I may be late but I just caught up with season 3 of camp camp, can we have a thread and can you guys share some neat new fanart I might've missed?
I may be late but I just caught up with season 3 of camp camp...
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I honest to God have no idea why people like this show. I just so Fucking boring.
I watched the first two seasons and I found it pleasant enough. It's cute, sometimes funny, and has some character moments from time to time.
It’s an enjoyable show to pass the time. I feel like it’s better than other recent RT shows.
That isn't a big hurdle to jump desu
OP here and I agree with I enjoy the humor and the character interactions a lot, especially everything regarding max and david.
It's probably subjective user.
By fanart do you mean porn?
Maybe it's just me, but I don't really enjoy cynical shoes anymore. The only character that interested me was the science camp kid who is portrayed as a massive wimp, but grows a pair as the series progresses.
Maybe I was too hasty with my conclusion, but the idea of seeing these characters being assholes for 3 seasons does not interest me.
no, but I do welcome the kinky sfw stuff, blueboard friendly. but mostly I want the suffering
sorry to disappoint
The reality of the show though is that mostly it's just Max being an asshole, but he has a logical explanation for it that you will understand more in the s1 finale, plus some slight development towards not being that anymore (which really shined in s3 I think). Most other characters aren't like that, and especially David and Nikki aren't.
That said it does have have a cynical aura so I understand how that could turn some people off, but I do want to specify that this show also has occasional intensely heartwarming genuine moments, so it's not all cynical like your average R&M and stuff. That's all.
In fact Max does develop to have more of a heart thanks to Neil and Nikki.
Hell, when Nikki yelled at him last season you could see him question his cynicism.
Yeah! And that is definitely not the only time that happened in s3, which is why I mentioned it in particular and why I really loved it, you could see Max relapse but then actually show his development and it was so touching, I loved it.
For example the whole thing with space kid, yeah he was an asshole in the beginning but he changed his ways which wouldn't have happened in season 1. Then we have when "David" asks him if he hates him, you could see all his development right on his face, because s1 Max would've said yes without even thinking. And don't get me started on the whole plan he conceived to get his friends back and how horrible he felt during the entire episode for that one relapse.
These are some of the moments I loved the most, they were genuine and with heart. And also he's my favorite character so of course I love when he's involved like that and it warms my heart.
That's pretty much every "cynical" character ever though. They're assholes at the start because reasons, but then they become less of an asshole due to friendship or some shit.
Camp Camp is up there with RT Shorts Season 1, RvB Reconstruction, RWBY V3 and Simple Walk Into Mordor as some of the best RT Content produced.
Well, yes. Is that bad? I love it.
Where can I find 1080p files for season 3? I have a couple of random s3 episodes saved from the m3u8 files shared in camp camp threads back when it was airing (and I was catching up) but not all of them
I painstakingly watched it in the roosterteeth website which does offer them for free, but with... plenty of ads peppered throughout. It was horrible, but it was made bearable knowing that after those two minutes of wait there would be camp camp.
I don't have megas, sorry.
Not gonna lie. That just sounds like what said.
But if this show does nothing new, but does everything right, that's something to consider. I'll watch (bear through) it.
Oh well let us know how that goes anyway
I am worried about the several lack of Nikki in this thread.
It´s been a while
Remember that time she was mentally traumatized by the old people sex dungeon?
Yes, I remember, It was fun.
Honestly this show is my favorite 'adult cartoon' right now. Its better than todays south park and rick and morty
What is he paying her for?
>20 Bucks is 20 Bucks
I like nurf
he's cute
m3u8 links are dead I'm afraid
Reminder that season 4 starts in June and will have 18 episodes
Get hype
>mfw an Yea Forums user uses my crop
wait season 4 was confirmed?
yes, and hopefully the show stays strong.
Last season had good episodes and a good finale (not as good as S2 but that one is pretty hard to beat) but there is a rule that the more seasons a show has, the worse it gets. And considering this show´s company is a fucking mess, it will take a miracle to have it end without something fucking it up.
The way she repeat it, makes you wonder if she's maybe she's walk in on her parents doing stuff before or something she wasn't supposed to see.
IMO last season had good character development but wasn't nearly as funny as the previous 2. They also need to drop the Jasper shit already, literally none of his appearances/episodes are ever good
Well he squashed his beef with David so his soul might have been put to rest. Might, being the keyword. They might pull him out for a Ouija episode
Welcome to Camp. Whats your favorite episode?
Tabii wouldn’t sully herself when she has Neil on the brain.
Which one
The real Neil. The absolute chad of a man.
With a deep commanding voice of a Lumber Ja~AAA-ack
>They also need to drop the Jasper shit already, literally none of his appearances/episodes are ever good
I don't know, I thoroughly enjoyed how they were full of that good stuff the suffering but that's just me. I think it's a great pretense to have characters worried, traumatized or crying, which is always fun (for me). Especially the one in s3 left me shocked, but it did end in a shitty way so yeah...
