>Weakness is saying his own name
Typical DC
>Weakness is saying his own name
Typical DC
So, if Billy Batson now becomes Shazam instead of becoming Captain Marvel, is Shazam the Wizard still called Shazam?
Seeing as Batson inherited Shazam the wizard's power, did Shazam the wizard turn into a guy in a red jumpsuit and white cape when he said Shazam to use the powers of Shazam? Or did he stay a wizard?
If he just stayed a wizard, how come Billy Batson doesn't turn into a wizard when he says Shazam?
in the new 52 isn't he an actual god that had to make contracts with the gods for Billy to have his powers
That is correct he is some aboriginal thunder god called Mamaragan.
But current shazam has the wizard being named shazam again doesnt it
think of it like he is the avatar of the person. He represents the wizard goes by his title but he is a separate person. another way to look at it is like surnames.
Well, at least he doesn't have to say it backwards.
Yeah, if he said his own name, he'd be sued by Disney, and no one can survive that.
How often do you say your own name?
constantly, if you work with others who have the same name
>magical spell casting for a hero is lame
face it, dc does magic better, backwards speaking zatanna, helmet god dr fate, etc...
Didn't they change this though? Now he has to say Shazam! with the intent of changing to actually change, which makes sense. Now, the real question is, what the fuck is his family going to be called? You can't have Mary Marvel or Captain Marvel Jr, and the characters still don't have names in the comics or the movie.
um, the wizard is called shazam, billy is shazam's monster
Yes, they did, there's a page where he says it but I don't have it right now.
>Weakness is my dick
Typical OP's mom
> Mazahs!
>Now he has to say Shazam! with the intent of changing to actually change, which makes sense
picrelated also kinda contradicts with that
because luthor was able to to deactivate Mazash with his voice
They will be named Red Bromfield, Blue Freeman, Grey Choi, Green Peña, and Purple Dudley.
The secret seventh member of the Shazam family will turn out to be Black Adam.
>The secret seventh member of the Shazam family
I should've known
The wisdom of Solomon
The strength of Hercules
The stamina of Atlas
The power of Zeus
The courage of Achilles
The speed of Mercury
And the resolve of !
They're all Shazam, I don't rlknow why Captain Marvel became the defunct name, probably lost the rights when The Mouse came to possess the powerword Marvel
They haven't been able to advertise the character as Captain Marvel since 1967, when they allowed the trademark to fall out of use for so long that their claim to it lapsed.
There was no legal reason why they had to change the character's name. They just did it to avoid brand confusion. It's much easier to market a character when you're allowed to use their name in advertisements.
>And the resolve of !
No, !. There's a person named !. As in the last character of Shazam!.
He's mentioned at the bottom of the pic I posted, along with all the other patrons of Shazam.
>And the resolve of !
doesn't surprise me one bit
How does it contradict that? Alt Earth rules
>weakness is nothing but booze
typical marvel
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel Jr.
Mary Marvel
Darling Marvel
Genie Marvel
Muscle Marvel
this is the superior lineup
just fucking call them Marvel again Johns you fuck, you're already bringing back classic Tawny
It probably has less to do with johns and more with dc not wanting the marvel name in their comics, cause you know, marvel comics.
You know I'm kind of glad DC is so ashamed and embarrassed of their comic roots
I mean if they weren't they might actually have GOOD movies and wouldn't be mocked and derided by literally everyone on the planet and that's a nightmare world I want no part of
Johns was actually against the name change. He suggested Captain Thunder as a compromise, but then they found out that name is also already trademarked by someone else.
After that, editorial insisted on just changing the character's name to Shazam.
They can't call them Marvel anymore. Especially now that Carol is THE Captain Marvel in the public consciousness.
Mary should be Shezam
The second she crossed that billion mark she was cemented as the one and only Captain Marvel. I wouldn't be surprised if they make a statue of her
If it didn’t happen for Wonder Woman, it’s not happening for Carol. Even casuals know Diana is a bigger deal
>DC character
But then what do you call the others? Shozam, Shizam, Shuzam, and Shyzam?
It didn't happen for Wonder Woman because she's a shit hero with a shitty movie that got nowhere near a billion and had nowhere near the impact Captain Marvel did
People already recognize how shit her movie really was
>If it didn’t happen for Wonder Woman
But it did happen
Darla should be Ms Mercury. You could throw a Captain in there somewhere
>10 years from now, DCEU has had 15 successful and acclaimed films
>next DCEU movie comes out
>"DC finally has a good superhero movie!"
>10 years from now, DCEU has had 15 successful and acclaimed films
And the other 20 or so have been pure shit
>MY film is going to make over a billion dollars.
>>My film is actually good.
Captain Achilles, Queen Atlas, King Zeus, Doctor Solomon, Mister Hercules, and Miss Mercury?
And Emperor !
A good film that bombs doesn't get a sequel
A bad film that makes a billion gets six
Yeah sure
Guess it just won't bomb then.
>15 successful and acclaimed films
Let's not go crazy
a good film sometimes get trash sequels