Shazam (Film)

Have you seen it? are you going to see it? Have you gotten tickets yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Seeing it Thursday in 3D @ 4:30PM.


No no and no

Now fuck off shill

Being excited for things? They must be paid. Paid shull

& No.

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it's fucking Great.

Look, I enjoyed Captain Marvel too, but you Carolfans need to take it the fuck down a notch and stayout of Shazam threads.

I liked it. Nothing great but subverts a few expectations.

I think I'm more excited for this than Endgame but that might because it's closer

Seeing it on the 4th then I'm heading out for sushi! I haven't had good sushi in months, so it'll be an extra great day on my end.

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Seems too stupid to me, and not in a clever way.

No, yes, no,
It can't come out soon enough

Saw it.
It was fun!
Something movies haven't been in a while, actually...

Gonna try to see it this weekend.

>I think I'm more excited for this than Endgame but that might because it's closer
I am because I'm a much bigger Shazam and DC fan than a Marvel one and I'm far more invested in the future of the DCEU because it's super up in the air. We all know the MCU is still going to go strong after Endgame.

>Gonna try to see it this weekend
Next weekend I mean. Shit

Oh you have shit taste. Thats a shame

I'm curious as to how the Black Adam movie inspired from Dark Reign is going to pan out.

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>Carolfag having shit taste

Not surprised

No. Certainly hope so. no :(

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>Fuck off shill
You got it mixed up friend. I know they are both called Captain Marvel but it's the Carolfags who are the shills. Billy bros are based.

This is a real promotion in Sweden.

Clown world is reaching new heights every day.

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She seems into it

Seen it with my family, gonna watch it on my own on the 5th

I dunno, that seems like a cute, harmless promotion

>A cinema upgrading your soda pretty much for free
That's a neat little gimmick not fucking clown world shit. Get a grip man

I like how the DC logo looks like part of his zipper.

Not yet because those previews weren't 3D, yes and I never bother with advance tickets. Where I live we have multiple Imax and 4DX, etc, 3D and other premium theaters/screens.

You can still see movies in 3D in 2019?

i dont think you have to scream it, just mention it like a code, right?

Fuck off shill

I'm gonna say it
I'm gonna say the word



Hasn't come out in my country yet.

I like Chuck, I like Billy, fuck Carol.

I don't do online shit. I prefer to part with my money when I'm about to exchange it for goods/services. Not days before.

No, capeshit is for normiest of normies. Next, you'll post about your funky pop collection and your Bazinga shirt.

I'll be waiting for blu-ray rips like all capeshit movies, thank you.

I've seen it years ago, Tom Hanks nailed it

Saw it with a friend who told me after watching the first trailer that it looked like a load of total cringy Fortnite/flossing shit. I was pretty excited coming in, but he said it was actually a pretty solid movie the whole way through. And I agree, it's pretty low-stakes overall and silly, but thankfully doesn't go to far into shitty meme territory.

But thinking about it some more today isn't it extremely problematic that Sivana knows Billy's identity? I mean at least in Spider-Man: Homecoming, it's shown Vulture isn't gonna rat Peter out.

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Most of the villians know his identity in the golden age. I could say more but that would spoil it.

Ah not too familiar with the source material - just going off what I remember from Young Justice. But still I also remember Freddy making a pretty big deal of having a secret identity to keep people safe. Then proceed to hang around Shazam, call him Billy all the time, then get on the news talking to him. I guess it doesn't matter as much since all the kids can kick ass now, though

>Hate sperging about capeshit
>Yea Forums

Are you lost user?

I went to prebook a ticket for opening day and not a single seat was taken. Curiosity got the better of me so I autistically checked every showtime over opening weekend. Barely anything.

I then checked the preorders for Cap Marvel for that same weekend. 4x as many. I really hope this does well in the box office but I'm worried, I want DC to continue with this path.

>4x as many
Well that's better than a couple days ago

But of course DC fans will never believe you because they live in a constant state of denial

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Why are you even if this thread if you don't like comic movies faggot?

