Is this the mark of a true animation master?

Is this the mark of a true animation master?

Making fucking grass look yummy as hell?

Cartoon Food Thread

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It's true.
That grass always looked fucking tasty.
So did the tree stars.

I swear animation fans are just mentally deficient
>they made this non-food look so tasty
>wwtching this as a kid gave me an ination/macro/fart/fur fetish

No, you're just an insect-brained retard

A lot of people I know also found this scene hunger inducing. Fucking hell, animation can make spinach look good

Kinda has a spaghetti motion the way it swirls in his mouth.

Chill out incel

Why does anyone don bluth is an impressive artist when it was outsource to japan or south korea to be animated?

Damn, you right

Stop spreading lies famicom
>inb4 "I'm NoT fAmiCom"

Was this film or was this film not outsourced to an eastern company to save money like all animation since the 60s have been.

Son Bluth is American

I love land before time, but did they really have to make like 15 fucking sequels? Was there even a market for that?

But was the actual animation done in america? Because in western animation all that gets done is the script, rough storyboard, and maybe character sketches before all the actual animation is done in south korea or japan like it has been for decades. It hasn't been economically feasible to do all the animation in america since the 40s.

I always wanted to eat the bugs in Lion King.


Why didn't they outsource like 99% of modern american cartoons are?

>sees delicious looking grass

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If you don't want it to look gross or weird for the character to be eating it you have to make it look yummy.

I honestly never thought that grass looked good. Looks dry as shit. It never would have occurred to me that so many people apparently wanted to eat it without the internet.

I mean I get the concept of cartoon food looking good, but this scene never even registered to me as "food"

I think it has to do with a warm color palette and that it uses the same yellows, browns and tans you see in bread and other baked goods. This is why it would register as "good looking" to humans.

What do you think it tastes like? What does it look like it tastes like?

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Back to Twitter with you.

Makes me hungry just thinking about it

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Shit yeah, I barely remember this but I remember it looking really delicious.

the grass is like french fries to them