ITT: Positive depictions of religion in comics and cartoons

ITT: Positive depictions of religion in comics and cartoons.

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How positive we talking?

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What is this?

This is amazing, where's it from?

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Why do you people have such autistically bad taste?

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Jesus wasn't ever implied to be a god.

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The bible refers to Jesus as Immanuel. Several times, but in particular in Mattew 1:23

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Philippians 2:11.
It literally outright states it. Explicitly.


why was christianity not allowed to be in animated cartoon but judaism is

say that to my face and not online and see what happens

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Pure coincidence.


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What? Since when has Christianity not been allowed in cartoons? Is this your brain on too much /pol/?

>Please kill Peter Parker

Dude, we got a bunch of lowbudget Christian productions for edutainment.

I guess you mean high quality ones in wich case I must say they aren't that popular on serialized cartoons but there are at least two films on Christian mythology a year around Christmas or Easter, not just Santa shit but actual biblical or nativity stuff.

The vast majority of Christmas or 'holiday' specials are about Santa and barely touch on religion. I mean there's Charlie Brown I guess.. Not much else.

>Peter Parker
>Not Deadpool

Dude we got two nativity movies last year if my memory serves me right.

Bibleman is a thing and there are entire companies dedicated to Christian cartoons.

Dude even my fedora self grew up with Veggie Tales.

Didn't they try to revive it recently?

I don't know, but I still find the discs on WalMart. Didn't even realize they stopped airing.

>the Muslim superhero is in love with someone who almost died trying to blow something up
Way to be progressive, Marvel.

Godyssey, by Liefeld. Only one issue came out, I think. I went to find the cover, but instead found an article saying it was option for a movie 6 years ago... hope it happens!

I don't know who or what God is, exactly. All I know is he's a force more powerful than Mom and Dad put together and you owe him big.

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It kind of sucks that so many are low budget. I'd like to see more Biblical stories given the Passion of the Christ or the Ten Commandment treatment instead of the Noah treatment.

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Wolvie just want that sweet redhead

Does this count?

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Because when God went mellow and wishywashy he stopped being kino.

It's never allowed in recent times except to make fun of it. King of the Hill and the old X-Men episode from OP, and the Peanuts Christmas special are the only exceptions that come to mind and those are from long ago. Excluding things produced by explicitly Christian companies like Veggie Tales.

Did you even read the bible?

There was this one time when the X-men where fighting vampires so Iceman got himself blessed by a priest so his ice would be holy ice and fight the vampires.

That was pretty cool.

The OP picture is literally animated Wolverine reading from a Christian/Catholic bible in a church.

I would pay cash for an animated miniseries about the apostles travels.

I don't think anyone has done it.

Yeah but that was one episode back in the '90s and it was a rare exception.

And seeing Jews reading from the Torah isn't?

>so Iceman got himself blessed by a priest
Too bad that won't work anymore

I guess the problem is that the writers are fedoras, the investors think it's a bad idea because Christianity isn't hot on the PC crowd or the market isn't loud enough in the box office to this kind of movies.

I could blame the market for the lack of Christian content.

They should have him try it again and then shriek
>It burns, it burns!

Honestly, this comic was part of the reason I turned back to Christianity. Albeit i'm still no regular church-goer.

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Technically outright stating something isn’t implying it so he’s not wrong...

Fair enough. Guess he's right

Got a link? I've only seen one or two issues storytimed.


Would the first Hellboy be considered a good Christian fantasy movie?

Owe him even more than to mom and dad?

Refresh my memory, what Christian parts are there? I think Hellboy used some Christian relic to talk to a dead guy or something. That at least implies the Christian God has power I guess. The hell thing is also consistent with Christianity. But the idea that a demon can become good would at least be controversial in most Christian circles.

I do not unfortunately. I actually caught all 4 issues myself in a storytime an user did a year or so ago.

It's good stuff though.

