil knows no bounds, and just when you think you have a chance to rest....


>Hater kills himself

>both of my contestants die on the bloodbath again

I swear to fucking god we better be getting another match

Based journalist man taking out the waifu

>Now where can my tree-branch be?

holy shit

Attached: Screenshot 2019-03-30 at 12.44.09 AM.png (461x150, 22K)

Rooting for the Jew Rhino

Of course Otis would work with the mouse

Your stuff is wonderful that would be great
Lasangacat is murdering you all

i believe in you brainy!

How did a mild mannered reporter manage to learn lethal hand to hand combat? Maybe Kent is Batman?

Five on Pizzazz, if Jem gets a team to work with her, she's gonna need those resources. She's got something planned.

This will work well for the next WOY thread as a reaction image

Kevin 11 really was sad :C

Attached: Day 1.png (744x2198, 696K)

Poor kid


Miss Frizz is avenged

Didn't know Ruckus had it for the purple folk


Spurdo's running away tactic paid off.

That cow has no sympathy.

When Thanos killed half the Universe, he ended up taking more white people than black

Gone, but not forgotten

Attached: Dead 1.png (452x1192, 95K)

didnt you know purple is just a lighter black

so says uncle ruckus

>Thawne sprains his ankle while running away from Bushland Rick
>Mandrills kills Flash

Speedsters bitching out in this game.


Man Helga is really unpopular. I guess that is what Helga gets for killing Miss Frizzle.

Do you know what reluctantly means?

>both of the wander over yonder characters are dead
does life imitate art

At least Sad Kevin 11 and Helga are together in death

Sonee, you were too good for this world.

>Even here, a CWC character is total loser, first getting stabbed, now this

I do, but the faces kinda tell a different story.

I feel for Otis

Attached: Night 1.png (712x2478, 632K)

Because she's an unstopable killing spree machine.

Attached: 1548545407968.jpg (300x300, 79K)

>Jim Jr.

Snakey you madman

>Pizzazz IS already showing more humanity than Jem

I would watch an entire webseries of Heinz and Uncle Ruckus interacting.

>Clark Kent starts a fire.

With what?! He doesn't have any matches!


Attached: sad raven.png (325x259, 118K)

Guess Otis feels guilt over Sad Kevin 11

>Doofenshmirtz and Uncle Ruckus tell stories about themselves to each other.
Top 10 Images You Can Hear

But who get's Spurdo's water? Stuart?

>doof and uncle ruckus telling stories about themselves to each other

i can see them bonding over their shitty childhoods this will make the inevitable deaths even sadder

Focusing sunlight through his glasses, obviously.

lrn2survivaltactics, son.

I don't think Lasagna Cat's description of the Sex Survey Results video ending will lighten the mood...

Shut the fuck up, Lord of the Flies writer.

stuffing your face as usual.

Attached: day 2.png (688x2816, 491K)

What about a 1 hour review of a Garfield strip?

A Super Speedster against Mild Mannered Reporter Clark Kent? How can Clark survive?

>lasangacat unknowingly eats toxic berries.
he'd do it knowingly, too

Attached: death 2.png (489x757, 56K)

>He hates poisionous berries, but he sure loves lasagna

>Foghorn Leghorn has a thing for punk girls

"You should have aimed for the head"

RIP Finland's greatest Fug Machine. He was a bear that was poorly drawn.

Win this like a white man, Uncle Ruckus!

How can an average man like Clark even compete?

Attached: night 2.png (752x2664, 463K)

N*gga did I just catch you collectin' fruit?

>DC's greatest hero and one of it's nastiest villains unite...

Thawne chases down completely average reporter to get the scoop on the competition

TFW when Roxy steals your cigarette lighter

>some rando
>greatest hero

Attached: day 3.png (720x1796, 540K)


Don't trust 'dem new Titans over dere

nooo optimus!

Attached: death 3.png (400x468, 27K)

>Optimus Prime killed by a generic pandering character for creeps

Attached: 1446012950998.jpg (500x385, 63K)

Pizzazz and Foghorn=OTP

>Clark and Thawne go from Thawne chasing Clack to them murdering other tributes together.

What a beautiful friendship.

Scared off by Stuart Little. Fucking pathetic, Donkey Ollie.

