I remain adamant that John K’s only decent thing was his involvement in weird Al’s " Close but no cigar" video

I remain adamant that John K’s only decent thing was his involvement in weird Al’s " Close but no cigar" video.

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Other urls found in this thread:


his blog is very informative for artists if you ignore the bits where he presents his opinion as fact.


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I like John K but I fucking hate that song.
The animation was still good.

he's not wrong

The only decent thing he was involved in was his exposure as a sex pervert and a hack, so that way we can finally call him out for being the self-aggrandizing scumbag who's a complete failure he actually is.


His blog was very informative but was equal parts horse shit opinions and miserable attitudes. I'm glad he's finally being burned to the ground and I feel like I need to scrub my brain with steel wool to remove his wicked influences

Mean as fuck.


technically right it's a really academic piece.

>humanized cad dating human wimen

it's shit

I just realized that John K. posts on here.

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I was thinking more that post when he compiled a bunch of gay disney pinup fanart to prove....something

I was thinking more about this.

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>it's a "WHY DIDN'T YOU LOVE ME DADDY" episode

Christ, John...

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Good, I want him to see this. I want him to know how much of a fucking asshole I think he is, and to tell him that he should be less of a prick to everyone, especially the people he inspired to make cartoons, which he used as a vehicle to abuse them.

>toxic masculinity isn't rea-

“Fun” fact: Katie Rice did the vast majority of the animation in that video and she was completely stiffed on payment, John tried to pay her in steroids and told her that it will make her live forever

Is John crazy?

>And I CERTAINLY didn’t hug you or anybody else!

Oh woah, that’s fucking sad

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>still upset because his father didnt give him love
what a baby also why is his dad such a hardass? did he have to kill his parents with a spoon to survive the great depression?

probably severely beaten by his parents every time he cried when he was a child

Both true.

The colors match the tone of the film. It’s supposed to be slightly drab and burnt.

Yes. I'm sure he'll piss himself in shame from the mean words you posted on the internet. Kudos.

While John K. is definitely a pillar of cartoon visuals (ignoring him as a terrible person, since we're talking about his opinions on the works of others), his completely disrespectful attitude towards another big animation director such as Sylvain Chomet comes off as kind of petty and biased.

Like, for him good animation is just Bob Clampett, so anything that differs from that style and set of rules is anti-thetic and bad. It's like according to him things like Akira or even The Thief and The Cobbler would be trash, and not because they're bad (they're not), but because they're not Bob Clampett

>still upset that abuse that was given over the years is in his head, even after it stopped
Oh, you're a massive faggot, aren't you?

For him animation has to be just one way, which is early Looney Tunes stuff. Anything that differs from that is bad. This is him in a nutshell.

Most anons have no social skills and do not understand how people work.

Is it true that John. K. is Canadian?

John K's a fucking leaf? Thing are starting to line up.

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He's from Chicoutimi, Canada.

John K is only as good as the people who made his show for him, by himself he is a shitty animator and a hack who took way more credit than he should have

John K. is an asshole!

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Different timeline would have Roided out Katie Rice getting into a fistfight with Roided out John K

>john spent all his money on roids to be able to back any shit talking he has to any other animators
tell me how this isn't the greatest animator.

Good thing she said no

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At least Jerry Holkins didn't try and sell her Minoxidil.

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gosh how i can't help but love this bastard john

>her cheeks clap once and his glasses shatter
we live in the darkest timeline for sure

w o w

this explains so much

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Has John ever said he doesn't like the Thief and the Cobbler?

John K is such a disappointment. In his early years, especially the first season of Ren and Stimpy, he showed so much grand potential as cartoonist. He really knew emotion, and he exaggerated and slap sticked it to near cartoon perfection. If he had just stayed cool and learned limitations, he could be producing some crazy influential stuff right now. But, he got in his own head. His insecurity got the better of him and he just spiraled into pure shit. I feel like there's still a part in him that just wants to tell funny stories and draw them outrageously, but until he can get over himself and attempt to fix his life, he'll forever just be a bookmark in history and nothing more.

shut up retard thats just good ol fashion emotional abuse if his mother did it would it still be "toxic masculinity"

This is equal parts depressing and pathetic. Jesus fucking christ. No wonder he's such a massive prick. Doesn't excuse the shit he's done and said, but still, this is a hell of a context.

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well no shit sherlock

Step one on how not to raise yer kids

>shitting on Triplets of Belleville
I knew John K has a lot of stupid opinions but goddamn does this take the cake.

Oooh, I wonder what he thinks about Breaking Bad.