Went to a preview Screening, it was packed, film was fine.

I'd put it on par with mid-tier MCU shit, I'm not offended I saw it, but I'm glad I got my ticket for free.

This says a lot about our society

the theaters here are 80% full on opening day
autists always do this anecdotal evidence shit

sometimes your area is just not keen on prebooking tickets

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For a moment I thought Billy's hoodie had the DC as the zip

>The only Captain Marvel minifig is in upcoming Batman set.

thanks for nothing, Lego.

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Airs here 5th of april. Probably gonna see it then.

>prescreening today in 3 hours.


I fucking love the lit up lightning bolt symbol

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That's Shazam, Captain Marvel is a Marvel character.

I'm definitely gonna go see it

Do you know how retarded movie gimmicks have gotten throughout the history of theatrical films? This is barely noteworthy.

The empty seats bullshit didn't work with CM, why would you try to spin that same shit now?

Yeah, because if they released a Shazam set, it'll sell like crazy.

No, it hasn't premiered yet in my cunt.
>preordering anything

>it hasn't premiered yet in my cunt

That bitch is worthless. Jimmy Batson is the Captain Marvel.

Because it was obvious Captain Marvel was going to be a huge success but people barely talk about Shazam other than to say it looks terrible or they're talking about the app

Hell even today there are some people who think the movie is ABOUT the app like The Emoji Movie

>"Hey! Shazam."
>"Oh, okay sir, here's your large soda"


definitely going to see it next thursday. pretty hyped too since I loved Aquaman and the Shazam trailers

>people barely talk about Shazam other than to say it looks terrible
Examples? 'cause it's getting great reviews and pretty much all of the reactions from twitter, letterboxd and other social media have been positive.

Say my name and my soft drink will flow through you.

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i don't have any friends
is going to the movies alone weird

Of course not

Being excited for a terrible DC movie is though

You fell for it.

I am minutes from watching the movie.

If I yell Shazam will it come faster?

fucking kek I WISH the cashiers said that

The last movie I saw with anyone was Half-Blood Prince. People don't care if you go solo, no need to be anxious. Friends don't add anything anyway. Social experience my ass, it's not like you do anything but quietly stare at the screenin the dark for two hours.

Nevermind. It's on. See you in two hours.

I have friends and I still like going to the movies alone.

So, a movie that seems to be actually good and gets great reviews but isn't surrounded by any sort of controversy isn't getting much hype and will probably have a soft opening weekend.
Does this mean that Brevoort was right and superhero movies will start following the outrage model of comic books to boost sales?

>soft opening weekend
It'll make money, it's lower in budget than any of the other DC movies.

No it just means no one gives a fuck about DC movies

If he were right then DC's comics wouldn't be in such a terrible state

>Ben 10
What did Alex Ross me by this?

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Holy shit, First Spiderverse and now this! I was really missing superhero movies with actual heart poured into them and Shazam has tons of it.

Yes, its cliched family movies but it seemed to work best for all of the characters cause we get to see the whole Marvel family in brief action .

I also liked how they finished Billy's quest to find his real family. I was afraid they will go into something "nah, adopted family is my family, screw my parents" but they twisted my expectations.

The final fight sucked a bit, they could have shown a bit more of action sequence with seven sins and the marvel family .


I felt like all of the marvel family got to do something except Mary

Yeah, she spent the whole tangled while other actually did something.

*whole time

My guess is that it's supposed to be characters that have a similar name/power set/premise to Captain Marvel?

Do you just spend all your free time lurking in the corner, waiting until someone says that?

but also the big genie whose name is Shazzan, because the rest of it is not similar at all

Watching alone is the best. You don't distract anyone. No one distracts you.

I just saw the movie. And boy. The sequel gonna suck. "Figuring out superpowers" is meat and bones of the Cape flicks.

>All hands on deck. Say my name!

