What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever heard a ‘normie’ say about comic books?
What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever heard a ‘normie’ say about comic books?
On the radio this morning the female co-host saying that the bad guy of Endgame was named Theo.
"Batman is the best superhero because he's the most relatable" is one you hear quite often
>Black casual stools are also gay
>marvel superheroes are """""grounded""""" and """""realistic""""" and flawed "superheroes" are good.
nothing says grounded and realistic like a billionaire in a powersuit fighting a giant alien with a magic glove
I'll always see Magneto as a fighting game character more than a comic book character
What do those weird bars in the quote sound like? I'm confused
>marvel superheroes are HHHMM
grounded HMM and HMMM realistic HMMand flawed MM superheroes HH are good.
what do you mean by this
Linkara isn’t really a normie tho.
It always buttblasts me how they'll jump through hoops to say how reasonably close to the source material the movies are, but absolutely blast any other kind of pop-culture movies for not being close (alita, godzilla, hellboy, ect..)
Oh, also, my cousin is obese white trash that named their kid "Harley Quinn".
I pointed out that maybe naming your child after a psychopathic/obsessive slut clown might not be a good idea and they told me she was a "good guy", i shit you not.
>tfw I know a kid named Aragorn
I mean isn’t she a good guy in the comics now?
I know that’s the result of fandom overwhelming canon but I’m pretty sure there’s been a push over the last few years to recast Harley as a protagonist anti-hero type.
She's still portrayed as being mentally unstable, and liable to flip out and kill people. Her solo makes it less serious but it's still present.
Even worse, Blanket.
It’s not even a name, I felt so bad for that kid. At least an Aragorn can go by Arn or Arnold.
>Harley Quinn
The poor kid, she's gonna have a horrible life.
Plus, there's the whole, Joker is abusive to her bit.
I know a Kitana named such because her mother was playing Mortal Kombat when she went into labor.
Or "Strider".
>I can’t wait for my first day of school!
God I remember people spouting that nonsense off in the 90s so much. Don't hear about it as much now, though, probably because the movies have shown how NOT grounded and realistic this stuff actually is.
I find it amusing that while they've tried to tone down the sexuality of a lot of other female characters over the years, Quinn has just been made sluttier and sluttier.
Her original design and characterization isn't even that sexualized, but now she's walking around with her ass hanging out 24/7.
only thing I've ever heard a normie say is
>They still make them?
Normalfag opinions just repeat clickbait articles or whatever the popular opinion on twitter is.
>I didn't read it but I watched a YouTube video about it
This is what people on Yea Forums say.
My friend comes up with this shit all the time, both about comics and games. He's retarded enough to take stuff like Game Theorists as fact so some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth is ridiculous
"Capes are inherently shit because they're unrealistic power fantasies where superheroes just use fictional powers to save the day. Superman wouldn't be able to defeat Doomsday without his powers. The only exception is Wonder Woman because it pushes an important message." (apparently the rest of the capes ever created don't push any message at all? and the rest of the female superheroes are also shit?)
Sexualization is ok if it's empowering
Was this person trying to sell you their graphic autobiography?
I’m in a normie as fuck comic group on zuckerbook and the amount of casual filth that’s smeared in my eyes is staggering.
One is a comic shop owner and says civil war is one of the best written comics ever.
What ass?
Not a comic.
There's nothing empowering about a dog-collar and a jacket that says, "Property of Joker"
Overheard this in my LCS two weeks ago.
> Yeah get this one, it's a Geoff Johns comic so you don't have to worry about there being too many words
Probably the best thing I've overheard there since
> I miss when X-Men had good artists, like Greg Land
>you don't have to worry about there being too many words
It is a book. What does he expect?
>so who is this Yea Forums?
He is the most realistic.
There's a coffee shop/restaurant I go to often that has two competing tip jars on the counter – each one with a picture of a recent movie or character. The idea is to put your tip in whichever jar has the character/movie you like more.
Last month they had one jar with Marvel's Captain Marvel and the other jar had "Charlie Hunnam, The Flash 2016."
I will never not be mad about what they did to the New Gods.
Who are now apparently all dead again. Off-screen.
people who unironically enjoy deadpool comics annoy memainly because i dont find the character to be funny or interesting in anyway
did they think the CW show was a movie and googled "flash movie" and put that up there?
I didn't ask, but I kind of guessed as much. The picture is from pinterest. The thing that got me was the characters aren't in direct competition and their powers and stories aren't even close to each other.
Could've put Billy Batson – or Alita: Battle Angel – and it would've made more sense.
>darkseid dies in Darkseid war
>Darkseid dies again in Mister Miracle
battle angel alita would be the normie choice because the movies were released so close together.
normies wouldnt know that Billy Batson is the true captain marvel.
People claiming to know story plots when they don't know anything I still remember.
> Thanos doesn't actually snap half the universe away in the comic
I do call them out all the time, but it really blows my mind.
>> Yeah get this one, it's a Geoff Johns comic so you don't have to worry about there being too many words
This could be in reference to somebody like Bendis who just dumps words everywhere on a page.
>> Thanos doesn't actually snap half the universe away in the comic
hopefully its because they read infinity war and the snap already happened
Why? What normalfags know as deadpool is waypool. Real good stuff is kelly's run and duggan's run.
If he doesn’t like it he just doesn’t like it.
>”The main draw of Into the Spiderverse was Miles, not different universes of Spider-Men teaming up.”
Not the worst, I guess, but I didn’t buy it.