Is John even a father himself?

Ren and Stimpy with him in control is still one of the greatest cartoons of all time.
He deserves all the shit he gets, and dug his own grave for his career, but Ren and Stimpy was a good fucking show, and him being a psycho doesn't change that.

Interesting critic but ultimately a failure
It’s sad that an artist with his potential ends up like that, his legacy tainted forever

Weird Al sucks and his whole career is stealing other people's hit songs and larping as a real musician
>inb4 his style parodies!!
He only does original style parodies on albums and has never had a real hit with one. All of his hits are hit songs with the words changed to food.
>inb4 he doesn't steal, he asks for permission!!
Yup, and if you say no, he'll just shit on you in interviews and get his fans to attack you for the rest of time because you didn't want him to make a corny parody of your personal song.
The fact that his bullshit is accepted is garbage, he monopolized the wacky parody industry, and he's really not that great or funny.

John clearly didn't make the deadline on that one because a part of the music video is just a montage of remixed previous scenes with some effects

You are not allowed to have this opinion. Please remove this post.

user making a career out of parodies it’s still an accomplishment
If it were that easy everyone would do it

He is right about the whole “sepia filter = serious, emotional work”
Then again he shits on color theory that have little to do with animation and more with how we perceive the world around us

>He is right about the whole “sepia filter = serious, emotional work”
Did you even watch Triplets of Belleville?

Nobody can do it in the same way because they just get called a Weird Al Ripoff.
There were loads of parodies that people loved on limewire, all got attributed to Weird Al.
He got marketed as the parody guy, so for a while no one could compete. With Youtube now more people can do it, but still Weird Al gets the praise as a "genius" pretty much only because he's the established parody guy.

Considering he's had to molest anyone he's interested in, I'm gonna take a wild guess and say no.

Kill yourself you dumb cunt, Al is literally the most pure and unobjectionable figure in popular culture. It’s for dorky outcast kids to laugh at, to deny that their source of joy is valid reveals you to be a monster

This coming from the man who throws together every color of the neon rainbow onto a pastel background?

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This. 4channers think that being reasonablly upset about something = being a pussy because the people here have so much autism that it boarders on sociopathy

Not talking about the movie user talking about his critic
Yeah I saw the movie and loved it

you may rip on him doing parodies, but he is an actual audiophile who understands the design of the music he is parodying. he goes through great lengths to match the sound of the original song without the help of the artist. that takes great skill and understanding. He has talent.

No, he just hates serious animation. He has really broad tastes for comedy, but the only serious animation he likes is by timm, genndy, and gainax.

He fails though, most songs barely sound like the artists. Except hip hop shit where he can just buy the same samples and drum sounds.
I just don't think he's some untouchable god because he said Fat instead of Bad. Like what you like, but I'm still on the "fuck Weird Al" side. He just positioned himself to be the guy able to steal hit songs by changing the words slightly and get airplay

Personally, I like Weird Al's parodies, but, hey, you do you.

I can't fucking tell if his dad is being sarcastic as a joke or he actually meant it

simpsons intro(s) he directed are really good youtube.com/watch?v=AB0Tuu6Xyho

i- what- what??

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>and i certainly didn't hug you
this helps explain some of the darker moments in ren and stimpy

John's discussed his dad on other occasions, and while he might have been exaggerating for comic effect I can believe it in the main. He admires his dad hugely for being such a manly man. His dad appears not have ever given much of a fuck about him.

For whatever reason, I've had The Ripping Friends downloaded for the longest time but never got around to watching it. What does Yea Forums think of it? Should I just delete it and not look back?

I completely agree but for a very long time, since at least the late 2000s, he has lost all lyrical genius.

He's definitely shat on Richard Williams numerous times on his blog so it's probably safe to assume that he hates Thief and the Cobbler too.

Dude's in his 60s, it'd take one hell of an improvement to fix his life before he's dead. Even if he does, I think it's safe to say his professional career has been dead for a long time and will remain that way forever.

It's good, defiantly worth watch watching.

>Scene takes place in late evening
>How DARE they use yellows and oranges to simulate the setting sun!

This explains a lot about why John K is the way he is.

This is genuinely one of the ugliest pieces of animated media ever created that doesnt have express intent of looking horrendous.

didn't Fry's VA go on a huge rant about John having a massive host of daddy issues

You fags are overreacting, this is hilarious. Haven't you ever heard great comedians talk about how crazy their dads were?