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>Not sure, maybe
Frankly, it was WAAAAAAAY more fun than it had right to be. Go and see it, faggots, I want a sequel!

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>AU where BIG was a Shazam Film.
Realistically, how would you feel about Shazam played by 80s Tom Hanks? With muscles of course.

Fellow pole. You lucky basterd. I had to pay full 27zl in cinema city.

That gives Me Green Goblin knowing that Peter is Spider-Man in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man vibes. FINISH IT


No. Do you have Siblings?

Closest one to my city. Helios was closed here for years.

>is going to the movies alone weird
>caring what people will think about him
wew, dude if you're adult, then you shouldn't care about such petty things. I have seen Zootopia twice, completely alone


D-don't bully. Reminder, that sequel has been confirmed, expect us in 21'/22'

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wtf dude. Helios at my city is charging like 15 zł for every movie for everybody.

not prescreenings.

Just got back from cinema. It was 15.

silesian jews

He doesn't have any

The REAL Captain Marvel

I was annoyed at the fortnite dance before I realized thats totally what a 14 year old kid WOULD do

Sivana knows his identity in many interpretations

>Sivana knows his identity in many interpretations
In most interpretations

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I'm not saying it won't make money, just that it's gonna have a much lower BO intake than what it apparently deserves, according to reception.

>No it just means no one gives a fuck about DC movies
Yeah, I guess nobody gave a shit about Aquaman, and that's why it did more than the latest Spider-Man movie.

> DC's comics wouldn't be in such a terrible state
They aren't any worse than any other comic book publisher. Fuck off with your company wars bullshit.

The piece is called "Echoes of Shazam", which means characters that were either directly or indirectly influenced by the OG Captain Marvel. I mean, you can see Marvel's CM there and there is no similarity other than the name.

>he doesn't know about Rick Jones

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Well, I meant Carol who's there on the right. And I just noticed Thor is there too.

so his weakness is he can't say his name underwater

kinda sucks

Except the theatres in my area showed that CM was fairly booked for all the showings. I'm not trying to spin shit, I was observing that the same threatre is showing nobody buying tickets for Shazam thus far and it legitimately surprised me because I thought buzz for this was good. I'm not even claiming it's the same in all areas, and shows that the IMAX is doing fine where they live.

I want Shazam to do well, I want DC to keep going in this direction with their movies vs what they did with BvS and JL. I'm just worried it won't get the attention it deserves.

>I thought buzz for this was good
There is no buzz. Everyone is busy focusing on Endgame. Even here at DC retard central there's barely ever more than one thread for it and that's only when a fucking shill like OP makes one for a new trailer or screening

yeah, Thor used to be a nerd who turned into the God of Thunder

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Aren't the reviews in the 90s? Aquaman managed to make a billion even without the Marvel branding, so I have hope that both studios can continue to do well. But you're right, there's really no competing with the hype of Endgame. People have been waiting for this movie for a long time.


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Blade Runner had great reviews too but it still bombed

Reviews never have and never will equal hype

Is that from just now or during a screening a week ago?

Funniest thing about this post is that there isn't even a thread for Endgame up right now

Probably because Marvel fans have actual lives

But when the movie can trend for over a day with nothing but a poster it doesn't need to have constant threads

What's wrong with that? Isn't the demographic 13 yo kids?

>But I have a life
The ultimate proof of an argument lost

>This movie doesn't have any hype because it only has this one thread unlike Endgame that has all the hype
>But Endgame doens't have a thread

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There's literally nothing wrong with it

>Have you seen it?
>are you going to see it?
Redbox maybe
>Have you gotten tickets yet?

Unironically a fun and wholesome promotional idea, what's your problem

>thread starts with Caroltrannies trying to shit up the thread
what's their deal, really?

