I fell in love with her for 6 fucking years, Yea Forums help me, please, I love her seriously

I fell in love with her for 6 fucking years, Yea Forums help me, please, I love her seriously

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There's always another girl.

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Go to /pol/.
Soon you will hate her.
Hate all the women.
Then can bemoan death of white race with rest of involuntary celibates.

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a goddess

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>Hate all the women.
I love my mom.

Again. Who?

Mums don't count. They get mindbroken by baby hormones during pregnancy which remove most of their self-serving thot instincts and replace them with all the caring motherly stuff you care about.

No, she's an absolute fucking moron. She thought Miles Morales was going to be introduced in the MCU as a SHIELD Agent purely cause of a cover.

But I love my sister too.

I love your Mom too.
Long time.

holy fuck they're ugly

There are comic reading regulars here who think Ezra Miller is going to get a solo movie.
Or that Cavill is "coming back".
She's no dumber than the average here.

You tried, you couldn't get hard, faggot.

shut the fuck up turboautist

She also had it on good authority that all the cinemas were told to take the Dark Phoenix posters don as Feige wasn't going to let the movie be released. Absolute brainlet

(you)? yeah, you're a fucking brainlet

Whatever user. Grace is a retard and her taste is shit

just kill yourself fucking autist

I still have my Thor cup. I'm drinking out of it right now. I did have Loki and the female but those are long gone

Grace Randolph

I have no idea who that is, but a quick google search seems to imply its a youtuber.

Her reviews and opinions have a wide range, from well informed and balanced to literally wtf were you thinking when you said that.

Also she has an odd issue with sex scenes

the best youtuber

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Well that's just the fault of your own social conditioning to protect and love your family. Your sister's probably a duplicitous whore or well on her way to becoming one, my dude.