The Nerris and Harrison background stuff was great in this episode.
Great question, but I don't think I have one, there are too many good ones.
I do love the Dolph one, reigny day I think it was.
Vs makes the best Makki art.
>home alone with girl
>sitting on couch watching survivorman
>she leans over and kisses me out of nowhere
>first kiss from a girl
>autism activate
>so shocked i completely ignore it like nothing happened and continue to watch a guy eat a sea snail
Nikki starting her period
She's got a long way to grow. Gotta start early
I wonder if Nikki ever asks Max to lick the blood away.
I was pretty meh about waifuing the girls in this series but this season changed that
Eris and Vera are pretty good material
Give me more Tabii any day.
What if the show doesn't end with David and Gwen adopting Max?
You got that backwards. Max is like a cat, he chose them and they don't get a say in the matter.
Tabi(i) is a straight scene stealer
Be pretty weird if they did. They don't live at the camp they have completely different living spaces we know nothing about. But both Gwen and David have already done so much for Max I'm sure he'll grow up okay. Regardless of his actual parents.
One thing for sure, I WILL cry.
This show needs the matilda ending or NO ending.
What if it ended with Max living with Neil or Nikki.
What if Max's parents are just SO fresh off the boat they didn't understand the form and he's just been fucking with the camp the whole time?
Remember end of parents day, everyone thought Nikki was going to become Neil stepsister?
Imagine having to live with Nikki and her most likely survivalist father. Max would be a lucky fucker.
What could've been
then I WILL be mad, but I don't think he's faking, he looked legitimately devastated, so much that I still feel sad for him if I think about it
I always pictured Max part of a big family that he just fell by wayside. That he has hella brother and sister his parents are stretched too thin to give him any individual attention.
I love these basic bitches
Gwen in a bikini when?
At least one of them wants to fuck the shit out of Neil.
Wait what episode is this?
The last one. Where Niel talks about hanukkah
Ah like kevin from home alone.
Well it's an interesting headcanon and to each their own! Personally I do prefer the one that implies he has fucked up parents who neglect/physically abuse him because that's closer to my truth and I like it more
Her mothers a slut who has Quarter sister she's bound to have seen things like that on a daily basis.
Speaking of david and gwen. Do you think they will ever fuck? I'm just waiting for the show to ship them and to see david all flustered as gwen (being the horny demon she is) sorta forces him to bang whenever and wherever even in broad daylight and the kids start wondering what the fuck is wrong with the counselors and making up the weirdest explanations for why they're acting so bizarrely. God I want that episode so bad.
Sorta like how they wondered why David was shaking and crying in the s3 Jasoer episode, but instead of that it's him being a mess because Gwen is very high maintenance and keeps seducing him and hinting at stuff because she enjoys to see him struggle in front of the campers.
Personally, I loathe it when people accuse Camp Camp of being a ripoff of Camp Weedonwantcha, just because it takes place in a camp.
By that logic, Camp Weedonwantcha is a ripoff of Camp Lazlo.
Okay first of all, that fanart is super cute oh my god. Thank you for sharing.
Secondly, I completely agree. I have checked out Camp Weedonwantcha and it has basically nothing in common with camp camp except for the camp premise.
I like to think they're just rich business people who birthed Max more out of accident. And because getting an abortion would ruin their work reputation to them they kept him and realized having a kid could be beneficial for status points. They otherwise dont give a shit and severely neglect him. Id like to guess that teddy bear of his is possibly a gift from a grandparent
what makes it worse is that the camp weedonwantcha creator accuses them of rip off as well.
Fuck her.
Is Tabii actually missing an eye or is it just healing?
She's Tabi with 1 i
Well she got stab in the eye with a fork. In real world she'd probably get a glass eye or something prosthetic. But I wouldn't put past Camp Camp to have her eye healed later. Maybe a scar
>But I wouldn't put past Camp Camp to have her eye healed later
Eeeh I don't think so, there's no point in that
That would legit ruin the show for me, but then again, who the fuck would lie about having neglectful parents?
Personally I think Germy Fartz was a good addition to the wood scouts. They treat him as one of the guys. At the same time he is a huge huge project for Pikeman.
He's gonna have a sudden glowup and Sasha will wanna fuck him then.
>I loathe it when people accuse Camp Camp
>super cute oh my god
So how did you find this board, friends?
I wonder if she ever emailed Rooster Teeth about this.
She's fine. She's on Animaniacs
Will there ever be a CC Chibi?
The kids would be minuscule.
There's chibi camp camp
Max would be the goth to Nikki's jock.
Yeah pretty funny Nikki letterman Jacket is her own
oh fuck that would be great
>le taiwanese imageboard language hivemind
pretty shitty desu senpai
damn that's nice
Imagine them making out on your car after they spray it down.