The Crooked Man arc has a generally positive portrayel of Christianity.

It's kind of weird that guy is pretty chill most of the time but the mosque also makes women sit in the cuck corner.

Priests who fuck little boys don't burn up.

I like this guy a lot.

They do, only in the afterlife.

I really like that one Boondocks episode.

Fuck off with this leftist propaganda, nothing like this scene would ever happen in a Muslim church

If more blacks were raised watching cartoons like this one, there would be less crime and more moral values in their community.

Hell is cold.

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Do you stupid niggers even go to church?

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Not the one described in the Bible.

That shit regularly happen tho(even tho,it depends on the imam's personality)

used to


I wanna learn more about islam someday. It really does seem chill in concept.


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Im referring to southeast asian muslims,user. They're pretty laidback desu

>Using Dante as theological evidence

There's plenty of cartoons with christian holiday episodes like easter and Christmas. In fact I'd say the majority of cartoons have at least a Christmas episode.

>b-but EVERYONE celebrates those!!
No shit. That's the point. The non-christian holiday episodes are obvious because everyone celebrates the christian ones. What do you want from these cartoons? Add some bible study episodes?

If you don't mind about the 5 prayer a day,separated prayer for male & female,and idl adha. It's pretty chill desu

I think that guy is focusing on how the Christmas episodes are secular. They focus on the season & gifts, but not so much on any religious meaning. Although Ed Edd & Eddy did a 3 Wise men episode.


Does God man count?

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That buddha/jesus movie was great. I gotta pick up the manga series.

Show me a line where it says it's hot. Better use the source language, too, since english translations are all garbage.

No such thing, libtard

The Simpsons had a bunch of episodes that were positive toward Christianity back in the day: bart sells his soul, homer quitting church, Lisa and the 10 commandments, and Flanders is shown as a good christian dude even though they make fun of him a bit.

yeah sure
t.actual muslim

Also, someone made a comic out of the entire bible and it's not bad

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Johnny Bravo's Christmas special had Suzy specifically mention that Christmas is about the birth of baby Jesus.

Wow, problem solved forever! Thanks for undoing years of abuse, Jesus.

If no-one catches you it's not a crime in Islam.
Literally you can burst in on your wife fucking another man and if there's not a second witness there's no crime.

For Christians, Santa and gift-giving are not what the holiday is about at all. That's a secular and commercial attempt to turn it into a consumption-oriented holiday.

And you still defend this mongrel religion

Obviously not, the thread is for positive examples. Not blasphemous mockery.

>That's a secular and commercial attempt to turn it into a consumption-oriented holiday.
Christians kind of did that themselves.

Look up 'lake of fire' and Jesus' story of Lazarus and the rich man. If you need confirmation that the original language says the same thing look the words up in a Strong's Concordance.

All holidays are secular excuses to get drunk, give gifts or have sex with people. In some cases all three.

Wait a second. I'm not an expert, but aren't women not allowed to be inside the main part of the mosque? Don't they have to sit in a separate room in the back or something?

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The whole first arc of SSSS has a strong emphasis on the necessity of spiritual strength and belief, even of different types

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>But the idea that a demon can become good would at least be controversial in most Christian circles.

The whole concept of Christ fulfilling the prophecy, dying for our sins and offering eternal life is that anyone can achieve redemption as long as they have Jesus in their hearts and they truly wish for atonement(depending on the Christian sect) so having an evil entity become a hero through the teachings of a father figure and go against it's nature to uphold those values is pretty much Christianity in a nutshell.

>implying that's not a good thing

Batman: TAS had a regularly positive depiction of religion. "It's Never Too Late" had probably the best overall message.

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This short scene from Scooby-Doo Meets the Harlem Globetrotters surprised me when I saw it a few years ago. A praying dog is a little absurd but otherwise the scene isn't really setting up any jokes here - it's just there. I wouldn't mind more casual religious references like these for character establishment.
Good role models would be nice to have. Religious characters whose faith is tested, their beliefs challenged, struggling to do the right thing, sometimes failing and seeking spiritual guidance. Preferably done in a natural, organic manner, not forced in any way and respectful to other forms of belief/non-belief.

