Who has the best butt in cartoons? Fanart is viable
Who has the best butt in cartoons? Fanart is viable
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>Fanart is viable
Then literally anyone you fucking retard
If you don't love your buttslut in their original depiction, she isnt the best.
Jesus Christ that hand
From SU not peridot
colored horses
>Fanart is viable
exactly, this x10000
SU fans are so retarded. It's MLP levels of autism.
SEETHING imaginationlets. Fanart MADE Velma/Raven who they are, deal with it.
It's more perplexing because in the show, Peridot is thin and petite. She's not as rail-thin as Pearl, as her hips are slightly pronounced, but she clearly has a small frame. That's what makes her qt, so suddenly making her thicc just feels out of place.
Shitmallet cant draw worth a damn
Man, you can just say MLP, we all know what you're referring to. Beating around the bush makes you seem like a wanker. That's not what we're discussing in this thread so it's not like you have to be secretive about referencing its existence.
BM's art isn't even bad, really. It's never offensive to look at like certain other smut artists who will not be named. At worst her art is bland and servicable.
Pixaltrix is my favorite ass artist. On a purely technical/anatomical level he isn't the best, but I love the slightly baloony artificial proportions and his genuine appreciation of the booty (facesitting, lap sitting, ass grabbing, hotdogging, ass to mouth etc)
Another example.
For canon ass it's a bit tougher but i'd have to go with Chel from The Road to El Dorado. Wide brown hips and suggested ass underneath her cloth is magnificent.
Both are wrong.
depending on who's animating the ep I suppose. She's went through like 7 different size changes throughout the series.
you're too obtuse and dense to get it, obviously. I honestly sympathize with SU fans because they're going through a phrase I did awhile ago when I fapped to just about anything that I found even less than 1 percent attractive. You'll see what I mean eventually. Just keep living your life and you'll learn eventually, whether or not you remember me telling you this.
phase* not phrase
well the size changes are because the artists are lazy, she's not literally morphing between different heights.
Retard Shitdotfag
Better than a faggot
Kys shitdotfag
Miranda from Wakfu. Canonically huge.
An ass so luscious, the treent simultaneously discovered the joy of sexual desire and the rage of not having the necessary parts to satisfy it
Nice cat you got there, I raise you my lion.
Sometimes the classics really are the best
And I raise you my lion.
>no bg
>flat colors
>no sense of 3d
Its bad senpai
when she still had limb enchancers,before shes started being drawn all over the spectrum, she had some of the widest hips in the show. the only character with broader hips was garnet.
>prompt is for best butt in cartoons
>starts out with some low-tier faggot like Peridot that's built like a stick instead of pic related
Alright guys it's over, you can go home now
Man, read between the lines. He's not actually asking who has the best butt, he's trying to get people to compete in posting best-butt fanart.
but pearl is the stick,not peridot.
This. Fanart isn't on model, it's "my fetish with a character costume".
If we're going by canon appearances, I'd say the Wakfu cast has a solid hold on that for recent cartoons.
this. stop arguing about SU and post more booty.
>ass so fat that it's the only one on the show drawn with a crack
>Expecting a autistic to read between the lines, yet alone read at all
There's your problem
Gwen in the Mexican weekly filler comics of Spider-man?
we fucking mexicans love wide buts
>Fanart MADE Velma/Raven who they are
It true doe
maybe in Velma's case since she's a relic from the 60's and only really became a sex symbol during the Internet age but Raven's 2003 design is 100% made for sheathing.
Muh Nigga.
Jasper is a whole lotta woman
Why is this thread the softcore /aco/? Why post an arse thread here when /aco/ exist and you can go way arse fetish instead of this kiddie deligt.
Because some people just want softcore stuff?
Same reason every time some whining faggot asks this same faggot question every faggot fucking time
Because we can
Because there is softcore and hardcore, which are different
The only right answer
Is that an edit or did hide two really bring the fuck on Wondie
I’d legitimately believe that crossover has occurred
Virgin detected.
THEN GO TO /ACO/, you will get a better stash and the mods won't mop you up.
In other words " I am a lazy faggot."could have said in less words.
Or just wanting to force the mods into a mopping up crusade when you rilde them up.
