Is this the most controversial episode of all time?
Is this the most controversial episode of all time?
This one is unanimously considered bad. OP’s example is really polarizing. I personally love it and consider it a memorable episode, but others hate it and I can understand why.
What episode is this?
>This one is unanimously considered bad
No it isn't. It's only considered bad by autists.
They should've removed this one instead of the Michael Jackson one
I always liked this episode as a kid and never understood why people hated it when I got older. Hit a little too close to home or something?
no way senpai I love that episode
I personally love the episode as well because it satirizes stupid assholes who have a chip on their shoulder about life owing them something. Frank Grimes could have just focused on his own life and tried to enjoy it but he became so obsessed with how stupid and undeserving Homer was of his position in the company that he paid the ultimate price for it. Yeah, it's dark humor but he was so self-righteous that I think it's kind of funny that he got what he did.
This, I have only seen people diagnosed with autism hating it because of it being "mean spirited".
To this day I don't understand what the fuck is "mean spirited" supposed to be, and I'm not kidding grew up with a diagnosed autist as my neighbor and he always used the "mean spirited" criticism to thing he(now a she legally) didn't like.
>but others hate it and I can understand why.
I don't. Why don't people like Homer's enemy? I thought it was hilarious.
simpsons archive (alt.simpsons/snpp)
>Ondre Lombard: I've never said this about any episode, because my opinions
usually change on them. But this was by far the worst episode in the
history of The Simpsons. I don't think any other program will be able to
top this one. Homer's irresponsibleness is glaring, and the story focuses
too much on Homer's lack of professionalism, making him very unlikable.
Frank, on the other hand, had many a good point, and got a raw deal
throughout the entire thing. I actually felt sorry for him, instead of
Homer. Our hero is sleeping through Frank's funeral, and cracking an
inappropriate joke during it. And everyone LAUGHS at it. This is perhaps
the single most tasteless, cruel, cold-blooded moment in OFF's history.
The Bart/Milhouse/factory subplot was pointless and unfunny, as well.
Let's hope this one is played few times in syndication, and buried as a
"Lost Episode." [Yes Ondre, but how do you REALLY feel? -- Ed.] (F)
there have been a lot of simpsons thread recently, well more than the usual.
these threads break my heart, did something happened?
Not much outside of the removal of "problematic" episodes that people actually liked and some really bad zombie Simpsons episodes even by current season standards.
Also the Fox merger putting this show in the potential chopping block.
>The Bart/Milhouse/factory subplot was [...] unfunny, as well.
No, it wasn't.
oh yeah the removal.
i guess people is looking forward to see how low can this shit fall before the big change.
I think some youtuber got recommended to a lot of people with similar ideas, probably the reason why people are miss remembering this episode like this.
I really recall a Youtuber saying that exact quote.
Simpsons memes thing where they cross old Simpson memes together.
Homer's Enemy
He could have not reacted as badly as he did, btu he could not have just checked out and focus on himself, that's actually what he tried before the 'dinner invitation' - Homer actively interfered with his life in small, negative ways
It's a pretty dumb plot from a writer's perspective: what if we took an average dude and put him in a cartoon. Like he can see from the perspective of a viewer.
Isn't it gonna be funny how he realizes how fucked it all is and how his feeble mind can't comprehend he's in a cartoon?!
Hilarious episode and it was basically just pissing off people who wanted Simpsons to be "realistic"
We got trolled, memed, gif'd and, dare I say, pwned.
Russian letters don't work like this.
Are you guys confusing which episode is considered bad? Destroying the characterization of Skinner for absolutely no reason and with no consequences all for the sake of a few cheap jokes is objectively bad writing.
I didn't watch that scene because I value my sanity but was Lisa a huge cunt and pronounce .gif with a J sound?
It's a great episode that teaches a message needed now more than ever: don't complain, don't think, don't care for what is right and always smile, or you deserve to die.
>To this day I don't understand what the fuck is "mean spirited" supposed to be
You sure you aren't the one with autism?
Bart did something vaguely leftist in a recent ep which offended the shit out of the alt-right faggots
I always loved this episode for showing how Homer is totally stupid that it even can kill a man.
>objectively bad writing
Depends on what you're writing, actually. If you're trying to tell a coherent story then destroying a character like that is counter productive. But the Simpsons always told stories as a vehicle for jokes. And The Principal and the Pauper is a funny episode. Which is all it set out to be and all it really needs to be. Attaching more weigh to the "story" of the Simpsons and continuity is dumb as hell.
Then why do writers even bother writing serious or at least somewhat meaningful episodes?
Actually, only autists like it. Proof: you.
The biggest sin of these episodes is that it allowed The Simpsons to get too meta with its storytelling, which would open the door for lazy resolutions and jokes.
is this real
Feels like an even bigger sin to have Honer reply THAT soon with a gif imo
and is considered good by noone.
бaзoвaннiй i чepвoнoтaблeтнiй
No it didn't. The hack new writers would've done it regardless.
that's litteral assburgers tiers ramblings.
homer being even more idiot than his usual but this time getting a prize out of it was simply the satirical setting of the whole episode
Thanks jnon
Thank you
>Also the Fox merger putting this show in the potential chopping block.
Could the dream finally be realized? Could we finally see this show euthanized at last?
the comedic timing is off. I don't really care that he responded wthout going into his reaction-gif folder, selecting the bush gif, attatching it, and pressing send. it's normal film-making thing to save time. Like how people usually answer the phone on the first ring, go straight into the conversation, and don't say goodbye before they hang up. Saves time and attention spans.
Why do they insist on rushing every scene like it's on fast forward?
It's not likely they have jokes lined up
Need more time for that music montage I guess
I don't say goodbye before I hang up.