Attached: night 3.png (680x2068, 502K)

I always had suspicions about Ruckus's sexuality after the Jimmy Rebel episode.

RIP Pizzazz

Why does Ruckus like the green folk?

>Pizzazz bleeds out due to untreated injuries

Maybe if you had friends

Attached: jemhologram.png (1200x680, 1.1M)

Thanos and Uncle Ruckus' rivalry intensifies...

>Pizzazz bleeds out due to untreated injuries
In the previous day, Foghorn was tending to her wounds. I don't think he knew what he was doing.

good one

>I...I will all of my record proceedings to...Glenn Danzig!

Attached: day 4.png (708x2228, 409K)

>Otis, Thawne and Jodocus de Jood cheerfully sing songs together

What are they singing, Yea Forums?

Brainiac's out for blood

Doof, Uncle Ruckus nooooooooooooooo :,c

NO! Just when we were getting emotionally invested in Ruckus!

Otis would definitely sing I Won't Back Down
Jodocus' Jewish so you get the idea
What music does Thawne enjoy?

Virgil's sticking to the prophecy

>Doof gets killed by 4 people
dang, I was rooting for him

My heart goes out for Ruckus. He suffered a slow death.

>What music does Thawne enjoy?

Stalker music.

>killed two waifus
>snuggled with Ruckus
Is Brainy gay?

Some fan favorites gone.

Attached: dead 4.png (555x691, 49K)

who the fuck would waifu Roger?

Uncle Ruckus' vicious death after their sensuous encounter drove him over the edge.

With tights like those, why wouldn't he?

Damn,I loved those guys

Attached: night 4.png (784x1996, 357K)

I don't see any Rogers here, no sir

Who the hell is Roger? Jeannie Gold is a successful Milf wedding planner and a breast cancer survivor who does prostitution on the side in foreign countries

I'm now in support of Bushland Rick after Ruckus died

>Brainiac-5 thinks about winning


Yeah, I get alla' her stuff!

Attached: Glenn_Danzig.jpg (258x584, 72K)

I'm rooting for Brainiac-5 now.

half way there.

Attached: day 5.png (702x1468, 346K)

Clark, you traitor

Monkey's gonna win, screencap this

>Clark steals Thawne's supplies


And thus ends the Thawne/Clarke bromance

Also, fuck Jem.

>>doof and uncle ruckus telling stories about themselves to each other
Any writefags here?

But was it always a ruse, or was it real at some point?

Things are about to get..... nuts.

Attached: event 1.png (692x2408, 345K)

Clark and Thawne will end up killing each other, just watch.

2/3 of DC BTFO

Thanos could only kill half the squirrels.

brainys always gay Satan

Sorry man, I don’t think HCM made it

... Or not.


The squirrels...My God

Still pulling for Brainiac.

Attached: dead 5.png (369x1034, 129K)

F for Clark, Thawne and Thanos

And thus their betrayal leads them not to revenge, but to mutual bushy tails.

F for Thanos. He should've won it all.

I like to believe that in their final moments they tearfully crawled towards each other in the battlefield and made amends.

>"I'm dying, Eobard... I'm scared. I don't want to die alone. I need a friend."
>"Sh... It was me, Clark. I'm your friend. It was me all along..."

>someone submits a retarded meme character to a HG thread
>they survive until the endgame

Every fucking time

Attached: 8Fq.gif (300x257, 481K)

Forghorny needed to get his nut off, but Pizzaz was no longer there.


Attached: night 5.png (664x1080, 149K)

"I ain't quittin' yew..."

Ollie's gonna win this

Goddammit, Brainy.

At least Brainiac took out Jem, sadly at the cost of his own life.

Looking like Otis or Loli will win

How come all the interesting characters never make it?


Attached: 1447583859716.png (355x408, 146K)

Never trust a LSH member

I say I say I'm dehydrated son

Busy day

Attached: day 6.png (640x494, 89K)

i cant believe otis is going to win

>Otis poisons Jim. Jr's drink, but mistakes it for his own and dies.
I oddly remember this from the show somewhere. I think it was something like a Christmas special.

>all the best ends are dead
For fucks sake

Otis you fucktard

>Jim Jr.
>Some literal who with an ugly design
>fucking Donkey Ollie

Holy shit this HG is a travesty


Oooooh, So close

Damn, I thought Otis was gonna win this.

