What does the power hierarchy of the marvel universe look like now?
Is TOAA no longer omnipotent?
I guess this settles the age old TOAA vs The Presence fight then.
This comic does not understand the concept of TOAA and seems to envision them as some kind of fucking bureaucrat
Haven’t read the issue this is from, but it doesn’t really conflict with recent depictions of TOAA.
TOAA is at his best when he's a guy in the background of a panel you might not even notice, cheering on the heroes when they do something truly heroic. Having him be yet another floating ineffectual head when Marvel literally has a fucking council of those is stupid. Basically they turned him into the Living Tribunal and the LT into his nerfed lackey
TOAA has as much control over the Marvel universe as the writers do.
It's from the last Thanos book from Starlin. The last book in the trilogy comes out this summer IIRC.
Agreed it makes no sense and it seems like Starlin might just be putting in a new tier above TOAA to wank Thanos some more. It makes no sense. The only way for this to pan out in the next book is if it's all in the plan of TOAA to appear this way to Tribunal/Adam. I am not holding my breath though as this story has been going against everything Starlin set forth beforehand that was good about his creation. It butchers the relationship between Thanos and Lady Death, it butchers his relationship he has built with Adam, and it butchers the lesson he learned in The End about humility, his place in the universe, and the concept of gods plan.
I stick with the head cannon that Thanos story ended with Marvel The End. It was perfect. Thanos learned his place in the cosmic scheme, he got a religious experience, he got the girl, he made a friend, he did the right thing, he was happy, Starlin showed artistic principles, and the story set forth a message to the comic industry on the importance of death in story telling.
Then Starlin learned he can't live without money and spit on all of these concepts.
I think the worst thing about all of it though is them calling him "The above all others" that sounds so god damn stupid to say.
are Starlin's OGNs even canon?
Who the hell knows. Like I said I just keep my head canon. Another thing that bugs me is the story has the biggest god damn plot hole ever based on the fact that "Oh I am you from the future but an alt timeline." Thanos gains the time gem, fuses with Infinity, had the heart of the Universe and became Omnicient to the point where he saw all events ever... yet he doesn't know where this alt time version of himself came from or how this plays out? Also "I want to BE everything this time!" also makes no god damn sense as he WAS everything when he had the Heart of the Universe. He even says it word for god damn word. The only argument you could make is this time he "is taking it for himself" but again this ALSO doesn't make sense because he knows he is just an actor in TOAAs divine plan.
It's all just drek and it pisses me off because Marvel the End is my favorite comic of all time.
and Namorfag whines about Doom becoming omnipotent every other month
TOAA is a metaphor for the writer. The fact is, in a major publishing company like Marvel, the writer isn't omnipotent in the story. He has an editor to report to, amongst others. Which would imply a power beyond TOAA
The other plot hole being that after absorbing the LT, there can't be 2 LT's even if the events took place in alternate timeline.
TOAA is a stand-in for Jack Kirby/Stan Lee specifically
Each time they want to showcase the next big bad for the next big event, the cosmic abstracts have to be defeated and/or killed in the first issue every fucking time.
We have come to the point where Thanos or Reed could probably kill Eternity and take the Living Tribunal's place with a cobbled together device and a half assed plan.
TOAA is literally supposed to be "Above All", as in it's totally aware of everything that is happening because it is above everything in scope.
Something surprising it is impossible because by its very goddamned definition anything that exists does so because TOAA allows it to exist.
Its aware of everything, literally everything. All the possibilites, the failed timelines, the merged bullshit, the paradoxes, the memes, everything under every sun, under every rock, implanted into every coffee stain on the counter that looks like Jesus.
No respect for the higher beings I swear. There should be some clause in the contract of every would be writer that if they put this shit in a pitch they get fired on the spot.
>the virgin above all
>sees through many eyes, didn’t see the Beyonders coming
>builds through many hands, none of which can stop a purple raisin from stealing his anchors
>is all things, yet manifests as Stan Lee to put people at ease and relies on a golden jobber
>”all powerful” yet it’s tribunal has died time and again
>only weapon is love, yet built an entire metaverse that runs on spite and has not confronted The One Below All
>intrigued by mysteries like a mortal
>The Chad Presence
>Effortlessly outskills the subdivided aspects of his own divine power and literally employs Destiny
>so essential to the multiverse it fell apart when he left, then set it up to be fixed by stitching it with two others
>uses his avatars to fuck around with his successor and son for a laugh, and regularly bypasses whoever’s wearing the silly cloak and whiteface at the moment
>so almighty all his decisions once made have always been so as in the beginning of all things
>once told Gabriel to rape the Virgin Mary pregnant and he actually did it, the absolute madman
>enforces predestination by his very existence
Well this explains it then, because the general impression I’ve gotten from modern Marvel is nobody is really in control and everyone is trying to pull the franchise in different directions
Then it's fitting because they are dead. And so is the cosmic order.
What book?
It’s been a golden face/humanoid for the past couple years.
Regulator is another powerful gem.
Thanos is the abstract now.
>On panel
>evil dark side
>no longer fully omnipotent
Why the fuck they are making TOAA more similar with presence? Sounds like when DC made the "Original Monitor(Overmonitor)" Identical to pre recton Beyounder.
omnipotent isnt above it all nor all knowing.
Who knows especially since Ewing and Starlin already made it so it can be canon with the multiple Thanos thing.
Also the way Marvel writers ignore everything it might as well be.
Presence is still fully omnipotent.
>omnipotent isnt above it all
which is funny, since his name is The One Above All
Reminder that Hellblazer edgy shit isn't the same as Sandman lore, ESPECIALLY Presence
It’s shit like this why I stick to DC
which OGN is it again?
That's a different character. The Above All-Others isn't omnipotent, TOAA is.
Literally same character. Even the fact Thanos does not like him reflect the fact TOAA manipulated him once to use the Heart of the Universe.
>marvelSJW fucking their own mithology
Just another day pal, I'm surprised he does not have Trump's face