New Gotham poster. Only five more weeks before the finale
New Gotham poster. Only five more weeks before the finale
Nobody fucking cares shit for brains. I'm glad you're retarded no Batman show is over
You're glad he's retarded? Sheesh.
I care though. Why are you so angry?
Fuck you! This show goes against everything Batman stands for
My issue with gotham was it gives us a version where the villains show up and batman is a response to super crime whereas it's more typically a philosophical debate on if batman didn't show up would villains like the joker ever show up? the show gives us the answer yes and does a lot to take away from the parts of the story that should have huge bat influence.
The show should've been more about the fall of the mafia in gotham and rise of some of the super villains but not as many as the show gave us.
the only thing i liked was bruce and selina being romantic at a younger age.
Shows like this make me realize just how far gone we are from the DCAU days, even if it may be an odd comparison
..And what exactly does Batman stand for?
this. a huge part of batman is the duality of being the protector but also instigator. its part of the whole idea of being a vigilante and taking justice into your own hands, are you doing good or causing more trouble? batman stopping criminals causing the criminals to resort to the super villains makes batman both the solution and the instigator and it also makes him more responsible to protect the city as his very protection might be causing the level of crime.
You two are giant faggots.
This Season has been pretty great
I never really liked that message as it overcomplicates things. I much prefer it being that Bruce meets these larger than life villains by being even more of a legend than they could ever be.
Pretty sure that's three weeks, not five.
t. "Gotham is an Elseworld" brainlet.
>things should always be the same, never change up stories and just keep retelling the same story over and over again
>it's more typically a philosophical debate on if batman didn't show up would villains like the joker ever show up?
Gotham was already filled with dangerous crazy sociopaths like Dr Death and The Monk before him.
>I’m not gonna refute you I’m just going to post in all caps and be angry
Go catch the bus kiddo
This is a recent development in comics on the actual scale of things and it's not at all crucial to the core of Batman
I'm tired to argue with fucking monkeys like you. I tried to do this shit for years, YEARS.
Years trying to understand your POV with this show, but you pathetic imbeciles keep replaying the same arguments over and over and over and over again:
1. "It's Gotham, it doesn't have to explain anything because it''s Gotham".
2. "It's an Elseworld."
3. ""
I never, never, NEVER saw someone defend a show with this fuckeries.
I never saw a Daredevil fan say "It's Daredevil so the show doesn't have to explain anything because it's Daredevil".
I never saw someone defend Daredevil saying "It's just an Elseworld, they can do whatever they want".
Except this fucking fandom of brainlets, that anytime someone like me tries to argue with you and show you how fucking shitty this show is, you keep bringing the same excuses over and over and over again, no matter what.
I'm tired of trying to get you, you're just a Joke like this fucking show, and thank god this show will never come back so every single one of you will fade in the shadows of oblivion where you belong!
Anyone is free to try and argue with this monkeys, but not me, you're predictable as fuck and talking with you is llike talking with a wall.
Fuck you, fuck this show, fuck your arguments, and fuck you again.
I just wish this shows was killed off seasons earlier.
Batman is a hero, villains are villains, shut the fuck up stupid /r/eddit edgelords
fuck off brainlets
>daredevil fan
>all this pointless spacing to make the comment looks bigger
>no actual arguments
Jesus Christ
I don't even watch the show, but what about it could possibly piss you off so much
I'm so fucking tired of this Morrison/Moore assholes, they fucked the character they try to deconstruct the character, NO, not Batman, Batman is a hero, his villains are "gray" like Freeze, Harley, Ivy, etc, but not Bats, you cannot try to turn him into someone bad, and that shit of "and if batman did not exist his villains either "no, Batman chose the way, it's like saying:" if Superman did not fall to the Earth Lex would not be bad for not having anyone to hate?" total retards that only read Killing Joke and Arkham Asylum.
>Implying being a Daredevil fan is a bad thing.
>Comment will look bigger with spacing or not.
>No arguments since it wasn't the point on the first place.
>Angry user is Obviously Angry user.
You can't even understand this fuckery, so you act all chill and even proof my points on how dumb you all are since you're not even defending the show from a detractor properly.
In the show version, really it seems like it's the city itself that causes the fantastical, of both the good and the bad people. It's not Batman that caused the villains, Gotham itself caused all of them.
I hate the show not because the way it adapts the Batman lore, I hate it on an independent perspective. I'm looking at it as a show itself, you know what I mean? Even in that angle the show is a trainwreck that insults common inteligence.