Well, that's one way to be hoist by your own petard

The final three.

I'm pulling for Ollie.

well, nvm

This post didn't age well at all.

Ollie is based you all need to listen to God

3 left who you got?

Attached: dead 6.png (457x844, 63K)

I hate ollie the least so go him

Do It. Do it for lasagnacat and Amerigan Baer, your fellow memes


Attached: Don't even bother asking for context.gif (600x382, 2.54M)


We're doing another round right?

F for Brainy and Otis

So, since Danzig now leads The Misfits, does Kimber now lead The Holograms?

Get in here meme and Christ bros Ollie’s got this

It's over.........


Attached: night 6.png (436x300, 55K)

RIP Brainiac-5

He went on a real emotional roller coaster.



Attached: 1522588458608.gif (480x345, 3.45M)

Based Ollie!





New match?

this is a sad day for all sports fans

>Jim Jr.
Fuck off.


Okay I'm gonna get a soda pop, gonna do another round of 36.


Attached: final score.png (567x842, 411K)

Maybe the real Tributes were the ones we killed along the way...

Press F for brainiac 5

Attached: 1545238726869.gif (260x173, 616K)

If we are gonna do a new one, I nominate Gun w/legs as tribute

Attached: e45.jpg (680x550, 42K)

White trash Mystique

Attached: e53a31db094813c1f99e6a8f844c57c2.jpg (1024x768, 143K)

Take the last 3 that were nominated a little too late
Not taking submissions until OP says to

>Donkey Ollie was a superior meme to Sonichu...

The Horror. The Horror.

... shit, I posted this before I hit refresh, please disregard Hungo

t. illiterate.

>t. illiterate

Alright, gonna do another round of 48.

I want to avoid re-submissions from last round

Also, because OP is always a faggot, I'm gonna throw in my own submission, Henry the Lizard

Attached: 710TGXYM7QL._SY445_.jpg (207x197, 20K)

Dick Vitale

Attached: Vitale_Dick_cropped.jpg (250x250, 35K)

>no resubmissions when both my candidates died in bloodbath

Thanks for nothing bozo

Attached: 678ab00b5c6d51c7aa8389a7072b05e707cb14230ec3ce9cbf301821481cc9bc.png (804x695, 291K)

Hal Jordan

Attached: le hal face.png (1440x1501, 2.89M)

Here's Ralph Bakshi as tribute

Attached: ralphbakshi.jpg (171x172, 12K)

The Swedish Chef

Attached: The Swedish Chef.jpg (220x275, 19K)


Attached: doki.png (785x785, 303K)


Attached: Red.jpg (1800x1800, 371K)

Hank Scorpio

Attached: e5dpPg7Y.png (374x374, 262K)

Chill Dino

Attached: Chill-Dino.jpg (366x367, 31K)


Attached: Puschel Crab Pinch.png (1308x972, 428K)

If op doesn't come around, through gun w/legs in the mix

Scared Guy from Action Comics #1

Attached: Scared Guy.png (1007x525, 773K)


Attached: 1467786903183.png (1045x861, 997K)

Alfred Pennysworth

Attached: Alfred_Pennyworth.jpg (719x1111, 90K)

Jason Blood/Etrigan

Attached: GoneGoneFormOfMeme.png (694x532, 83K)

little king miku

Attached: 1546845884520.png (400x472, 200K)


Attached: Lara 2.png (970x790, 735K)

Choco Addict J'onn J'onzz

Attached: 1529704465650.jpg (900x1158, 240K)

King K. Rool

Attached: K Rool.jpg (210x240, 9K)


Attached: Tud3_starscream_smirkiest.jpg (567x443, 51K)


Attached: comic soldier.png (256x256, 90K)


Attached: squidward.jpg (235x215, 7K)

Bozo the Clown

Attached: BD377CCC-AAF4-42E2-9C9A-204588F57ADC.jpg (950x708, 79K)


Attached: 1545329297289.gif (448x444, 1.39M)

Angelica Pickles

Attached: 53215325132.jpg (364x420, 107K)


Attached: dan_vs__death_battle_by_maxfunnies2550-da9nx1j.jpg (300x402, 18K)