It stops being hilarious when John has spent the better part of 25+ years desperately trying to make George Liquor a thing, basically making it his life's own personal mascot, all while abusing or molesting every single person who sets foot into his life.

Typically when comedians talk about their horrible abusive parents, they don't follow it up with, "...and he was my hero".

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Squidward's father never hugged him.

>abusing or molesting every single person
Quit exaggerating, jesus christ.

>Y-you're not allowed to use hyperbole in conversation!!!!!!

What are you gonna do about it? Molest me?

I wonder how much regret Weird Al had when he hired John K and saw the end result.

Poe's law about actually trying to make it seem that way since we have a lot of women on this board.

I remember reading that he did not like it. Too crude, I think.

>since we have a lot of women on this board.
Apparently considering you got triggered over very blatant exaggeration.

>very blatant exaggeration
Again, Poe's Law. Are you new? You don't seem to understand how many people on this board would act like it isn't hyperbole.



You're right, I should clarify he only abused and molested MOST people in his life, not all. That'll set things straight.

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Weird Al is worse than John, I met him in person. He never touched my sister or tried to lay her but in the about an hour I was with him he probably made 6 jokes about my sister's breasts.

He's a nice guy but he doesn't seem to be too understanding in the social cues field. I thought he might have a condition because he just kept on with it even though my sister was visibly uncomfortable.

It's the mindset behind the actual poster you retard and you know it. I don't care if people hate John, he's autistic.

What were you and your sister doing with Weird Al for an hour?

What the fuck are you actually scared over here, user? That some random post calling out John K's abusive behavior is gonna ruin the man's livelihood? He already did that himself when he abused and molested every person he came into contact with.

You legit can not read.

user, you're thinking of Howard Stern.

Poe's law only applies to literal retards. Anyone with a functional brain is able to detect sarcasm and attempt at humor from a text.


I can read, it's just the shit I'm reading is downright retarded.

post your sister's tits so we can judge weird al's reaction properly

It was a backstage deal. I felt bad for dragging my sister along just to meet him since she'd never heard his songs before but she was getting her cat shot and had to carpool with me. I thought it'd be 30 minutes but we saw his equipment and I talked to some guy that was with him that knew me from college.

She's a basic fatty. Butterface with big tits.

Absolutely, they're the one thing that's good enough for pictures since the other sources seem to be upscalled and have a filter over them like some kind of Disney attempt. The detail is nice and crisp and you can see things that on other copies were too blurry to register. Ren's eyes were actually a different shade of pink than what the DVDs and TV airings came through with. Same for Stimpy's nose being a different purple. I kinda wish Nick would have done better but I guess I'll take them remembering it at all over not doing anything and pretending it doesn't exist after John "made a girl uncomfortable on video."

Maybe we can get a better oh yes inside of the adult part cartoon episodes. I heard they were animated digitally but I haven't really cared since October 31st. Clothes are done hang on brb.

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Frank Grimes is the Homer's Enemy guy right? Why bother using his name if the character design looks nothing like him, even in this style? He's an alien big dumbass looking dude with praying mantis arms. He isn't even skinny.

I can believe that based on the last John K thread.

The funny thing is this is probably a cycle of abuse. John K.'s dad probably had abusive parents that were emotionally neglectful - or absent or just dead.

Then they pass off their own shitty childhood onto their offspring because they are too proud for therapy and the cycle repeats.

Add in some mental health issues and blammo, you get a John K.

Thankfully his lack of offspring will break the cycle.

why's he so obsessed with animals fucking women

he sees himself as more animal than man. I would be surprised if the phrase "wallowing in your filth like an animal" was a line his dad often used when yelling at him to stop jacking off and clean his room

He almost was but he made Robyn abort it lol

>we saw his equipment
Sounds gay


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He had an extension rod mixed in with his flute and penis hubbler.

That guy draws the most obnoxious shit. How old is he? I always have the feeling he is perpetually 16.

That's kinda hot man

Obnoxious how?

I loved Johns blog back when I was a teen, I can't believe that I ever thought that his parties and get together ever looked appealing. There were always young 20 something girls there who never seemed uncomfortable or creeped out so I figured nothing shady was going on and people were just legitimately getting drunk and talking about cartoons. I was very naive. There were some great pics from those parties though. Steve Worth is still the fattest person I've ever seen it's amazing

Why what happened?