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Chick actually stopped publishing that tract(which is incredibly rare) and pretended it never existed because it caused a shitstorm for being so tone deaf.

>english translations=garbage
Way to show your ignorance. English has some of the best translations ever due to the volumnous resources and freedom of scholarship. Read Rev 20:10, 21:8, Rich man and Lazarus story, or any place where the afterlife of the wicked is mentioned. The number and quality of the manuscripts means 99% of the translatable NT is indisputable (that is, anything not related to spelling errors, etc.)
Given the range of biblical manuscripts in time, we can see their "evolution" in a span of about 1300 years, up to the printing press. Nothing had been changed that could effect an actual doctrine. Evidentially, it is impossible for that to have happened. Any claim otherwise is pure conjecture and lizardmen conspiracy theory level trash.

I like JPV as a good christian man despite being literally bred to serve as a killer for an insane cult of transhuman gnostics.

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Loved the Rugrats treatment of religion. Wish more stuff just had it casual and part of the characters life. You'd never see a kid's cartoon today where kids pray before going to sleep or before they eat.

Even Cult leaders can do good. Especially if they got healing powers

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B-but Moon Knight is the faithful avatar of Khonshu-san.

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Maybe that's just during a sermon

Why is some delusional white convert allowed to write shit like this? She doesn't know what it's like to be a teenage girl with a muslim family.

Ah yes, all the times where Christian children pray before bedtime, pray before a meal. Cartoons other than south park or the Simpsons where they go to church regularly. The references to the bibles in cartoons. How could I forget the Spongebob, TTG, Star, episodes where they wear crosses, go to christian priests for help, reference Jesus on Christmas episodes and display crosses.

It isn't as common at all in any way. You must just hate it so much you assume it is. Even veggie tales the most popular, is shoved in the back searches of Netflix and are not on TV at all.
Is this your brain on Reddit?

Something that is aimed at Christian children specifically from 20 years ago is not the same as Christianity never being mentioned in normal cartoons. You can't even have character wear a cross or go to church without the mob grabbing pitch forks. There are no modern cartoons in recent years where Christianity is just there. Just part of the characters life. Rugrats did a great job showing how it can be done with Jewdism.

What about John 10:30? "I and the Father are one" is only an implication of godhood, since you first need to know that the Father is God.

how the fuck is anyone supposed to read this


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Someone who would call a mosque a "Muslim church" has never stepped foot in one.

I know it’s not Yea Forums but he’s too good to ignore

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God gives the Jews the 10 commandments and the 7 laws of Noah. They proceed to add and add to it. Just like our constitution

Legend Quest had a character named Friar Godofredo, but it's a Mexican cartoon so maybe they're not as shy as showing Christianity.

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How quickly you forget, Yea Forums.

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The comic MFKZ has wrestlers belong to a Christian organization albeit one with pagan origins.

You could blank out the words, show it to me out of context, and I'd still find it awful due to the drawing "style". Horrible styles such as this and other supposedly more experimental ones are the second biggest reason I've stopped reading comics. The prime reason is the horrendous writing.

Catholicism often gets a pass since it’s inherently linked to hispanic culture.

No, back in the 2000's he turned his back on Khonshu because Khonshu's a dick.

Nowadays Khonshu's become more like a bro who knows he's no longer in charge and is just along for the ride. Khonshu has come to understand that he's just another one of Mark's personalities.

Also, Jake now goes bowling with Bushman and they are thinking about making a team.

Sounds more like an excuse to justify a /pol/ thread

Religion ≠ /pol/

The reasin is simple. The audience for cartions has become multicultural. If you want a Christian focused example, you turn to the classics, or go to the faith based cartoons like Veggietales.

