How the fuck did a hairy Canadian manlet become the face of the X-Men?
How the fuck did a hairy Canadian manlet become the face of the X-Men?
>Antisocial shitbag with knife fingers
>In the 90's
I can't imagine why.
Late 70s, Early 80s Edgelords. Due had claws, and had killed henchmen off-panel. To an era that loved the Dirty Harry movies, Taxi Driver and where comics fans loved antiheroes like Morbius, Punisher, Conan etc, Wolverine was tailor made.
Anyone who says the Grim n' Gritty era began after Miller/Moore should be castrated with a rusty spoon.
John Byrne and then Jim Lee drew him as a total badass, it stuck , then Hugh Jackman was pretty cool playing him and now he’s the face of the franchise.
Imagine if Wolverine was the one killed off, and Thunderbird stayed.
That doesn't seem to fit the trope.
He was the tough, unattractive guy that did cool shit, couldn’t get the girl, and had deep layers waiting to be discovered.
I imagine he was a lot of nerd’s self-insert.
Wouldn’t be as popular. As stupid as it sounds, a lot of people apparently can’t get into something if they can’t self-insert.
Morbius, in his black and white magazines like Vampire Tales and color comics like Adventures into Fear, was the edgiest anti-hero around back then, even moreso than the 90s run. He regularly killed people, often complete innocents. There was an entire subplot about an alien race hiding out, then a huge autistic multi-issue backstory for the aliens, that set him up as their savior for what seemed to be a big arc, and then...Morbius got thirsty, killed all the aliens he had befriended, and that was that. They were never mentioned again.
You'd never have seen something like that in the Silver Age, or even the early Bronze Age.
fuck every square inch of him is perfection
This man speaks the truth
goal body
don't forget Frank, bub
You're right, user. It should be a fat hairy neckbeard like you instead.
i'm cleanshaven!
He killed people during a time when heroes didn't generally kill people. Then the 90's happened and all the edgelords latched onto him.
Claremont and Cockrum planned on writing Wolverine out. But then Cockrum left the book.
Byrne came on board as the new artist, and didn't want the only Canadian character to get booted, so he started adding a few things in like Wolverine knowing how to speak Japanese, and other things like that. So then Wolverine started having cool moments like the scene of him rising from the sewer and taking on the Hellfire Club goons. And Claremont started seeing how the character had a lot of potential, which led to that miniseries he did with Miller. So now Wolverine was this experienced old guy who had a mysterious past, and butted heads with people in charge, and it intrigued people.
And of course what said.
They managed to keep his character mostly there for the 90's cartoon even if they couldn't show him kill people, so he still became popular.
Something should be done about Canadians.
The righteous Canadians should be saved and moved to North Dakota and Montana.
The rest should be bathed in nuclear hellfire.
He's a walking daddy fetish.
cyke will always be right
thanks canuck manlet for taking that psychotic redhead skank out of his hands so he can focus on the true aryan beauty
Is this the page where he cuts off his nipple?
Emma’s literally a sticc brunette who bleached her hair and got implabts. Jean’s 100% natural, and, as a redhead, much rarer.
Jean’s pussy is fucking cursed though.
This cover is still the sexiest he’s ever looked. Just look at those meaty cheeks.
I like what artist did with his butt
He's not really leaf. He's actually the avatar of The day of the rake.
Not even once.
Go away Jean
Canadians in Marvel is basically one giant military industrial complex. Come get our guns and we'll fuck you up so bad you won't know what happened.
Emma is remade and 100% real now. So now she only bleaches Her ass like a good woman
Yeah but before she got AU niggered it was tight and pure.
>reconstructed by Jean
Looks like he's wearing fucking assless chaps
comics were originally aimed at children, so Wolverine's short stature made it easier for kids to identify with him
probably a woman
based and wolviepilled
You can't prove it's her
But niggers have small dicks t.coroners
He looks like he belongs on the cover of a gay porn video
Reminder that in an alternate earth Wolverine's THICC butt was so good it made Hercules monogamous
Never said it had anything to do with da Bee-Bee-Cee. It’s just that now that she has allowed the niggerdick inside of her, she’s tainted. She’s trash. Unless of course it’s all an AU that gets swept under the rug and thus doesn’t count.
Thunderbird really needs to be brought back.
you need help, Jean grey is fictional, shit like this is why people look at comic fans like jokes.
New X-men kinda sounds like the name of a gay porno.
Wait, so do you just look at dead people’s dicks all day long?
interesting...thanks user I'm gonna search that series
Yes I can, she’s clearly turned everyone in this thread gay.
Why does Clark Kent have a massive popped collar and why is Logan so happy to see him?
>Clark Kent
Who? That's clearly Superman.
Fuck that's funny. Morbius really never managed to get his cravings under control, even in his 90s series he was accidentially killing random people left and right. At least there they managed to give a reason why he couldn't just get bloodbags though.
He's hot
>implying Herc was the top
Dirty Harry was not edgy, he just gave criminals what was coming to them. His enemies were pure serial killers
Women wanted to fuck him. Strong and stout. Death gaze of killing intent. Hyper immune system with heaing factor. Long life span. Top tier genes.
He appeals to comics fan in the most basic ways.
He doesn't have to work out. He's good at fighting despite never training. He never grooms himself and looks like he's only partially acquainted with the concept of bathing and yet he gets all the hottest chicks and gets to push around all the people who try too hard.
He's 100% pure nerd bait.
>what was coming to them.
>His enemies were pure serial killers
Sounds edgy
>never training
He spent his youth hunting and living in the woods like an animal surviving on a bare minimum, then he went on to become a mercenary and fought in both world wars. And that’s not to mention all his work training with the CIA and the brainwashing he recieved from Weapon X. Yeah, no shit he doesn’t have to train that much, he’d already been subjected to a century of it nonstop prior to joining the X-men.
>alpha male
>has no trouble killing bad guys
>gets all the girls
>past full of suffering
He's what every kid growing up in the 90s and 00s wanted to be.
The dude used to have his own ongoing