Daily reminder that never-to-be-finished "Cans without labels" was based upon John K's father skimping out on food by limiting his purchases to packages that lost their labels - which didn't prevent him from forcing such foodstuffs down his son's throat whenever the can turned out to hold barely edible slop or worse: youtu.be/MVXBmf7pA5Q

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See I think you guys are wrong when you use this as one of the reasons why John K did what he did
I mean his dad isn’t as weird as Cory’s Dad from sleepycabin
I think there are deeper as what makes someone a pedophile. Although I do believe his Dad’s upbringing may play into his asshole behavior, like when he called Robin Williams a fag behind his back, or when he got cucked by his ex-GF Lynn Naylor (creator of The Modifiers) and he tried to blackball her in the animation industry. What I’m trying to say is, we develop some of our personal characteristics from our parents, but our sexual characteristics is a totally different matter

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That was fucking awful.
Not even trying to be contrarian and hateful of John K, but the man is like a walking parody of himself. Everything he’s done since Ren and Stimpy is over-exaggerated, ugly, jerky bullshit. He knows how to do only one thing and that thing is obnoxious. I seriously cannot think of any animator living or dead who is more of a hack than him. People credit him for the 90s animation renaissance, but that shit would have and already did start without him.

cans without labels

Oh but of course

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Katie Rice will be believed for literally anything now. Must be nice to be a girl.

You do realize when he parodied Devi with Dare to be Stupid, Mark Mothersbaugh was so amazed by the parody that he hated Al for it, because the second became better than what it was originally parodying

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Wait you actually went to his parties? How are you?! Rebecca is this you!?

No I just wanted to which i think is worse. I just wanted to get drunk and discuss Yogi Bear is that so much to ask

why this in particular?

Elliot Rodger, please.
Grown ups are talking.

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I think you may be dumber than a Yogi Bear episode

>uh oh it is that ranger smith, time toskiddadle like skqsqdcjf fuckign whooo

Speak of the devil: youtu.be/fxbT70DDCn8

Dude the man is a nut with or without Katie.
>“Once Red Rover’s six months of contract service was up, the studio opted not to continue. The production moved completely to Ottawa’s Funbag, where the management expressed unwillingness to follow Kricfalusi’s instructions. Although Jim Smith was sent to Funbag to help educate the crew, and layout notes— including an extensive manual— were sent and received, the finished work seen by Kricfalusi seemed to disregard any instruction he had given Funbag.
Kricfalusi arrived in Ottawa at the tail end of the last two episodes’ production. To his horror, he discovered that the artists had not seen the instructions at all— they were still sitting at the front desk, on the orders of Funbag production manager John Shaw. “They almost went at it; John [K.] threatened [Shaw], said he was going to punch his lights out,” Steve Stefanelli, an artist at Funbag, said. “The next day John K. came back and apologized, gave him a drawing,”

>“To my pal, who’s always a pleasure to work with.’ So they had kind of smoothed it over.”[16]
Though the issue was resolved, the management at Funbag had been looking for a reason to oust Kricfalusi; weeks later, once they learned of the near-fisticuffs, he was banned from the studio. John K. spent the remainder of the series redrawing everything he could from a hotel room in Ottawa.”

It is my goal to make a movie about John K or at least inspired by him. The man is more of a cartoon character than Ren and Stimpy. I’m thinking it should be a mix of Boogie Nights and Lolita. What do you guys think?

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sounds like a pointless way to get attention and ride other people's lives making a fucking documentary

>“Once Red Rover’s six months of contract service was up, the studio opted not to continue. The production moved completely to Ottawa’s Funbag, where the management expressed unwillingness to follow Kricfalusi’s instructions. Although Jim Smith was sent to Funbag to help educate the crew, and layout notes— including an extensive manual— were sent and received, the finished work seen by Kricfalusi seemed to disregard any instruction he had given Funbag.
>Kricfalusi arrived in Ottawa at the tail end of the last two episodes’ production. To his horror, he discovered that the artists had not seen the instructions at all— they were still sitting at the front desk, on the orders of Funbag production manager John Shaw. “They almost went at it; John [K.] threatened [Shaw], said he was going to punch his lights out,” Steve Stefanelli, an artist at Funbag, said. “The next day John K. came back and apologized, gave him a drawing,”

>Though the issue was resolved, the management at Funbag had been looking for a reason to oust Kricfalusi; weeks later, once they learned of the near-fisticuffs, he was banned from the studio. John K. spent the remainder of the series redrawing everything he could from a hotel room in Ottawa.”

That's probably the incident that's referenced in this comic.

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Not a documentary you fucking fool. An actual based-on-a-true-story movie. I’m thinking Steve Carrel would be good for the part

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>only women get upset, look at me mr macho man hanging testicles mccooldude

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That's really dumb.

