Dumbing of Age
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Praise be to Mary.
>>Your stupid God.
Classic Willis.
Good thing I pray to dab
praise be to dab
praise be indeed
Dude exposure lmao
Change Mary to a muslim and the comic becomes islamophobic.
What if you change her to Jewish?
Then it's an islamic comic.
and what if she becomes a Sikh?
Willis is gonna demonize Mary somehow, damnit.
(watch how fast Mary says something "racist")
Mary being a Weeaboo is probably my favorite joke.
Thirsty Joyce. Thirsty for that Dick, you after dating for 5 years and marriage
Then she will defend her honor with her cool sword she carry everywhere to protect herself from jihadists.
I don't think that's how Sikhism works
clearly the kirpan is for honorable seppuku
wouldn't it have been great if Mary punched her in the face and claimed self defense?
How the fuck does Willis think anime is pronounced, ah-neem?
Is that how self defense works in modern colleges?
You're right.
Mary's white so it doesn't matter if Malaya basically ripped her arm off in front of everyone.
Maybe Mary could claim Malaya's just tanned.
>Mary's hurt that they're covering her anime drawings
fucking d'awww
If Willis hates Mary so much why does he make her so cute?
We've come a long way from 1699, user.
or have we?
It used to be.
user, anime isn't normally pronounced aw-ni-MAY either
I can see it being pronounced that way if Mary has an accent. Aren't these characters mostly from the US South? I mean I'd pronounce "ah-ni-may" rather than "aw-ni-may", but I'm a bonglander.
Anime is literally just the start of the word "animation" without the "tion" part.
But it's not Anima.
Because the "a" in the middle of the word animation is pronounced "ay" not "ah". It's not pronounced ani-mash-on.
>It's not pronounced ani-mash-on
what if I say it like that?
wait, how it pronounced? I always heard it an-ni-may
That you Willis? Draw Carla with her dick out already you prude.
>Aren't these characters mostly from the US South?
keep a look out for a new lemon font piece soon
No, he should draw Carla with her dick inside Mary and cumming.
>not the reverse
I think she is trying to pronounce in a more Japanese style by emphasizing the separation between syllables.
is she a weeaboo?
Do you think Fuckface fucks faces?
Wouldn't it be funny if Fuckface crept up on girls in the night and fucked their faces while they slept hahaha
So fruitfucker but lizard?
Libshit white people read this cringy white-masochistic shit and enjoy it?
The power white men have surrendered to white women is literally the death of our civilization
I didn't know DoA was so reviled that we got a goreposter now.
Does QC have goreposters?
>white-masochistic shit
>hates white women
>gleefully tugs off to pictures of their severed heads
Willis is a disgusting man-baby, but his wife is more likely to create white babies than your .png of a severed head so he's serving the white race better than you are.
>his wife is more likely to create white babies than your .png of a severed head
>ywn have Carla piss on your shoes
How do they wipe their asses?
He may constantly shit and piss all over the place, and his comics suggest that his type is fat bitches who hate him, but there IS a greater than 0% chance.
one foot at a time
They already have twins.
How long until they have Mary become atheist?
I give it a week
Never. She exists to be the Bad Christian, the one who must always represent what is wrong about Christianity to be fair, there is a lot, but these threads have been deleted enough times for shitty debates about politics and religion
She cannot and WILL NOT be redeemed, because she exists only to be torn down... which in a way, makes her quite similar to the characters in Chick tracts who exist only to show how easy it is to fall into sin, even if you claim to be Christian.
>Willis giving up his Christian punching bag
Not likely.
Oh no he's going to ruin her
>implying he hasn't already
>the Bad Christian
Good old Raw
To be fair a week in the comic is real world time like a year
Fucking baffles me walking from class to the courtyard would probably take a week. Probably longer if Becky's there
>>Becky fucking stops time when she's around.
Oh shit Becky is Dio.
but what does she throw instead of knifes?
Hair beetles.
Is her stand entirely made out of hair?
How did this guy make a character you're supposed to hate the most likable character?
he's just that bad at writing
Honestly she gave that speech that was something like 'You're not getting a gold star in the end, none of us are' made me think she's just in the whole religion thing to be a bitch.
Probably came from the same church as Joyce and Becky. But I'd like to think these girls are smart enough to use God as away for them to get away with things here and there
Who do I need to pay to get pics of Joyce's plentiful Christian ass getting paddled?
I don't think artists are picky about DOA commissions.