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I can't wait to see the state of Billyfags when Shazam is a hit with audiences, they're already making excuses for its success with critics by coming up with false equivalences to the Fantastic Four movies.
>The thing is, Shazam! is going to be DC's Fantastic Four. The question is, will it be Tim Story's Fantastic Four where general movie goers like it with long time Captain Marvel fans rejecting the movie... or will it be Josh Trank's Fantastic Four where it's so bad, everyone across the board hates it?

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My sister wanted to go see Captain Girl-Power but I've talked her into watching Shazam instead just to spite Carolfags.

What cartoons, movies, comics, and games and TV series would you recommend for someone you hate, Disney hates Star wars, hates Marvel and hates FOX?

longer at the beginning

I haven't seen the full movie yet, but Zachary Levi has this sort of youthful excitement to him while Asher Angel comes off as a stick in the mud every time he's onscreen. Do they both seem like they're the same character in the movie? It's the only nagging feeling I get watching previews and it'll bug me if Billy's two personas are too different.

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>Trying to twist something positive into pitiful grudgy shit flinging
Ah, comic book fans. They never change

Shazam is going to rustle the jimmies of all the diehard Shazam fans. Especially since this story is based on ideas by Geoff Johns whom they all hate for "disrespecting" Captain Marvel on his run of JSA.

That there movie is barely mediocre

Well it already isn't Tranks Fan4stic. Delusional faggots

a lot of them seem to be loving it
just because there's ONE Billyfag doesn't mean old school fans won't enjoy this take

Shazam is the best superhero movie since Aquaman

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I'm more upset about what it did to Sivanna, who was the most pure refinement of the mad scientist archetype I've ever seen.

This, I don't necessarily hate him being into magic, but I'd like it better if he at least used science to kinda cheat his way through it.

Did anyone else think this was cheap blumhouse shlock the first couple seconds of the trailer?

I too enjoyed Morrison's Thunderworld

Well, it was pretty good.

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This coming from the country that supported Article 13 the hardest.

Hell yeah it was.

it wasn't the first time Sivana got the magical powers through science

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Was just watching on the news that WB did free screenings to orphan kids on my country

I just noticed Shezow is in there....

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Tim Story's Fantastic Four was trashed by critics as well

For what it’s worth my dad still dislikes the name change and he fucking loved the movie
It’s like Curse of Shazam but in a form that resonates with all eras of Billy

They should've learned from Disney and make other people pay for the tickets.

What? Why didn't they guilt people into paying for it? We have to help these multi billion dollar corporations out guys!

There was no "command billions of underwater creatures" scene in the movie!!

I want my money back.

You just didn't stay after the credits. The movie has two post credit scenes.


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Shut up and go back to drinking male bodily fluids like you're always saying you are.

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>the only movie where little girl Darla is not a villain.

You think she's going spoil the beans to the parents?

Still believing this shit narrative, ladderfag?

Who's going to believe him?

What self-respecting supervillain would admit to being defeated by a literal child?

>not water

I shiggy diggy

I looked real hard and came up with nothing. Is Banana Man really not in there?

>you can't show inside off a strip club, but you can show man having his head bitten off

This Is America

i was scared shitless by the sandworm from bettejuice. boobs wouldnt scare me at all.

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Can't you at least have the courtesy to namefag so I can filter your ass out of these threads?

Will see it on the 5th or so

But they'll corrupt you Little Jimmy! Now watch this man get torn apart by bullets.

that place with doors that lead to different worlds, it could solve the problem with dceu.

maybe shazam's superman is not the one who snapped zod's neck - it could be in another universe

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I saw it a week ago. The only movie in the last 20 years that actually deserves to call itself a superhero movie. Hope someone forces Zack Snyder to watch it and laughs as he pukes over how this 'dreamworld' of a film is a success.

>Darna and captain barbell

Heh. I didnt think hed actually know about them

Raimi's Spider-Man was in the last 20 years though

Same as "CHADzam"tards trying to shit up Captain Marvel threads.
Ignore and report companywar shitposts, boy.

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Not unless you went to go see like, MLP Movie or Fly Me to the Moon alone.