>goes from a good guy who’s a manwhore, to an evil guy who’s a manwhore
Considering that it’s an “Inversion”, wouldn’t it have made more sense for him to become a celibate villain who drinks under moderation? Since, y’know, making him fuck and drink with no moderation is pretty much regular Stark. All other Inversions did Invert their characters. His just made him more of a cunt with no other difference.
Superior Stark
Who gives a shit?
Superior Stark enjoys sex.
Inferior Stark whores around because of personal issues.
What about a true superior Stark? A posthuman intellect pushing the advancements of mankind to its greatest reach. Unbound of all limits, Nanoborg Stark will create a better world.
Are you refreshing the catalog to be the first to leave a whiny negative comment in every thread. Bc it seems like it.
Why does Tony get so much shit for sleeping with women and nobody criticizes Wolverine when he has canonically slept with way more?
Also op men can’t be whores. The more women you sleep with the more of a chad you’re. Women are the ones who should stay monogamous. If a woman slept with more than 5 she is officially a slut. But when a man does it it makes him badass. Come on man.
The flip was just in cognitive and conciseness not a full brain flip
you're such a fucking faggot, lol
Oh wew lad, nice incel logic right there
He only sleeps around because he can't get Steve's dick (yet).
Superior is Superior, transcended the need for Steve's love, sleeps with his doppelgänger.
You’re lying to yourself if you think men can be monogamous and are wired as such. Why do you think so men watch porn or worse cheat while still having a girlfriend?
Nobody knew what the fuck to do with Extremis.
He was being ironic (sic).
I remember when I looked for logic in cape comics.
Don't take that as a recommendation to become cynical.
I wasn’t being ironic. I meant what I said.
user, this is Yea Forumsmblr. You think you’ll find any sort of logic here?
On the contrary, I find more people agree with me when we are not in public or can see each other.
Yeah, but this is Yea Forumsmblr. You’re really gonna try and argue whether women should whore around or not? Here?
Is it true that cap and Tony are really gay for each others in the comics?
I can argue wherever I want.
>Nobody knew what the fuck to do with Extremis.
I think it was more of it came at a bad time with Civil War right at its heels. There was no time to really explore any of the transhumanism that came with it. DoS tried but it still had to deal with all the nasty fallout from that event.
Stark has had more cameos in his stories by Hulk than Captain America. Fuck, him and Richards are closer. But Avengers writers post-2000s, around the Dissassembled era added some faggotry moments, and now that’s all everyone talks about. They’re work friends. They’re not Batman and Superman.
Eh, your time will be wasted. Have at it.
Are batman and superman even that close to each other?
Thinking about it spiderman before civil war was definitely a fag for both of them, he would had happily be a cuck for Tony and a bottom for Cap
They’re closer than Stark and Rogers, that’s the point. But shipfags wanna pretend they suck each others’ dicks during every Avengers meeting.
Check archive of our own
Tony Stark and Steve Rogers have five times the amount of fanfiction Bruce and Clark have.
Tony and Reed only have 11 and notnot pages. It only has one page as oppposed to Clark and Bruce 242 and Tony Steve 1300. But please do tell me how Tony and Reed is not epopular xD
Because the tension between Tony and Steve is juicy. Especially it’s not straight rivalry but a friendenemy thing and that’s the biggest relationship yaoi bait since it can be interpreted as sexual tension.
I'm still disappointment we never got The Superior Avengers with Lord Stark, The Maker, SpOck, Phoenix Rightclops, and HydraCap. Having them as a coalition of villains with good publicity taking over the world the confusion after Secret Wars, keeping their true nature a secret while the heroes trying to take them down look like the bad guys would have made for a more compelling event than Civil War II and Secret Empire
Superior Iron Man is the most interesting Stark has been in years.
This is dumb. Your post is dumb.
Not that guy but he's probably just regurgitating how unironic shipfags rationalize their bs.
I never said the ship was good. As someone who is into fanfiction and fandom heavily, let me tell you friendenemy releationships are the biggest yaoi bait than straight “boring” enemy or friends. It’s also why Bucky and Steve got so popular.
Why the fuck does that matter? user asked about canon. Who cares what you faggots wank to?