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god i wish sb99 would just draw her with a slight rip back there and she's getting railed in that bubble butt

You make a good point, that video sucks Donkey Dick. Here’s a superior John K cartoon:

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Just draw the bitch naked. I knew SBB9, back in art school, he never made the cut, didn’t have a stones and gumption to make the bread ya dig? Bruh just pick up an anatomy book and draw the bitch naked. Draw her feet too cuz that turns me on

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>I knew SBB9, back in art school
Sounds like bullshit, describe him.

no one can draw their own porn and fap to it. it just isnt possible.

plus that will take years to not draw bad

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>no one can draw their own porn and fap to it. it just isnt possible.
low fucking test, i can scribble something and manage

getting exactly what you want without commissioning or asking in a drawthread all the tiny details and any weird fetishes

i literally havent drawn since 1st grade. that shit will not be fappable, trust me

How old was he when he made this cartoon ??

Fat, white, brown hair, wore sandals to school like a fag. Can barely draw a cube. One time he complained about the music the teacher was playing during a drawing. This fucking nigger, this coon, this jigaboo, this African American, he WOULD NOT SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! So the teacher grabed his drawing board and slammed it on the ground and told him to get the fuck out. Because niggers like him get no respect. Anyway before dropping out he told me to follow him on DeviantArt. DevaintArt? I said. “Bruh if I want to jack off to degenerate shit made by other degenerates, ill just go to Yea Forums. And that gave him the inspiration to come here I think, I dunno, can you repeat the question?

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Who would you cast in a John K biopic, Yea Forums?

i buy it

John but weekend at bernies'd

Do it as an animation live action hybrid ala Space Jam. Everyone is a live actor except for John who is animated. In flash. As designed by someone John really hates (the Mighty Magiswords guy?)

Like I said before Steve Carrel as John K.
Young Katie Rice will be played by Elle Fanning
Not sure about Ralph Bakshi
Bob Camp is played by Mathew McConaughey

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This could finally be Steve Carrells oscar moment. He's going to need to bulk up though.

Monthly reminder that John K allegedly purposefully used butchered time compressed MTV/VH1 masters for the Games cartoons on those Ren and Stimpy DVDs.

Not even John's Prized APC was safe from the cutting room floor when it landed on DVD.

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That is until he snaps and finally rapes someone.

Mandy Patinkin or Brad Garrett for Bakshi


>Felt the need to quote the person using an insult that would knowingly piss of the user and not the user who started with the whole, "This board is full of WOMEN!"

So you're that guy, then?

Around mid 20's to 30's. John K is like, 70 now.

Top kek

Carell is a good choice. I didn't realize how similar they looked. He played an unhinged weirdo in the movie Foxcatcher, which was great, so I'm confident that he'd bring a lot to the table in playing someone as comical and deranged as John K.

Kinda, yeah. If she slapped him for crying while being a boy and told him to "be a fucking man" whenever he had any sort of emotion, she would be projecting a toxic idea of masculinity onto him.

Toxic masculinity isn't "man did bad thing", though some people wanna make it that to try and simplify a complex world. Toxic masculinity is literally a concept of masculinity that promotes a toxic state of self and produces a harmful behavioral environment. It's the idea that only sissies get sad, REAL men choke their feelings into a bitter little ball, get in bar fights, and drink themselves to death by age fifty.

He is 63

I mean, have you seen The Ripping Friends? John's conduct was inappropriate, but the show did actually disregard his instructions and suffered for it.

Bro, they did that to the Spumco episodes too.

Reminder that Bob Camp is the reason Ren and Stimpy is any good.

Human growth hormone, aka steroids


This sounds like a plot of a workplace sitcom, not real life.

Toxic masculinity is like "Incredible Hulk". It might seem like there's a believable Hulk somewhere, but there's none. It's an epitethet used to describe Hulk.

People who use "toxic masculinity" might pretend that they believe in other forms of masculinity, but they just shame men for not being women or eunuchs, who would be much more convenient to control.

Don't bother.
People who use the phrase toxic masculinity know what they're doing.

Yeah no I'd fucking kill the guy too if the manual was still sitting there on the desk.

I'm sorry you're so self-absorbed that you can't allow for any self-reflection. Being emotionally repressed is how you end up with a drinking problem. It's not a healthy outlook to have.

Pretty cool.

Being emotional while not posessing ovaries is how you end without any values whatsoever. Being male is hard because we have to deal with shit on our own, we can't come crying to some Chad and ask him to sort our problems out in exchange for pussy, so we have to deal with them ourselves. Except for gay I guess, but being gay is not for everyone.

haha holy fuck I love stumbling upon this shit to snip
seek help.

