Blue Sky is turning this into a movie. Does anybody care?

Blue Sky is turning this into a movie. Does anybody care?

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congratulations to the artist, wish i got an opportunity like that

It's cute and Noelle Stevenson is a pretty cool dyke

Kinda a reverse Adventure Time, in a good way. I'm all for it.

After the very first time where she scares that guy in shark form and was actually cute and funny, it was all downhill.

Yeah, I felt the same. The story just kind of meanders a while, then abruptly ends because the artist got bored? it felt like? I never found anything very special about this comic. It's like baby's first fantasy story with all her middle school OCs lol donutsteal.

Good for Noelle. I really enjoyed Nimona.

Isn't one of the dudes a fag? I wonder if they'll keep that in a kid's movie.

What's with the sudden rise of people using fag in an unjoking manner?

I only "care" because it's the bitch that ruined SheRa but otherwise the work truly speaks for itself.

>Nimona is no longer available to read online in its entirety
And I'm out.

And what's wrong about using fag in an unjoking manner?

I like Noelle's comics so I'm looking forward to it.

I didn't like the comic but I hope that they can take the source material to make the story more interesting. The plot is so loose that you can probably make it a more better structured film.

Unrelated-related question, how is Blue Sky gonna fit with the whole Disney-Fox merger? Blue Sky is owned by Fox, so are they going to integrate them with the other studios, shut them down, and how are they going to release this film along side with the rest of them?

I hope it fails.

Stevenson's art looks like those kind of like some of those hallmark cards. Not particularly appealing to me.

Assuming Blue Sky doesn't die before then and the project is shelved, it's probably going to be so heavily altered all the characters will be stock CG designs saying pop culture references.

Patrick Osborne is directing. He did that short film Feast. And Disney is apparently gonna let production finish on this and two other movies in the pipeline before making making any decisions about Blue Sky's future.

It makes you sound like an idiot edgelord or someone who was just unfrozen newfag.

Yes, the creator of the book who probably won thousands of dollars to sell the rights.

I've heard that she got really screwed over on the book deal and the movie rights.

That's an amethyst clone, yo.

It turned out pretty good for her in the end. She ended up as She-Ra showrunner and her other comic Lumberjanes is also getting an adaptation.

Lumberjanes isn't her comic. She's barely co-creator. She was the last person to brought on to the pitch and didn't even do the initial character designs. And that movie may not happen because it hasn't started production and was under Fox.

Welcome to Yea Forums! Sorry if you thought we only cursed ironically here.

More than likely. When you sign with a publisher you lose all your media rights. You get nothing but a piddly percentage of sales, and the "prestige" of being in print. Woowoo.

Never sign with a publisher if you don't want a dick up the ass, kids. Publishers are parasites.

>thinking this is new.
Get out.

Depends on the publisher. I got to keep my IP and media rights in exchange for taking a smaller cut on the back end. I did fuck up by not asking for gross points. Getting net instead. But it was my first major deal. I'll do better later and I'll have an agent.

They say they were toning down the violence in the movie to make it more family-friendly.

That’s what I’m curious about. Disney could end up shutting Blue Sky down, and this movie might not even get made.

It certainly depends on the publisher. But there are a lot of publishers that are nothing but vanity LLCs run out of some woman's kitchen. A legit publisher that will get you into bookstores is in all likelihood a parasitic monster. Lying and exploitation are just how successful businesses work.

I've heard so many creators say they hate working for Graphix but love the money and distributive reach. That school book fair setup is a license to print cash.

>sudden rise
It just seems sudden because you first came here yesterday.

Meh. fuck her

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She's right though. Don't be such a babywuss, user.

What's the name of that one webcomic artist that was also a chubby ginger, but produced more lewd types of work?
I think the username had "whale" or "tub" in the name?

>misogyny affects every single part of my life. All the time.

I didn’t know she lived in Iran.

Yeah, that's not feminism then, retard. Don't be a snowflake when you're called out on being wrong.

We know she is busy on She-Ra but how do you think she is feeling right now knowing thatpic related is now a Disney property?