Ok. Still; not canon. They have as much “sexual tension” as Stark and Doom, or Stark and Strange, or Doom and strange, or Doom and Richards. If two guys are friends, they’re “totes fucking”. If two guys are on bad terms, they’re “brimming with sexual tension”. If they hate each other’s guts, they’re “dying to rawfuck one another”. To you, everyone’s a faggot.
Nope its way more. Especially thanks to the movie Civil War. Reed and Doom is the only one there that matches it but since Reed is married to a WOMAN it wards off a lot of them and they can’t fantasize about it.
Of course you weren't. Unless you meant it as social commentary.
Did girls write all of those?? That's a thing girls do, isn't it - at least according to the South Park.
Well -
Nope guys write yaoi fanfics too. They also draw as much if not more yaoi than women.
Again; I don’t care what shippers think. user asked about canon. Comics canon. Who gives a fuck about fan girls and faggots?
Again, Post-2000s induces faggotry. The same kind that turned Stark into a beta bitch.
imagine being so cucked you need a corporate seal of approval before you can enjoy a story
Well they pick up on “implications” from their interactions.
Also, Bruce and Clark got far more fanfiction after Batman vs Superman. I’ll leave it at that.
Not a faggot but I guess gay dudes, and presumably some straight woman, found two "straight" gays pretending to hate eachother but actually want to fuck extremely hot. I wonder why is that?
...Are you pretending to be a dimwit or are you one in reality? An user asked about whether they’re faggots in canon. Which they’re not. And here you are, going on and on about faggotry fanfics.
Yeah, like I said, Post-2000s faggotry. They exist; they’re just OOC. And even they’re just standard bromance stuff.
>If two guys are friends, they’re “totes fucking”. If two guys are on bad terms, they’re “brimming with sexual tension”. If they hate each other’s guts, they’re “dying to rawfuck one another”. To you, everyone’s a faggot.
Unironically: this should be a poster. In fact...
Original user who asked if they fuck, I was asking that ironically asin I know they're not gay. I was just curious if they were closer in the comics and had some kind of vibe that could be considered homoerotic, like Ceaser and Jhonotan.
"Do you bleed? ...You will."
>Stark has had more cameos in his stories by Hulk than Captain America. Fuck, him and Richards are closer.
Number of cameos/appearances don't matter. It's the quality and intensity of the interactions.
>They’re work friends.
I would say they're a lot more involved with each other than just work friends. They were at the others side at critical and crucial times in multiple situations over the years. And whether they were positive or negative it was still on a personal level than just work friends.
>Ceaser and Jhonotan
Isn't regular Stark usually sober between every time a writer thinks it's deep for him to have a drink?
From Jojo's Bizzare Adventures, the most gay not gay content ever made
It helped that Affleck and Cavill were both hot.
Again all about that tension. They think any tension is sexual tension. If it was a movie about them being friends without any drama it would unironically be less pleasing to fujoshis. Which is something some people in this thread don’t seem to understand. It’s not about how two characters the best of friends on la la land at all.
What's some recommended Iron Man?
1960s-2008. 2012/3 if you wanna push it and read Fraction. Everything else is trash. It’s not a smooth ride, but it’s comfy and has some pretty great highs. Iron Man’s problem is that as an IP it has more promise than what has been put on page.
Any specific runs?
Like I said; start from the beginning and keep on going chronologically. If you can’t do that, then start from Micheline’s run, who begins at Iron Man V1 #116, read until Kaminski finishes his at #318, then jump at Vol 4; the Civil War Era one. That’s as barebones as I can make it.
Yes. He's a dry drunk. He didn't have a drink from 1993 until Matt Fraction had him sacrifice his sobriety to Odin. He drank again when he thought the world was about to end during an Incursion. I don't think non-inverted Tony has drunk since then.
Layton and Michelinie's runs are solid. I like Busiek. The Knaufs' run is good, after 'Execute Program'.
My personal favorite run is Kaminski.
Avoid: Fraction, Bendis, Kavanaugh an Tieri.
And even so, Fraction's first couple of arcs - 'The five nightmares' and 'Stark Disassembled' are bearable.
He didn’t drink when the Incursion approached. He just poured drinks to see if he could resist them.
I liked Superior. His inversion put him in a position to give people what they want with a huge price attached, it was quite a sinister setup. Didn't last long enough, the Dardevil bit was col too.
>I don't think non-inverted Tony has drunk since then.