That the normie "has too good of an imagination to read comicbooks". I couldn't think of a good retort to that, it was just so fucking stupid and wrong.
I imagine he’s intending to say that he prefers the experience of piecing an image together through prose. But if so, that’s a horrible way to get his sentiment across.
Almost like Dr Doom
Tommy, this isn’t a thread for you, stay out.
>Not normalfag
Any user using "normie" instead of normalfag is a normalfag
Sure thing Normalfag.
Disney shills at it again
It's still a normie staple when they try to talk about how Marvel and DC are different. Recently a friend who likes to fashion himself a "geek" whipped out the ol' "Marvel characters are relatable, DC characters are gods" and another friend who has no interest at all in capeshit said "Isn't there a literal Norse god in those Avengers movies?"
That they couldn't tell the difference between comic artists' work.,,*but* they appreciate and see the differences in "fine art".
I figure that if you can tell the difference between Beardsley, Bosch, and Blake, you can differentiate between comic artists, even if you don't know the names.
Tell the second friend he’s- and I quote- “based and redpilled”
Do you mean classical art or just anything considered ‘high culture’? Are they talking about Walton Ford vs Pete Quint or like, legit renascence and later paintings. The first one makes a lot more sense than the second, even if all three art niches have highly distinguishable artists.
>"Marvel characters are relatable, DC characters are gods"
People ON THIS VERY BOARD whip this shit out. People here still seem to think that Superman is nigh-unstoppable and that there are NO Marvel characters who can put up a fight against him or even win. I just don't know, man.
>wait this was drawn by a person
>Her original design and characterization isn't even that sexualized
No more than any male cape in a skintight suit.
>wanting to be known as Arnold over Aragon
Shit taste senpai. No kids watch LOtR and the Lego games aren't around anymore to introduce them to the characters. Maybe they'd get teased in middle school but the easy way out is just calling that kid for having a boring name.
The picture I posted is more sexual than the one you posted you stupid waifufag.
>tfw I know someone called Luke Skywalker Gozález who decided to name his son Anakin
Her original design is liquid sex. And her personality?
HO HO HO nope. DD looks like he just tumbled out of a dumpster. If you mean the restraints, not everyone shares your kink.
>Gay man yells at waifuposter.
>character’s muscular abdomen and torso rendered in full
>normal woman with b-cubs. Potentially braless
"The Fantastic Four have never been as popular as Guardians of the Galaxy or Ant-Man. It's always been an obscure series with no fans".
"Batman's parents weren't killed, that was something Tim Burton made up. I know, I actually have read the comic books"
"If Spider-Man #1 came out in 1990, how did they make a cartoon about him in the 60s?"
"Green Lantern has ALWAYS been black, my granddad been readin' comics since he fought in World War 2 and he was black back then"
Once worked with a guy who didn't understand how I could always be buying new comics. Like I think he thought that most comic books just tell a set story about the characters and end, like how could I keep buying so many issues of Spider-Man, shouldn't I have them all by now?
It seemed like the dumbest shit ever to me when her first said it, but honestly Comics are the only medium that really expects you to read the unending adventures of a certain character for 50+ years as the norm.
This. I had an old room mate that said exactly this to me once, after claiming to be a huge fan of Iron Man (because of the MCU). Most normalfags just talk about the movie adaptations and give so few fucks about the comics that they don't even realise they're still being made.
Literally any spandex clad cape is just as ‘sexy’ as og Harley. What you’re attracted to is Bruce Timm’s art style.
I know of a little girl named "Marceline"
I mean, just say “it’s like a soap opera, or doctor who”
While I admit that I fucking love his sensuous women & girls,Harley's classic VA and the persona she proects pulls it all together for me. I hear it in my head, even when I'm reading something with nu-Harl in it.
A co-worker of mine named his son Legion
He's alive in JLO.
You have to be making that shit up.
I wish, the FF and Batman ones were things I read on IMDb and (sadly), I've seen similar sentiments expressed here about the FF. The GL and Spider-Man ones sadly, happened irl. TBF, the GL one came from this obnoxious black girl I had in my history class. /pol/ isn't always right, but when it is, it hurts.
>posting art from Timm's cheesecake book as the example
Setting aside the fact that that artwork is dated 1995 – three years *after* Joker's Favor (which aired Sep. 11, 1992) – how Bruce Timm draws his women in private and how they're presented on TV are two different things (at least in the earliest episodes).
Within the standards of BTAS, Catwoman and Talia were far more sexualized compared to original Harley.
On the day of Stan's death, my local news:
>…Stan Lee, who founded Marvel Comics, and was the creator of Spider-man, the X-Men, and Captain America, has died today…
>Harley Quinn is empowering
On a side note, this is one of the weirdest things I've heard people say.
I can see this if they've confused the term "main draw" for "best part". Miles had a very satisfying arc (better than he ever got in the comics) and a certain sort of viewer could easily have found it more interesting than the crossdimensional teamup stuff.
user, it's great that she gets your motor running. I'm happy for you. But to everyone else, it's just another lady in a bodysuit. We have a lot of those.
>But to everyone else
Oh no you don't.
Yeah, I don't get it. I love classic Harley to bits, but she was always a horny yes-man suck-up punching-bag to Joker -- that can't be awfully empowering. Post-Mistah J Harl is just crazy, slutty, and dangerous -- not in a good way, like "Mad, Bad, And Dangerous To Know" --more like "dangerously-unhinged --microwave the dog, put the pizza down for the night, and walk the baby" way. Not even funny.