Despite the fact that Wally is probably being character assassinated...

Despite the fact that Wally is probably being character assassinated, I think we can admit that so far he has been the only interesting/hype thing about rebirth.

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It will be undone by Doomsday ckock but leaving the others still dead.

Probably someone else did most of the killings.

I dont know why they even re-introduced him only to kill him or remove him, why not just put him aside from the main continuity and have him doing some other whacky shit like time travel shenanighans with booster gold or something. DC could've had both Wallys.

I just want to see Wally react to finding out that it was Doctor Manhattan that is the reason for his life being ruined. Wally is probably the only character (especially with time stop) that could be able to handle Manhattan even with DCs bullshit writing.

He originally came back to be in Doomsday clock. It's why Johns started Re-writes as soon as the grounds for HIC were being laid.

I can say I do like the suit.

Nah, Superman had been the best thing about Rebirth before Bendis crashed it into the ground, while Wally was almost immediately sidelined and trashed.
Geoff was too busy and unfocused to carry out any of his ideas well with basically no unified vision before trotting off to WB for royalty farming, and DiDio REALLY wants things to be like Nu52 again except without most of the good shit that came with it. That includes getting Wally out of the way.

Wouldnt you snap if your family didnt exist anymore? Its basically his coast city for Hal.

Having two sets of memories and your life altered?

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Anyone would, but how many characters have had their families erased with no way to get them back? Why were they erased in the first place? Just to make him suffer and give the writers an excuse to make him nuts, right? If that isn't character assassination then I don't know what is. At this point he would need to remind time AFTER writers declared that time can't be fucked with anymore, and even then he'd still have blood on his hands.

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>he has been the only interesting/hype thing about rebirth
Not at all

Name a few then.

Wally and Barry are the same character. They should just be merged

That would be Kenan Kong

Astro City kind of did this whole deal better, though.

Maybe theyre alive but in witness protection programs.

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>Doomsday Clock reveals we were just in the wrong timeline the whole time
>Real Wally and his kids end up setting things right
With all this talk about universes and multiverses I'd love to see readers have the rug pulled from under us with Hypertime being pulled out of nowhere.
They're wildly different characters though, Barry just doesn't have much of any character at all to draw upon.

Everyone. They just don't remember it. At some point Helena Wayne existed. At some point Barry's kids existed. At some point Superman's parents were alive and Chris was his adopted son. At some point Lyta was Diana and Trevor's daughter. Blah blah. Everyone's lost family, Wally's was just the most recent one at the time of the reboot so it's the most obvious.

Super Sons
New Super-Man

You don't do time travel shenanigans with Wally. For one he hates time travelling, for two that's Barry's deal (and I guess Booster and Rip but they're minor).

Those were good.But weren't really interesting or hype.

lol if you think Wally is going to show up in doomsday cock

A lot more interesting than the return of Wally West.

Stop bullshitting. Johns himself has said he had absolutely no story or plan in mind at the time when he did DC Universe Rebirth. You can't plan to have a character in a story you haven't planned to make yet.

the only interesting thing in Rebirth was New Super-Man

No. It was pretty predictable. Again they were great reads and HIC is complete shit, but as far as actually wanting to know what happens next Wally is probably the only case in DC where some big changes are likely going to happen. The closest I can think of was Slade creating his own team.

Wally's return was hype, the follow up story was a failure because they conspired to do absolutely nothing with it, intentionally. You can't pretend there wasn't a shit ton of hype going in.

>Wally coming back
>Then meeting supes
>Then remembering his kids
>Then outrunning fucking everyone with not a single person in the JL able to stop the Wally/Barry trainwreck
>Then Wally's master plan involving killing fucking everyone
Name another character that has been as interesting. Even if HIC is complete shit we still read it every month just to see what happens next.

Hunters the true flash now.

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The fuck are you talking about? There was plenty early Rebirth besides Wally worth reading about. That said, yes, he is being dragged through the mud to prop up Barry

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Remember when they brought Thawne back in Wally's run and it was the best Flash story ever?

It's like the exact opposite with Zolomon and I'm bitter as fuck about it.

Titans was absolute garbage, especially his meeting with Superman. Absolute shitty conversation that moved nothing forward like it should have. And then Superman got all his history back like 2 months later so he and Wally had no common ground anymore.

Barrys going evil too.

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Not at all

This should be fun

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the best thing of rebirth was the red hood comic and they ruined that by splitting the team

fucking hate the new red hood

The cloest thing you have to a son and he is dead. I would be pissed too.

Hey look, it’s the scottlobdellfag/jasonfag that hates everything DC unless it’s related to the DC rebirth and thinks Idenity Crisis was good.

I just want fun Wally and Bart team up adventures