His AI drunk during Secret Empire and he's had a drink in the virtual reality he's currently in if you want to count those.
>huge price
>40k/year for literal perfection
Yeah, average Joe wouldn’t be able to afford it, but it wasn’t a crazy price.
Maybe in 2020
Thanks, dudes.
wasn't that already superior stark?
You realize stark made a virus that could native super powers to a third of the human population instantaneously? How's that for a p!and Gary defense system?
Superior Tony was selling biological perfection with Extremis but it didn't come with any of the additional super human perks the original did and came at the cost of addiction if you didn't continue to pay for it.
i'll be playing devils advocate, but that was just the 1.0 version. It was just a matter of time that the same extremis could be upgraded to have superpowers.
He should have selled a safe version for Extremis legally, 40.000$ a year for enhanced intelligence, health and appearance. More for more.
Lol I don't think Steve would ever want herpes or whatever diseases Tony carries.
I doubt he has any STDs with Extremis and all the rebooted and new bodies he goes through.
The difference is that Stark's public persona is mostly a shield to hide his multiple mental complexes. Inverted Tony is the public persona made reality.
Alas, no.
Or, if he did, he found that he could not.
Kind of odd how far he got. Tony is canonically a lightweight. Extremis, I guess.
No. The AI can't get drunk, obviously (and I don't want to include anything by Bendis) and virtual drinking is not going to affect your brain. Not the same way, anyway.
What was that, then? Not Extremis.
Kind of weird. Originally Extremis worked on anybody, then it would kill 97.5% of all people exposed, then Arno perfected it, then Tony put it in the drinking water...
Made no goddamn sense.
>hydra cap monologues about how much regular cap loved tony
>tony destroyed by his death in civil war
>all of those panels in various comics where they’ve just mentally written each other love notes and admired how handsome/amazing each other were to them and how they could never measure up
>all the gay shit they keep saying to each other
>weird emphasis on shit like pic related
I mean, some of this weird gay shit genuinely has to be on purpose.
>Stark sacrificing his sobriety
One of my favourite moments for Tony. To me it perfectly encapsulates both his arrogance and self assurance in that Odin should pay attention and his self sacrificial goodness, too.
I know. Like I said, Post-2000s faggotry. Before that there was no ultra-close relationship between them. But Marlel being the ultra-progressive company, just started adding all the faggotry out of nowhere. And it kept piling up and up. If someone showed me the HydraCap pages from “The Oath” (or whatever the mini was called) I’d think they were banging. Blame it on Marlel and the fact that none of these characters die or get endings.
>muh progressive boogeyman
>not knowing Cap has always had solid dick from Iron Man
normal Stalk afraid of himself and his power, he fear one day he would create a weapon that destroy the whole world, that why he is a bit of control freak.
superior Stalk embrace it
>Before that there was no ultra-close relationship between them.
Steve was there to personally confront Tony about his drinking problems, Tony was there to help ease Steve's transition into the new age. They would help and give each other advice. They co-lead a team together. Steve and Tony's relationship isn't on the same level as their respective BFF's and they aren't "ultra-close" but still pretty close. Even despite their ideological and moral differences.
That's an edit, user.
ANAD or NOW! really did have the perfect chance to make inverted Avengers naturally. Because you got
Superior Stark
Captain Hydra
Unworthy Thor
Maestro/Immortal Hulk
There's a great Avengers book in here but I think it's too late for that
All I see now is Mirage.
It’d make for a neat alternate universe story. I can only imagine it’d be an unholy keikaku fest.
Darn, looks like user made a boner
Fuck Tony
I'm trying.
punctuation goes inside quotation marks
I would love to.
this, Tony is for being sexually used
>ywn get to cum on iron man’s face every day whilst you have his Snow White coma coffin
Fuck, it hurts bros...
Thank you for putting that image in my head, user.
Tony sure does seem to get a lot of cheesecake shots. Which other heroes get sexualised like he does?
Spidey. Nightwing if you want to go outside of Marvel.
You don't understand. Good Tony is the more restrained version.
>Tony sure does seem to get a lot of cheesecake shots
Marvel is fully aware of who their audience is for Iron Man.
I can only think of Spidey and sometimes Cap. Also Hawkeye with some of the ridiculous costumes he's had over the years.