My knee-jerk reaction is that you're angling for replies, but I've unfortunately met people in real life who've expressed similar sentiments, so I'm guessing you genuinely are this insecure and unstable. Being afraid of showing weakness to this level is extremely unhealthy and will gradually disintegrate any remaining mental well-being as your life goes on. We want to be the strong silent type like Gary Cooper but it's not possible because Gary Cooper's fictional film persona was just that: fictional. If you repress your emotions for long enough, they'll just find other, weirder, and more unhinged ways to come out.

>hating on anything by sylvain chomet
john k no longer exists in my mind
he is not real

>People actually listened to this faggot's opinions.

>I just realized that John K. posts on here.

Hi John.

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You're being way too nice.

John, you've squandered every opportunity life gave you. Your problems are almost completely your own fault. You've wasted your career. You've squandered your gifts. You're a conman, a loser, a failure, a schmuck, a has-been.

In spite of your pathetic attempts at masculinity, you are the opposite of what a man should be.

You're going to die alone, knowing you've alienated everyone who every cared about you.

And your father never loved you.

John K's life is a better comedy than anything he's actually produced in the last 20 years.

I always wondered if John K, Katie Rice, and others really do post on here. I don't think Robyn does but she is aware of the Yea Forums archive since she once posted a screencap where someone on here was trash-talking her (possibly John K or a supporter doing it anonymously).

>In his early years, especially the first season of Ren and Stimpy

John K had been working in animation for almost 15 years by the time he got Ren and Stimpy

At the end of the day John K is many things
>He’s the Bill Cosby of animation
For obvious reasons
>He’s the Adam Sandler of Animation
Because of his love of unfunny toilet humor
>But he’s also, and more importantly, the George Lucas of animation.
Just like Lucas he was at the forefront of a revolution in the industry that he worked in. Lucas did not start the 70s cinema renaissance and neither did John K with the 90s Animation renaissance but they both played key roles. The problem is when they get too much credit. The original rough cut of Star Wars was awful and made no sense, and so it was sent into the editing and was saved literally at the editing room.
At the end, it was his wife, his writers, team of editors, sound designers and countless other people that saved that movie, lets not forget George’s own stupid ideas, like Luke has a robot head, and Han Solo is a frog, ideas that gladly did come to pass
Same thing with John K. Bob Camp was responsible for writing some of the funniest episodes in Ren and Stimpy, and saved Sven Hoek, which was originally a longer cartoon, in the editing room, trimmed it down, and the result we know today is his. The sexy girls John K is known for? All designed by Lynn Naylor, who is the one who apperantly taught him how to draw sexy girls, when she quit, he tried to blackball her, lol. Then there are two unsung heroes of R&S: Bob Jaques and Kelly Armstrong. Remember the fluid animation of the first two seasons of Ren and Stimpy? They were responsible for that. They saved many scenes, as there were drawing that jumped from exaggerated pose to pose and they were able to animate them perfectly. Eventually John K started to surround himself with young people, not just girls, who saw him as a god, and the result was shit like Adult Party Cartoon. Lets not forget about Nickelodeon, they put limits on R&S but as we saw with APC, sometimes limits are a good thing

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Here’s what I think:
>Animators/e-celebs who post/posted/lurked on here
Ian GQ (is possibly Famicom either that or he is trolling us)
Rebecca Sugar
Katie Rice
Max Gilardi
Mick Lauer
The creator of Bee and Puppycat(before we turned against her lol)
Lauren Faust
That one cute chick who made that demon cartoon
Luke Weber(a deranged virgin cu_ck)
EZPZ(his Jew friend)
Couple of the SU writers
That one Titmouse animator who drew porn of Dana Terrace
>I’m sure I’m missing some people, anybody know who?

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Saberspark lurks


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>are really good
That was fucking awful and looks like he spent 2 hours in flash doing it because he forgot it was due the next day

>I certainly didn’t hug you
I am an awful person for laughing at this.

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Imagine actually having taste this bad.

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>How to make sure your kids put you in a nursing home and never go to your funeral

This is literally the only halfway decent place to talk about animation. Name me a better place. ToonZone or CartoonBrew? Fuck no. The former moves at a snail's pace and the latter is just a news site with a comment section, not actually set up for userbase discussion.

Video games and movies have a bunch of other alternatives. Even comic readers can go to ComicVine if they really wanted. Animation fans don't really get shit.