Miss Martian

Attached: miss-martian.jpg (600x337, 27K)


Attached: Pappy.jpg (320x320, 12K)

cosmic boy

Attached: 350914-55548-cosmic-boy.jpg (291x537, 44K)


Attached: Lamp Loud.png (200x200, 79K)

Robot Chicken Otis

Attached: otis-robot-chicken-4.83.jpg (210x240, 11K)


Attached: Talos.jpg (960x960, 136K)

Victor Quartermaine

Attached: VictorQuartermaine.jpg (250x406, 15K)

Sollux Captor

Attached: sollux.png (549x449, 7K)


Attached: 007-youngjustice-313.jpg (1920x1080, 77K)

Dr. Pepper

Attached: 120525-10774_d.jpg (300x300, 29K)

Pepper Ann

Attached: Pepper Ann.jpg (225x225, 10K)


Attached: Candela_JX_03.jpg (600x450, 20K)


Attached: frankie.jpg (1480x1080, 381K)

Smash Badger

Attached: Smash-Badger.png (468x467, 207K)

Hector Hammond

Attached: Hector_Hammond.jpg (820x768, 176K)

Some Big Fat Hermaphrodite with a Flock of Seagulls Haircut and Only One Nostril

Attached: Screenshot_20180819-1452252.png (479x480, 159K)


Attached: Homer.jpg (599x337, 23K)


Attached: Dethklok.png (300x168, 88K)


Attached: Somebody Is In The House.png (166x152, 66K)

Betty Boop

Attached: 13-betty-boop.w700.h700.jpg (700x700, 58K)

King Dedede, from Kirby Right back at ya.

Attached: dedede.jpg (225x225, 7K)


Attached: 1543401381760.jpg (1024x768, 437K)

Amelia Bedelia

Attached: 2019.png (268x268, 130K)

Samurai Jack

Attached: JPEG_20190204_130350.jpg (276x276, 10K)

Dan Backslide.

Attached: Dan.jpg (480x360, 35K)

Oh, now, really.

not Yea Forums

The Grinch

Attached: JPEG_20181024_145412.jpg (164x164, 6K)

Sam Da Man, yeah.

Attached: SamTheMan.png (253x253, 88K)

Bingo the Gorilla

Attached: bingo.jpg (1086x813, 99K)


Attached: ec7034f0419597db9d4d34c4f5bee1d2.png (700x900, 370K)

Cubivore Pig

Attached: apex predator.png (546x546, 298K)

Bloody Mary

Attached: 01eab332e9b0658193ba8478451c0a51.jpg (640x360, 29K)

An actual tiger

Attached: ww-wild-cats-tiger.adapt.945.1.jpg (945x531, 87K)

Eisner needs to die

Attached: michael.jpg (295x320, 22K)

Cartoon Network

Attached: index.png (420x120, 5K)

I think we're well past 48 at this point.

Some of these really aren't very Yea Forums, BUT NEITHER AM I!

Place your bets!

Attached: game 2.png (820x778, 368K)

i'm rooting for that hermaphrodite

My vote goes to Homer. He'll find some way to not get cancelled.

Hal's gonna make Coast City look like a fucking joke

Squidward, Sonic and all Dee Cee characters

Who else to trust other than almighty penguin king Dedede?

Dr. Pepper all the way

Bakshi and Pappy would beat them all up easy irl

Puschel or bust.

Scared Guy from Action Comics#1 deserves his chance in the spotlight.

Robot Chicken Otis was a creative way to get around not getting to use regular Otis so definitely that

Lots of blood.

Attached: game 2 bloodbath.png (968x1976, 423K)

>Hector Hammond

Gun w/legs

K. Rool gives no fuck about the elderly

Rip swedish chef

Yeah fuck Goldtooth, my girl Betty got explosives and pepper and got a shovel, nice.
RIP Alfred


Based Homer

Good to see Angelica learned to share.

>an old sailor killing a young Gypsy

it's not something you see every day

A guy with fire abilities getting killed by water checks out.

>Sonic Runs

In other news, clouds are white and the sky is blue.

