Yea Forums, did you use all the hot water again?

Yea Forums, did you use all the hot water again?

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Take a cold shower you baby.


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imagine her smell fresh out of the shower

Tfw grey up big family. Never truly enjoyed a long hot shower because of this exact fear.

I was like an hour in there because I like the steam, what on earth made you think there would be hot water left when I'm done.

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It was me but i'm not apologizing

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I gotta make soup some how woman!!!

Yea Forums, has many times have I to you-


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Ego PIGGYDEON, omnipotens: Non es dignus tu calidam, MINISTRA peccatum mortale!

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"If you would just shower with me like I suggested, we wouldn't have this problem!"

This line was cut, why? It makes sense in a house with over a dozen people. That's just smart thinking.

Was that actually cut or did you make that up?

Definitely the second.

So if she let go of the towel, would it fall off?

No it was cut along with Luna's line of
>"lori please go finish. I'm getting wet thanks to you."

My dad, who is the literal personification of a boomer in pretty much every way, loves this show and watches it every time he's home.
I am so confused on why it's so popular. What is it, Yea Forums?

Para exterminari, ineptum esse, PATHETICUS!

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You know why and there's no need to even say it.

Whats a support beam?

I'm sure there's a meme answer that I don't know of, but I seriously do not get it. This man is the ACDC blasting, heavy truck driving boomer dad you'd think of. Almost every day it's on. And he can't even answer the question. It's just perplexing curiosity more than anything else.

It's the story of a cute boy who does cute things with his cute sisters. What more needs to be explained?

It's really not our fault your family cheaped out on a water heater for a family of 13.

Got a problem, bitch?

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Lynn sr insists the water heater he bought in 1991 is still good despite almost entirely covered in duck tape.

It's a pillar that supports the weight of a platform, floor, roof, etc.


sorry, i was jerking off and that shit takes time

You feeling accepting yet?

H-how c-c-c-cute?

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Do it before you shower then wash it down as you clean yourself.

>left out Lucy
>left in Luna
>managed to make her even uglier than in the show

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there's a 2nd pic user

Why are you telling me instead of showing me?

fine, but next time your gonna look for it yourself

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There will be no next time. I will never have an interaction like this again.

this is illegal, you know

because you're going to get banned?

What would give you that idea?


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Goddamn it why is Lucy so hot?

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It's ok, you can use my hot piss instead.

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By God user, this is a blue board!

Fuck off, matrixpichu.

We have to start showering together to save on the hot water.

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It's like you want this thread to be pruned!

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>guys am i doing it right?
>did i dump enough softcore shittly drawn porn?
>am i a Yea Forumsmrade now?

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He's an annoying shithead from KnowYourMeme who spams the site with the exact same shit.


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This is why loudhouse threads are always in /trash/. They don’t even get the dignity of simply being removed.

At least he doesn't post shitty softcore porn.

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Ah. The RWBY treatment. I hate this board with each passing day.

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only one of value is leni, as always.

one lola and one lucy pls.


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>In order to make ends meet, the Loud family decides to rent out their basement to user for $400 a month.
> He's always stealing shit from the fridge and playing video games on full-blast until late into the night.
>One day, Lynn sr. catches user leering at Rita but doesn't confront him because they really need the money.
> Ironically, user is actually a super-successful fintech nerd who owns multiple suits, each of which is worth more than the family van.
>He chooses to live this way because he is insane.

This is my headcanon.

Of your existence, or your strength?

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I want to drink her shower water and bottle it so I can have some for years

What? If you mean that this is an excuse to show yourself on a towel then it' s a yes

Why is there a lamp in the middle?

>blonde bimbo with cowtits
that’s the stuff

Lisa wearing Mary Janes while everyone else has on heels.
Lily with the bunny onesie.

This image is more wholesome than it should be.

cringe-core meme

Go back into the trashcan where you belong, freaks.