>That one cute chick who made that demon cartoon
This board has the worst taste imaginable.

didn't robo literally drop onto Yea Forums asking for rebuttals on her SU vid or something

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There was a spongebob animator here that got MAD AS FUCK that we made fun of his "art"

You forgot Roiland.

Also e-celebs is not really noteworthy, of course they come here to shill their shitty youtube videos.

which one?

Max Gilardi's works aren't shitty.

Voiced by Billy West!

By e-celebs I really meant the critics. If you're actually creating art rather than faggotry then yeah, fair.

Can't remember but his blog was full of really bizarre art and he worked on post-movie spongebob

>That one Titmouse animator who drew porn of Dana Terrace
How do we know they worked at Titmouse?

>since we have a lot of women on this board.
How the fuck would you know that?

It’s just a fact of Yea Forums. Earlier today some user had to post her voice to prove she was a chick
Plus, we have active drawthreads. That only happens on boards with a 40%+ female population.

>Plus, we have active drawthreads. That only happens on boards with a 40%+ female population.
Are there more female than male artists or something?

Her name is Elena Manetta, you can look her credit up. She works on a Disney preschool show now.
She also drew porn of Summer Camp Island, featuring furry children.


Best part is she has a particular fetish for female fairies pleasuring full sized men, so she seems to like the dynamic of women being petite compared to the big ol’ cocks they’re up against. And you can tell by the way she draws dicks that she likes them kind of frumpy and ugly and grotesque, the way they usually are in reality

>female fairies pleasuring full sized men
How much better can she get? I'm gonna need some links here.

Yes. Especially in recent generations.

Here are the lewd accounts, it used to mainly be Tumblr but you know what happened to that site (and I’m sure some stuff got lost in the transition). For her SFW stuff you can just google her real name

Fantastic. I had seen that SCI strip before but I didn't know who it was by. Thank you kindly.

It looks like absolute ass just like everything he's made since he discovered Flash/ToonBoom.

i don't believe john is an irredeemable piece of shit and he seems like a cool guy to hang around

Like Michael Scott with more roid rage and less charm

I don't think Robyn does, someone sent her that screenshot. I have friends who are friends with Katie and they all lurk or post here so I'll bet she does too.

Literally hew

What?? How did you find out it was her? Does she attach that shit to her real name?

Robertryan Cory, he admittedly has some pretty nice work, but I don't think his artstyle fits for something like Spongebob.

He also worked on Gravity Falls and Billy Dilley, and he was originally going to work on SVTFOE.
Link to the porn?

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She came here to ask the drawfags to tag nsfw content of her differently so it wouldn't show up when you googled her.

She was nice and reasonable about it and responded to plenty of post.

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seems cool to me. Yea Forums is way too harsh sometimes


>Haven't you ever heard great comedians talk about how crazy their dads were?
Yeah man
awful lot of great comedians that come from dysfunctional families or had fucked up childhoods.
quite the coincidence y'know

His art is nice for sure, and the guy was responsible for a lot of the technically impressive animation moments in the series, but he also did a lot of gross-out stuff. He was usually the artist in those modern Spongebob gags that involved bulging veins, uncomfortable-looking facial expressions, skin peeling off, or other types of body horror.

I'm not sure if he wanted to draw stuff like that into the series, or if higher-ups asked him to draw it like that. Either way, a lot of the gags he drew were kinda nasty to look at, and unfortunately not very funny. While Spongebob always had weird experimental stuff, IMO this guy's drawings went a bit too far to fit the series.

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I think "not irredeemable" is pretty generous considering what he did and was all about. He's still alive, and an artist, so the best thing he can do is make people laugh with his drawings. I believe he can do that, but I don't think he would be cool to hang around.

John K was kinda the Terry A. Davis of animation, huh? Really good at what he does, but batshit insane?

I dunno the full story but if half of what he's been accused of is true, I think he actually might be irredeemable. I actually can't think of much more foul and twisted than grooming children to fuck them

that being said, if it's not true then it's just not true, but honestly i'm keen to believe it, as there's been decades of murmurs about him by people to afraid to lose their careers to a juggernaut

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Eh... he was good for what he was, but his post R&S stuff is mostly shit

where was pic originally posted, reverse google searched, cannot find.

He's proved himself irredeemable because when faced with the opportunity to redeem himself, he rejected it and tried to justify his actions, telling the 15-year old Katie that he groomed, "Remember the good times, though?".


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John K girls that don't look unattractive aand fugly as sin? Call me surprised.

Holy fuck this is incredible. What is wrong with this guy??