K. Rool an early favorite perhaps?

Attached: game 2 day 1.png (1012x1296, 356K)

>Quatermaine & Blood talking

Fucking Brits.


fucking hell vergil you spilled the FUCKING DR. PEPPER

>Vergil throws a knife into Dr. Pepper's chest


>Sonic sees smoke in the distance, but decides not to investigate

I can't figure out if that's a personal low for Hal or not.

Vergil is only motivated by water.

Based Pepper Ann

A clown camouflaging himself is a scary mental image

God damn it Ralph, at least die honorably.

>Vergil beats the shit out of a lamp and kills Dr. Pepper with a summoned sword

Looks like kino's back on the menu boys


Attached: game 2 dead 1.png (448x1292, 75K)

>Clown in bushes
IT is real

Attached: game 2 night 1.png (984x996, 307K)

Hope we have more of these tomorrow

>Hector Hammond outlived Hal Jordan

He'd be rubbing his hands if he could.

Based Hermaphrodite. Anyone who can kill Hal Jordan who has no powers deserves respect.

the hermaphrodite has made a grave mistake.

poor Marcelino first is mother, now his Gypsy friend.

Attached: game 2 day 2.png (882x1286, 299K)

I have a feeling Bozo just tells them about his cousin Pennywise

Attached: game 2 dead 2.png (244x208, 9K)

I have a feeling Homer w/sword isn't going to spare Smash Badger if he catches him.

And Hammond isn't sleeping, he's just paralyzed.


Attached: 1531080969183.png (314x314, 91K)

Attached: game 2 night 2.png (912x1080, 296K)

F for Screamer

Etrigan doesn't have the kind of warmth you want...

>Sonic Drowning

Guess he didn't find an air bubble in time.

Attached: [chuckles].jpg (890x890, 64K)


Attached: game 2 day 3.png (1024x1080, 279K)

Attached: s1-lz-structureimg3full.png (320x224, 8K)

F for Hermaphrodite

>"The Bikini Bottom Squid, he 's a partner I'd bet on for a quid, for he'll slay them, be they troll, hermaphrodite or kid."

Attached: game 2 dead 3.png (337x921, 60K)

Green-themed DC heroes haven't been very lucky.

Dickie V is a true hero

Attached: game 2 night 3.png (788x1080, 223K)

it's getting intense

Hank, bro, we need to talk.

Hank's giving Red a pep talk

Bozo might've been scary, but does he have a Sega Genesis game with Awesome Baby in the title?

Attached: hqdefault (16).jpg (480x360, 22K)

Never trust a clown around a kid.

K.Rool and Hammond are doing well.

Attached: game 2 day 4.png (516x1408, 193K)

That's the 3rd dead DC hero that's green. Good thing Swamp Thing didn't join.

The Dick is growing stronger.

Rebellion Tree Branch.

Attached: game 2 dead 4.png (401x817, 52K)

>Vergil died from a fucking stab wound

I fucking hate these anticlimaxes, he probably just got butthurt and left anyway

Attached: game 2 night 4.png (420x864, 143K)

Apparently, killing him caused Etrigan grief.

The fuck you expect?

Attached: game 2 day 5.png (456x1440, 156K)

Dick and Etrigan are savage

Attached: game 2 dead 5.png (225x180, 8K)

Attached: game 2 night 5.png (464x1157, 145K)

Feast time!

Attached: game 2 the feast.png (512x1060, 123K)

Did no one go to the feast?

Dang, literally no one went to the feast.

Damn, Jason is killing it.

>Homer refusing food

What madness is this?

Attached: 1465179667357.jpg (350x233, 17K)


press F for yet another legionnaire

DedeDon't fuck with him

Attached: game 2 day 6.png (486x729, 83K)

F or Dick. He was foing so well too.

Money's on Hammond and Etrigan now

>Angelica kicks the bucket
About time that brat was put in her place.

F to my tribute

Attached: game 2 dead 6.png (344x1080, 65K)

also yikes, wish I didn't link to a furries channel

More like, triple suicide.

RIP Angelica. May flights of chocolate pudding sing you to your rest.

>If I pass up going to the feast then there will be more food for me


>Dick dies
>Jason and Hank also die
Fuck this round

Attached: 235325344555553321.gif (500x375, 109K)

One of the most in character deaths i've seen in a while.

Attached: game 2 night 6.png (461x516, 58K)

go squidward!