Cant stop cumming

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This is surprisingly really qt i came 9 times already too

Yay, a third thread for a dying service willing to suck your dick and give you all the comics if you'll only subscribe!

Let's make more, and really rub DC's face in it!

She looks so fucking stupid lmao

kill yourself ladderbro

...she's the girl from spy kids, right?

Ladderbro pls


This shitty, redundant thread deserves to be above the actual discussion thread.
Ladderbro, Ladderbro, Ladderbro bump!

She gonna be wth billy right? There's going to be a Shazam cameo right?

Brec Bassinger... Hnng

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I doubt it.


So hen are you going to realize you're wasting your life railing against DC every single day?

don't hold your breath...

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What a dumb fucking mask.

Okay then.

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Is that a transformer behind her?

Based DC.

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That's your dead sister, Geoff. Please stop cumming

So who else subscribed after they posted their updated comic list?

Updated comic list? I know they are adding around 20000 comics to DC Universe but did they actually post a list showing what they are going to add?

it's supposed to be everything more than a year old.

Everything? Wow well if that is the case I will definitely subscribe. Wonder if that includes Vertigo's stuff.

Why is Stargirl pretty much the only female superhero who gets to keep her comic costume in live action?

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Cause it's not that ridiculous compared to most.

Is DC ever going to team up with Hulu or something? I liked Titans okay and really liked Doom Patrol but the cost is a bit of a hard sell.

Because it's cute and relatively practical.

Mask is probably the only thing I dislike.

>They kept the shorts
What sorcery is this?

Not really a surprise, DC stuff that doesn't need to compete with MCU can do whatever it wants and tends to be good.

>tfw when it's real, not a photoshop
>They gave a teen superheroine her original costume, horts and bare midriff included
How? It's 2019, I thought this stuff didn't happen anymore. Did the actress have a say in the costume?

midriff is in right now

I've got a chub right now, the real hard-on will come with S.T.R.I.P.E.S.

objectively making it a full skin tight suit wouldve made more sense and looked way hotter

>midriff is in right now
Is it? More examples pleaseI'm surprised because comic Stargirl got censored, wearing a strange-looking bodysuit and CW Stargirl had a very low budget costume without midriff as well. I'm glad to see the texture of the top and shorts also looks a lot better, like a ribbed plastic. The belt is also a lot more detailed than the one the Stargirl in LoT had. This show is looking promising, I hope we'll soon see the other hero costumes. Which network is distributing it?CW or someone else?

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DC always puts the best looking chicks in their roles....I love it

Jerking off

I really dislike the mask, the legends costume has that over it

Why's Captain Marvel got a stick for Endgame?

Geoff Johns designed the character in memory of his sister, so she was a well-rounded character from the start, and she was given a realistic costume for a turn-of-the-century teenage girl that still holds up today. I guess you're not thinking about Supergirl or Hawkgirl or Elastigirl or any of the other faithful recreations, but of the redesigned sexpot costumes like Black Canary or Scarlet Witch?

She'll be with Wally