I love thicc but I don’t think it’s fair to call someone a Virgin because of their peresonal taste
That said, I’d fuck the shit out of fat PB desu
mmm give me some of that calart's butt.
that's not good for you, user.
>this thread
then truly we live in the best of times
>no bg
>flat colors
>no sense of 3d
Don't know what BG is so excuse me if Im retarded but nah. Nah its none of that. Its the anatomy. It alot of her art its fucking terrible. And once you see it you'll always know it. Her solid coloring skills are what saves most people from noticing. They're on point but thats all she's got. And now she's got a bunch of people paying her for commissions so there's no point to improve on her anatomy. Which is a shame.
episode? can't remember this and she not Luna
I’ve masturbated so many times to this image
>being such a fag that he can’t enjoy fat nuts to delicious thicc alien butts
Sad desu
objectively true
>signature that's just some weird scribble
why the fuck do artists do this
>pearl with booty
>clown tiddies
Why is Cube the only one that does her justice
>why the fuck do doctors do this
She doesn't even got the best butt in SU.
Based Stevens ass poster
Gotta love big cartoony boobs and buns
Based Mania poster
too bad her entire bodies are tough like metal
says who, nigga
they control that shit
Are their vaggies touching?
Kek I just played that game
that's just an ass with a head attached
>Gloria is 90% ass
Perfect woman.
The only thing worse than this being a thinly veiled brap thread is that nobody’s posted Hank Hill
Fpbp, OP is a fucking idiot as always for their thinly veiled porn thread.
So apparently, we're not allowed to have our occasional "let's just fap to women" thread.
Yep, you're a faggot, alright.
fapping to canon lewds is superior to horrible grotesque fanart
It's a good thing some fanart isn't grotesque then
Let me post fart art then since you're clearly fine with anything.
Prudes should go to reddit. Cheesecake threads are Yea Forums classics.
>Who has the best butt in cartoons?
Canonically Dexter, but I think he got it from his mom.
based and mirandapilled
It's ok at best. Even an art novice like me can see just how flagrant she is in breaking anatomy and it only gets worse the more you focus on it.
1. /aco/ was ruined when /d/ had a shitfit and decided to purge all western art and quarantine it to /aco/ to the point it just became /d/-lite
2. People are lazy and would rather have off-topic threads on their preferred boards than actually create a thread on relevant boards
I don't like it either but the best you can do is report it and move on.
Cheesecake does not belong on /aco/ because it isn't porn. This is not complicated.
Porn doesn't have to have nakedness. It certainly belongs on there more than Yea Forums, that's for sure.
Clearly you haven't been on Yea Forums very long. Cheesecake threads have been a fixture here for eons.
Be careful there. I have had a three day ban for "posting furry" when I posted stuff with Miranda.
Basically Jake's reaction
Only because there was no /aco/. Sure, /d/ took a fat dump on it from the beginning but that's no excuse for not using the board that was created for that particular topic.
There is an excuse: it ain't porn. You may be puritanical enough to think so, but that doesn't make it the case.
>television programs, magazines, books, etc. that are regarded as emphasizing the sensuous or sensational aspects of a nonsexual subject and stimulating a compulsive interest in their audience.
Not to mention like a good half of these pics are fetish shit which directly falls under that umbrella.
How anal of you. I meant explicit material and you damn well know that. Just hide the goddamn thread and get on with your life already.
>that's no excuse for not using the board that was created for that particular topic
/aco/ was made for adult cartoons and comics that couldn't be storytimed here, it never had anything to do with cheesecake
Never thought this picture would get so much mileage.
Aunt Fanny
>Not posting the TRUE champion
You all disgust me.
My Nubian Compatriot.
literally killed someone with her brap
Jesus Christ how horrifying
>nobody's posted Rita Loud yet
The fuck's wrong with you, Yea Forums?
If anyone's got the best ass in SU, it's gotta be Pearl. OP didn't necessarily ask for the biggest.
Karadashiens episode.
Is there not a WebM of Granddad spanking her ass and making it wobble?
Go to /aco/ faggot
You could fill this thread with Bulumble art alone.
Even just typing MLP used to get people b&.
>literally zero ass in half of the pics
Pathetic choice, user
Bubblebutt won