Is Frollo /our guy/?

Is Frollo /our guy/?

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can't wait to see how the remake is gonna tackle him

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He was right about gypsies

Probably just about the same. Maybe even more whitewashed

>Maybe even more whitewashed
I thought if anything the Disney version cranked up the evil meter on him. Granted he was still evil in the book but everyone was sort of an asshole except Esmeralda.

Came here to see if this was in the first 3 posts and wasn't disappointed.

Hates it when people have too much fun. Willing to burn down a city and kill thousands for his Gypsy waifu, whom he doesn't even recognize as a real person, just an idea - a fantasy.

Yeah, he's our guy.

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And racist, and a hypocrite. He'd be the one railing against degeneracy and treachery on discussion boards, and then posting a bunch of BLACKED shit on the porn boards. Frollo covers a lot of bases.

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>chasing after roastie gypsie pussy
no thanks

No matter what Disney does I think this is gonna be the most controversial of their remakes. I'm surprised they're doing it to be honest.

>incapable of interacting with a woman in a healthy way
>spergs out because he doesn't know how to handle his boner

Sounds about right.

No, he's God's guy.

>is a righteous man
>waifus best angel
>best friends with Gaston
Absolutely /ourguy/

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Why didn't he just fuck the fire?

/r9k/ is a group of guys who think they're Quasimodo, but they're actually Frollo.

Frollo had a job and political power

>Frollo wanted to kill this

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>hates gypsies but wants to fuck them

he's /pol/

>homicidal racist

Seems more like the /pol/ or /his/ crowd.

an incel? yes

even esmeralda was a bit of an asshole and frolo was more human

/his/ mostly hates /pol/ but yeah hes definitely /pol/

He's only human.

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His boner game was too strong

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You know what nu-disney is going to do in the live action remake.

It's going to be 30,000 times more prechy about how it's important to stand up to your evil white male leaders who don't want to allow gypsy réfugiés into Paris.

They will turn up the "Frollo is a pathetic incel" factor by about 100%. Leaving no hint of him ever being a kick ass villain, but just some pathetic creep who's on the wrong side of history.

They will tone down Esmeralda's sexyness by 100,000% and make her more of a butch strong female character.
No sexy dance.
No sexy outfit.
Just a loud mouth brown chick fighting against the evil white old white man.

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No, modern day incels don’t do it for the same reason Frollo doesn’t do it. Frollo’s struggle is a religious one because sex outside of marriage was one of the worst crimes you could commit. Yes it was considered a major crime. Plus he couldn’t marry her being a gypsy and all and that would take a huge hit to his reputation. Although he did try to convert her. On top of masturbation also being a sin! On top of rape being a major sin. This why he asks Esmeralda to covert to Christian and choose him and this why she refuses he considers her a herectic and decided to burn her instead of forcing himself on her. Of course his personality also takes this to the extreme.

what does that word even mean anymore? the man hates gypsies because they're a criminal organization. they're the same color as he is ffs.

That word doesn't mean what you think it means.

Gypsies are fucked up, they have their own folklore about how a gypsy tried to steal the nails used to crucify Jesus and this gives them a free pass on "thou shalt not steal"

It's a bit early to be this triggered by a scenario you've concocted in your head