You cant make liking or appreciating Christianity as the norm now, because too many people watching it are *not* Christian. And you can't prove that your particular religion is more true than others.

Casual portrayals of people practicing religion should be more common, they just should show it with multiple religions. It's not about presenting it as true or false.

That teacher looks like she's from a different cartoon. Like everyone looks like a cereal mascot and she walked off the pages of furry porn.

Yeah and it has lots of Christian symbolism. I get the feeling Angelino is Catholic based on the Virgin Mary sticker that gives him confidence.

I’d want to read a whole issue about this.

Religion IS political. Belief systems are political as they uphold their values, ideas and ideals as truth. There is a reason why wars have been fought over religion, why political systems make statements such as "one Nation under God".

To say is blasphemous mockery is not getting the point of it. The war in the Middle East has always been about religion. Its the same problem that has affected the Hindus and Muslims, which is why India and Pakistan have been loggerheads. And sure, you can say that your particular religion is more true than others. Are you going to justify spreading that religion to other people? Will you justify violence in its name? Would you die for it?

The only way religion can not be political, is if its personal. But sadly we don't live in a word where most people practice a silent, private religion.

Iirc the loud house had a couple references in passing with Luan mentioning they go to a church fair, and Lana praying before sleeping.

Its hard to balance it out. You'll have Protestants claiming Catholics get more representation then others. Then you'll have the Muslims complain. Then the Buddhist and the Hindus, and so on.

One option, if you're a really long series, is to do them all. The Simpsons and South Park have done those. But when you're limited, you tend to cut down the amount of religion presented.

>The only way religion can not be political, is if its personal. But sadly we don't live in a word where most people practice a silent, private religion.
Not really true. I think for most people it is exactly that. The people trying to push their religion on others and make it law are the loud unreasonable minority, like with most extremists.

He's the Son part of the Trinity, which is God.

No, religion is not inherently political. The separation of church and state is a thing. But that doesn't mean people can't or shouldn't express their faith publicly.

Trying to convert people voluntarily to your religion is not akin to violence and shouldn't be lumped in with it. Yes people have been forced to convert before but that doesn't make conversion bad, does it? Rape being bad doesn't make sex inherently bad, does it? Good or neutral thing + violence/force = bad thing, generally.

Matthew 6:5 "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others.

Yes, and? Don't make a big show of your faith (virtue signaling). Don't hide it under a bushel either.

Now this is a wholesome thread. I hate how it seems like most mediums depict religion as "I believe in God, so I'm going to ritualistically murder people or force my views down people's throats non-stop". Also, evil JRPG religions.

Teenage is regarding Chaplains as a jab at religion and zealotry. Adulthood is understanding that the grimdark and dumb situation the characters are facing is their bleak reality. And in this reality where everyone is fucked and the Apocalypse is unveiling in a maddening scale with no happy ending, the Chaplains are exemplars of the word they preach and pillars of courage that inspire and hold the line. They are religion like you want it to be in your time of need, and I think that makes them a damn good depiction of it.

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Nah keep it to yourself. Drawing any attention to it is vain.

We're due for a serenity storytime any day now.

It's just a metal cover as a setting, nothing more, nothing less.

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You realize that Jesus, the guy who you quoted saying not to make a big show out of praying, literally went around preaching to anyone who would listen about God and the proper way to understand scripture? Kind of undermines your point.

>someone in the bible was a hypocrite
I’m shocked.


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Or, and hear me out, maybe you misunderstood what he was saying?

Hotspur was fun

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>do as I say, not as I do.
That’s entry level hypocrisy.

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Old Testament is full of high mythological or sword and sandal adventure. I think the main weak spots are the prophets period after David when it's a lot more nagging and a lot less smiting. But then it picks up in the Macaroni-bees arc.