The spell check underlining "Korn" makes it

>I actually can't think of much more foul and twisted
First day? Don’t worry, Yea Forums will soon fix that for you.

99% sure you are coolio

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Nah, the two of them patched things up and are cool with each other now.

thanks man you're pretty coolio yourself

>quote from man molested

There some things in this world that act as an I'm too old for fun litmus test. I'm 26 but the day I get tired of Weird Al is the day I become a miserable old prick

This is an entirely accurate take. When it comes to TV shows and movies, it can be easy to forget that they're very rarely made by just one person. These things are a team effort, but people have a habit of simplifying the past by just saying it was John K's show. The fact is that other people had just as much a hand in the show working as he did, if not more. Considering that literally everything John K has made after R&S had been God awful, people are coming around to recognizing that he's not the cartoonist genius everyone thought he was.

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Really? What makes you think he'd be fun to hang out with? By all accounts he seems like an unruly, self-absorbed asshole who will start yelling at you and threatening fisticuffs at the drop of a hat, when he's not try to get you give him a handjob beneath his desk. He's not alone and miserable now for no reason. Clearly he burnt tons of bridges with his rude, antagonistic behavior and lack of work ethic.

Jesus I never even realized how much of a Lucas he was

Random Katie thread on here, couple of weeks ago

I wonder if disney knows.

Her NSFW tumblr linked directly to her SFW account with her real name right up top, girl doesn't give a fuck

dude vore

post the one where he says samurai jack and total drama island look exactly the same

>most songs barely sound like the artists
either you've barely listened to any of his parodies, or you have no ears. off yourself, cunt.

if you were Katie would you post in a place that draws horny art of your cartoon caricature

She evidently looks at porn of Camp Weedonwantcha (where the characters are like 8 years old) and her only issue with it was that her work was crossed over with Camp Camp, as far as people in the industry go she's not very sensitive about that stuff

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I can't say I like anything of John K, but creator of Camp Idontwannareadthisshit shouldn't be dissing on anyone

that's based, and not just because I have a similar size difference fetish.

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Wait i thought she didn't like Camp Camp because she thought it was a ripoff of her comic.

...Nothing in the post you're replying to refutes that, you don't seem to get her joke (that she doesn't care that people drew her kid characters fucking but that involving Camp Camp in it is crossing the line)

Amy Falcone & Maki Naro
Roiland and Hirsch
The Small-Buteras

Yes but it still looks like shit. Saying “Muh tone” diners justify garbage visual design.

From a design stand point they have a lot of visual overlap


You sound fake.

Watching Reverend Jack Cheese after taking the Johnpill is amazing.

>When he wakes up screaming "DADDY! I LOVE YOU!"

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Does the industry even give a shit if people draw porn anymore? Seems like it's become pretty normalized. Rebecca Sugar's NSFW art was featured on CartoonBrew and that was before she got her gig on Adventure Time.

And of course, Chris Savino's Puss comics, Chris Sanders' naked girls with gigantic tits, Bruce Timm has an entire book published dedicated to his pin-ups of DC characters.

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I meant to also quote

It’s expected that everyone draws some sort of lewd art, but there’s serious controversy about loli and shota among online progressives nowadays (many say it’s exactly the same thing as child pornography) and the SCI characters are voiced by real kids too. And most who make their work public are more on the cheesecake/ecchi/humorous side of things also, professional animators do not typically put out pics with explicit penetration or semen.
She also put out lewds of other animators (or their online avatars), which is just kind of weird seeing as she could end up working with them someday.

At least we know Ian JQ and Daron Nefcy are cool about it. They both have loli shit in their likes on Twitter and Tumblr.

I'm pretty sure Ian even hired some artist who was blacklisted at Titmouse for doing something gross (Like smearing cream cheese all over his face during a tour or something) because he liked his work so much. People shit on OK KO, but Ian is such a cool guy, I find it hard to hate anything he makes because I want to like him so much. In direct contrast to people like John K who are notable for never finishing a project and still successfully con people out of their Kickstarter money.

Holy shit, literally everything moves like a sock full of milk.

If John K was some experimental cartoonist with a wacky style like John Dilworth, I would forgive this. I would say it's different and kind of interesting in it's own experimental way.

But knowing the context of John K and how he shits on everything under the sun that wasn't made by him, his friends, or his idols and how this product is the direct opposite of what he teaches, I see it as just a pile of shit.

his art is fucking based though

I really enjoyed reading his blog until it turned out it was a front to get contact information from underage girls

It's a joke ya dingus