>Characters that come back to life with anytime they want, with some of them they don't even SHOW an explanation (Ex: Mr. Pen, Jeremiah when he got Stabbed like 19 time without a Body Armor...)
>Characters constantly get introduced and forgotten across the show (EX: Renee Montoya, Crispus Allen, Silver St. Cloud, Dollmaker, Man-Bat, Harvey Dent...)
>Characters become parodies of their Season 1 counterparts (Ex: Oswald, Edward...)
It's all objective, it would be subjective if I hated the show because they adapted The Joker wrong or something like that.
Still, my main problem is not with the show itself, it's with it's fanbase, that can't even defend the show properly, like this thread proofs. I mean, have you ever interacted with a Fanbase that refuses to defend their favorite show and keep replying the same excuses over and over and over again? Do you know how frustrating that is?
>proper formatting is "random spacing"
Your argument is literally "there is no Batman show up and makes supervillains appear theme" when the comic story always had several supervillains fucking up Gotham like Ra's,the Owls and the Monk before Batman, Batman never caused Gotham to be filled with crazy masked fucks.
>Your argument is literally "there is no Batman show up and makes supervillains appear theme"
What the actual fuck user, you confussed me with the another user up below.
The comment chain start with
No user, that's not me. Here's my proof. If that replies were mine, it would pop out the (You) tag in both of them.
Sounds just like Batman comics desu
you're retarded for assuming any two posts in a comment chain are made by the same person when they are all anonymous
I look at Gotham as a "Batman" show where Jim Gordon is Gotham's main hero instead of Batman.
Once I started seeing the show that way, I started enjoying it a lot more.
>I'm glad you're retarded no Batman show is over
>people who hate the show have no excuse other than Batman needing to come first which is not a real commentary on the show and is just "not muh"
>people who like the show have the worst defenses ever
Both of you need to actually come up with legitimate reasons on why you hate/like this show, you have five weeks before it's over and it's been the same tired non-arguments for five years
Gotham is fun with a great aesthetic and super hammy acting that is enjoyable to watch.
>oh what’s happening in this thread
>this shit
Wew lad.
user you are aware you don’t have to open threads about things you don’t like right?
How was that ever a question??Batman never forced anyone, Guys like Professor Pyg, would have been the same with or without him
Holy shit faggot calm down its just a shitty tv show
>they actually got rid of the Jaws ride at Universal in favor of the fucking Minion one
Still mad.
You're right, it's not random spacing, it's reddit spacing.
>brainlet needs to contruct a strawman completely out of this world to have a chance at feeling smarter about himself
Honestly I expected worse.
6/10 not as bad as you could have been
why the fuck a freelance guy can make a better batman suit than a multinational mass media and entertainment conglomerate
Is it supposed to look like a chintzy Nolan suit?
Did this show get better after season 2?
I think that argument was before reddit even existed
Didn't even knew this trash was still going
It's not that bad tbdesu
Imo season 3 is the best. Season 2 is my second favorite though.
I always hated this aspect of Batman.
It's so fucking forced.
In a way yes, he is responsible, because catching regular goons is boring and don't sell well. So the villains have to be more extravagant, more on top of it all to put Batman in an underdog situation from which he can fight himself out.
Without Batman, Gotham would've gone to hell.
The DCAU is kind of overrated.
I feel like it needs gloves.
It had them
>This show goes against everything Batman stands for
Batman stands for not being thirteen?
Honestly I felt the same before watching it. Now I kinda wish that it’s taken for granted that Gotham was batshit insane and Batman was a response TO super-crime, not the other way around. It builds this great mythical feeling around Bats. Like he’s Caesar coming to take the throne at the darkest hour. I love it
What the hell even is the design philosophy with this one?
>design philosophy
It's alright, but the mask looks like it's from electrical tape and the brow isn't furrowed enough for the aggressive look most bat masks have. He looks downright friendly.
I dont care about Batman. Is Jim Gordon getting his mustache? Dream sequences don't count.
Not bad for a version 1 of Year One.
If they were going to go for a cobbled together look they should have just low tech modded a motorcycle suit.
It doesn't make sense to put detailed pieces of armour on spandex. Either he can make the armour pieces and they actually fit together in a way which doesn't leave most his body open to a knife, or he can't ... this half/half shit is immersion breaking.
>muh Batman lore
once you accept Gotham as a crazy Elseworlds story it's pretty great at what it does. Gordon is great, the main villains are great, I mean they adapted Professor Pyg pretty well what more do you want from a Batman show? And young Bruce is more like comics Batman than any of the cinematic versions in terms of his intelligence and drive