>The audience for cartoons has become irreligious
Fixed for you. Muslim population in the US is something like 1%, same with Jewish, Hindu is less. Overwhelming majority (as in +90%) of US population is Christian or nonreligious. I am not stating that is good or bad, simply that the reason for the decline is because of the decline of religiosity in the US (and other consumer countries of cartoons), not because of an increased variety of religions.

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I'm an atheist and I still listen to the music from this movie.

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I don’t know if this is respectful or disrespectful (or if it even qualifies as Yea Forums) but here you go:

Okay Satan. You realize that praying (communicating to God, who can hear you even if you talk in your head, and therefore does not require loud public displays) is a different topic from preaching? So there is no hypocrisy. Only ignorance on your part.

Motherfucking satan trips of truth with two digits in front of it

>Muslim church
You fucking moron.

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Were student run organizations and students still allowed to bring books in from outside school? Were people always sensationalizing this issue?

Men and women pray in different rooms depending on the teachings.

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They were always sensationalizing this issue. There are still schools that do less than the bare minimum when it comes to teaching topics like evolution because the teachers don’t believe in it themselves.

What about micks?

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Praying silently is fine. I’m talking about any vocal public display.

Religion is as political as parenthood.

For live-action movies: Paul, Apostle of Christ came out in 2018, I heard it's pretty good. I kinda liked Pureflix Samson in 2018. I've heard okay things about Risen 2016, The Young Messiah 2016 and Ignatius of Loyola 2016. There was that animated The Star in 2017.

There's actually a bunch of recent musical that are released on DVD that will never be ripped because no one cares but me.

Pic is from a weird 2003 animated Three Wise Men movie with a girl I'm surprised Yea Forums hasn't flavor of the month waifu'd yet.

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Fenians always had a bad rep for not kowtowing to Mother UK.

The Miracle Maker:

What place does God have in a universe where beings like the Anti-Monitor or Enterntiy exist?
Did Apocalypse ever meet Moses?

Idk about DC but I know that marble has a system where all deities are brought to life via collective human belief.
Hence Thor, Mephistopheles, and Hercules.

This is the only Batman that maters, everything else is either downright shit or forgetable as fuck.

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The style of that 3wise men movie reminds me of Prince of Egypt

That's ironic given it's extremely heretical, but it's good to see you turned back to the faith.

Re-read the post prayer is a different subject from preaching. Prayer is talking directly to God, preaching is talking to people about God. So you are against both, fine, but Jesus wasn't being a hypocrite since they are two different things.

Well people are usually believed to have the ability to repent within this life, but not after death. With demons the most popular understanding of them (though it's not that clear in the Bible) is that they were angels who chose to rebel against God. But then Hellboy was presented as a 'baby' demon which doesn't fit with him being an angel that chose to rebel against God. So how Hellboy's story relates to actual Christian beliefs is ambiguous at least.

John Constantine would make a very inadequate exorcist since he's such a sinful pleasure-seeker. Facing the toughest demons requires significant religiousness and humility, frequent confession, fasting, prayer, the works.

>when all you've got is nothing, there's a lot to go around
The mirthful way in which it's said always gets me. It's the movie soundtrack that I've listened to the most by a large margin.

Or you can just snort the bones of Santa Clause and tell the demon to fuck off. Whatever works.

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My niece has a teacher who she says sponsors the Christian students club and actively recruits during class time. Not sure how true it is but she also says she gets mad when kids joke about Satan. I understand that's a very sensitive topic to her, but it's that awkward technical hypocrisy that she brings into the classroom.

>she gets mad when kids joke about Satan
Is satan a popular topic of kids' jokes these days?

Edgy kids yeah. Millennials aren't typically raising kids as strict Christians and instilling them with fear of the devil so it sort of becomes an edgy joke rather than dangerous. The fact that it actually bothers people gives them power over others in that edgy "DID I TRIGGER YOU?" sort of way kids like.

Whenever someone gets 666 digits on here you get everyone responding with "thanks Satan" or something, and you wonder whether kids do Satan jokes?