Anyone else just stop reading American comics because of the politics? Recently I’ve just become so tired of it. I’ve started reading stuff like Wuxia, Xianxia, and gook web comics to avoid American politics.
Anyone else just stop reading American comics because of the politics? Recently I’ve just become so tired of it...
I feel you. I am a lefty mexican and I hate having everything be some woke olympics. Limp wristed liberals who whine about oppression annoy me more than conservatards.
>Giving a fuck about politics
Please, /pol/, fuck off.
China has a comic industry?
Yes and an animation industry that no one knows cause it's not mainstream in the west.
Just don’t read the big two. Image has some great stuff.
Neat. What do you recommend?
I stopped reading them because it's a neverending cycle of status quo that allows no character progression at all.
Oh yes.
I thought china had a strict ban on homosexual depictions because they find it harmful for the youth.
they do.
Thought so too but Old Xian has been drawing gay/lesbian stuff no problem.
Kind of. They have a similar industry to what the koreans have for comics, mainly webcomics with decent enough art given the pace they’re put out. The biggest distribution hub is Quidan, I think.
I feel like politics I may or may not agree with have been in comics for as long as I've been reading them.
The only reason things keep going "back to the status quo" is because all the new ideas and directions that SJWs have for characters are always fucking retarded.
If they weren't fucking retarded ideas, they would become the new status quo instead of being retconned.
>Anyone else just stop reading American comics because of the politics?
No, Marvel and DC aren't the only comic companies you fucking idiot. There's plenty of shit out here you could be reading.
>I am a lefty mexican
>Limp wristed liberals who whine about oppression annoy me more than conservatards.
Okay I believe you.
There, now its a modrrn comic.
wow I can't believe they made Superman into a SJW!!
I think you're just reading the wrong books
The difference is that not every Superman comic was like that.
Today most comics are trying to out-woke each other and it's stupid.
> daring to complain about having any politics shoved up your ass
I know. It's sad how modern comics aren't very patriotic.
He enjoys reading them because he enjoys being upset. It takes a certain level of mental illness to keep subjecting yourself to things you don't like.
>Today most comics are trying to out-woke each other and it's stupid.
Except they're not. DC and Marvel are not the only comic book characters. There are tons of comic books that don't do "politics" being uploaded regularly but you don't read them because you're an idiot who enjoys being mad.
>Today most comics are trying to out-woke each other and it's stupid.
What Superman comics have you been reading?
I meant Marvel comics.
The thing is that: "Hey, Superman talked about these social issues in these 15 comics in the past 81 years." Is a bad excuse for: "every comic must be political and you can complain."
I do read a lot of stuff I enjoy.
But, I used to read more, but many titles became about preaching politics I don't care of, about a country I don't live in.
can't complain*
Maybe you're reading the wrong Marvel comics from writers that have always shoved their political views into what they write.
There's a difference between balanced and nuanced politics in comics, and the current year late night talk show host politics we have now.
The thing is that I'm not reading them anymore because of those writers. That's what upsets me.
See the problem with this is that those ideas on their own aren't bad, hell they're positive messages!
Accepting the disabled and those of different races and creeds isn't in any way inherently bad.
But nowadays people act like acceptance is an impenetrable shield against criticism and that if you have any problem with anyone that isn't straight and white then you're literally hitler.
Also, They don't push for literal communism, destruction of the borders, censorship of the masses, and other shit the insane SJWs of today have injected into liberal values.
You'd think China would have more gays than any other country what with their huge population and massive gender imbalance.
You have no idea what communism or censorship actually mean.
Hirsch what are you doing here?
I'm tired of politics in general.
You see it in everything, it's like everyone in the world has an agenda.
I just want to read and watch some cool shit.
Not have your personal political beliefs stuffed down my throat.
go fuck yourself you commie bastard
What a whiney little bitch.
I gave up on American comics cold turkey like 6 or 7 years ago. Went straight into manga and European stuff full time and never went back.
Incidentally, I gave up on Western cartoons last year
American comics have always been political.
Well I can tell you've only been reading capeshit since 2010
>I am a lefty mexican
I'm venezuelan and I really laugh at the complete trainwreck that is Obrador
Who you talkin' bout cracka?
Yeah, they're called "Marvel writers", and it wouldnt be as obnoxious if 100% of the political views expressed weren't a constant onslaught of SJWism that every single other person finds offputting.
Statistically yes, culturally no.
American Comics are so boring and stupid
i'm a pretty hard lefty who hates conservatives but yah it annoys me when the forced wokeness is shoved into things were it doesn't belong
China doesn’t enforce laws very well.
Hence why in any city that isn’t a first tier city you can do whatever you want with the cops doing jack shit unless an official from the government is visiting.
At least that means you can use VPN without worrying about being punished.
>But nowadays people act like acceptance is an impenetrable shield against criticism
Well when your only criticism is complaining about niggers being in movies and not being treated like dogs...
>hating being beating over the head with shitty hamfisted political filibusters in fiction and ORANGE MAN BAD stories that will age like the worst milk on the planet means you're a /pol/tard
I am no trumptard by any stretch of the imagination, I'm just sick of being preached to with lessons i already learned in the 90s being bastardized with hypocritical bigotry and shit that's just outright lies anyway and being called a bigot because I'm tired of rabid neolibs with no critical thinking skills thinking that minority characters with no effort put into them is progressive when it's the opposite.
The fact that you think it's /pol/tard shit by default and not y'know, a stance like "Ghostbusters 2016 wasn't all that funny and I don't like being labeled a sexist for not being interested in seeing it by an overzealous marketing team" makes you part of the problem senpai.
The internet is still censored at the ISP level, but thankfully the underground scene is going strong. Even a mostly tech illiterate grandma knows how to use a VPN in China.
I stopped reading American comics because they stopped being worth reading since about 2013.
Why even bring up the sexism? Why do you care if someone thinks you're being sexist if you know you're not avoiding Ghostbusters because it had women in it? You people being so defensive is part of the problem.
Ghostbusters is not supposed to be some kind of cinematic universe, and they're trying to do the same shit with MiB.
God. Yea Forumsfags are fucking retards
I somehow doubt that. Only right wing types use the word "woke" like that
/pol/ is great!
>Wuxia, Xianxia, and webcomics
So you went to male power fantasy where rape, murder, and genocide are staples of the genre.
You sound sexist.
Fuck back to POL,you stupid niggerfaggot.
I don't really read comics that much, and by that i mean mostly the modern stuff that comes out these days.
Never really thought comics among other things, even including video games, would devolve into what is was back in 2016.